HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-01-19, Page 4AGS FouR ZURICH HERALD ILLSGREEN asteer' Gerald Parson is recovering.recovering.macer', oral took place on lue.day morning ill , ROSS, to lit. Carmel R. C. Cemetery. 1 who knew her. Doris, Marie, Marj- orie Delaine and Shirley and two hro- �i,lto Tutsi thers Jerome and Velem The fun- „ Th.e.- ehildren of 'Mr. and a,(ove^are improving after their ill- .liess, Mrs, Love and daughter Agues vis- ite(i relatives at Centralia during the week. Miss Annie E. Jarrett of Hensall, acailed on friends during the week in the vicinity. Since the death of her father, Mr. Wan. J. ,leereie, she has Olsen a 'position at Hen.: t:l and ww1'-lr ses to advise her past cuetomere that she will hold a clearance salt of the :stock in the store on Monday till aSetarday of next week. See posters tor further information. Some from the vicinity took in the play in Hensall `Here Come: Charlie" +on Friday night by the young people Sof Ailsa Craig. DASH -WOOD St. Joseph and Beaver Town The weekly parties held in the French Settlement parish hall, are proving a great success. It being a entre 'Cor tlw old people to meet to- pe:her and discuss the events of the past week, it also helps to put asew spirit and energy into the minds of those who Intel to battle against the great difficulties during the past few years, it also Helps to keep the young people neaer home, under the care of their parents, their spiritual guar- dian; it also -helps to create a little ( cessitie, of their par friend for the n 1 ish church; as well as the young peo- pie of tile parish to more unite in i'ne body and enjoy the evening to their heart's content and after surn- !ming up together, all the goo(r returns Mr. and Mrs. l:teorg;e F:^e .°^"'. sea i that these weekly parties bring about, Charles of Inca:nil, were ,S'antea :i= we feel that we are rewarded many :!tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. folds for the little sacrifice which it ;;Sash. Gottschalk. Mr. George Kellerman, who spent the holidays with his sons in Water- loo has returned home. Miss Waldie spent the week -end 'with friends in Stratford. Mrs. Allemang and two daughters Gertrude and Esther and son Carl of entails upon us to attend to them. NOTES— On Monday last a .car load of our Crack Hunters left on a hum.ng triip in the Kincardine district in search' of Jack Rabbits and they report the pests so plentyful that whole fields of Zt. Clemens and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar wheat being nipped errs The hunt- -Strome of Elmira were Sunday visit- ers are planning a truck load of hun- :rars with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar este- tors to go up and relieve soi:.e of the aueyer. fanners from these obnox ens 'sacks. Mrs. Wm. Ducharne of Pointe Aux Bouleaux had a quilting bee. on Tu- esday last. We are glad to report that Mr. Leon Jeffrey of Beaver Town, who Elects Officers Zion Lutheran Church held its an- nual meeting on Monday January Id. 'The financial report of the congreg- ation and organizations within the has been confined to his bed for the church were presented and all of past few weeks its now improving. them showed a healthy state of affa- Mr. and Mrs. John Charrette of the .ins. Messrs. Ed. Stetter and William Blue Water south who have spent the Stade were elected trustees for a Yuletide in Detroit, 'have returned to term of three years while Mr. Herb their hone. Wein was appointed caretaker and A few of our local sportsmen att- s"rIrs. Edgar Itestelneyer organist. ended the hockey snatch in Seaforth Other routine matters of business we- on Thursday last. ae disposed of under the able chair- Mrs. Perck Bedard of the 14th eon ananship of Mr:. Louis T. Rader.. spent a few days with her parents, Yung Life Passes Mr. and Mrs. J.Masse. , Avery sad death took place on the Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Jeffrey spent 11th concession Stephen township on Sunday last with Mr. a-nd Mrs. Luc - Sunday, January 15th when Cecelia len Corriveau of Pointe Aux Douleau Ielen, second daughter of Mr. and i Mr. Emanuel Sararas of the- Blue Mrs. Ted. Denomme passed away, ; Water south is now holidaying with following a short illness in her 13th : friends in Detroit. for a few weeks. year. The deceased attended Khiva i Mrs. Henry Rau of Drysdale was a ndhool, was of a quiet•dislaosition, be- Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. loved hy•ali -her classmates and those' Maurice TVlasse.; Mr. and Mrs. William Dacharme were Sunday visitors in Drysdale. The Misses Eva and Doris Cantin of St. Joseph left on Monday to spend a few days in Detroit. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Death of Mrs. Wm. Paltrier .. The death took place at her home in Hamilton, on Friday, January 13th of Mrs. Wan. Palmer, a former resi- dent of Stanley. Her maiden name was Mary Murray and she was been in Stanley 7.2 yeads ago where the greater part of her life was spent. After her marriage to Wm. Palmer they lived for a short time at Marr- lette, .Mich., again returning to Stan- ley. About 20 years ago they moved to Hamilton where they have since resided. Besides her husband, two daughters survive, Roxie and Adeline, one son Willie, having been killed in action brou- ghtPenrice. The remain, were (.•f ou- ght to Bayfield cemetery for burial. !'lie funeral service conducted by Rev T. R. Peters, was hold in Vann, Unit- ed church on Sunday afternoon. The pallbearers were e;ix nephews: Wm Reid, Jas. M. Reid, Len Saunders. Chas. Saunders, Garnet Murray and Wni. Ball. Goshen United Church held their annual congregational meeting last Wednesday with the pastor Rev. 3.R, Peters presiding. There was a good attendance and good reports were a- gain given by the S. S., the WsM.S., and by Y.P.S. and the Secy.-Treas. The Sunday School was tato org- anized: 1'ir. Art Keys being re-ap pointed Superintendent as were also the entire stair of teachers. A live interest is being taken in the school and it is doing a good work in our community. The New Ford V8 De Lux Tudor 85 H.P. motor has been reduced in price from $985 to $915 De- livered... Full front seat; twin air Horns, Chrome Windshield frame; two Chrome windshield wipers and 600x16 tires, are standard equipment This means our used cars are also greatly reduced in price. LOOK THESE OVER 1929 Plymouth Coupe at $95.00 1929 Plymouth Coach at 125.00 1929 Chevrolet sedan at 150.00 1930 Ford coach, like, new 175.00 1928 Ford coach, new tires, new radiator and all overhauled, repainted, only 125.00 1937 Ford V8 Coupe with heater and defroster, a nice one 495.00 1938 Ford V8 Tudor small mileage with heater and defroster, only 650.00 Several trucks, half -ton to 2 ton, up to 1937. SANDY ELLIOT Phone 64 EXETER HENSALL Harvey Hudson of I}derton was a visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Colin Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Douglas of Hyde bark were visitors with the lat • ter's mother, Mrs. J. Johnston and Miss Margaret. Miss Nellie Fee of Milverton was a recent visitor with her parents here firs. E. Drummond. of St. Marys, was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Foster. Miss Annie Jarrott of Hilt:;green visited with Mrs. Robert Bontheon and Mrs. Lou Simpson. Manyfriends of 1VIrs A. ,L. Case, - who is at London Hospital, are pleas- ed to learn that she is improving in health. Mn. and Mrs. A. W. E. ;Hemphill and Miss Lillian Fulton .left by mo - tar for Florida Monday last •where they will spend the remainder of the winter.. They were accompanied by received an acclamation to the Clin- Joe Hagan, who clic' the driving of ton Public School Board and her ex - the car. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hemphill perience in educational work tivill be have been in ill health for some time. great benefit in the performance of Mrs. Hemphill hasnot been at:,l. to the duties connected with that office. walls without theeaid of crutchee s as Storm Victim Buried a result of a fractured leg- which she , received when rhea'incl the misfortuneClinton---i+uneral services for Hy.'��e engager in various activities. Late J. I+remliu, •who perished from en- er he was on thepolice force of Ont- Thuzrs ray, January 19th, 1939 See These Beautiful 1939 DODGE Curs See the new 1939 Dodge Si' and DeLuxe TODAY. Look then over , from a distance and close up. You'll agree they are the most beau- tiful Dodge Cars ever produced in all the 25 years of Dodge history, And they are BIG- cars ... 114 indh wheelbase and look even LONGER. All 1939 Dodge cars have new Amola steel eojl springs ... improved air- plane -type shock absorbers ... new "Safety • Signal" speedometer and in DeLuxe models you also get new Handy -Control gear shifting . , new auto -mesh transmission. Prices have been reduced on all models, Don't delay ... drive a 1939 Dodge Six or DeLuxe NOW! Warr , �a sitz ` SEI A utor" NOTICE Zurich Zuric The Annual Meeting of the ZURICH AG tiICUL T URAL SOCIETY Will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich On FR DA Y, JANUARY 29th, 1939 At 2 o'clock, p.m. Your Helpful Presence will be. Appreciated! Wm. Decker, President. E. F. Klopp, Secy-Treas. GENERAL NEWS SET UNIFORM RATES Commencing January 1, 1939, oper- ating room and maternity case charges will be adjusted to make the charges uniform throughout all Hur- on County Hospitals. The move was made and approved at a recent meet- ing of the Huron County Hospital As- sociation. Hospital affected will_ be those of +Clinton, Goderich, Winghatu and Seaforth. FAVOR T. B. PLAN That the drive to make Huron Co- unty a T.B. ree.ticted area is going over cuing is cvidmuced by lascst re- po.4. of J. .,. C'.tcater, agricultural c t.were; eeports ars:; in front three tcev n '' - i Ii..i.c-4 :Jianley and West NEWS V1:r vas.- ..: .:'1'1. the :,gures are resp- COUNTYWater Highway between Bayfield and: actively' as io..o'r�s: Rupert for the _ __ _ Goderi'ch. 7:he. fe nils :moved lat:,erto ct e, t 39 ; against the reject r the Horses Behan Clinton. where she. was united in mar- t J �`' Shine^dr favorable ,percentage 91.4. Stanley 37; G. J. Dow, of Exeter is again ship- r od.e in 1910 to Lorne C2n inn1 of _avorable 310, utsfavosable 44; a fasr, ping h. ;e; to the Montreal market Godericli twp, who passed nn. in 1912 dare' '^ e_centa e of 87.5. Wawan Where: there is a good demand for the Cn Dec. 1015 she was married to�Vaxzt.°sh ri arable 231, unfavorable •-• 34; iuf,'z1, typae: He skipped twenty,horses ic.e atl.yeasesl:arhsee ene..the e•.to ...sops ervise their disposal. . First Woman to Hold Office To M,s. L, Mckinnon, Huron st., Clinton, gee the distinetion of being the first woman ever to hold a public office in that town . Mrs. Mckinnon Oke and Iived. in •P,2cRillop for a. year before» moving to•'Seaforth. Where she resided for 23 years. Surviving =are. her husband and three soffit and a da- ughter. eperceritage .8'T.1. •The total vote xe- ,c e; vied to date Is 6,5`;4 and of that; aaambber'et 906' voted for end n28 a gains`% the p U'eat. The canvess is. ibeingf pushed to . Cana .6tion and Mr. . - - . Passes. in Clieton.. ,Shearer declares ite well pleased D. J. Carltelon died lir Clinton Hos- the the thoroughness of the work of pital where 11e had been a parr. t for the ca nvessers and with the result of upward of a mantis. He was the yo- unger son of the late Adam Centelo, and was born in •Goderich twp 1853. CRIME DT'CREASED Was in his 81st year. Spent hie ;boy- althatzgh costs o'' t._te adrninistrat- ltood at the birthplace and as a yo -'.on of justice in Huron County may ung man went to Canada West where be on the increase, it is evident the 711/1010e ...reee•IITVIV.0114•ROMMINIM•stel.anionmarezsennosumeseakessamineargemesaterwia STOP AT ROWS ONE-STOP WWI C BLUE MARATHON GAS and OIL Delivered to you the most modern way, with a WAYNE Computing Pump that automatically fig'ueee the amount of your purchase: These Puii1p nrr' used in all leading gas stations in Canada and U. S. A. HIGH PRESSURE LUBRICATION. Your car is greased by attend- ants that have had five Scars of practical and technical experience in Detroit. We u:e the latest model air pressure grease, gun using • seven different kinds of grease to lubricate your car EXPERT REPAIRING To all make's of tsars at attractive prices. Spe Bial Prices on Brakes Relined Car Wash 39c. Tire Repair 25c Dattory and 'Piro; checked and windshield cleaned Free. We airs to please. When in Zurich take, ativanti.ge of our modern rest: rooms. Zurich's llp•to-Date Service Station and Garage HOWARD is^ £...OP,P LESS 'E C. Fria' e(' tm: t ' Cer Lot in Connection the Bine Aihtmthon "sir Bettor Mileage. GOOD YEAR TIRES, B Itli V ' IE ;:."sr iSftIIS I Inni78 W.seas.etttMM+r,gseaa.,..t`"'"„,.....s_^ < s .,kw,".`.M sees easatereeesas Mtlaees Tfl7.•eesee• to slip on the icy streets last ne 1. The euchre and deuce sponsored by posure in the recent storm of Dee. 27 the Chamber of Commerce which \N" 0.41 and whose body , a,; ;erre#} two weeks eks to 1.. held on Dee. 281h, and had to later have been held. The funeral was 1'r}vaate anti was held from his h be postponed on. account of the storm oiue' willbeheld in the town hall on Wed- Raglan :St. Rev. G. G. ,eurton, of Floors, Toronto. needay, Jan. 18th Ontario St. United Church, conduct- Mrs. W. B. McLean Mrs. Geo. Walker returned fron, ed the service as:; sited by Rev. K. The funeral of Mrs. W. B. McLean 1 Toronto after a pleasant visit with 1'1cCorcn, of St. Paul's church. highly respected .resident of Egmond- her mother, Mrs. Grassiek and sister, Honor Rev. Bunter w elle, who passed away at London, Mrs. Ferguson. The Ministerial Association of Clin- took place from the home of H. C. iM:'s Helen Munn, R.N., and Miss ton and vicinity mei at Ont. St. Un- Bore, Seaforth. :the services was eau - Eleanor Bell, R.N., left for London, led church manse, Clinton last Tues- ducted by Rev. H. Jack of Presbyter - where they will study mental cases at ' and prrsente 1 Rev. William Bu- .an church Interment in the Presbyter- where Ontario Hospital for three months aka, o • lie --.field, who is leaving for At a meeting of the council of his new field at Brantford, with a Hibbert last Monday, T. D. Wren of •'ift (fountain pen and pencil) and Hensall was appointed township clerk address. All the 'brothern spoke for the coning year. Mr. Wren re- in glowing terms of Mr. Bugler's per- cently sold his house here to Mr. Hen- I -o aality among them, and expressed Berson and expects' to prove to hiis i t ;ret.; at his leaving the vicinity. . farm in Hibbert in the spring. Miss Mary Grigg Passes Mr. and Mrs. James Bullard of i Mise. Mary Grigg, a life-loong resi- :,Minneapolis are visiting friends here. ; lent of Exeter, passel :'ay suddenly alio towns and 'cities, was retired for the Inot 20 years. IHe was not married and is survived by a brother Adam of Sask., and a sister, Ms. lis. W. He was a former resident of the vill- age sortie years ago and expresses on -prise at the geat change having taken. place. Heads School Board : was a member of a well known fam- At the inaugural meeting of the sly. Her isthc,. , the late Wm. Grigg, School Huard, Alfred Clark was el- came to Exeter with his family from ee,teci chairman and A. L. Case, sec- England about 85 years ago. He was •earrytreasur-er. J. Ortwein was na- a merchant tailor and conducted a Saturday last in her 84th-yea.r. The deceased had been around as usual the previous day and had been read- ing a book before she retired. She dile cemetery. Formerly Elizabeth Ross of Tuckersmith, where she was were 13 drunk driving charges last ..orn 78 years ago. She becanra a tea- vea.r and 14 in 1937, and liquor eh -- .her and taught at u'elee Island. After :ter marriage to W. B. 1laLean, she was a resident of Hensall for a num- her of years !before going to Egrnond- ville. Surviving are two daughters. Boland Kennedy Passes large contrabulary face has proved" effective in the prevention way, for statistics taken from recce - ha tlse Magistrate's office reveal r, con -:del -- able decrease in crime during the year 1938 in comparison with 1937. Dazing 1938 there were only 12 cases of breaa1-imr lad c'ntsring, as compar- ed with 79 in 1937 and last year there were 34 cases of theft anti in 1937 there were 62. In •only one de - pertinent was an increase shown, and that was in violations of the Teaffic Act. There were 269 such cases in 1938, including 64 charges of reckless &riving, and only 185 in 19(;7. Ther(: Death removed one of Seaforths' widely known then of the district on Jan. 12th, when Roland Keuni dy passed away at his home in his 76th year. On New Year's Day he suffered'. a stroke but rallied then took worse, again. Born in Tuckersrni.th 76 yrs. ago, an dal hi:, life was spent in the township. Besides farming he was a SUBSCRIPTION RATFIS—c1.25 4 med truant officer. Retiring Chairs- men's outfit establishment. His son building mover, also taking an .inter- year; b;trIctly in advance; $1.50 in ratan Young tendered an oyster sup- John, a brother of Miss Grigg, (i6 yrs esting part in municipal affairs, be - per to members of the board follow- ago opened the Grigg Stationery Co. ars ierresented the county counc• er X2.00 may be charged. %T, ing councillor four years and five. ye- S. ;ars in advance. No paper discoU. il. atrYtuuci until all urr•ears are paid an - At the time of. death he was weed in -1 leas at otion r>> rri:hlfsher. The date spectoi•..Of a genial disposition he! !of „millet')ovineSuhscriptiiln is pod had many friends, in 1901 h.: was s denoted en the Label. united in aasarriag c.} to Miss CatherineADVERT1 aTNG RATES Roach., who .seat ive.,, him with a t.nns sly of one son and hree daeglseers, l'Tnfc``ionc,i ('ard� tFaec19r1 14 incises, per year $5.(10. • arges, including selling, consuming, having illegally and giving to minor dropped efrom 68 in 1937 to 43 last year. anspnwassmatinsh 'Flit HERALD ZURICH HERALD Establini:»d 19ctd ISSUED EV '1 V wEPNESDAY NOON FROM THE ing the meeting, Late Duncan Hillman The death occurred suddenly of with a niece, Kate MacFaul, has since Duncan Ilillnman, at the home of W.carried on the business. N. Glenn, near Hensall. caused by he.. Wolf Shot by l e mer art failure Deceased was in splendid and conducted a whole .ai:' and retail btisin(:ss. 30 years ago he was sue- ciiaded in business by his sister, who health, complained of internal. pains Geo.' Jacklirt, a fanner just a few t of Cllc ;ley, shot a Jer#;e Decease( had beth won^kin ' fog tintbci^ wvolfe near hi; 'terms and c: 1, d 1't' l Card Ott and shortly afterwards had passed a.,.hies wes 65h .Anniversary ! in Memoriam, one verse 60c, '5c. On. 1)ec. ,30t1s, two highly t_espectet for tea.' n c a .tons verse; to IHarpt.,-hey in a sleigh with. a team Tlannks. r'f1c They recall that; the weather was fine I 'Fierier or Real Estate for sale 5?,i1O1 and the.roads were good. i for first month, $1.00 for each fol• - citizens of .Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs.Ilo„•c..- ausett• Henry Huffman,, observed tires 65111, Auction Sales—$2.00 per sing o4 anniveisary of their marriage. "Ihe insertion if not over four inches In, (lay w;,r ,'?nnt quietly at their home. lenrrth f r 1)r», 30, 1873, Hy. liut'inan of iii�ninv an vnxtia ng made know*, i Ilt:l' it awe., and Mier Annieyare:Mill• 'Dias iaTa iit;atloit. an, daughter of the late Anus sic- "MVilscelleneous articiee of not more !Milian, of Gne'y tease. wt, ! united in algal fosse linen, For Sale. 11) 'RP tit, irlxr:tllG” by Rea. n,I<it'thow 1+'nit .r 'teaseled T,or'5t round, etc., One inset¢'- the. fineratthey manse. 'file young- eo 'beget 't 5e, 2 inn, el 00„ 8 inn. KOs. lir'( a >rena.nhid by the bride's, t'.0 g,fx;reqs all ronims:irticetinns tt�t i'" r r n as i ni! a'a who believed heti farce. lit the teed. e:re ' rn. lr..zr 1 way. g Mt'. Glenn far the past year. The funeral was held from the home of relatives at 'I'hamosville, Institute Meet The regular meeting of the. Senior i?V:rmen's Institute. was hell laet We- Inccciay rise at the home of Mi=a In 'nt, noughts with a good ett' nclance. '1'he pr('s ci:'nt, Mi;; lltr yl Pfaff, pre - ;hied eed onenerl the meeting, the motto "Health. is Wealth" wee ,rl:lv 1 .given by Maude MacLean, following scan' nn(1 st fr' n'•: eianaer 1)r.. 1..11. Ilryce of Zara*, gave a ., ane"care. of the addresson Ctrl^,. t ••a . !gl lz the leneh wee reeve r hibited the carcass of the tei;nal to a large number of interested persons many of Whom had never seen a wolf The animal weighed in the 'neighbor- hood ,of40 and Jael:lin shot it when the dogs, which were running; rabbits, charnel it up past where he was standing. The wolf had been se- en a few 'clays before. A bounty will be paid on, the animal. Mrs. pilillxnm Oke The death occurred on Jan. 11th, o a highly rf, 1 r 'icn oe ys,?... 4e th» hi' "4r^ Wni, tiler, O?t es, •S'he was in after an ext.,nciecl ilInr... her Old d I r.1 v ctt r Hare grit.. a a