HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-12-21, Page 8ZURICH, ONTARIO ' ZURICHt MAID X00 X00 o Visit Gascho's Store here the Spirit of hrist as Prevails While it is not possible to show you as large a range of Christmas Goods as in former years, .we have been fortunate in securing a fair assortment of lines suitable for Gifts for everyone. We can only mention a few: Chenille Bed Spreads, Wool Blankets, Fine Wilton Mats, Pillow Cases, Buffett Setts, Runners, Fancy Table Cloths, Sweater Coats. A FINE ASSORTMENT* of Glassware, Setts, large decorated Vases, Etc. We have everything in Men's Wear, but supply in some lines very limited.... An excellent range of Scarfs, Ties, Suspenders, Etc. SPECIAL FOR BOYS AND GIRLS A large supply of Educational Painting and Story Books, Story continued on every page and pictures to be painted. Some of titles are: Heidi, Goldilocks, Tom Thumb, Sleeping Beauty Cender- ella, The Three:Musketeers. Prices from 10 to 30c. Dinner GROCERIES • We carry eyerything available in Fresh Groceries at all times. Have a fair Supply of Christmas Nuts, Calif. Wal- nuts, Soft shell Almonds, No. 1 ' Pecans -and raw shelled peanuts. Get your supply Early! Gascho Bros. RICH TELEPFIONE: 59 ZURICH a oU� 11. ,.•••••44•••4••••4••••••• •••••••••••••••44••••••••• • • MILKING MACHINES • • • 4 4 • . • :' • • • • • • • • • Huron- Farmers' Cu -Operative • • HENSALL, Phone 115. • •ai+••••••••••••♦•••••••• • The United Farmer's Co -Operative Co., Toronto, I has recently taken over the manufacture of the famous Universal Milking Machine. Before purcb- • asing, give us a call. Poultry Feeds, Concentrates, Cedar Sh'iYigles, fence Posts, Coal, Motor Oils, Etc., on hand at ail times. R. 5. COOPER, MANAGER • • • • • • • ♦ • s ♦ 4 MN•N••••esesse sc000••e •*••'6s•+•�cAr w • HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE asamplefENIMISIMI 111111111411111►llnit.l1 1 i � I ' �' 1'M. 111/��4,�11►�����=� Y �; ii�'%`��i lllll,-`;� ,'iI r.,�!.. TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH TO EXTEND Season's • Greetings AND MAY THE NEW . YEAR BRING US ALL PROSPERITY ANIS HAPPINESS, AND A CON- TINUANCE OF OUR ' RiENDLY • BUSINESS RELATIONS acs 'ZURICH - QUALITY »- PRICE 'ONT. SERVICE 1 1 • 'Ge '"'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillillllllllllllllllllllllllll,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllll li I L'i!i;' Ea ill !ill i imimm uu uu> uoumm immi i m s ilp ail imusiiiliuuli ipiliminiil alai iillliui!uliili iiuiuiiimulimullull!II ZURICH'S Grocery Store At this time of Year we can give no greater or more impressive mess• age to " our Many Customers than by Extending a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR. Menno Oesch - Zurich PRDUCE WANTED. , Phone 165 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST i LOCAL MARKETS Rev. C. B. Heckendorn spent Tues- ...... ues t Corrected every day in. Kitchener. Eggs rrect ......., .: . Pte. Charles Thiel has returned to Butter per lb. Halifax after a ve1y pleasant visit Chickens, dressed` at his home with his family. Ducks, dressed' The many friends of Mr. Geese d'ressed' Morris Weber who is at present in Wheat bushel' ........, the Clinton Hospital, wish him a spe •Oats, bushel ecly recovery. {'" Barley,.-,. buds., Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Foster of De- Buckwheat;, bush. . , troit were recent visitors';"vyith Mrs. Foster's parents, Mr. and:Mrs. Louis Weber of town. The Blake IS,chool Christmas !Con- cert will be held in the Zurich Town Hall this Saturday evening, to which the public are heartily invited. Miss Rose Albrecht of Brucefield and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. .Scotchmer and family of Bayfield were Sunday lust visitors, with Mr. and Mrs. John Albrecht of town. Engagement Mr. and Mrs. D. A. 'Campbell, of Durham, -Ont., announce the engage- ment of their daughter,' Jessie Eli- zabeth,' to Pte. Ross -F. Uttley, O.C., son •of Mr. and Mrs.' Herbert Uttley, of Zurich, the wedding to take place in.the near future. Removing Equipment Mechanics 'are at !present.in Gode- rich removing refrigerator•'ecluipm- ent from Sky Harbor. It is said to be in great .demand and is earmarked for Ottawa. Its ,.removal marks the fust stage ,af demolition at the, tot- NET PROCEEDS $250.00 port,The net proceeds from the concert Engagement and dance put on by the Exeter Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd England an- Agricultural Society for the pur- nounce the engagement of their dau- pose of raising money for the erec- ghter, ,Ruth Elma, to -Sergeant Cyril tion of a .new grandstand will be in Wellesley Sisson, son of Mr. and Mrs the neighborhood of $250.00. The Clifford Sisson, of Watford, the directors of the society were divided marriage to take place December 30 into two groups for the sale of tick - in the Evangelical church at Crediton tick- ets with Nelson Stanlake and Preston • Dearing is captains, the losing side to provide a supper. The tickets sale exceeded the capacity of the Exeter Arena inhere the concert was held but the worst storm of the visited. the section that day. Stanlake's group won. Fl Sh M Wednesday) 31, 29, 22- 38 238 .......... act to20. 25c 24 ... , . , 1,09 50c 73 70 our;. cwt.. , 2.60, 2.75 oris: and bran, ton .. ,30.00 iddlliasgs,. ton 32:00 FISH EXPORT RECORD Ottawa — 'The Fisheries Depart- ment said that exports of fish prod- ucts are reaching to new records in d•olliaar value. Shipments during the 10 months ending Oct. were worth $52,019,000, nearly $6,600,000 a- bove the ,figures for. Jan. -Oct. re- presented $2;317,000 -an increase of '$400,000. SCIENCE NOW KNOWS WHY LADIES MUST CRY Is the "weaker sex" merely a trad- ition, or do women actually, feeL,,pain more than men? Cleverly` "torture tests", described: American Weekly with this'; (!Dec. '24) issue sof. The Det day Threes, reveal new facts' { ' out sensitivity to suffering , :, Well will settle a lot of old argureents. ' Get Sunday's Detroit ,Sunday ''Dimes! d In Midst of Winter. - Old King winter has surely .set in to stay with the big Piles -of .snow at places, and the going on ;the roads is quite heavy with the Continuous ground drifting. Some cry high banks have been piled tali by the TURKEY SHIPMENTS snow plows who are doing -a good job Ottawa — The Agricultural Dep- af it, but the higher the piles the deeper will be the drifting in on the next storm. Really we are in -the midst of winter! HAD BANQUET ' The father .and son banquet at Zion Evangelical church, Crediton, was a splendid success. Ninety-four fathers and sons sat clown to the well prepared fowl .supper sponsored by the Ladies' Aid. Special numbers from No. 9 S,F.T.S. and Milverton were enjoyed. Rev. F. M. Foist, a former .son of Zion Evangelical church., -added to the program the. theme ."When is a Man Grtwn Up." The proceeds from the supper will be used by the Ladies' Aid for. much needed medical supplies in the Ottawa Valley district. OBITUARY season Nelson a1e, artment said that from Dec. 1 to Dec 13th about 2;2180,000 pounds of tur- keys have been shipped in 76 railway cars -froth the Prairie Provinces to Eastern markets, compared with 50 cars or about 1,150,000 last year ov- er the same time. Lt said, supplies of turkeys from Eastern :farms are not too good but this year there are more chickens of better quality. The ceiling price of turkeys to the con- nmer in Ontario and Quebec is• 451/1.1 cents ,a pound for Grade •A birds. Birds of lower grade are worth less on the market. GODERICH MAYOR HONORED Goderich — Completing 20 years of public life during which time he held every elected office in the gift.of eitizensl'ip of Goderich, councillor, deputy reeve, reeve and mayor. May- er Robert E. Turner who i4 ft Jrorrner • Stanley Township boy, said his vale- dictory at the ,final town council o f the year. His worship thanked his colleagne.s and dill concerned for their co-operation. He said the town. would have a healthy surplus this year that there was -plenty of money to meet the municipalities current obligations so that the new year night be started with a clean sheet. Timms.day, December 21ist, 1944 44.44407+4444.144444.43,44441.0 .1614.0001.10.1440.491.444.00,10 4 • 4 • 4, 44 4. 4. Merry Christmas a A HAPPY AND, PROSPEROUS NewYear 4 Johnston & Kalbfieisch $r Hardware & Furniture: Phone 63 '''+444444444+444444444444444+*+++++++444+44444444441 We are Happy to take this Opportunity of Expressing our .Appreciation. at the Patronage that has been accorded us dur- ing the past Year and Wish one and all E _ i Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING - and .CO. Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) Willialm Consitt Passes William Co:,..i t, prominent Hen - resident, died at his hoane Sat- iny following en illness of a few weeks in his Rf th year, Be was born 'in Stanley Township and farm- ed , ,tean ively in Hay Township 00 the Parr Line, near l illsgreen, tak- ing up residence in 1'-lensall 18 years ;ago. Mr, Consitt was a' Conservat- ive, foranevl,f on +n,e, board of direct- oe,; "ori ,,,tu :.!iron Agricultur- al Striety, at o,u; time served as wee r".o , was coun-eillor of i -lay Towm,hi•p council for some years. and for mi'nv y'i„ s a Director of the Hay Mutual Fire Insurance Compaxy. A me *flu., t .„ "dfasonic Lodge, el - so of Ilei: ,tt Uni!•ed Clhurch; a urv- Are his widow, the fornner Flora Sreith, two ziAorP,, Mrs. Sarah Cole-. moan, Seef man Ar aftie C-orrsitC, IienS .11. 1',,t i,r. funeral service was held at the family aesidence On Tues- day r p \ .rL! interment in the Bayfield Cemetery, SALARIES FOR MINISTERS Huron :Presbytery of the United Churc::, met at Egmondville, ap- proved a recommendation of Rev. R. A:;, I;, r.1 , r Th., of the pastoral rc lations committee' that efftrts be con- tinued to secure an increase in stip- end until $1,800 -is reached' on ail charges; al:v that calls issued' to ministe'>r for less than the minimum of $1,80 be passed,on tb the settle. Ment col rxtattee, .without the' enders- ation of Ate. preshytery. Robert Wat- son, repos Ln; for the laymen of Hur- on Presbytery, also recommended that c ech charge pay if possible, 'the minim, of $1,800. • • ••••••••••••••••••••••s••r ••••••••11•••••i•••••••io .♦ a 1 YOUR WINTER'S • FUEL i Colas Days will soon be here which will demand the most suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment. Let us fill your bin while prices are Iowest. FEEDING "'MOLASSES It is some considerable time since this all important ` product has been on the market... But we were fortunate in securing a supply. Also have Cod Liver Oil, ..Etc. for Live Stock. Get your supply Now!.. • • • • • • • • • 1 I PLOW POINTS --- REPAIRS We carry a complete Line of International and • other kinds of Plow Points, Sole Shoes, Landsides, • Etc., for all makes of Plows. ..Let Us Serve You! L. Schilbe Soni • Bre•Q +. root %aira.ehee°dsztl: ampoc moa CSsosoi 1 1 PAPER iS -DAILY BECOMING SO = RCER And restrictions about its use are getting more stringent. It is therefore necessary that all sub- scribers to this paper who are in arrears should bring their subscription at least up-to-date. • - Our supply of paper each week is becoming very limited and as new names are being added, who have paid in advance, we are obli<ied to remove such names as are in arrears on onr list. The label on your paper shows the date to which your subscription is paid. If it•requ res attention please attend to it NOW.! THE ZURICH HERALD