HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-01-19, Page 1'V.A. X , .IX • 27 .e Reaeta yip i', y DA l JANUARY 19, 1.79 • the Cheater L. Smith, Pah; $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Adm$ ii.eU LLV $Z MAX QPLAI0444G ome I.Tews1 Foiiow the Local Ads. HA1RDRESS "THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING SALON SPECIALS FOR SPRING Let us quote you. on.. rseeiaas for Spring and Sumner . i Herm rents, that are pleasing and: satisfactory,.. and will give you personality Hair- dressing Salon on rear of store. Far appointments call us by Chine 102 Zurich. ST. PETER'S Evangelical LW:1watt Churc ZURICH _. ONT. 74A, Changeleas Christpier• a Chi.; h g le 'orI Friday, 8h—Luther Lseaguss. Thursday—Choir Practise. SUNDAY SERVICEgt 1t a, m.—German Serails. 11.1b a.m.—Sunday . Scam!. 7.30 p.m.—Engl he -icc Everybody Welcome to ddt Services.' E. TUERICHEIRI„ Pastor. UST COMFORTABI F. GLASSES At REASONABLE MORS OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approve& Method of Eyesight Testing Used.. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. Lenin's There EXETER — ONT. Thursday, Friday, Saturday Double Feature "SPRINGTIME IN THE ROCKIES" "BEG, BARROW OR STEAL" Metro Goldwyn Mayer Picture With Frank Morgan and Florence Rice. Mom, Tues., Wed. "LONE WOLF IN PLAINS"' With Francis Lederer (3..ITTLE MISS ROUGH NECK" With Leo Carrillo and Edith Fellows. DANCING! Lessons on Toe and Tap Dancing will be given at the home of T. DA Meyers, Zurich every Saturday after- noon, be sinning Saturday Jan. 14th Anyone interested, phone 116, Zurich Mrs. Russell Beoderick, LORN Victeria Hospital, on January 15, 1939, to Mr. and Mrs D. G. Turner (nee Margaret Doug- las) 189 Briscoe St., London, a son, Douglas Ian. WATSON—At Hay Township on Jan nary 12th, to Mr. and. Mrs. William BETTY ANNE BEAUTY SHOP We wish to announce to our Cl.ientele that we have added a new wireless Permanent Waving Machine to our Beauty Shop. With this most modern and scientific method you have no weight ar escess- ive heat on your head. Yon are not Connected ta the electicity in any way, and you can have your permanents in from thirty seconds to three minutes time.. We are equipped to give you any permanent your hair requires. See this machine before getting a new permanent. Open Evenings. Phone 159 for Appointments. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Helmet corned beef, per tin Orange Marmalade 32 -oz. jar Heinz spaghetti Med. 2 tins Infant's Food, 2 tins .19c Para Sani -waxed paper roll ... Tuna Fish flakes per tin 15c Huron Toilet Tissue, 7 rolls 25c Puffed wheat, per pkg . . .10c Jean Gorden House Dresses New Patterns and new. Piribts Justin at $1.00. Aprons 29c Mune 140 SPENT ON RELIEF Ottawa — The Social Welfare saws. emphasized, the disturbin fact year, $900,000,000 gill have ';'been ..pent on relief or other unemploym- 4it projects since the systeM Jrnbarked upon. HAY COUNCIL We regret to state that in 01.7,1? last -,eek's issue we somehow made few ...missions in one paragraph of the -Lay Township Council minutea. of .ae January 9th, 1939 meeting... So sie will reprint the paraghaph. That salaries. to be paid to town- ship officials for 1939 be fixed ae fol- ,ows: Clerk-treasierer, for Twp. $360 .for Hay Telephone $350; for 1 Roads $20; Assessor $100 and post- age; Caretaker of hall for transients 25c per meal and 25c for lookiUg af- ter fire; Weed Inspector 30 eel* per hr. for tim.e employed includingetran- sportation; Road Superintendent 30 cents per hour for time employed including transportation; Auditors $20 each InCluding Hay Telephone and Hydro systern, etc. The appointment of John IVIcPride as weed inspector was also onlitted. Presentation On Sunday January 15th, .Vafter the study of the Sunday SchoOIF Les- son in the Evangelical Chureini The Royal Knights Bible Cla,ss elregentea their former teach, Mr. Wan. offer, with a writing set, (iteqsee.s. pen and pencil). Mr. A. Melip is now the teacher of this class. .4' Foiloking is the address: , Royal Knight's Bible Cie Dear William: • Eleven years ago you were gent- ly invited to assume the respell, sbility os teaching our Young 11,16nL elass. leis:ee3UteetitainmetheSeevYeattte. V4 day it has developed into :Fa :Tame We have had splendid felloWship tweether under your leadership. You have not spared yourself but always have given of your .best. You have been a great blessing to us. We ap- preciate very much your jewel dis- position. You have made us feel very much at home in your preseuc. You gave us a fine welcome when we join- ed your class. Alertness for new, me- mbers has been one of your, charact- ,iibtics. These :things will not be forgotten. on have been assigned to under - Your opportunity for service will be just as great as before. You will be able to use your abilities to advant, age under somewhat different circum- stances. However, we want to feel that as you leave us that you are wele-Tne to fellowship with. us in our social gatherings and other ac- tivities of the clase. We do net Want you to feel hat yoe are completely separated ,from -us. You belong to us in the same capacity as th,, other men who are on the teaching staff. We know that we cannot aaequat- Ply express our thoughts and thanks, We want you to receive thi.: gift as an expression of our gratitude. We v,rish for you the hlessing of God in your mew sphere of activity. On behalf of the Class. Thos. Meyers., Prost Lloyd O'Brian, riorramminiumernaniremeareemeneceicastersseee ANNUAL insurance Meeting .. The 64th Annual Meeting of the Policyholders of The Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company Will 'be held in the TOWN HALL - ZURICH MONDAY, JANUARY 30th, 19119 At Two o'clock, pan. BUSINESS 1 --Receiving Reports of the Presi- *dent, Secretary -Treasurer and Aud- itors. 2 ----Election of Directors and Audit- 3—The Discussion of other matters in the interest of the company, John Armstrong, President. Herbert K. Eilber, secretary, ; IVIls.s Anna Deters who spent seine time at Kitchener has returned home Mr. Howard .Klopp is attending the Chrysler school at Stratford - this week. Miss Ion.a Leppington has spent the past two weeks with Mrs. William Leibold of Zurich.—Clinton Newe Record. Mr. and Mrs. Edwad Viesert of near Dashwood were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hess. The Armstrong farm of the Bron- son line north of Blake was recently. sold to two neighbors. Mr. Noah Gin- gerich taking one 50 acres while kr, Allan Steckle took the other 50 ac- res, It is mostly pasture land. Mrs. Percy Weston of Bayfield was taken to Clinton Hospital and oper- ated on for appendicitis on Monday of laet week. The many Zurich fri- ends of Mrs. Weston ere pleased to learn that she is improving nicely. Me manag•ement of the local skating rink are busy trying to build up another good bed of ice, wIlichis. very successful this cold weather. There. will be skating this Thursday evening, and the annual Carnival will be he'd next Friday evening, January 27th. to which the public are cordia1141 Annual Financial Statement The annual financial staternentesef The Hay Township Mutual Fire Ris- en:mice Company for the year 1935 the lossea for the past Year have been COnsiderable more than for some time, owing to a couple of la.rge fires which were heavy losses and the tot- al losses for 1938 are $14,381.35. However, notwithstanding these.losses the Company iS still in a good finan- cial condition. The year closed with a total of 2,063 policies in force, be- ing a gain of eight over the previous year, and these policies cover an in- surance of $8,218,570.00, The treas- urY shows total assets of $55,558.12. The total cost of management is $2,899.53. The unearned liabilities as at the end of 1938 is $1,909.75. The annual meeting of the Compensy will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on ".\slonday, January 30th, 1939 at 2 o'clock, for the transaction of such business as is taken care of at this OBITUARY Former Stanley Recident Dies in Clinton The community was saddened last week at the sudden passing of a for- mer resident, Mr, John McKinley of Clinton. He was a son of the Tate John McKinley and Margaret Clark and was ,born on the McKinley home- stead in Stanley '75 years ago, where he grew to manhood and spent most of his life till he and his wife re- tired in Clinton about 16 years ago, He was twice married, ,first to *Miss Sophia Redmond who passed away leaving one daughter, Mabel, now Mrs. Bart Levis of Clinton, Later he was united in marriage to Miss Lydia Campbell who survives him with one son, J. Elgin, on the home farm, and a dau.ghter, Mrs. Harvey Coleman, Parr Line; Stanley; also 9 grandchildren; two brothers and 8 sisters also survive. Rev. Geo. McKin- ley of London; Mr. Jas. McKinley of Toronto; Mrs, A. Armstong of Sea - forth, Mrs. Ada Knight and Miss Clara 11,1cKinley of Toronto. Mr. 114,c1Cinley always took an act- ive interest in church and mun -ipal affairs, being a valued member of the United chu.r.ch, also serving for a number of years on the. Stanley Co- uncil. The funeral service wliich was lar- gely attended was held in "chsley Willis church, 'Clinton on .‘ezurday, connducted by his pastor, Lane assisted by Rev. 3. R. Peters, or•Vol.- Ilkt, with interment in the family plot 11 ayfi e) cl cemetery, The pallesravers Geo. Watt and Geo. Levis. IIIIPINSIMMIOMMINIMMONGMOSSEIRESOISMIEMOMMESEIMINE411 OPTICAL REPAIR SERVICE Have filled the requirements PHONE YOUR It/ For positive identification o with the Board Of Examiners the World's Finest AnthraciW in Optometry in Ontario. Am in a position to give you quick Service on repairing Spectacles, duplicating Broken Lenses, filling of Specialist A G. HESS JEWELER AND OPTICIAN ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta, Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Briquets. The Roe Farms Milling Ca*. Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid fat .Eggs on a graded basis. Pone 10 - Hensel! 61* • • 24.95 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3 Extra rous s • • • • • • • 1 T AND Take Advantage of this Free Pant Sale Limited time only–Tailored to Measure by Can-, ada's Leading Tailors—Special Reduction on all Goods. da ees EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS P I AR iY G ODS luta We have ail the Staple Lines Found in a Country Store: Comfort Chintz and Bats, Prints, Broad- cloths, Silk and wool Hose, Silk Hose, Men's Socks, Gloves and Caps, Overalls, Smocks, sweat- ers and sweater Coats, Aprons, (Housedresses at reduced prices)... Rubbers, Rubber Boots. Hardware, Ready Mixed Paints and kiarriess Repairs. Fresh Groceries Always on Hand GENERAL lid R 01-3 tv PHONE 11 -97 E3LAKE