HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-12-21, Page 5URIC, H;. O$TAni0 BUSINESS CARDS WANTED 40.A+SH FOR PDX HORSES -Dead animals a removed. o cnig t. TPhoneu Credi- ton ser- vice day ton 47x15, collect, Jack Wil- liams. P.T. 4-6-'41 .LICENSED • AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex I A.M. IN A POSITION TO CON- dnct any Auction Sale, regardless ati to .size or article to sell. I sollext your business, and if not satisfied will e no charges for Services Ren~ mak tared. Dashwood A L'pIIL''R WEB•OR•- i,,.,,re57r12 V r NAR coxON, auv. sc. SURGEON VETERINARY Main S`reet, Dmee with Residence, Moro P Phone.. -96. Opposite Drug Zurich Campbell, V .S, �'� Campbell,Gra of Ontario pronto. All College, University of T Pleases of domestic aniMals treated principles, by the most mode Dayp or . iii ht Charges; reasonable. pd 40, X180 Bit' balls promptly atteat4:.. Invenlet' ,sr of Scottish terriers. Street, neiinels. Office ' on Main Appetite Town Hall. BUTCHERS ZuriC .s popular MICA-T.�`UYttl►e Ou with („et Us supply y very Choice of �'xaglzsa sages, Cur- ed Meats, Bolognhand- Kept Ect., alwaYs on >flresh in Electric Refrigeration s for ligheat Cash Wool, 1 -lades and Skins S. yungblut & Sou ut Your Want, For , Sale sat, Fouind, Etc. Ad:, in this Column. ° PIGS FOR SALE 110 young pigs for sale, 6 weeks d. ld,•-.--E�me1'son Gabel, Bronson line. o • For Sale A good heater stove, -L. Prang & ° Ion, Zu,ie) . a WANTED Organist and Choir Director for St d 'eter's .Lutheran Church, Zurich, t ;tate qualifications and salary ex- a teete.d. Duties to commence January e end. Applications to be sent by De,. :ember 23rd to Mr. Clarence Deters, aurich, Ont. FOR SALE Ford. Pulley for tractor, apply to r Lorne Gingerich, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE A. small Holstein calf for hunted- 1 iate sale. Hy. Clausius, Zurich. 1 l FOR SAI..IE • One dozen mixed pullets or would - exchange on pair of young pigs. Ted. Leibold, Babylon Line. STR.A.YEI3. From the farm of Gilbert Geoffrey at his recent sale, a heifer two years old, black and white. Finder please notify Wm. Dietrich, Zurich. -STRAYED. From the swamp pasture, Hay Twp. two yearlings, 1 white steer and 1 red heifer. Finder notify, Roy Swartz, i Tel.. 21r2, .Crediton. FOR QUICK SALE A used Ferrell Seed and grain cleaner in good condition, elevators, motor and screens complete. Apply to Box 161, Zurich, Ont. LOCAL NEWS Mr, Albert G. Hess "Was' to London n business one day liest•.week. Mrs. Clayton 0. Smith and sons made d business trip:to London one ay last week.. Misses 1 rieda and. Dorothy Rader f Dashwood spent a dew, days. an� Tor, oto last week. Mrs. W. B, 'Coxon and Mrs, Ed. Craseho"have returned after enjoying few days at London lass week, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Dagg and' anghter 1Viarylin' of Lucan attended he Evangelieal Christmas entertain sent in our Village on ,Sunday ev- ning. NOTICE --There will be n'o milk' delivery in Zurich on Christmas' and New Year's mornings. Customers must take their supplies on Sunday. Orr Dairy will be closed on Christ - as and New .Year's Days. --Zurich Dairy. ~ Fall Footwear RUBBERS, GALOSHES Boots or Lumbermen. • Up -to -the Minute DRESS SHOES for Ladies' and Gents. School and Sunday Schoes for Children SHOES REPAIRED With Best Quality pre-war Leather. Good Workmanship Lowest' PricesgA �pr�( /��p ED. Jr DATA. FS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR and TRUNKS AND SUITCASES Farms Sold• Mr. Henry Flaxbard o.f the •Baby - on line sold his 100 =•Cere farm to Vfr. Louis iSchrag Possession will e given in March. Mr. .Flaxbard vi11 hold an auction sale and will re- turn to his property at the east end at Zurich. Mr. Alvin Rau, son of Mrs. Joseph Rau, north of Drysdale, has purchased from Mr. Frank Cor- riveau what is kown as the Johnston farm situated east of Drysdale on the town line, in Stanley Township. The •Entertalinments The usual Christmas entertain- ment of the Evangelical S. S. was held on Sunday evening with a good attendance considering the road con- ditions, and the program was in or- der of the occasion. This coming ynnday evening the usual S. S. pee - grain of St. (Peter's Lutheran church will be held, try .:which the public are heartily invited,. Died in North takotei NOMINATTION POLICE VILLAGE OF ZURICH Public Notice is thereby given;. that a meeting of the Electors .of the Police Village of Zurich will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich On FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22nd, 1944 At the hour from 7 to 8 o'clock in the evening, for the purpose of nom- inating candidates for Police Trustees for the Year '1945, and it a 'Poll is demanded, a poll will be opened on Monday, January the 1st, 1945, at the Clerk's Office, Zurich. Said poll be opened at 9 o'clock, a.m. until 5 o'clock, pi. H. W. Brokeninslhixe, Returning Officer Dated at Zurich, December 7th, 1944 Word was x,eived here of the pas --1. -... --.-.. > 1 GM ATION sing bi IVir•. henry Albrecht Wile did on December 6th, at his hoose in STRAYED i Langdon, N..Dak., in the early sev- Unto my premises, 14th Ceaces-1 entiea, it is some forty years since sMr. Albrecht left the farm homestead ing2 yyrrs. Township, a eau steer coin- 1 on the 14th Concession, Hay and ns old. Owner can have same I leC onded to the call of the Golden by paying expenses. Edw. Stire, 1 pt Surviving are his wife and a Phone 100 r 2, Zurich. LOST A yearling red calf, right ear, tags in ears thereon. Finder notify, ey R. R. 3, Exeter, Ont. PRODUCE ... F arm produce WA TF.111 Have your Eggs Graded scien tifically on our approved grad - ng Machine which gives the producer every advantage. Also Cream and Poultry. Wm. • O'Brien Phone 101, Res' 94, Zurich Web CreametY 1 daughter • one brother John Albrecht Henry of Zurich and two sister, Mrs. Louis Sehilbe of Zurich and Alas. has slit in Volland of Goderich. with name 1 Nomination Bruce Tuck -1 On Friday .afternoon will be the nomination for Reeve and Councill- man e FOR SALE A quantity of choice apple butter for sale in bulk. Apply to Emmerson Erb, Phone 97r6.' LOST STRAYED, from pasture farm, on Ba1ii'ylon Line, three head of cattle, r' Jersey and 2 Herefords coming two. years of age. Finder notify, Earl Gingerich, Phone 22196, Zurich. ors of Hay Township, and y ar asking will there be an election. and the answer to this is, just what the ratepayers decide on. Our board, of officials have been giving good serv- ice and what: expenditures they con- trol, ,,tthey have done 'hir best to make Oilers. go as far as they can. ese pulblie offices are generally aground ever so often and if the rs lteidazen•having!a change Massey-liarris.....d.vise ORDER YOUR MACHINES EARLY FOR 1.9451 1 HAVE A FEW CREAM SEPARATORS ON MY ALLOT- "TENT; 550 to 600 SIZE at 40Q to 450 SIZE, 850 to 900 SIZE cr (LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON TRADE THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED USERS ASK WHO KNOWS. -BUY CANADIAN MADE ARTICLES $70.75 $59,50 $82.75 INS,) THE MAN Tel. Shop 149 Osch 1' Til.OPP Rem MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arm, for Canadian Faris. 1)1 • Publtic Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of the Township of Hay will be' held, in the Township Hall, in the Village of Zurich, on Friday, December 22nd, 1944, at the hour from one to two o'clock, p.m. for the purpose of nominating Candidates for Reeve and Councillors for the Town- ship of Hay for the year 1945, and in case a poll is demanded, polls will be opened on Monday, January 1st, 1945, in the several polling subdiv- isions of the Township as follows : Poll No. 1, Polling Place, School House No. 2; D.R.O., Earl Campbell, Poll Clerk C. (Prouty; No. 2 School House No. 14, Z. McArthur, W. R. Bell; No. 3, Town Hall, Leroy O'- Brien, -Ervin .Schilbe; No. 4 Town Hall, Dan Oswald, Albert Hess; No. 5, •School House No. ' 12, Urban. A...w- ,` .Hilton. Tpueinner.; No. :-6 Pfile's Shoe Store,, Dashwood, Clay- ton Pfile, Arthur Weber; No. 7 School House No. 3. Jas. A. McAlis- ter, Garnet Jacobe;. No, 8, Jas Masse ]Dwelling; F. Ducharme, +Wilrred Cor- xaveau. Said Polls will be kept open f land 9 o'clock a.m. until 5 o'clock p. no longer., H. W. Brokenshire, Returning Officer Dated at Zurich, December 7, 1944. is up to them. Th the -evening the,.nomination for Zurich Police Trustees will be held. The public are asked ,to ''attend .these meetings. NO COKE REGULATIONS VISITED CANADIANS Ottawa - Coal control regulations With the Canadian Bomber Group affectingthe distributio and use of in England, - The King and Queen 0'.. petroleum coke have been lifted the and Princess Elizabeth toured air sta- Munitions and Supply Department tions of the Canadian Bomber Group, announced. Similar regulations were marking the first full day Their Maj - lifted in the United States. esties have spent with the R.C.A.F. - HORSE MEAT PLANT and the princess' first offioial visit to Regina -Reconstruction Canadian personnel. The King held MinisterCanadian decorating more than J. H. Sturdy announced that the Pro- 150 Canadian Airmen. vincial Govt. will advance .$50,000 to NG the Saskatchewan Horse Co-operative The Annual Meeting ANNUAL MEETIof the Huron Association for Construction of a Holstein Breeders' Club was held in horse processing plant at Swift Cur- the Ontario Street United church, 10rent The plant to have a calor 55,000of Clinton on Dec. 12th with 'aelut 100 tons o fs •a day. A andontrck for horse resent. Mr. W. L. Whyte, Vice - of frozen pickled horse phesdent' of the Club acted as ehair- meat now was being arranged with m an hi the absence of the president, Belgium. The Govt. was supportingt the project to help solve the problem of disposing of about 250,000 surplus horses in the province. Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in Bcharg a of Mr. T. Meyers; A. L. Mellen - Proprietor.Or- sommonammavarworsgt, 4=4., I N S U R A N CE__.___ Western •Farmers' Mutual s Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE. BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- ;UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO ;Amount of Insurance at Risk on Det 81st, 1986, .$22,391,527.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $278,618.47. ilste$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years KLOPP---ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lig E" F. htt7• • !ng Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance IS CHRIST the centre of your CHRIISTrn.as? --"Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. Luke 2: 10, 11. The Best GIFT of all: --"The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus 0 Christ our Lord.'" Rom.6: 2... --GOD so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Jn.3:16 TUNE IN: PILGRIMS' HOUR 7-7.30 E.D.S,T. SUNDAY EVENING, Old-faa,hioned Revival Hour rebroadcasts on many stations at various times. CHAS. E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGLES, 53, CAL. Mutual Network, Sunday:. Local Station, CKLW, Windsor A Ideal Gift. If you are ata loss what to buy a friend for a gift, and whether he lives at a distance or near by it mat- ters not, but a year's subscription to the Zurich Herald makes the ideal gift that will reach your friend every week of the year. Try it Only $1.50 a year.. Paper conditions now allow us to increase our paper supply, of which we have already increased. So there wiliJle plenty of paper. L. Leeming o f Walton. The sues i sp 50 MILES ON GALLON Florida Dennis Kendall; British member of Parliament, operator of what he calls 'the most 'frequently g bombed factories in England," will be on his way to Detroit with. a model of a three -cylinder automobile engine which he claimrevolut- ionize will revol- ionize automotive industry. The motor, he says, gets 30 per cent more efficiency from gasoline than present engines, and will operate a rear -eng- ine -drive car which will travel 50 miles on a gallon at 60 mr;es an hr.. He now is building six sample auto- mobiles, each weighing 850 pounds which he says will sell for less than 1500. i • esker was the Rev. Mr. Buxton, STANLEY TOWNSHIP who gave an appropriate address on Post War reconstruction from the economic and moral point of view. A moment's silence was olbservect for the boys who have paid the supreme sac- rifice and who are serving in the for- ces. The, head table we` > introduced by Mr. Willis VanE,gmonu. Bruce Murray Roy, who represented the Hol stein Calf Club at the completion held at Guelph ware guests at the dinner. A vote of thanks was tend- ered to the speaker and to the ladies of the Ont. Street United church who i Golden Wedding anniversary, at the provided the dinner by Wm. Sparks. home of their son, Mr. Prec Oath WASTE PAPER STOCK CRITICAL The shortage of Waste Paper may Jeopardize our whole war effort.The mills at:e operating from hand to mouth -they require 20,000 tons of waste paper per month hence this appeal. This is an essential part of the war effort on the home front. The time was, and not so long ago, when a paper box was merely a container designed to convey its contents to destination without scuff er breakage Paper containers, in addition to their hundreds of well known uses for mil- itary and civilian purposes, have al- so been designed to be thrown over- board for landing operations, floating to shore or sinking to the bottom o be recovered at low tide. To provide protection for medical kits, blood 1'1 t -.:hr emergence icy h •ttious t: tees oriel, and muskrat coat. Mr. and 1i' j. p,ldie Mustard, and for hundred.' of Nanel, Aray !ic..: au t,.,l .c..it'c near I nal 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lee McConnell o,1 . near Varna, leftrec recently eos vis tsler the former's aunts, the in Minneapolis, Minn. Friends regret to learn that Mr. John Rathwell is not in usual good health. Cpl. Gordon Keys of Kamloops, B. C. is spending his furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mr..B n Keys. Golden wedding On Tuesday Dec. 19th Mr.' and Mrs. John Rathwell celebrated their �vcll and .pleasantly HYMENEAL . McEwan-Uttley A. wedding .was solemnized at Well- ington United 'Church manse, London e i death of Leonard e na daMcConnell, of Ben- marriage id- when Rev. W. Hunt officiated a. •ia ge of Hazel Jean Uttley, of cefield, who in fallingsuffered Conra-' mo rr g Loi,don, daughter of Mr. and 14rs. ctur�ssk�lollrinenegi:ngston, he ,�•sd-1 Herbert Uttley. of Zurich, and Hugh ousn „itis an, son of Mr. and ed in BruCefield for many ye Mlexander 1VI cErwan Hugh iVlcEn+var. of near Hensall. where he was well known. His widow, Mrs. g bride formerly Mabel Caldwell, t attractive , theatsurvive. v� x Forwedding,su s er daughters h dau three and :thx g chose a heavenly blue crepe dress, a son te William H. Pepper _ � � street length, small (blue feathered Pepper, 70r Well- and •aoce.ssories in blue, and a William H. Pe e , aged concession shoulderette of Talisman roses. The known ts farmer on ip, was found mead attendants were Mr. and,Mrs. Wil-ofneighbours on Tuesday afternoon bourn; of London, ss, Wilbourn h byere he had 'collapsed in snow while i wearing a brown dress, .street length ores. Fol driving some livestock. He was f t a � and g theere re of yellow x the ceremony, the wedding iced lying on the read in of Be towing dinner wes served �at the Cobblestone fa�m home xtle member John of Bruceihelil Unitech, Inn. icor, their wedding trip to Tor- church. ,Surviving are his wife: a son onto and eastern, points, the bride c II "wore a black suis; with black assejs` iWpltiMo . Elginthree Thompson randh M t.. i received the many !friends during the afternoon. Late Leonard McConnell Word has been received of the a SNAPS) -OT GUII LANDSCAPE PICTURES Small, pleasinits of Includeee aunearibynake betterobject whenpossible.ictures open, T ANDSCAPES are a source of ex- cellent snapshots which will add appeal to any album, and they can be made easily with the simplest cameras. Many beginners try to include too . much in their landscape pictures. A better method is to week out small, pleasing bits - a single tree over- hanging a brook, a quiet country road winding over a hilltop. The broad, open views which f1r;ht attract our eyes are not as desirable, for pic- ture purposes, as simple bits 'which can easily be "composed" into at- tractively arranged pictures. A good practice, in seeking land- scape pictures, is to "frame" a scene with your hands while yon study its picture possibilities. The co mere leas has a narrower "angle of view" than our eyes -it does not take in as much territory --so this trick of ,framing" helps us judge better :what the camera will include. In arranging a landscape picture, avoid lines that divide the picture into equal parts, either vertically or horizontally. Large areas, such as open sky, should usually be broken up by detail -clouds, or a graceful tree branch. A Color filter on the camera lens helps record clouds. "Balance" should also be sought, For example, if a large mass of trees is shown in the right-hand foreground, they may be balanced by a smaller mass on the left-a.'figure or two, or a distant house and trees. Seeking landscape pictures Is a. pleasant pastime, and a phase of your camera hobby well worth culti- vating. Good pictures of this type can he made at any season -and the better ones can be enlarged and framed for use as decorations in the home, Begin your landscape album now. .lahn veil (lender. 4 J J 4