HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-01-19, Page 5Thursday', January 19th, 1.939 BUSINESS CARDS Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc.. Ads. in this Column. LEGAL . r:UxlivY -.E. :OLME S • ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. OlinCE—Hamilton Street, Just of the Square, GOD'r'I 3C1 Ontario. Special Attention to Councel and Court Work. +x. Holmes may be consulted at +Goderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. JCA wrung Mr. and Mrs. Willis Powell of "Exeter, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and ,Mrs. John Hey. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT FOR SALE Mr. and Mrs C. O. Smith and sons Gordon and, Stanley motored to j Special January Offer: 75 acres I3aden one day last week. 11 pasture, crock ;water supply 3 mires The Hay Township Auditors, Jacob Gu' -E, of Zurich; 200 acres first class 13aborer and George Deichert are DENTAL Dr. W. D.' BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. VETERINARIAN DDx. W. B. COXON, :.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. Phone -96, Zurich . A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All eiiseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night sails promptly attended to. Also Bre- izder of Scottish terriers. Inverness 'tiaennels. Office on Main Street, snpposite Town Hall. Phone 116, HENSALL. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron anel Middlesex 3 AM IN' A POSITION TO CON- uct any Auction Sale, regardless to size or article to sell. I solicit your :b tsiness, anti if not ;satisfied will hake no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57. PRODUCE Poen Produce WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES --FOR-- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Zurichs' Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ed., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, 1 -rides and Skins H. Yungblut & Sou INSURANCE Western Farmers' Wetal Weather Insurance Ce. OF 'WOODSTOCK HI4 , LARGEST RESERVE BAL- „, NCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL CO.NiPANY DOING BUS/NESS OP THIS KIND IN ONTARIO anount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1936, $22,391,527.00 Total Cri;sh in Bank and Bonds $273,613.47. Rates ---$4.50 per $1,000 for. 3 Years E. F. .K.LOPP—ZURICH 1 Tarin well built on and handy to town —Wm. Pearce, Exeter. STRAYED Unto- my .premises, just north of Zurich, a yearling; some time at the home of her brother Yea Durham sceer. Owner can have same by proving pro - Albert 'Fleischauer. perty and paying expenses. Mr. Theo. Leibold • of the Babylon Alfred Mel.ick, Zurich. STRAYED busy these days auriting the Treasur- er's books. Miss Reta Fleauschaver left on Sun day for London where she will speed line has purchased from Mr. Wm.. M. Bell the 50 acres of marsh land, known as Lot 9, ;Con. 7, Hay town - A young steer strayed unto my' ship. premises, Lot 24 Con. 2 Hay Town- COUNTY RATES PAID ship. Owner can have canna by prev Huron County has maintained its y and paying all e: -pen •, ;record for prompt paypent of co- ing pcopert � Alex. Crerar, Phone 14r3:', I ensall. nr tY rotes, ;Co. Treas. Erskine hav- in ro .,rived cheques from the 24 Or elie.ra'all P.O. innnicipalities for each one's part of • the general rate, county and provin- WA NTD ciad ,road rates and for seconriary To purchase a suitable .second schools. The total ,j. more than 8215,000. 55th ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Webb, of Grant bend, recently celebrated their fifty -firth anniversary of their wedd- F OR SALE ing. In honor of the event Mrs. A. Finkbeiner, of ;Shipka, entertained at dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Webb had be- en residents of the district :for many years and for the past twenty years have lived retired at Gand Bend. They have four sons and two dnnghters. hand piano for S. S. No.. 11 Ilay Township. Apply to: Albert Hendrick, Secretary. A limited number of young Collie pups, from :heeling stock. Apply to Joseph Martin, Bayfield, Phone Hen- sall. 98 r 11, FOR QUICK SALE 3-h.p. Gas engine re -built, for sale L. A. Prang & Son. FARMS FOR SALE The following lots and lands are being offered for sale. 213. acres Part C, Village of Zurich 2-5 acre, Knell Surv. Lots 25-28 Vill- age of Zurich. 3-5 acre, lots 130-132 Dweirmg and sta'i1e, Village of Zurich. ATI these farms are well located; and land is in A.1. condition. 50 acres, Con. 8, Elie lot 10, corn- prising 50 acres, pasture land. 100 acres with Bank barn and straw shed, dwelling. well drained, on Blue Water Highway, 2 miles south of St. Joseph. 70 acres pasture, neverfailing spring. land, lh> mile south of St. Joseph. 100 acres, con. 9, lot 16, bank barn. dwelling, ,good bush, farm in Al shape:; -214 miles from Zurich. 99 acres;, con. • 12, Iot • 9. bank barn and straw shed, brick• dwelling, hest. of land, 4 miles from Zurich. 100 ,acres in Stanley Township, bank barn, strawshed. dwelling land i" good condition, 3 miles from Zurich R. R. JOHNSTON ESTATT . For further particulars apply to: Wm. S. Johnston, Executor, Zurich. ZilriCh Garage Come and purchase your Aut. omotive Requirements from Zurich's oldest established Garage and Service Station. We can supply.. your needs Expert Automobile repairing, Acytelene Welding, Tires, Batteries, Oils, Greases and repairs. LUNCH ROOM And dean Rest Rooms at your Service H, 1VIOUSSEA.TT Phone: Day 103. Night, 4': mr,soraa.-ra- FEWER POTATOES The November ocia,l estimate of the 1938 Canadian p:tato crop places the yield at 35,774.000 cwt. This is 86,900 cwt les than the 36,643,000 owt. estimated made in Octo'aer, 1938 The November estimate of the U. S. crop also shows a decrease from Oc- tober estimate, the yield now being placed at 368,203,000 bushels, or 5,- 072,000 bushels less than October. cornputation. Pr: pose 9 (wont ra^ Te-. Ift he Che rier Royal Commission on Transport had their way they wo- aicl a''opt a pav-as-you-go policy in ''rthway erpenditure to eliminate in. 40 year, the province's estimated hi- ghway deh,•t of 5212,691 010. or one third of the funded or unf'in•d^d debt of Ontor'o. Among these suggestions were a reclassification of taxes on motor vehicles and an increase in the tax on gasoline from six to nine cts a gallon. Other fuel oils used a^ fuel by motor vehicles would be tax- ed 13 cents a gallon, FOR PLOWING MATCH North and south Huron Plowmen's associations provincial plowing match coanrnittee appointed.at trio initial meeting of a week previous at Clin- ton, another meeting was held on Saturday to arrange .first details 'in the drive to have the 1940 match held in Huron. A resolution to make ap- plication to the County Council for a grant of 52,000 was unanimously ad- opted and a deputy .composed of ethe entire : cemmitteez -will present petilon in person at the January me- eting of counci. Subscribed to Office Monday, according tb Statutes was the day for the 1 o,ice 'i iustees to sign their Declaration of °Mee, and according to law tlhey ,athered at one °ince of tha C1eni and tae foIl- owing signed the declaration: Theo- dore riabercr, Ivan Yungblut wnd Le- roy O'Brien. Very little !ousnxess was discussed with the exception or the <.krporeements of the following offici- ars: Secretary, 1VIr. A. F. Hess; Con- stable, Earl 'i.'itiel; Motor .mechanic for fire engine, Len. Prang; Fire chief Deitz, Caretaker of fire hall, C. L. Smith. Another meeting will be aeld in the near future when the ping:ern of the years' work will like- ly be gone over. ZPRICH HERAI...t. PAGE PI VB THE FAMILY SHOE STORE ,111111,1110.1.n.laramysi.later9W.119.*IM,salcritswia,Mirpq r1 Protect your Family's Health by keeping them well s;nod. We can supply you with all your needs. Boots, .. Galosh:s,,. Rubters, Shoes and Slippers. In every size, at every price All of best quality See our Trunks, Suitcases and CKi'J Bags, also Children's 6 .' Torr Cayes, at only 49c. �. DATArRS Reliable Footwear and Repairing TRUNKS, CLUB BAGS, SUITCASES Zurich's Le dies' Wear Located at MOUSSSEAU'S LUNCH ROOM Zurich — Phone 103 JUST ARRIVED A Fine Shipment of New Winter Coats, Si: cs ranging tram 14 All sh•idca, a very fine iine of Coats from $ 10,50 and up. JIiESSi! ES in all sizes and colors. Priced from 81.00 and up. .We invite you to conic and look these }ver. MRS. i'EARL MOTJSSCAI ', z- ;ch EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heckendo:-n, B.A,, B.D., - Minister Mrs, H. C. Hess, Organist and Dir- ector of Music 11 a.m.—Sunday School • as per Statutes in the Clerks' Office all members being present except Geo Brock, absent through illness. All members having taken their Declar- ation of Office before the Clerk. A motion that we adjoru to meat gain at 8 p.m. this evening. The adjurned meeting was held at 3 p.m. in the Council Chamber with .all ianembers present except 0. Brock 'linutes of previous meeting read and adapted. Geo. Fee Constable, reported .re the collection of Poll taxes as being 828. T. Sherritt and W. Sol.dan appeared as a delegation from the farm own- ers within the Corporation. Special meeting to be held later re same. R. J. Paterson, tax collector, re- ported re outstanding taxes as :being only 5604.87. i•irtzeth Anniversary -motion, that application be .receiv- ed for the position of a full time general utility man, duties to be ;rp- ecifiied by the Council. Application; to be in the hands of the Clerk on or before January 20, at 8 'p.m. Motion that !Mrs. E. Norminten be appointed a member of he Library Board ftor he years 1939-40, also that Rev. Young he appointed for the years 1939-40-41. The presoident F. Biu' and treasi "- er H. Horton of the .Ban.cl a:..reared :king for the usual grant. Motion that we grant 8100.00, Correspondence read as follow': t .N•ii,, Co. Treasurer, Dept. of Municipal Affairs, Dept, of Health; Co, Clerk, Mother's Allowances; Uni-, versity of Western Ontario; Bell Tel- ephone Co. Prov. Treasurer; Monteith & Monteith; Ont. Assn. Rural Mirnic- ipalities; Ont, 1VIttnic. Assn., Domin- ion Businose machines, same filed, Motion that resolution be prepared as suggested by A, L. Casa and for- warded to the Federa 1 Member, W. ,Goldin,`. Motion, that no 'payments be made between council meetings. '.rhe following accounts be pa sed: 4 T3. Horton, tress Band grant 8100; 4 School board, 'current exp., 51,000; Benthron & Drysdale, supplies 323.47 Price Auto Electric exeh 518; J. Passmore, supplies shed .55; J. Sang- ster, labor, rink 8.40; 11, .Ile lclnn rink and eti.,1; 7.40; E. Little, do 18.50 l•Her'r .Hed len, da 18.90; A. Prior do 56; T. Richir:jeon do 3.40; W. Dabu.- de 1.80; Hensel). Hydro 7.00; G. Mc - Loan grat-ei sts, 28.80; 0. Geiger ,now',piowing 7.20 Motion, nt that8 .11;1%adjourn to meet; ,Ian. 20th Ten's A. Paterson, Clerk \\t i.';d lye l,c,,, , :"r•tvmr1 ft'o r lib,. Deportment of health that an order of Penneil wins: pissed on t'•t'i t r 5 ••:, 1. ^ � . ,n,. }+i h awl ae t••• • eve tl by (..n•t rnar, that att"r '+r',ruary r1r1 ,.n rgrrhr a'•tll lin w"1,1 rr" d 'rih- utc'd or i'et'rile'l •i-ednrrc j,ri1' '. rt ..'': ' vo.t( ilii v:7r1. Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Wein, of Crediton celebrated •their 50th wed- ding anniversary on Monday of this week. Mr. 'and Mrs. Wein who are '11 and 67 years old, respectively,and are enjoying the 'best of health, were married on January 15, 1889, at the home where they now reside. Mrs, wlein was prior to her. marriage Bliss v eronica haat, of Credren. ivir. and ..+.tis. Wein farmed north of Crediton _or many years, and two. years ago .noved to Crediton. 1VIr and Mrs Wein have 11 children living of a .:family of 12. They are: Wesley, Aaron, Emer- son, Leonard, Lawrence and Lloyd of Crediton; Edwin, of Artland, Sack; .,1c1i in of. F lint, Mich; Mrs. Sylvester Wuerth and ,Meleeta of Crediton; Mrs Roy Goulding of Exeter. 'there are 14 grandchildren. Hensall Council Minutes The first meeting of the Village Council held on Jan. 9th, at 11 a.m. t 4. Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF! i. Buy Storm Windows and Doors 4. 4. LET US QUOTE YOU! + 3 . 4 4. Cf r +Lie, ,i18 REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT, Headquarters 'for Johns -Manville Buildifig Materials Agent, also Dealer hi Lightn- ing Rods and ail kids of Fire T. in T111'r .7"EC e PHONE teuetkelageregiette 1.0 a 4 4 i 4 4 1 1 ZURICH cc - 1 ME11111111101NREEN 1IuIIIII111NNI11IN11 11 NMI II 11 IIIIN 111111 iNlIII 'I'=M Zurieh Drug utore QUALITY DRUGS School Supplies S'- "tr 0 orrery __ _..._._.�....,...arm.........�a,..�..�....,�,....�..,.... Sheet Music Law on Sale heIe POPULAR MAGAZINES Ken, Life, Popular Mechanics, Colliers, ..Good Housekeeping, Comics, Esquire, Western Stories, Detective Stories, True Story, True Romance, And a Host of Others. SPECIALS Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, reg. 1.35 for 7 1 3 3c Weevil Insecticide perpint 59c Cattle Salts Sc per lb. 5 for 23c Castoria, reg. 40c. for Grand tube Palolive Shave Cream reg. 40c. Ward- donia Razor reg. $1; Barrel -Hole blades reg. 1 3c .. Reg. 1.53 all for 49c. Special gift packages of cigars and cigarettes. Large assortment of Christmas Cards, Christmas Decorations, Stationery, Chocolates for the family 5 lb. box for $ 1.29. Pecan Nuts per lb See Our Gift Suggestion Special Sun -Ray Lamp... Sunshine Complete with Goggles 33c Window for the Kiddies, $7.93 J1A Add icon p roprietoii �iiliilll�l 11 I 0)!1011001 ! !UillliiI' HEM(11EMMOMIIME'd Deliver you Cream to the Zurich Creamery and obi trim correct weight, test and Highest Market Price. We pay 2 cents premium per lb<. butterfat for all Crearn de- livered to the plant. We also buy and pay cash for your Eggs and Poultry according to grade. We are Local Agents for tlae Viking Separator. Let us Demonstrate this high quality Separator for you! The Zerech Creamery 11 LIP 1 High quality bowl—closer skim- ming —more pro:it. 2 Peefeci necl:bearing -- assuring years of dependable service of the mechanism. 3 Proven du;abiliiy, 4 Highly endorsed by thousands of users. Durable materials, expert work- nianship and sturdy construction are featured in theViking Separ- ator. We make sure that every machine sold continues to give satisfaction, Sevin Models—One Quality SWEDISH SEPARATOR CO., UUMr7ED Mentreai evVattien,966664166666,06.64016006,61 -;•g$,06 tp 6 D 1 7 8 9 4, 1 itt@r00Ir'0.Retofteet1.91166Ad6 Your Winter's Fuel We are Now Filling Orders for this Winter's Fuel. Let us suggest the Most Suitable Fuel for your Heating Equipment... Prices always within the limits of other Dealers with Quality Considered. SEED CLEANING We have an up -to -data Seed Cleaning' Egulpment Haat we use for Custom Cleaning, and invity the Farmers who have s'ccc to c' can to arrange with us for this Work. A 0 9* PURINA Stock Foods and Chews A guaranteed product that will 1.3 help p Our Stock 1�1nd. Poultly L. 'w.' chi!� k �� r r�. e,. Lent e`Tier`'ne,1O'rY11 0