HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-12-21, Page 1• stablished:1`900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, T We extend to our Readers ST. PETER'S EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL' CHURCH vangelical Lutheran Church. ZURICH -- ONT. - Ro�." E. W. H ich, Pastor- a.m.--Divine Services. $0..715 •a.m.--,Sunday School. 11.30 Divine Worship. :Everybody Welcomc io rvicas, , . • • Betty Anne Beauty ` Shop E HOME Of THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The ,Better Oil Permanents applied with the very latest of methods and uipment. .And besides all this is our years of Illaperience in all Hair Dressing. GIVE US A GALL! Drone 68 four your Appointments. MRS. EDW. GASOHO, Zwicky C. B. Hsckendorn, Pastor Mrs. M Desch, Organist SUNDAY SERVICES 1.0 a.m 1livine: Worship. 11�am 'Clurc� ScheinY 7.30 p m,. -•:.;Divine• ` Se ides Are You Suffering From Headaches? f so; Have your Eyes dined with the Latest -Methods and ' -A141:::' 3L , OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIOH -- ONT. Good Glasses at Ressonable Prices PIING, DECEMBER 21 L9 44 Chester L. Smith, Publishes $1.50 a Year in Advance �lends Hearty Season's greetings COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE • PRICES C. E. ' Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOME: tiUEXETER The::.. Newest Apps.: v4 ??nEacsd of Eyesig t Testing Useei- Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. A Publisher's Blessing 0 blessed is he who does no :.eeceinea..a....b;li , to But knowing his subscription Sends in the money to renew. A doubly blest is that -good frien Who waits not till a bill we send, But, promptly, sends us the amount Wherewith to straighten his account IN ; TOWN HALL - ZURI•C WEDNESDAY EYE. DEC.427"tI� 1 lni t ock .Orchestra , AND OLD 4IME DANCII Amiss, 't500. • BLA1 F SCEICOr . xJNC] *iil b:e held its 'the' TOWTI. g• .}.' ZURICH On SATURDAY EVE., DEC. 23rd At 8 p.m. Sharp I°ogram consists of Choruses, Songs, Recitations, Dialogues, Jokes and a ruthern JaMboree, also LocaM:'alent: Admission •25c, and' 15c. • NOTICE Mr. John Howard of Bayfield cal- in town on Tuesday. r Mrs. Ennily Fuss and her sister Vlrs. Bertha Block are- leaving on k44.ihnoisday. for.Detroit where they will Onjos the• holidays. with friends. 1\4! T. L Williams is spending the 3tristmas holidays at the home of i61 sister; gr. and MIs: Wm. R. tDougali near •Hensall. Mr: Hilton Truernner of the 14th n spent a -day at London and was Fe anred'Tiome by Mrs. Truemn- w1ao.. had been in the city for days. te•'loeal Red Cross are sponsoring ublc dance in the Town Hall, Bch on Wednesday evening, _Dec- ber 27th, to which the public are •ted. '. jil-Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hey and dau- gt`1%ter Merlyn D. of Royal Oak, and 11'Ir aitd. Mrs. Austin Hey and little Steil of Detroit -were visitors with the i tmer's mother, Mrs. E. Vey the, Oast week for ;a few days. k�;Mr. 'Mervyn Stelck left recently Toronto 'wherehe has accepted an iappointment " as Block Salesman yzib the Allis :Ohalmers line of farm aehkne7y Virs. • Stelck and daugh- iu Iia f )vrll: remain with 'her par - „and Mrs. Thos. Meyers un- p7rbeure> living a:cconmd- The Zurich Police Trustees have`; proclaimed Tuesday, December 226th;; as a public. Holiday, Boxan Dsy.. 'There; will be no halif-holidays,; n.et♦<, rWednesday. Afton the New Year al1' aces, a; business will else closets on' eday ;avknim. -' +++++.I 4-to+44+4.3 -1-1 +3'04-1.4.1. tet4 fi'•i•+4»i'3'4434.4'd•d•i.'E„i°{!3'.g{' +•N • Aw oilman antral, 'Ante + tantral, + - is; Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance4. --F. of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalm er and4. Funeral Director, e MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 4. Dashwood -- Ontario 4.4. 4. +4. >++++++++++++++++++•ir-k +++✓a •b fi•tis..II•.;c•��+++3`+++++•s•++++�•++�k'I'�'�' - - HAY • COUNCIL The Hay Ttwnship Council held its. final '1944 meeting in the Township Hall, Zurich, on Friday, December 1.,5th, 19144 at 2.00 p.m. All memb- ers being present. The following motions were then passed: That the Bond for tax collector for arrears of taxes be renewed, also for 1944 Treasurer of Hay Township. That the Zurich Agricultural So- ciety be granted $75.00, and the Ex- eter ' Agric. Society $15.00 That L. Kleinstiver he granted'an allowance of $10 per mouth. That payments be made on Hay Municipal 'Telephone System, Roads, Relief and General Twp. Accounts as per voucher. Hay Manic. Tele. 'System - Geo. Regier $3.00; H. G. Hess $257.98; Stade & Weida $37.25; Bell Tel. Co. $201.27; T. H. Hoffman $328.27; Northern Electric Co. $57.31; Strom - berg •Carlson Co. $32.40. Total $9.17,48. Relief; L. Kleinstiver $10.00. Hay Twp, Roads -- Stewart Black- well $4.80; Chris, Bei-erbing $1,15; M. McAdams $1..40; Clare Masse $10.50 Dennis Ducharme $8.40; Wm. Decker $3.50; Peter Reichert $8.55; Alvin Ayotte $5.60; Maxim Jeffrey $7.75; Robert Adams $1:80; Jack •Gtrbett $5.26; Milt Deitz $34,88 H. W. Brokenshire $80.00; L. Siang & Son $27.50; Walter Weston $1.05; •Gord- on. ,Surerus $5.60; Leo 1'leidinger $1.,:75; Simon Hoffman $1.40; .Ed. Erb $.15.99; Arnold Merner $5.90; Louis Ayotte $5.60; Win. Park $7.50 Leonard Merner $3.33; Ellwood Tru- emner $1.75; Glenn Deitz $25.38, Lloyd Mousseau •$ti.50; Stade & Weido $146.10.; F. C. Kalbfieisc.h & Sin $169..89. • Total $437.40 General Accounts - County Trs., $18,958.38; Zurich Police Village $2,864.00; Treas. S.S. No. i;, Ste- phen $281.7$ A. F. Hess premium $15.00, H. W., Broken hire 2' of Cl^ ,land Ohio, piny the « d Tress, Tuck.Tel. S`ytES .0r0�'`'do dine march. Private Farris T_,. Smith T+;..t ter Agric. Society $1+1.00; r, Zurich $75..00 J, Gascho & Son U.S.A.A.F., of Atalama, .ani 1 Iove �iou Ttari�" Baume; the signing care- ,.,, ,:.r,araHrr??r &eat FOR A LIFE TIME O A lovely "Il ride! Wreath" e n ■ emble an dainty twhirlseart design.- inAL `r. `A,�, Ago, it WREATH Perfect *Th e DIAMONDS FREE far guaranteed ty and aut. INEYBANOE\ssttanding whist A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. PHONE YQUR G WISHING ALL OUR CUS- TOMERS AND - FRIENDS Season's Greetings W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensall i110011le111e14,®MO0A.N01N 111100N0'ONO41141•O••/•••••••• Westlake - Brokenshire 1 While Mr. R Goldixtg of Longi the Z. F. °•S. musical director, • was- coniing to from Hensall on • the High •way at the- •,l tale swamp he. saw a herd of seven deer. Two crdssed the road: in- front of h$s•.;par while the 'Others scampered off in the willows. One !of the deer took a leap from ;the edge of the roadbed and jumped clear over the fence into the field. .During the 'past years of Shortages of some lines of Merchandise, we tried our very best to supply those very lines to satisfy the needs of our Customers. We wish to thank our Customers for bearing ds with us in not being 'able to supply beyond our control. We pray tha a this war will be over very soon, so everything will again become normal..... As this Year of 1944 is coming to a close, we wish to 'thank our Customers and Friends and wish you one and all A MERRY CHRISTMAS An.�d a Happy and Prosperous NEW YEAR! During es. ••Y.c-guru Christmas on Monday On Monday the Christian world will celebrate the birth of the found- er of Christianity, namely Christ, and vast efforts will again be put forth on this occasion. The Christian re- ligion without a doubt is the most popular of all worshipers, ancu we are very fortunate that we live in a land and were brought up worshiping this form of religion. To us it seems the best, because it reaches mankind to the heart, and makes us all the better people and nation if we observe its 1 teachings. So we hope you will have + a very Merry Christmas this year. HYMENEAL Lindenfield_Gemming Ding Street United Church, Lon - Phone 69 ja vE L . _.� 1{J11[r` _, C �� �i£r �vu r .. E SERVICE 1 Comfortable Hospital Bed for Rent 1 Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich j^'} ,• .-;-+- .t. _,; .. .-...pas Cut -Your Fuel Bill In HALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! f Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A t LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. 1' . C. KAL don Ontario was the scene of a + fi pretty wedding, when Ruth Anne, .g only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Well- "444444°.4.44.4`41.444444°++4"" ington J. Johnston of Zurich, be- came the bride of Private Ernest John Raymond Gemming, U.S.A.A.F. only son of Mr. and Mrs. E. 3. Gem- ming, of Rochester, New York -State. Rev. Gladstone E. Wood officiated at this double ring ceremony, in Which the' bride was given in marriage by her father. She was gowned in white slipper sating embroidered with baby pearls, her finger-tip veil being held in place by a feathered head-dress. She carried a sheath of pink roses. Attending the bride was her sister-in- law, Mrs. Ross Johnston, gowned in. a floor length dress of heavenly blue net over satin, with feathered dress, land fingnntip veil to match. Private 1',oni A.Drsart, LT.,S,....A.F, of Col- umbia, Missouri, was best man. Priv- ate No. nran R.Neumann, U S A.A.F. •: 1 • • FLLISCH �C SON - ZURICH 4. $5.18; F. Bender painting.; sand te, of j'11• nm•;.•ln ,1 , , t1•,n r iv, s',1(,n177 1:, 40;lip ,l .'i 1t 1 � i 'l r., a i i3n+Uiilh tt ,i i„ ,. ,,,, i,00; 3, M.Bill ^20, .inti til r Mae saes( t e?:e Lo'tdt. t, Ito leL s;u•.rn $60.00; Stade & Weide ,w9:'t,` .tl l tae:. li:"odd $2.'21 ,`cc..,.. 83,00; A, 3, Kalbftcisch $`>4.00 fo•c a reeved ,gowned in nave* blue. lace oh Ortwc.in $25.00; F. C. Kalbflei„Clt o`•cr •,11< irT e' with s r'n..:,t'r of & ,on $5.05; Hay Manic. Tel. Sy, Bettor Time roses. Mrs. Johnston, crepe, tl'• ? he ,1 ltlar 1'.50; Ward Fritz `S2a :)t); P P. ',a trewith a tnT:'. .,r ?;rifer se O'Y�a•r,ea h",7..00; Mi1t.Ocseh ,.,r.'i'0, l e melt Geiger $6.00; Geo. Armstrong roses. 'For their w dtli'Ysr tri)) - the '30..'"); C. F. P file $5 i,i. � bride wO)� t hoary bei're suit with' d ir,. .nr1 vi•., trl<Lt Cast,, Edxei nd Spry rtaen�:ruber, Prop. Phone e I.I 9 Insainsoio- .• 'u ' • , �w:•> µ,�s,,c,'..nr �....'s-i.�..t+ ._15ni PA.Y:`��:•+r"�+�i�"t+ sgsse WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO EXTEND TO OUR CUSTO- MERS ,l�iD FRIENDS, OUR x :..�= RTY Seaoi'Si WE THANK YOU! FRESH `! GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND LT FA i\lotion, that fife (.(Y1an fl ata,•r,+t�,a. 1, r. aria �Tr'. 6a�n)ttt+ If. W: llrok.enrnhire, Clerk, stele. to. flip 1. , i`• ��� Geo..�l.ruv: is ol�l ,; Reeve. 1 '1 9