HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-01-19, Page 7A man's as old as he looks
when he needs a shave;sb
woman as old as she looks
right after washing her face.
The girt entered the bus with
a pair of'skates under her arm.
A man immediately got up and
offered her his seat.
"Thank you very much," came
the reply, "but I've been skating
all the afternoon,"
"The Munich Pact was cer-
tainly the peace that passeth
understanding." — Exchange
"Your husband looks like a
brilliant man. I suppose he knows
practically everything."
"Don't fool yourself; he doesn't
even suspect anything."
"Oh, it's never a matter of
beauty or brawn,
Of learning, or cut of your
To be really worth while, is
to feel like a smile
When somebody steps on
your toes."
The Arctic explorer knocked at
the door of the Eskimo's house.
The Eskimo answered the sum-
"Hello!" greeted the explorer.
"Can you direct me to the North
"That's easy," returned the Es-
kimo. "You're at the North Pole
The explorer's eyes widened.
He pointed at the icy waste.
"You mean," he cried, "that
this is the North Pole right here?"
The Eskimo nodded solemnly.
"It is," he asserted.
The explorer waved his arms
"Hooray! Hooray!" he shouted.
The Eskimo blew on his frost-
bitten fingers.
"Stick around awhile," he chat-
tered, "and you'll change your
Canadian National
Railways Revenues
The gross revenues of the all-
inclusive Canadian National Rail-
ways System for the 10 -day per-
iod ending December 31, 1938,
were $4,455,374
As compared with;. 4;722,048
for the corresponding
period of 1937, a de-
crease of $ 266,074
How Can 1?
Q. Hol - can I break tip nuts more
satisfactorily than with the food
A. Roll them firmly with the rol-
ling pin. This also avoids necessity
of washing the food grinder.
Q. How can I clean plaster busts
or ornaments?
A. Try dipping them in thick liq-
uid starch. Brush off the starch
when dry and the dirt will come off
with it. The plaster will be as spot-
Iess and clean as when new.
Q. How can I hasten the cooling
of pudding?
A. Piace the container in a dish
of cold water, to which a handtul
of salt has been added.
Q. How can I make my teeth whi-
A. One method is to apply a solu-
tion of peroxide of hydrogen dilut-
ed with ane -half water.
Q. Hew can I freshen a dry coco-
A. There Is quite a difference be-
tween the taste of a fresh coconut
and ono that is not, but practically
the same delicious flavor can be
had by steaming a dry coconut for
about 45 minutes.
Q. How can I save time when
darning a hole in a garment?
A. Cut a piece of mosquito net-
ting to the required size, and baste
Under the bole. Then darn in and
out through the meshes of the neap
Pigeons Banned
Hitler is taking no chances on
messages or money being smug-
gled out of Germany. (German
holidaymakers visitirig another•
country are allowed to take only
a few shillings with them; refu-
gees—and many others who ';want
to escape the Nazi regirnemust
leave their money behind.)
So the latest Nazi edict pee -
Whits the possession and breeding
Of carrier pigeons, except by ape-
,ola1 perenniesiola of the Govern-
ilsdie A.
Spelling Called
Vanishing Ale. t
Modem Teaching Is Blamed for
Bad Figuring, Too .-- Fare-
well to Three R's
The three R's, au educator lam-
ented, are becoming a lost art in.
America, Paul Moser, Chicago busi-
ness. College head said.
"It is no longer the tiling in edu-
cation to teach 'roadie', retie' aurl
'rithmetle' for their own value, and
as a result we are becoming a na-
tion of poor spellers who can't
write legibly or add,
"One reason why people are be-
coming such poor spellers is the
way they are now taught to read
as children. No longer is the alpha-
bet drilled into children. They are
taught to read sentences at a short
glance. In this way, they miss the
letters in. a word."
They Couldn't Stand
"Home Sweet Home"
Annie Laurie or the Dipsey
Doodle is okay but it's nix on
"Home Sweet home" for the
chimes on the city ball at London,
Ontario. A special request was
made by a nearby hotel to the
London hydro department that
"Home Sweet Home" be not•'play-
ed. Guests become too l onieeick
The chimes on the municipal
buildings are the reproduction
through loud speakers of famous
carillon records, Since such re-
cords are comparatively rare
those in charge of the programs
use every reeord they could find,
Now following the request from.
the hotel, the repertoire is one
You simply say that every sing-
er you hear is off -pitch. 'You will al-
ways be right.
Their investiture as Boy Scouts
on the site of historic Fort Langley,
where British Columbia's first gov-
ernment was instituted, and Sir
Jas. Douglas sworn in as first gov-
ernor was the honour that fell to
three boys of the 34th Vancouver
(St. George's School) Scout Troop,
Judge F. W. Howay, who had ac-
companied the expedition, related
the story of the historic incident of
eighty years ago.
Reports disclosed that the first
supply of relief clothing to reach
Fort Frances, Ontario, following the
serious Thanksgiving Day bush fire
in that district, was collected and
shipped by the Boy Scouts of Port-
agel la Prairie. Appreciation of the
promptness of this relief contribu-
tion was expressed by the citizens
of Fort Frances.
A. blood transfusion service is be-
ing maintained by Rover Scouts of
the 1st Mimico, Ont., Crew. Each
member of the Crew took a blood
test at St. Joseph's Hospital, and
qualified. The service is given ab-
solutely free, as a Scout good turn.
Christmas gifts for 100,000 kid-
dies who otherwise would have
been missed by Santa Claus was
onee again achieved by the Boy
Scouts and Girl Guides of Canada,
working In a chain of toy and doll
repair shops stretching from the At-
lantic to the Pacific. The discarded
or broken toys were secured with
the support of local newspapers,
churches, service clubs, public
schools and the radio. In many or
the places toy admission matinees
were given by movie theatre mana-
gers. Firemen in Saskatoon, Ed-
monton, Ottawa, Chatham and oth-
er centres shared in the practical
work of making, repairing and also
painting wooden toys.
In many centres the toy distri-
bution was made in co-operation
with the welfare organizations. and
service clubs. Scouts of the needy
districts of Saskatchewan were as-
sisted in meeting the heavy de-
mands upon the Prairie Santa
Claus by bulk shipments of gifts
from eastern toy shops --- London,
Hamilton, Toronto, Ottawa, Mont-
real and St. Johns, Quebec. Other
toy shops mailed Christmas parcels
to individual families in Manitoba
and Saskatchewan. The Scout -
Guide -Herald Sunshine Toy Shop at
Calgary secured lists of children
from the clergy of every parish be-
tween Red Deer and the U. S.
/hat Science
* Is Doing *
If spring arrives too late, the
farmer this year can make his
fruit trees wait to blossom until
the danger of frost is over.
This can be done with potassium
napthalene nitrate, by a method of
spraying discovered at the Boyce
Thompson. Institute for plant re-
The spray delays the blossom-
ing a week or more. It has work-
ed with peach, plum and cherry
trees, which tend to "come out"
too early in the spring.
The salve chemical will retard
sprouting of potatoes so that
storage is easier.
A new method of electrocuting
disease germs with light waves is
Dr. Harvey C. Rentschler and
Dr. Rudolph Nagy, of the West-
inghouse Ttesearch Laboratories,
Philadelphia, report they have
found one of the weak spots in
the lives of bacteria. Apparently,
each different type of germ, of
which there are thousands, Van be
killeu by subjecting it to a special
intensity of light for a definite
period of time.
A new chemical compound for
virtually complete protection for
soldiers and civilians against one
of war's worst horrors, the burns
of mustard gas, has been discov-
"Mustard", 20 years after the
Great War, still rates as the most
effective poison gas. The new
chemical, sprayed on clothing, is
announced as protecting for
months against the burns.
Robin Red -breast's feather col-
ors were given to white Leghorn
chickens in a new genetic experi-
Ment reported to the American
Association for the Advancement
ItitiNAti S 6lPDX liirKitt
STOPPED .�aas(t�s,i`a,:i.z,.
of Science. Dr. Mary E. Rawles
of the University of Rochester
took from'robin eggs a bit"oF em-
bryonic bird that becomes robin's
skin. She put it into a white leg-
horn egg, placing it on a "bud"
which develops into the hen's
wing. The result when the chick-
ens hatched was feathers with
white leghorn shapes but robin
Heretofore considered useless
and thrown away, the viscera of
fish used in cod-liver oil manufac-
ture has been discovered rich in
vitamin A, a valuable ingredient
in cod-liver oil, the Dominion.
Fisheries Research Board reports.
Foreign Trade
Shows Decline
Decrease in Both Export and
Import Figures for Canada is
Revealed in Report by Dom-
inion Bureau of Statistics
Canada wil have a credit balance
on its world trade for 1938 of ap-
proximately $2S0,000,000. according
to estimates based on Bureau of
Statistics returns for eleven months
and interim reports for December.
Last year the excess of the value of
exports over imports was $316,00,-
Credit Balance, Nevertheless
Canada's exports feels year of do-
mestic products will total around
$922,000,000 and foreign goads ex-
ported around $44,000,000. The
ports will be approximately $686.--
000,000, Last year the exports were
$1,110,000,000, foreign goods re-ex-
ported $15,000,000 and imports $S00-
Canada will have a• credit bal-
ance with United Kingdom of
around $224,000,000 with exports at
$345,000,000 and imports $121,000,-
000. Last year the figures were
$405,000,000 and $147,000,000.
Write us today for your free
copy of our "Mitring' Manual
acid Guide to Investors." Make
a list of your present holdings
and receive our unbiased advice
without obligation.
E. M. M LEAN $z CO.
347 Bay Street, Toronto
Suite 408. Waverley 1057.
1. Is It proper to use a visting
card when sending regrets to an
2. What. constitutes real social
3. Are menu cards ever used at
a dinner given in one's home?
4, If Frank invites John to drive
put in the country with him for a
day, and stops to buy gasoline,
should John offer to pay for it?
5. May ono touch the lips with
tips of fingers that have been dip-
ped in the finger bowl?
6. When a bride bas no father,
would it be all right for her mother
er to give her away?
1. No. If an answer is requested
the invitation must be answered by
a •written response on personal
2. It has been said that social
happiness is attained only through
friendship that has no regard for
age, se; or creed.
3. Not unless the dinner is a very
formal and ceremonious affair.
4. This is not necessary, but John
can offer to pay for their luncheon.
5. This is often done, but one
should learn to eat in such a way
that the Lips do not become greasy.
The napkin placed to the lips
should really be sufficient.
5. Yes, if she wishes.
C.N.R. is Canada's
iggest Purchaser
Purchases of $51,000,000 were
made from 8,000 firms in Canada
by Canadian National Railways
during 1938, Vice -President R. C.
Vaughan said this week. He add-
ed the amount made the C. N. R.
Canada's largest purchaser of sup-
plies during the year.
New equipment accounted for
$11,100,000 of the amount, and
fuel for $10,000,000.
Twenty New Wells
For Turner Valley
Planned for 1939 --Dominion's
Major Oilfield, 45 Miles
Southwest of Calgary
With their greatest year behind
them, Alberta oil men are confid-
ent that 1939 will bring many sur-
prises. Efforts are being made to
Improve marketing outlets and In-
crease production and reserves.
At least 20 new wells are planned
for the Dominion's major oil -field,
-Turner Valley, 45 miles southwest
of Calgary, and exploration is plan-
ned or underway in 11 large areas,
said Herbert Greenfield, president
of the Alberta. Petroleum Associa-
From a survey of present explor-
ations or wildcat operations and in
view of late 1938 developments to
the west of the Turner Valley, Mr.
Greenfield stated "It is not unrea-
sonable to expect that within the
While in town
get your copy of
this week's
Toronto Star
4 Big Fields of Opportunity
APPLIED tobw tttcrry
If you are sincerely amnitious and
interested in making s ood in one
of these fast -grown,+,• fields. be sure
to immedlately inv s.lgate our flex-
ible training; plan that will fit your
aircumstani es.
A plan for every man A plan for
those seeking. immediate shop train-
ing as well as tor those who cannot
give up their present Jot, and in-
come. For 34 yours Nationel Schools,
recognized leader in the field Of
Trade Education, has helped wide-
awake men to sttccess.
This million dollar trade school
win supply you with a. sincere, hon-
est statement of tarts of what you
should do to quickly get into one of
these profitable trades. Money need
be no obstacle. Regardless of your
condition, we can fit our training
Program to your needs both as to
Inethied and easy monthly payments.
write For Pull X)efaiis
Let us send you our big illustrat-
ed:school catalogue, which gives you
alt the facts, Please state hour age,
education and whioh training you
are interested in. This information
will be sent to you without obltga-
147 %augltn dente Toronto
1)ept. 8
Issue No. 3--- '39
A study of the mines of Ontario
and Quebec indicates a generally
healthy condition, with share val-
ues of the senior golds on a thor-
oughly sound investment basis. In
the secondary producing group,
where there is a combination of in-
vestment and speculation, mine
conditions warrant special com-
mendation for the following: —
Central Patricia, Little Lon Lac,
Preston East Dome, Kirkland Lake
Gold, Kerr Addison, Chesterville,
Omega, .Alderrnae, Bankfield, East
Malartie and Sladen Malartic.
In the less advanced operations,
mining news appears to favour—
Malartie Goldfields, Francoeur,
Barber Larder, Martin Bird, Fern -
land, Anold, Augite, Nabob and
Gillies Lake.
In the Junior Juniors, from
which group mines have their be-
ginnings, favourable indications
appear to select—National Malar -
tie, East Laconia, Shawmaque,
Amity Gold, Wiltsey-Coghlan,
Continental Copper, Joliet, Arnt-
field, Pelangio, Arjon, Orpit, Lar -
Add, Armistice, Tovarich, Rouyn
Reward, Laverne, Federal MA.,
Cheminis, Central Porcupine,
'Waco, Bobjo and Crowshore.
Perhaps never before has a more
ground -floor basis of, participation
been available to the public,
Quebec's Malartic mining camp
promises to attain major camp sta-
tue in 1939. East Malartic, al-
though a young property, . is al-
ready a thousand ton operation.
with vast possibilities indicated.
Sladen Malartie and Canadian
Malartic, also in production, ad-
join to the west. Other properties
in the camp are East Lacoma, Na-
tional Malartic, Rand Malartie,
Malartie Goldfields, Dubuisson
Gold and Shawmaque, Malartie
Goldfields will be the next produc-
er. East Lacoma's first drilling is
known to be important. Further
drilling plans are announced. hand
lVfalartic have also obtained good
results. National. Malartie have
financing arrangements under dis-
cussion. Altogether, the outlook
for the camp is full of promise.
next 60 days a new picture may be
painted to indicate another large
Alberta crude area."
Recent. Crude 011 Discoveries
"What today is a wildcat area,
may be proven structure tomor-
Recent crude oil discoveries in
Okalta, No. 6, a mile west of the
present South Turner Valley crude
producers, and at Home-Millarville
No. 2, 15 miles northwest of the
main wells, are of vast importance,
Mr. Greenfield said. "The proven
area and field reserves undoubted-
ly have been greatly changed. "
The Squirrel
A gray interrogation -point .in fur
He leaps and scolds and makes a
mighty stir
That all this backyard world he
used to know
Should hide his nuts and not a
landmark show.
Just like him, to be arguing with
—Charles MaIam
Lord Ravensworth said his cas-
tle which is near Gateshead, Eng.,
would be pulled down and rebuilt
in the form of 30 ideal homes.
The New York Zoo has a tigon,
which is the hybrid child of a
Siberian tiger and an African lion,
n Pain for Weeks
Acting on his principle of "when
you know a good thing tell your
friends about it," a man who has
had very bad lumbago pains writes
as follows:—
"I suffered from lumbago, and
for weeks could scarcely move in
bed. I had treatment, but it did
not ease the pain very much. A
friend said, 'Why not take Irus-
chen Salts? Take them every
morning, and you'll likely get re-
Iief from that pain in your back.'
So I have taken them every mann-
ing for some time and I am in fit
condition for my work again —
thanks to Kruschen."—C.I3.
Why is it that lumbago, baek-
ache, rheumatism and indigestion
in many cases yield to Kruschen
Salts? Because it is a combination
of several mineral salts that are
vital for your bodily well-being.
Each of these salts has an action
of its own. Stomach, liver, kidneys
and digestive tract are all bene-
fited and toned up to a high state
of efficiency. •
C!ass1Fed AdvertJs1ng
large standur(1. size, full warm lin-
ing. Ideal Auto Cutter, used, $10.00
each. Brand new fur gauntlets lea-
ther -faced, full warm lining, $2.00
pair. Shipped express, on receipt of
money -order. dlulmers, 68S Liver-
pool Street, Pointe St. Charles,
Montres 1.
tions, Switches. Curls, and all types
of finest quality Hair Goods. Write
for illustrated catalogue. Confiden-
tial terms arranged. Toronto Hum-
an Hair Supply Co., 520 iinthurst.
ItIGr1 i1,mon l'Rr'ESSURIE,
HIGH l3t.t)t)l) I'1tESSURE—WRITi7
for free booklet and full particu-
lars regarding our amazingly suc-
cessful hybiond treatment. Pedi-
greed Produces, Saskatoon. Sask.
II 011 S17S
Some outstanding mares and stal-
lions at very attractive prices. Jer-
sey Health Farina, Reg'd., Ile Biz-
ard, Quebec. (Near Montreal).
inexpensively. Hume Remedy. Testi-
monials. (iunranteed. Advice Free.
I3artlett's, Box 1, Winnipeg,
romantic. sweetheart, with money.
write; Mary Lec, 415-0, Rolla. Mis-
give immediate relief. Simply mix
to Horses' feed. Price 14 Powders
$1.10. Post Paid. With free book on
"Animal Ailments." Bell & sons,
(Canada) Limited, Manufacturers
of Veterinary Medicines, Verdun.
Que. Dept..: E.
Guaranteed First Mortgages on im-
proved city homes at 6 and 7 per
cent. interest. `Vrite us for full de-
tails. Mortgages purchased. Estab-
lished 20 years. A. M. Greenaway
Co., 150 ronge Street, Toronto.
List of inventions and full infor-
mation sent free. The Ramsay Com-
pany, Registered. Patent Attorneys,
273 Rank St.. Ottawa. Can.
Comfort, Positive Support with nor
advanced method. No elastic. or
understraps or steel. 'Write. Smith
Manufacturing Co,, Dept. 210, Pros -
ton, Ontario.
to and Generator Repairs. We save
you money. Allan,'on Armature
Manfr.. 8.-,5 Say St., Toronto.
Farm in Central Eastern Alberta
park area, railway village one mala
best abundant winter, clear title, Sit
cash large discount: no agents: re-
tiring. Box 14, Aniisk, Alberta.
Prove for yourself... as over 100,000 Canadian housewives
have already proved., -that 'blue coal' gives the highest'
available standard of heating value and satisfaction.
Order from your nearest 'blue coal' dealer
today. Ask him also about the 'blue coal'
Heat Regulator which provides automatic
heat with your present equipment.
Tune in "The Shadow" every Sat., 7 p.m., CBL., Toronto, or
6.30 p.m., CLO, Ottawa.