HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1939-01-05, Page 8t"'4QE EIGHT ZUOICU HERALD THE STORE WITH THE STOCK At the Threshold of the NEW YEAR, Our thoughts turn gratefully to those whose loyalty and good -will have made the past year so pleasant for us. And we wish to manifest this feeling by the wish that you may have a JOYOUS HOLIDAY SEASON And a Happy and Prosperous New Year SCHO PRODUCE WANTED r �� ,A►. 'l s { PHONE 59 Huron & Erie Debentures CANADA TRUST GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES Any Amount.. for.. $100.00.. and over Accepted 3% per annum, half yearly for 1 and 2 rears • 314% per annum for 3 and 4 Years... 31i% per annum for 5 to 10 Years. Free Information From Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Local Representative - Zurich O•Ms•M609114MO eOaStefr$920t �dF ' r« 8 4;4- e HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE �lir r+�`lll1y t, s ,r 1111 i re e lTa Eli •, 11 111111t1i11111111111111, f x TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH TO EXTEND Season's Greetings AND MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING US ALL PROSPERITY AND HAPPINESS, AND A CON- TINUANCE OF OUR FRIENDLY BUSINESS RELATIONS ST1. WEIDO • + •• • 1 I '!41111 1 I(% rl i 111;iv I Hi it III i II .1111117101-11111111 1111 1111/111111 111l (1 /111/11011 Ill l{ 11, 11111111111 Lux, large pkg, with knitting book free 25c Sodas, 2 lbs. for 25c Aylmer mixed vegetables, per can 15c Cream cheese, pr. lb>• 25c 39c Blue Bell Tea, with cup and saucer, per lb 69c .Peas, 3 cans for 25c Baking Powder in 6 -oz. tumbler, each 1 Oc Club House coffee, per lb. Menno Oesch EGGS WANTED. 11111111111111 III11 IHIIIIHI I1111111111M11HHHIIIIIIHHi0H11111Ht11111110111 II 111HHHIHIII111HI Zurich Phone 165 111111111I10HI111II II1H11111111111 IH11111111111Hh iFENS OF LOCAL INTEREST LOCAL MARKETS Mr. Carl Burn from Milverton, (Corrected every Wednesday) was a holiday visitor with friends 'in Butter, dairy 24 Zurich. Butter, creamery 25 Miss Vera Decker_,of Exeter was .a.' Eggs, dozen .. ,..,.... 25, 23, 21, 16 New Year's visitor with her mother, • Live hens, lb. 8-11 Mrs. Cara Decker. Chickens, live 9-13 Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Walper oe I Ducks dressed t 16 Detroit were holiday visitors with l Geese dressed 14 relatives here. t Turkeys dressed 21 Rev. and Mrs. C. B. Heckendorn l Wheat, bushel 57 and Lois, were holiday visitors wi-th' Oats, bush. ... , . 27 friends at Kitchener. Barley, bush. 40 Mr. A. Melick was a holiday visit- Buckwheat, 'bush. 40 or with his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Flour, cwt. 2.00, 2.90 Lennis Callfas, Kitchener. Bran and shorts, ton 20.00 NIx. and Mrs. Wm. S. Ruby were. Potatoes per bag 50 holiday visitors with their children Hogs, cwt. 8.00 in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hamilton, who have spent the holidays with Mrs. Hamilton's parents, Mr. and Mrs J. Galster, returned to their home my London, Monday afternoon..;.. Mr. Urban Ayotte. from Detroiti,a sick during the Christmas Season, we and Mr. Lawrence :Ayotte from Ass-.' wish to express :our thanks and grat- uraption vacation at the home of their contributions. parents, M'r. and Mrs. Tie -Meld Ayette and, Mrs. Ervin Eckstein. • • • • A ZURiCH -- ONT. e QUALITY PRICE — SERVICE 000al010110• a CARD OF THANKS On behalf of Viola and Pearl Eck- stein. who received numerous beauti- ful gifts and boxes while they were Miss Ruby Siendtick, R. N. and fri- end M. Fred Bell of. Detroit; spent CARD ©F THANK the holiday:at the home 'cif her par Davidson—The widow and; family elite, WITand ‘ Mrs. Albert Hendrick of, theBine Water Highway, south: r? � of the late' • William. Davidson wish to -;, --neatly thank their many friends and Mr and M'rs. Orville' :Steinbach and neighbors for their kindness and syr- son Earl; also Leonard` an.- Carl pathyshown them in their.recent sad Steinbach and friend Harold Thom bereavement.. Also special thanks to son from London, Mir,' and Mrs Th* Rev: R Turkheim and those who so Steinbach were all New Years' visit -,kindly loaned„their cars. ors with their parents, Mr: 'and Mrs. e,e'• — "-- • -- Henry Steinbach of town: 1 a; -CARD OF THANKS Owing to Monday lest_-being,.a holi- day, after New Years, the meeting of the Zurich Branch. .of the Wom: en's Institute has been changed to Monday evening January 9th. The guest speaker will be Mr. C. L. Smith the roll call is "How to..keep a peace- ful family. All ladies are cordially invited. Skating, which is the seasonable and poular sport in Canada at this time l of year is being enjoyed by our young people here in Zurich, as the local management has a good sheet of ice at present with plenty of cold weather. and a good patronage is accorded this place. Back to School School reopened on Tuesday with the former teaching; stat?. The vari- ous scholars attending High, Technic- al and Commercial Schools also went to work on Tuesday, while those at- tending Universities will begin their. lectures on Friday morning. Zurich is represented in three Universities in Ontario: Hugh MacKinnon attend- ing Queens at Kingston; Quimby and Paul Hess Varsity at Toronto arid' Mae Smith Western at London. THE NEW YEARL At this season, namely, Ney Year, we all should take a little time off for thought, what the" past year has meant to us, and what we have have written in the pages of time, in our every day life. If we can look back and go over these pages and find that we are slipping back in ;so - sial of economic life, why then it has been a lamentable failure, but if we can show improvements along these lines, then the past year has been a success. It is a fine thing to take an inventory of ourselves and just see where we stand. No, money alone is not the big thing in life, character, manhood and principle are things money cannot buy, and are far more essential in good citizenship. We trust the new year will bring us all a bounteous supply of all these vital essentials that go to make up a generation that is even superior in our modern standard of civilization. Surely the past year has ;been• good to us, has given us all plenty of our daily needs, we have not become en- tangled in any war, and so why not smile. and look unto 1939 with great. optimism, and 'make the world all the better for us all to live in. We wish to thank all the relatives, neighbors and friends who were so kind during Mrs. Thiel's recent ill- ness, and also thank the St. Peters' Lutheran:' Ladies' Aid for the Christ- mas box they sent her. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thiel. TAKES MANY LIVES Death always the violent compan- ion of holiday gaiety, reached again across the United States during the holiday season, when for the Christ- mas week -end approximately 300 laves were lost, then over the New Year week -end 12.3 was the toll. Aut- omobile accidents took the major toll over 200 for Christmas, while the re- maining fatalities resulted from such. causes as burnings, hunting accidents slaying and train deaths. Last Chr- istmas more than 500 Americans lost their lives when the holiday fell on Saturday. NEW LICENSES Dual warning by London Motor Club and the Ontario Government License Bureau was forthcoming for the benefit of automobile drivers who have not obtained their 1939 ricenses. Drivers a'nd chauffeurs' licenses for the current year expired on New Year's Day and evidently there is some confusion in the minds of the motoring publiie on this score. In- quiries in this connection have been received by the Motor Club who reminded that the 1938 motor veh- icle licenses do not expire until March 31st. Although the car licenses were available Nov. 1st, the Ontario Gov- ernment ruled that the expiration date should coincide with the end of the.,fscal year. In Police Court At Goderich Police Court last Thu- rsday, an appeal of a conviction on a reckless driving charge has been laun shed by David McConnell, Saltford fish peddle and the hearing will be in county court next April. McConnell was found guilty by Magistrate J. A, Makins on evidence that showed he swerved across the road and struck a car driven by Fred Brooks, of Rip- ley. The appeal reportedly is a result of the uncovering of further evidence in the case.—Melvin Hariton, or Ail sa Craig, was arrested by Provincial Cons -table William's on Thursday and rermanded -a week on a charge of stealing a bocycle owned by H. Sch- enk, of Crediton. `hursday', ai1u<li'q 5:th, 11136 h•SMI+.0.PO4,e�b+,044.4,ee.44te'+eeee'hf k die+e,�+ �JeeeeE�•1� r�F freiefe& q + + + 1 Johnston & Kathfleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 I Wf+.44++ 344++++14+44tit44it+++++++dr++}•I+++++++F*+44.42 We are Happy to take this Opportunity of Expressing our .Appreciation • at the Patronage that has been accorded us dur- ing the past Year and Wish one and all for A Merry Christmas A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS New Year 3+lit 4. + + 4. • WE WISH ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND t + + FRIENDS A VERY + + + + Merry Christmas + 4. .. ANDA HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS + + + + dew Year + 4. ' Eckel's'' Bakery Zurich + f . Telephone 100 9+ + + +++++++++++4.4•4.44+444•4.444+++++++444.4-14+++++++++++++4, 4, illialllnnnllllnnnnitlllimin11n111nnlinnnllllllilNialNli11111n1mill1111111111111111111111111nIIIIIIIIIIimiuIII(if9111fh11lIIFliIIIIMla4111IDIIHIII(IINIIiiII unnllli111111111111111IIIInNmiNf polIAs THESE PRICES subject to change without Notice Painting Wagon $7.00 and 10.00 ▪ Painting Buggy 6.00 and 10.00 • Recovering Buggy Top 16.00 and 18.00 • Rerimming Buggy Wheels Set 12o00 Buggy Shaft • Cross Bar • Buggy Reach El ESS, the Repair lean • nnllinllllllin)iRI1LOlt lIIIIIInnnlnnnllnllnlnnl1111111111111111111111InnInUllnnln111H11C4 tttin!#illi„,„,.lnnnnn„„„„„„nlnl111nnlllllll11111111111111nNinnn111ISInIninnllnlnnnl IllnIn1U. Buggy Spokes each 3.00 1.00 1.25 25c a MA$SEY—HARRIS NEWS WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO EXTEND TO OUR CUSTO- MERS AND FRIENDS, OUR HEARTY ■ eason's Tel. Shop 149 0. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 East and West End SERVICE STATIONS