HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-12-28, Page 5;7R#CH, ONTA IIO BUS CARDS - WANTED CASH FlOR. FOX HORSES—Dead animals removed. Two -hoar ser- vice day or- night. Phone Credi- ton 47015, collect. Jack hili- luaus. P: l'. 44-`41 LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlese% - AM IN . A POSITION TO CON - ',duct any Auction Sale, regardlees 11 to size or article to sell. I . solicYt 1010 business, and if not satis a Will Make no charges for. Ren - gored. ARTHUR. WEBER --Dashwood Phone 57 '17'12 VETERINAR.A.N Or. W. B. COXON-`"a Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Mee with Residence, Main Ssreet, Opposite Drug Store Zurichint---96. A. R. Campbell, V.S, B•V.Sc.` Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. Illnesses of domestic imalprinciple treated kr the most ht .$rges reasonable. Alsonig emlls promptly attended to. Also Bre sder of Scottish terriers. Inve Street, Hennes. Office. on Main. Mppoeite Town gall. BUTCHERS ZurichPopular s' MEAN MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept :fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Pricestor Wool, Hides and Skins �. yunghlut & Sou PRODUCE Farm Produce WANTED Have your Eggs ,Graded scien tifically on our approved grad lug Machine which gives the producer every advantage. Also Cream and Poultry. Wm. O'Brien .phone 101, Ree. 94, Zurich Zurich Creamery Your Home Market for Creat Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plt n premium for delivered creat We are equipped to give eft dent accurate service. E and Poultry department • i tharge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellett Prop rietor. 1 N S U R A NN__ Western Farmers' Mutu Weather insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK 'THE LARGEST RESERVE B. ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN M' UAL COMPANY DOING BUSIN7 OF THIS KIND •IN ONTARIO .Amount of • Insurance at Risk on 31st, 1986, $22,891,527.00 Total Cash in Bank and Boni $273,613.47. lltes--$4.50 per $1,000 for $ Y E. F. KLOPP---ZURlC Agent, also Dealer in Ligi� log Rods and all kinds of f lnsurafiar.. 'ut -,oat, 11,0 )id, Your Want, For Sale Founld► Etc. Ade. in this Column. PIGS FOR SALE young pigs ,fore sale, 6 weeks --.Emerson ,Gabel; Bronson line.. ` For Sale A good heater ,stove.—L, Prang & Son, 7.ur1ch. WANTED Organist and Choir Director for St Peter's Lutheran Chupch, Zurich. State qualifications and . salary ex- pected: Duties to cominence January 2nd. Applications to be sent by De- c-etnber 23rd to Mr. Clarence Deters, Zurich, Ont. FOR SALE Ford Pulley for tractor, apply to. Lorne Gingerich, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE A smell Holstein calf for immed- iate sale. -Hy. Clausius, Zurich. ' FOR R SSA l.. f One dozen mixed pullets or would exchange on pair of young pigs. Ted. Leibold, Babylon Line. STRAYED. From the farm of Gilbert Geoffrey at his recent sale, a heifer two years old, black and white. lander please notify Wrn. Dietrich, Zurich. STRAYED. From the swamp pasture, Hay Twp. two yearlings, 1 white steer and 1 red heifer. Finder notify, Roy Swartz, Tel. 21r2, Crediton. . FOR QUICK SALE A used Ferrell Seed and grain cleaner in good condition, elevators, motor and screens complete. Apply to Box 161, Zurich, Ont. sion, ing by Phone right thereon. ey STRAYED Unto my premises, 14th Conces- Hay Township, a red steer com- 2 yrs. old. Owner can have same paying expenses. . Edw. Stirs: 100 r 2, Zurich. LOST A yearling red calf, has slit ir. ear, .tags in ears with name Finder notify, Bruce Tuck R. R. 3, Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE • A 'quantity of choice apple butte: for sale in bulk. Apply to Emmersoi Erb, Phone 973..6. . LOST STRAYED, from pasture farm, o Babylon Line, three head of cattle, 2 ersey end 2 Herefords coming tw years of age. Finder notify, Ea. Gingerich, Phone 22r96, Zurich. • (Member - year, n LS n 1- ;g ""' al kJ' ir- ISS iec s ;ars K Illi• 'ire ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON FROM THE Herald Printing Office of Canadian Weekly New paper Association.) SUBSCRIPTION RATES -31.50 strictly in advance. $2.00 m: be charged. Ne paper- discontinu until all arrears are pain up unle at option of publisher. The date which every Subscription is paid donated on the Label. ADVERTISING RATES In Memoriam, one verse 50c. 2 for each additional verse. Card Thanks 50c. 000 for one Auction Sales—$2.00 sertion if not over four inches length. Miscellaneous articles of not nn than four lines. For Sale, To Be Wanted, Lost, Found, Etc., one sertion 25c; 2 ins. 40c; 3 ins. 50c Contract advertising made km on application. Address all. Communications to HERALD OFFICE, ZURICH, Blocked Traffic The other evening at six o'cl the tender on the engine nulling evening freight from. Goderich,a. at ,Seefor,th, went off the rails the engine was picking up a cal the oatmeal mills, near the ONE tion. For a •tune •the engine 'tom 'ely blocked the north 'and south ff.c from. Main street, as the cit was standing on the crossing the deep snow •prevented cars trucks from making a detour. 1 the engine dragged the tender fat tugh east to clear the crossing, in the effort to put it on the trs it again blocked the way, in it took ;thou!' lino hours. Mrs. C. Eilber has left for Hensall where she intends spending the win- ter menthe with, relatives. Mr. Arson Keller of•Preston en- Joged the weep. -end with his parents, Mr, and;Mn.rCon. Keller, N ,- Claytus Mittleilolte of London is spending the holidays with his brother Ted. 3. 1' Ii ttleluoltz ' axd _ family, Miss Mildred Haberer of London, spent Christmas holidays at the•home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sired ,Haberer, Mr. and Mrs. Dinnin and children of Hensall spent a .very lovely Chv- latmas at the home of the former's son, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dinnin. Mrs. Oscar Koehler of Toronto, is spending some time at the home of' Mr.' and Mrs. Leonard Erb, and other relatives. — Miss Patricia Mittleholtz of Lon- don is holidaying at the home of her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Ted. •Mittie- HE TO.OUR MANY PATRONS AND FRIENDS WE TAKE. THIS OPPORTUNITY ..TO EXTEND 4 Season's Greetings THANKING YOU! holtz, ; ED. J. DATARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR, and TRUNKS AND SUITCASES NOMINATION Public Notice is hereby given that Mr. !and Mrs. Caruthers of London a meeting of the Electors of the Si visited at the home of: Ms- .ar„r Mrs. Municipality of:the Township of .Hay George Hess for the Christmas holi- will be held in the Township Hall, in days. the Village of Zurich, on Friday, Mr. anti Mrs. Carl Burn of Milver- January 5th, 1945, at the hour ton and Miss Mary Merrier 'of E1- from one to two o'clock, p.ni. for the mire were Christmas visitors at the ,purpose of Nominating Candidates home of the latter's parents,. Mr. and for Councillors for the Town- Mrs..J. W. Mesmer. • ship of, Hay for the year 1945, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Maciinmon .of in case a poll is demanded, polls will Ottawa and Dr. Archie Mae1innon ,be opened on. Monday, January 15th, of Hamilton are enjoying the holiday 11945, in the several polling see -div - season at the home of their mother, "isions of the Township as follows: Mrs. A. J. MacKinnon. ;Poll No. 1, Polling ' Place, School Mr. Harry Mefldan�; of the Bron House No. 2; D.R.O., Earl Campbell, Bron- son line, and who has been at See-'. Poll Clerk C. Prouty; 'No. 2 School forth Hospital where he underwent:; House No, 14, S. McArthur, W. R. an operation, has returned home and 'Hell; No. 3, Town Hall, Leroy 0' - is feeling as well as can be expected. Bien, Ervin Schilbe; No. 4 Town The rendering of the Christmas ' Hall, Dan 0.-vald, Albert Ht�s <; No. •Program by the Blake School which 5, School House No. 1'?, t- ban was to Have been held on Saturday A. Pfile, Hilton Truemner; N0 t, evening was postponed owing to the • Pfile's Shoe Store, Dashwood, Clay - mumps epidemic. • , ton Pfile, Arthur Weber; No. 7 Pte. E. J. R. Gemming, U:S.A.A., School House No. 3, Sas. A. SicAlia rendered a lovely Christmas message ter, Garnet Jacobe; No. 8, Jas Masse in song at the' Sunday morning ser- . Dwelling, F. Ducharme, Wirrred Cor - vice in the Evangelical church. This riveau. number was very much appreciated Said Polls will be kept open from 9 and hope to be favoured so again. o'clock a.m. until 5 o'clock p.m. and no longer. Mr.. and Mrs. Ferd Haberer were Saturday visitors to London, their H, W. Brokenshire, Returning Officer daughter, Miss Greta who has a pos- Dated at Zurich, December 27th 1944 �l assay Harms Advise ORDER YOUR MACHINES .EARLY FOR 19451 1 HAVE A FEW CREAM SEPARATORS ,ON MY ALLOT,. TMENT: 550 :to 600 SIZE at $70.75 400 to 450 SIZE t7a $59.50 850 to 900 SIZE $82,75 (LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON TRADE INS.) THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED USERS ASK THE MAN WHO KNOWS.—BUY CANADIAN MADE ARTICLES Tel. Shop 149 Osoar KioppRes MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arm, for Canadian Farm. bi n 1 0 Ea] ition in that city, returned home with , them for the holiday. Mr. C. 0. Smith and sons of the Blue Water Highway and Mr. C. L. St.•Joseph and Beaver Town Smith of town visited their father, Mr. Daniel Smith at Clinton on Sun- • day afternoon and were very nappy On Friday evening in St. Joseph to see him enjoying good health at Parish Hall; a farewell party was this season in his 93rd year. given to Cpl. H. C. Ducharme, who Miss Cecelia Hartman and brother, .has since left for Debert, Nova Sco- Victor; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Masse and tis.. Cpl. Ducharme was the recipient baby, baby,Mr. Mr.d Mrs. Avila Ducharme of a gold bracelet donated by his fri- and anti Mrs. Blaise Du chaeme all of Wind -or; Cpl. Hubert ends and presented by Rev. Father Ducharme of British Columbia; Miss Martin, from whom a very touching Patricia Jeffrey of Detroit, were Sun - address was read Cpl. Ducharme day visitors at the home of Mr. and then replied as follows: Mrs. Kuno Hartman, Goshen line Dear Friends: south. OBITUARY Indeed, I -teem it' an honor a ed of is 5c of n. tri ire nt, in - Late John Love ; to me to have been given a party on Mr. John Love, prominent farmer the eve. of my departure. z must of Stanley Township died in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on; first thank Father Martin for his fore Tuesday 26th of December, with a ` thought in placing the parish Hall at fractured skull, result of an accident' my disposal. I must thank my relat- Havin•g been taken to the hospital on Friday last. He was in his 48th year! Ives and friends wlio have answered and was well known in the common-' the call. I must also thank the o- ity in which he lived, and was highly : chestra; and with my whole' heart thought of. Was a member of Car and soul, I thank all for the part mel Presbyterian church, Hensall, and leaves to mourn his loss, his they have taken in presenting me so widow, the former Pearl 1lcEiride; 3' precious and valuable a gift. Though daughters, Mrs. Harold Jones, (Mar- . in the not too far future, I may be garet) of Hensall ; Mrs. Westlake, separated from you by many miles; (Jean) of Bayfield; Edith at home; two sons, Timmy, and Wayne two I can assure you that, niy thoughts years of age. One son Allan died and heart will many tines be wilt. in Victoria Hospital, London, a few My home Parish, my Parish Priest, weeks ago with infantile paralysis. Two brothers, Stanley and Jini Love, and my many relatives and friends. two sisters, Miss Agnes Love of I ask a prayer from you for my safe Stanley and` Mrs. Huxtable of Cen return in your midst. trails. wn ock, the vhile while r at sta- plet- tra- gine and sand ater r en - ;but, nekst all G ••: •? `sad IS CHRIST the centre of your CHRISTmas ? --"Behold, 1 :bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. Luke 2: 1.0, 11. The Best GIFT of all: --"The gift of God is eternal life throe h Jesus Christ our Lord.— Rom. 6: 2... --GOD so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Jn.3 :16 TUNE 1N: PILGRIMS' HOUR 7-7,30 E.D.S.T. SUNDAY EVENING. Old-fashioned Revival Hour rebroadcasts on many stations at carious times. CHAS. E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGLES, 53, CAL. Mut'oal Network, Sundays. Loeal Station, CKLW, Windsor WORLD CHURCH NEWS The Rev. W. J. Galliger, B.D., D.D., secretary of the recently organized C,tnad ". iait ,Committee of the World Council of Churches, is shown here at a CBC m'tsrophone in Toronto as he broadcasts his weekly budget of 'World Church News' He is heard Monday, at 4,80 p. EDTm• . over the Trans -Canadian network. Dr. Gallagher reports on , everything from church conferences in this country to the part Christian youth is playing In the resistance movement of occupied countries, us- ing only eurrent, topical material tor his fifteen minutes on the air. eSNAPSNOT BUIL Above: Realistic, but a fake, easy with any camera. Inset, left, shows how to fake a scooter "wreck." Just use concealed pegs or props, pose subject as desired. •"TRICI pictures?" you say; "on,, I can't take those. Mine is just an ordinary camera." There you're wrong. Splendid trick snapshots can be taken with any camera—whether it's a simple, inexpensive box camera or one of the finest cameras made. Consider the snapshot above. It looks like the sort of thing that de- mands a fast "action" camera and lots of picture luck. But don't be fooled. The picture was posed. The horse was stuffed, and hung on a peg. And the camera used was a simple amateur type such as thou• sands of es possess. Probably you don't have a stuffed horse. But if :your son has a bicycle or "scooter" you can picture a spill just as realistic as this one. Simply rig up the child's vehicle to a tree, showing it in a cockeyed, off -the - ground position see that the sup- » ports are concealed. Let your sub- ject pose as it he had just toppled off—and snap the picture. Photo tricks with string or thread are fun. Try a "magic golf club" shot. Just use light -weight thread, and suspend one of your clubs from a tree branch, in pfoper striking position. Hang a ball a few inches in front of the club head. Now, have a friend pose as if hypnotizing the club into action—and shoot. If you• use thread which is about the sante color and tone as the background, it will not show. • Thread also can be used for trick shots indoors. Thus, yon can show your wife "hypnotizing" a vase of fiowers right off the table—or beck- oning her sewing basket to her through the air. Just use dark thread to suspend the objects, and shade your photo lights so the thread is not iiliiminatr•,cl. Try these tricks now—and well tell you of some others juvt as easy, next week. 224 4., his van Guilder