HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-12-21, Page 6• r "LETITIA" MAKES MAIDEN VOYAGE The newly commissioned Canadian hospital ship "Letitia" arrived at a British port recently, to load her first complement of wounded, repatriated and returning services personnel. Picture at top shows Sgt. Wiliam Cox, Woodlawn, Ont., Canadian Army Film and Photo Unit cameraman, wounded while "shooting" newsreel pictures at Falaise, with Nurse M. McIlwaine, Halifax, N. S. on the staff of the "Letitia". Bottom picture shows the new hospitial ship tied up to her dock in a British port. The ship has air-conditioned' wards, two operating rooms, an X-ray theater and every convenience of a modern hospital. Christmas Obligations When the cold comes in De- cember All the feathered folk remember, Spruce and basalm each invite You to make their Christmas bright, Sunflower disks from harvest bins, Dumplings made of suet skins, Figs and currants pips and•seeds Welded like to molten beads, Cocoanut shells, pudding stuffed, Dainty scraps in boxes cuffed, All should deck their Chirstmas trees, For icy blasts in wintry sprees Qf peppery sleet and wicked gusts ,Snatch and spoil their meager crusts. Ruffled sparrows, email and gay, test beneath the Christ Child's sway. ;aTo man dare deny them gifts, to ease the scourge of Arctic drifts, So each and all must fashion cakes For wild birds, as the Yuletide breaks. o -F. B, M. Collier in Our Dumb mals. British `Balloon Girls' Given Ground Jobs Three hundred British "balloon girls" have a new ground job. They are to look after bomb -damage re- pairmen instead of barrage balloons. From hauling "blimps" they go to cook pies, cut sandwiches, and make beds for the men, who, -irom dawn to dusk, are engaged in a .race with the winter rains. Plumbers, glaziers, carpenters, and bricklayers for whom they will car come from the farthest corners of Britain to patch Lon- don's damaged houses. Some of them 'are working a 80 - hour week. They live in 'hostels hastily prepared for them by the :Women's Volunta y Services, When the Ministry of Labor ap- pealed for airwomen volunteers for work in these hostels they had shore offers than they could cope with. Successful candidates get residential jobs as housekeepers, cooks, waitresses, maids, ' and cleaners. They are released from the air force for three months to become temporary civilians with wages from $0 to .$24 a week. The lute is an ancient stringed ' miusical instrument derived from the Arabs. `Invisible' Hitler The Stockholm Aftontidningen said in an article reported recently to the Office of War Information that posters appeared in the streets of Berlin Nov, 28 declaring: "The . more the enemy shows himself, the more invisible becomes the Fuhrer (Hitler)." BREENATONE Health Salts Positively Does Relieve Arthritis and Rheumatism Pnlnrul, swollen Joints reduce mutter how long you have suffered. One mouth'>M supply $1.00 postpaid from INDIAN REMEDIES, Box 118, Vancouver, B.C. Here's Speedy Relief For `'ceder, Aching, .Burning Feet Your feet may be so swollen and inflamed that you think you can't go another step. Your shoes may feel as if they are cutting right into the flesh. You feel sick •all over with the pain and torture; you'd. give anything to get relief. Two or three applications of Moone's Emerald 011 and in a few' minutes the pain and soreness dia. alip ears. No matter how discouraged you have been, if you have not tried Emerald Oil then you have some- thing to learn. Get a bottle today at all druggists. Headache Nothing is more depres- sing than headaches... Why suffer?..,Lambly',s will give instant relief. Lambly's isgood for ear- ache,too thache,pains in 9 back, stomach, bowels. Naafi WILLIAMS CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM r . / quickly relieves soreness, stiff neck and other ailments caused by exposure to weather conditions Aches and pains disappear with one application sWAMS CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM, Se a e, a dint Mara We recommend the immediate purchase of LOBANOR Gold Mines Limited (No Personal Liability) NOW DIAMOND DRILLING ON No. 1 Property — Shebandowan Lake, adjoining Bandolac Gold Mines Ltd, to the West. No. 2 and 3 Properties lie astride Destor-Porcupine Fault, west of Beattie Gold Mines Limited. To -day's Price 30c Per Share Dull. Particulars Upon Request or Your Broker, or Purchase Through Your Bank .. S LIMITED LOBANORLOBANORGOLDGOLDIVIIN MINES Suite 318, 331 Bay St., Toronto, Ont. WA. 6276 WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Plastics Such terms as "synthetic resin" and "low-pressure lamination" may not mean much to the average citizen; but they are going to Mean a lot hi his daily life . after the war, says The Chicago News. One of the big chemical com- panies announces that it has deve- loped a 'mew synthetic resin• plastic capable of being molded under low- pressure lamination process into articles of virtually any size or shape, Up to now, mass production of nloided plastics hale been re- stricted to relatively small objects —radio cobinets, intrument hous- ings, handle knots, trimmings and small sheets, tubes and shapes; Under the new system :a fabric tore, tailored to the proper shape, is impregnated with the plastic, A Christmas Carol Everywhere everywhere, Claris tinas tonight! Christmas inlands of the Fir tree and pine,' Christmas to lauds of the Paha tree .and vine, Christmas where snow peaks stand solemn and white, Christmaswhere corn fields lie sunny and bright. ';Bverywbere, everywhere, Christmas tonigllt. --Phillips Brooks under heat and pressure, making possible three-dimensional molds of bathtubs luggage, boats, fur- niture, wall panels, automobile fenders, or trailor bodies, Transparent pasties will preserve the color and pattern of the fabrics. Colored plastics will provide a wide range of permanent finishes. Ceramics, wood and metal will face the competition of a new and highly flexible material. BRITISH LIBERATE EINDHOVEN • Picture shows a/ scene in Holland as' Bren carriers and "Ducks" carrying British troops made their way forward in the big advance from the Beligian border through Holland to Eindhoven, AGEN'J S WANTED MEN AND WOMEN IN TOWNS TO handle the sale of 200 guaranteed products on a part time basis, Very attractive proposition. Par- ticulars, Xmas Pamphlet, Cat- alogue FRED on request; FAM - ILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal AN ULD ESTABLISHED CHICK hatchery wants agents In cer- tain localities in Canada to take orders for chicks in your 'spare time. The commission is good and the chicks are well and fav- ourably known. Write for full details Box No. 182, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. BABY CHICKS 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVERY ORDER OF 100 PUL - let chicks, we give 100 free chicks ,(our choice). Leghorn pullets 2 9 819 6 100, barred Rock pul- letsock Pullets $24.95 per r 0 00.BrownRleg-- horn Pullets $24,95 per 100. All chicks sold backed by high egg pedigreed stock. $1.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. Kent Ha�t„ch- ery, Chatham, Onta;rie. ....--�., BRED TO LAY, LAYING AND ready to lay pullets for Rimed - late delivery. Barred Rocks New Hampshires, White Leghorns,': Hy- brids. .Also booking orders for day old chicks. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. BUY GOVERNMENT APPROVED CHICKS EVERY BREEDER GOVERNMENT banded and blood -tested. Avoid disappointment by ordering your chicks early. Write for 1945 prices, and catalogue containing the proper brooding and methods used in raising better poultry. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS Monkton, Ont, $1.00 BOOICS YOUR ORDER ORDER YOUR 1945 CHIUJOS NOW, and not be disappointed. Ali chick's are from guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 05 oz. eggs or better. Barred _Rocks mixed $12.00 per 100, White Leghurns mixed $11.00 per 105. Barred Rock . Pullets 310.UU " per 11U0, white Leghorn k'ullets2. 0 r 100, white Reeks mixea u per 100, white Hock Puneis $24.00 per 100, Brown 1tgnerns mixed 313.00 per 100. Brown leg horn pullets $24.011 per luu. We guarantee 109'70 live delivery, balance paid L.0.D. Maple City Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. BARRED ROCK, NEW HAMP- shire, white Leghorn and Hybrid Pullets for immediate delivery. Also booking orders for 1045 chicks. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. , EGGS AND MEAT ARE THE TWO cash sources or poultry income, get our calendar and pricelist and learn why our high egg rec- ord, large bodied birds will make more money ror you. Big Reek Farm, Mille Roches, Ont. Box W. ESTIMATE OR COUNT THE white beans in a Crown Imperial Quart Jar. Send us your estimate and you have a chance of winning • $50.00. Send for complete details of • This contest and also ask for early. order and early booking pricelist. if you want better chicks — Cor greater profits—and of course you do—Tweddle Chicks Will be your choice. Why? Because,Yor 19 years Tweddle Hatcheries .Bate ons consist- ently clone everything pas,; safeguard .your interests. 7tead about, the success our 1044 cus- tomers had with Twaddle chicks. You too can have the same' suc- cess. Send for catalogue, contest folder and pricelist today. Alsp laying and ready to lay pullets for immediate delivery. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW. AND YOU ARE UUAILa.NiJOBL. your chucks for next spring when you want them. Barred ltuek _nixed $12.U0 per 100, white lee horns mixed $11.00 per 160, Bar- red Rock Pullets $13.U0 per 3.00, white Leghorn pullets :¢2e,uu per 100. Heavy Breed Crus. $6.00 per 100. Leghorn ekla, $1.uU per 1UU. All chicks hatened Drum 06 oz. eggs or wetter and from special mated flunks, Guaranteed 1UU% live delivery. }LOU gooks your order, 04411100 C.O.U. Euluoow tlasenery, Chatham, Ontario, DO A BETTER JOB—IOELP HOLD our markets, Bold our markets— that's the thing! How can that be done? Better quality is a "must" in the poultry industry. Top Notch chickens can help you• do a better job. They are all • from Government Approved hloodtested breeders that have been tieing, a •good Job for.our• customers for years. stead what., our customers have to say about, Top Notch Chicks. You can save; money by placing your order early. Send for early booking pricelist and catalogue. Also lay in. and ready to lay pullets for immediate delivery. Top Noteh Chiclterios, Guelph, Ontario. xa .,Ie 60EE .CIl101is OUR FOUNDATION STt;CK. 15 register ed and pedigreed birds. Nothing better in Cunuua. Order now. Prices tor mixed baby chicks, males and females Bar rad Rocks, $1.2,00 per hundred; White Loglrorns•,' $11.00; While _locks, $10.00; Brown' Loghurns, M"13.00, Pullet pines: Burred ocks, $10.00; While Leghorns, 22.00; White Books, $24.00; Brown Lei;horns, $24.0U. 25 Tree. chicks, our choice, will be given for each 200 mixed chick order- ed and 25 free clicks for earn 100 day old pullets ordered Goddard Chieit Hatchery, Cir( -:t, tannic Heights, Ontario. BABY CHICKS ALL SIGNS POINT TO HEAVY spring .ordering of chicks, so our advice is to order now. If you have the right equipmenttake delivery January -February and get the early order discount. Get in touch with us for prices. Some pullets. BrayHatchei•y, 180 John N.. Hamilton, Ont. DV EINE .'0 CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment FI, Pe:ricer's Dye Works Limited, 791 Tonga Street, To- ronto. IPOR SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, : sold, rebuilt; b el t s, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd., 2326 Dufferin St., Toronto. CANADIAN GROWN SAGE for sale, $1.15 per pound. Postage prepaid. McGuigan's Orchard, Cedar Springs, Ont. WINDSOR TURRET LATHE FOR SALE, 2% -INCH CAPACITY, now operating. 650 Runnymede, Toronto. REGISTERED BEAGLE PUPS, springer spaniels, a 1 1 ages, promptly shipped; 60 young reg- istered Southdown ewes, good service rams. Peter Porter, Bur- ford, Phone 280. AIRDALES, BOSTONS, COLLIES, Wire Fox, Cockers, Dalmations, many others, 4323 St. Dominique, Montreal, P.Q. BOSTON TERRIER -REGISTERED Male, six months old. Apply Wil- liam Conlon, R.R. 2, Tillsonburg. COCKER SPANIELS, CHOICE PUP - pies, blacks, reds, part_ colored, champion blood lines. Shipped on approval. Dr. Watson, Howiek, Que. BOSTON TERRIER PUPPIES, pedigreed 9 weeks. Miss M. La- londe, 1354 Torrance, Montreal., GERMAN SHEPHERD MALE PUP pies from 3-5 months. Champie ship stock, Home of 1944 Ge Victrix. Tammalar Kenn Grimsby, Ontario. FOR SALE COMPLETE SAWMILL, 10 TO 15 - thousand ,capaclty, ready to go. Steam tractor, power -edger, cut- off, etc. Will consider part cash, part lumber. Contact H. V. Zim- merman, Manager, at Pinewood, Ontario,. or write Pennington Lumber Co. (Canada) Ltd., Birn- amwood,' Wisconsin. 100 ACRES. CLAY LOAM, LEVEL, 15 acres hush, good drainage, two storey brick house, 2 barns, good water and roads, 3 miles from West Lorne. Good market for cash crops. Price $6,500. Discount for cash. Box 190, 73 .Adelaide St. W, Toronto HOTEL AND 13 LARGE COTTAGES on 5 acre point on Lake St. Louis, 16 miles west of Montreal. 'Un- usual bargain, exceptional terms of sale. Send for illustrated de- scriptive circular. Montreal Loan and Mortgage Co., 275 St. James St., Montreal. BREEDER TURKEYS, NARRA- anset and genuine broadbreasted bronze from government tested stock. Males up to 25 and 30 lbs. December delivery. Glendon MoDonell, Greenfield, Ont. FOR SALE—CLYDESDALE GELD- ing and filly rising 3 to 4 years. Apply John A. Wallace, R.R. 2, St. Paul's, Ont, FARM MACHINERY FANNING MILL (KLINE) SEED Grader, Farmers highly recom- mend, aslo screening. Kline Manu- facturing, Box 124 Weston, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE. $12,000-100 ACRE FARM," LAKE frontage situated on. No. 3 High• way near Palmyra, Ont. Tiled about every 4 rods to lake. Good buildings and very good soil. Apply to Box t, Glencoe, Ont, 175 ACRE FARM, 6 MiLES FROM Exeter, sandy loam, all under cultivation, no waste land, abund- ance water, 70 acres Fall Wheat, Brick house, hydro telephone, banked barn 70 by 4b, 2 concrete silos, poultry house 60 by 40, three floors, capacity 4,000 lay- ing or Ing hens, tool shed, 1 acre -. chard. Price $12,000. Apply to W. E. Reid. Box 103, Chatham, Ontario. TOY POMERANIANS REGISTERED' real beauties. Ducal Kennels,' 2278 Meighen Rd. Sub 15, Sandwich East. JERSEY BULLS FROM SILVER Medal Dams, by our AA Senior Sire Edgeley Standard Noble Lad, classitied very good, by the Silver Medal Sire Brampton Jester's Standard 2nd. Reasonably, priced. Vaughan Acres Limited, RR. 2, Maple, Ont. FIVE REGISTERED SHORTHORN bulls, 9 to 12' months, $100 and up. J. D. Jackson, kiarriston, Ont. PEDIGREED ANGORAS $8.00, NO pedigree $5.UU. Mrs. Alex Birley, RR. 2 Paris: PUREBRED DUCKS, DRAKES, large beautiful Rouens, $6.00 trio, $2,25 each; Indian Runners $4.00 trio, $1.50 ea c h. Jacobson's, Beatty, Sask. FOR SALE PUREBRED TOU- louse Geese bred from show stock either sex 38.00. R. H. Bickle, R.R. 2, Tavistock, Ontario. BROWN FERRETS, SURE HUNT- ers, young males $5.00, young 'females $6.00, yearlings $7.00. Armstrong Bros., R..R. 1, Paris, Ont: REGISTERED YORKSHIIRES HIGH quality,- serviceable boars, either sex, five months, bred and open sows,• seven weeks either sex. Earl Quinn, Metcalfe, Ontario. TWO CARLOADS, WELL BROKEN Draft horses, Percherons, Bel- gians, 4 to 7 years old, weighing 1600 to 1700 lbs. Appiy Boss E. Matlock., Box 20, Gornto., bask. POULTRY GRITS BUY CANADIAN UIRI'TS AND SAVE 25%, and produce better eggs. We have available for immediate shipment in carload lots or less, • white solbable (28% Calcium, Carbonate and white insoivable (aver t0% Silica). Agents want- ed. Write fur prices and samp- les, STINSON REEB SUPPLY CO., LTD. WAS _)eaorliuier Ave., • theatres_, (toe, 44 ACRES BLACIC SAND, GOOD land. Good building, 38.6110. half cash. Mike li.rictaiuslu, 1t,IR. 5, Tilbury North, SAW YL61t &.. MASSJIIY', 25 ha), steam 'engine, good running condition. P.O. Box 386, Smiths Falls, Ont, SNOW PLOUGH, V type with side wing, mounted on White Truck. Richter Truck & Auto 1•'tu'ts, 87.4 Wellington St, i4Iontreat4, Que. PAST U1R.V 351h'UUti S --.A.1.10 A L I'A ALFALFA sI0; DONT. GROWN DON'T WAIT: 01101211 NOW. Quantity limited, secure your re- quirements while it lasts, . of hardy, adaptable home grown 'seed of high purity and germ- Inat!on,. positively the best seed. We have over offered, Fancy No, 1 Government graded seed 870 per jioaind delivered; samples on. request.. Also hybrid 'seed corn, pasture mixtures, registered outs, beaks and peas. Wo supplied the Ontario De pa lenient of Agri cul- tur o du in r 1044 .with special revs land . clover :coda Apply to: W lee: _;rid, ilex 100. Chatham. Ontario. HAIRDRESSING• LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's 137 'Avenue Hairdressing Toronto. HAIR GOODS Only firm in Canada manufacturing ladies' and gentlemen's hair goods exclusively. Write us for 'particu- lars. WHITE'S HAiR GOODS 258 Yonge St., Toronto, Ontario .MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments. 111 Church, Toronto 2. S1ACIIINERV REPAIRS MACHINERY REPAIRS GENERAL MACHINE SHOP WORK ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE • WELDING METALLIZING HAVE YOUR WORN SHAFTS AND BUSHINGS MADE LILCE NEW J3Y THE NEW METAL SPRAY PROCESS • ALL WORK GUARANTEED Godson Contracting Co., Ltd. . Union St., Toronto JUNCTION 7360 MEDICAL BAUMLEKA FOOT BALM destroys ortenstve odor instantly, 45c bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of ill -health in hulnans, all ages, No one im- mune! Why not find out if thia. is your trouble? interesting par- ticulars—Free! JFree! Write Muiveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3, COI'STIPAT1ON, 13'(LIUUSNLOSS, liver trouble, depressed head- ache, quickly relieved with 15'ig- Lax tablets, Keep regular with • Fig -Lax, 260 at Druggists. NAT UIRE'S HELP—DIXGN'S REM- edy for Rhein -natio tains, Neur- itis. 'Thousands praising it. Mun- ro's Drug Stone, 335 .Elgin, Ot- tawa. Postpaid $1.00. B1REENATONE I-1EA1:TI.3 SA[.TS positively does relieve Arthritis and Rheumatism, Painful, swol- len joints reduced no mutter how. long you have suffered. Months supple $1.00 postpaid. Indian Rctnodles, Box- 118, Vancouver, 13,0. GOOD 'RESOLUTIONS EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Hem- ecly. Munro's Drug Store, 236 561- gln, Ottawa, Postpaid $1,00. OPPORTUNITIES F011 WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Hair- dressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful. Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 858 BLOOR W., TO_iONTO Branches: 44 King St. Eat miaton, & 74 Rideau Street. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY, Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re • - quest. PERSONAL "ELTJAH Christ," Megiddo N.Y. COMING BEFORE wonderful book free. Mission, Rochester 11, PnoTOGR H PYry TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c REPRINTS 8 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J, Toronto A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND BEST WISHES...FOR THE NEW YEAR ARE EXTENDED TO YOU BY THE MANAGEMENT AND EMPLOYEES OF THE STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Canada's largest photo finishing studio does the finest work obtain- able — and at the lowest cost Get best results from your camera by, sending your films here for de- veloping and printing. Quality work and prompt service is assured you. STAR :.SNAP§NQT. S .RW DB'x,1120, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Praising Star ;Snapshots Service, a customer at Windsor, Ontario. writes: "I suppose it is bard to give your usual quick service with help so hard to get, but as long as you turn out the fine pictures you send ane, I for one. will think they're well worth waiting for—if I have to wait." .Any Size Ro11-6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED Zine 8 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25e Size 4 x 6" in Beautiful ]Basel Mounts. You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a small additional charge. Framed Enlargements 4" x 6", on ivory tint mounts, in frames 7'x9", Burnished Gold or Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish 69c; if . enlargement coloured 70c. Print your name and address plain- ly on all orders. STAN 1'S WANTED, OLD CANADIAN Stamps on envelopes also will b u y collections of Canadian Stamps at good prices. Write now to ` IC. C. V izzard, Jeweller, Wheatley, Ontario. STAMPS:• ACADIAN STAMP CO., BOX 68, Masson, Que. Free. Set 4 Ecua- dor, cu -dor, Darwin Comm, to purchasers of our 30c, 100 different packet, remain approvals. ]'pat frap- WE BUY STAMP COLLECTIONS— best time to sell—good prices paid, Send in for offer. Also fine stamps on approval. York Stamps, Toronto 1. TRAPPERS' SUPPLIES NEWLY "INVENTED AUTOMATIC Snare Trap." The simplest and fastest trap, anybody can make it in 10 minutes, can set snare' 3 times size of ordinary sets, can use any kind of wire. Excel- lent for snow sets. Guaranteed will catch any suspicious animal from bear to weasel. $1.00 tor plan and instruction Peter Zep- nig, Waltham, Quebec. W ANTED HIGHEST P1110E5 i'All) FFR RAW Furs, Rabbit Skins, Ginsrng and Golden Seal. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Ship to Heller and lera- leigh, 147 Harrison Street, To- ronto. WANTED PUPPIES, ALSO GROWN dogs. Fennels, 1034 'Queen East, Toronto. TIMBER L O T 5, CEDAR FOR posts, Pine and Spruce for lumb- er. Send complete details to 0. Al. White, R.R, 2, St. Thomas, Ontario. NURSES WANTED REGISTERED NURSE, $90 PE1t month, room and board included. ' $80 graduate nurse per month, room and board included. Apply, Waterford Private • Hospital, Waterford, Ont. GENERAL ' DUTY GRADUATE Reg, Nurses, 10 hour day, 6 day week; alternating service—da:' or night; $90,00 monthly wit maintenance. Cornwall Genera Hospital, Cornwall, Ont. ISSUE 52 1044