HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-12-14, Page 8RICH, QNTA1111 i DOD Visit $ G � c� � s Store of Where the Spirit of Christmas Prevails While it is not possible to show you as large a range of Christmas Goods as in former years, we have been fortunate in securing a fair assortment We can .of lines suitable for Gifts for everyone. only mention a few: Chenille Bed Spreads, Wool Blankets, Fine Wilton Mats, Pillow Cases, Buffett Setts, Runners, Fancy Table Cloths, Sweater Coats. A FINE ASSORTMENT of Glassware, Dinner Setts, large decorated Vases, Etc. We have everything in Men's Wear, but supply in some lines very limited.... An excellent range of Scarfs, Ties, Suspenders, Etc. SPECIAL FOR BOYS AND GIRLS A large supply of Educational Painting and Story Books, Story continued on every page and pictures to be painted. Some of titles are: Heidi. Goldilocks, Tom Thumb, Sleeping Beauty Cender- ella, The Three Musketeers. Prices from 10 to 30c GROCERIFS We carry everything available in Fresh Groceries at all times. Have a fair Supply of Christmas Nuts, Calif. Wal- nuts, Soft shell Almonds, No. 1 Pecans and raw shelled peanuts. Get your supply Early! Gascho Bros. TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH QOG a•••••+v4rr14•••••••••••4 4••••••••• • aaooa.e •• ••• •• • 9 • • • • The United Farmer's Co -Operative Co., Toronto, • •• has recently taken over the manufacture of the e• famous Universal Milking Machine. Before purch- • asing, give us a call. • • Poultry Feeds, Concentrates, Cedar Shingles, fence • Posts, Coal, Motor Oils, Etc., on hand at all times. • MILKING MACHINES • Huron Farmers' Co -Operative • • HENSALL, Phone 115. R. J. COOPER, MANAGER t • • .• • - o • • • 411bwoan.000eraaroe .+Ma, 0844.441., 3- usxt4SIS . HARDWARE -- SEEDS and You are going Through This World Only Once. So Why Do.. Without These Labor Savers? Experienced farm help is scarce and costly. You'll need moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. Invest part of the money you'd pay hired help, in Beatty labor- saving stable equipment. Pays lietire dividends. Gives you more time to enjoy life. En- hances value of farm. Improv- es product. Inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls --!Exceptional Values at Lower Prices, .. BROODER HOUSE • COAI. We have received a shipment of choice Chestnut Coal which we are selling out on restrictions only for Brooder House use, and an agreement has to be signed that it vii:;l be used for that:: purpose o.,,ky, ZURICH -- OPIT, QUALITY -+ PRICE -- SERVICE: ?* 9t<fatage.w n G raVe4r Edi : ad d(a aierate' SeiteMaistaaMt - I FURNITURE Lower Priced Stals Automatic Watering 9 •W 0 te ZURICH HERALD ` n�411siiiuu �'uuIINIhlill111111lH!lUil!!N"":.;.„t1sNlIINIIIIIINIlllllilfllll, IIlIIIIR IllIII,IIIIIINIII!lllililllllNlllUIINIIIII;Ii” ��q,l!ilidr'; " ZURi wS Grocery tare WE ALWAYS CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH GROCERIES ON HAND:FIIR'CW E'DFROM THE LEAD- ING WHOLESALE HOUSES.. OWING TO UNSETTLED CONDITIONS WE ARE NOT' QUOTING ANY PARTICULAR PRICES BUT CAN ASSURE. THE PllaPerJC GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY WITH: Q3}1 7Y AND PRICES AT THE VERY BEST Menno Oesch - Zurich PRDUCE WANTED: Phone 165 all Lll! "!Hillhili(ilkil(iliililliiiUillllli!lillliis+iiiliili:lget III Bail eilias ifi1lrilti ,i,g hoesthe,NIU"h;,",Ui si eseaolea,;.i. ' rams OF L; OCAL iNTTERT.ST Loda1 stores in Zurich will be open on Wednesday afternoon, Deaem 20th. LOCAL MARKETS bei f Cerrasted ears Wedneadar) E'g.... n 31, 29, 2 Butter per lb. 3 Mutual' C1iicRenn, dressed: 30 to 2 Ducks, dressed .. 2 Howe, Geese ellressed 2 Wheat bushel ,1. Oats; bushel Barley, bush. libee wJ eat, bush....... 7 Floezr, cwt. 2.60, 2.7 Shorts. and boas, tan ... ...... 30.0 A'Iiddlinga, ton 32.0 The officials of the Hay Fire Insurance Company held a bus- iness meeting in the Dominion Hous Zurich, on Saturday. Miss Jean Masse of London. spent a pleasant week -end with her parents. Mr.. and Mrs, Philip Masse of the Bronson Line. Friday, December 15th is• the last sitting of Hay Council and ells l* day for geayrnent of taws: 31 R remember, Thursday of tilts geek % the last banking day in'tisrt& to1ay your taxes without the usual' penalty. Engagement. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E:. Robinsonof ;Stanley Township announce the engagement. of their only daughter, Helen May, to William• Earl, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Dignan of Hay Township. The marriage to take place quietly early in January; PUBLISHER HAS OPERATION Mr. Kenneth _ Whitmore, publisher of the Blyth Standard underwent an operation for appendicitis in the 'Clin- ton Hospiltal. Mrs. Whitmore has been getting out the paper with the assist- ance, of a former tpublis}ker,. Mr. J.hTr:i Elliott. Mr. Whitmore is progressing very favourably.Another Real Storm Ont of the worst storms in years hit the eastern parts of the Province early this week. In the city of Tor- onto, where usually is little snow 22 inches fell on Tuesday and Tuesday flight and:all•'non essential traffic is ordered stopped. Snow plows and all, equipment i$ being brought into play and it will take several days be- fore things will be in normal condit- ion. At Woodstock and Londiiia there are also reported Meavy falls. While here we are hot snowbouinct •as yet, but there is plenty of snow, and some of the concessions as well as sideroads are plugged tight and will take some days to open. However, to -day Wed- nesday, the storm has let an .and the sky is nice and clear and finite crisp cold, so .probably the worst. win be over for some time.• RESIGNS AS LIBERAL. LEADER Toronto -- Harry C. Nixon, Ont- ario Liberal party leader and .memb- er of the Prov. Legislature for Brant riding for more than 25 years, has tendered his resignation as party lea- der. The move followed by three days after his resignation as House leader and acceptance of the posttion by Mitchell F. Hepburn, member for Elgin and former provincial premier. Mr. Hepburn accepted the appoint- ment, after having ,discarded the position two years ago when he re- signed as provincial premierafter 8' years in office. O13JTUARY . • Mrs. Roderick ,McKenzie Mrs. ,Roderick McK:enzigi`, vell- known resident of l3yueefierct, died 'sat the home of her sister, Miss ,Mary McAsh at Hensall in her 8 th year. Formerly Margaret ',VlcAsh, &he was born in Varna and was a member of Carmel Presbyterian church, Hensall 2urv:iving are two daughters, • Mrs. INehmenDetroit; Mrs. J. Richardson Varna; three ,ons and two sisters, 2 hiaaJler.s. A private funeral service was held en •Saturday at the, resid- nee in Br•ucefreid with. Rev. I). .J. !acne of Clinton officiating,, assisted ay Rev, R. A. Brook of Heneall. Bur-, tat th _,i -r t. i11 Ilrr..l° cemetery. ' Mrs. Theaphrl'zus 'retreat) Mr ,i::a .:th 'lila,.,,, laaio'4i%0, i'hc otiililsv i"etreau, passed away itt :the hoer:;. of her daughter, .Mai. Barr Appleton in Stephen Twp. she was horn } Taal. aa and had res_dod in, na the Ioiewiity for the last two years; end was in her 77th year. Sus-vivirer are her daughter, Mrs, Appleton 4 eons • a i, ,er, Mrs. Role rPaylo', 5hipka. Funeral .was held from than i funeral hone of T. harry gannet, at l),rshwoorl on Saturday, with in- te, ment in Grand Bent! cemetery. • 5 7 PREMIER KING W1io ?with an overwhelming:triasor ity won his vote of confidence ii the Dominion Parliament Mast Friday b a majority of 1143 to 70. Mr. Kin! is now cpnviticed than Parliament i behind hini to -that extent, tend car go ahead with his various programs. HAD 64th ANNIVERSARY A very enjoyable time was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martie Wurm of town on Thursday Decem ber 7th, it being their Goth weddin anniversary. The room was nicel3 decorated in .a soft shade of orchil and white and a three-storey weddin cake was very attractive. 'Their chile drain were all present, except Mrs Becker (Clara) who passed on thirt3 Years ago. This happy old couple have six grand children and six great grand children. Mr. and Mrs. Wart are in good health, as Mr. Wvrir is 01 years of age, "young", and Mn Wurrn is 82. They greatly thank al the neighbors and friends who caller Pn them during the afternoon an evening, and also for the lovely gift they received and the cards from fri ends 'near• and far. .A most pleasant day was spent and all wishing the ag• ed couple many more anniversaries. A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE Once again, in the season of the Birthday of the Christ Child, people want to give or share not only their worldly goods, but the mealy small happinesses of life that mane this, of all seasons of the year, the most un forgettable. Unfortunately for many people, the sharing with the Christ- mas Season. We hear many storie these days, from the occupied coun- tries. They say themselves, that many of them for the first time, know what it i.• to share --their daily bread --the small luxuries that may, once in a long while, come their way — lath. n, . , all, the small incidents of daily living and companionship.. In this fifth Christmas of a world at war we, of The Salvation Army, pia ': r offer a special prayer of th<nlrfulne:rs that, in the corning year. we may look for Peace, and that this bond of fellowship may be arm of the cornerstones. We. reco,g- niae the gigantic task we have to make this a lasting Peace and, with tho spirit of the Christ Child ever be- fore u , we cannot fail, , Thuxday, Dec.oini Ate 14th, 1944 4$4'4+H 4VH444i444fa4T 4 4 4 5 0 ¥OUF:.. Uardw.re and Furniture + : 2 8 5c 4 0e o o NEW WIRE FENCING e, We have ombanc a good supply of new Barb Wire, Steel Posts.), Woven Wire Fencing and all the sup- plies required for Fencing. f I • PAINT UP TIME , i LET US SHOW YOU OUR NEW SUPPI.IFS OF ADYMIXED PAINTS * The Seasons demands to PAINT UP in order to 1. Preserve the Surface on your Buildings. It is ." 2 poor economy to try to save on Paint. We bate + a good stock of all called for.. Paints, Viernishes, I and Paint Si pplies.....See these lines. + FURNITURE es ! : See Onit Studio Couches and Dinnette Suiten A Fill!)Il Line of all the Home Requirements + Jo 4. i stain co Ka1bfljsh 4 1 Hardware & Furniture. Phone e8 + * ewe •+a•w++++++++4+4+•.M4.Ni nisi+.44'Mei+ge••i'+r•••.• Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) • tea. s ` r • MN••••••....N.st•..N.N M..M.• loo• a • . YOUR WINTER'S FUEL Colder Days will soon be here which wi11 demand, the .most suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment, Let' 1 us fill your bin while prices are lowest. FEEDING MOLASSES 1 ! It is some considerable time since this all important • • product has been on the market... But we were • • fortunate in securing a supply. Also have Cod Liver Oil, ..Etc. for Live Stock. Get your supply Now! .. PLOW POINTS --- REPAIRS We carry a complete Line of International and other kinds of Plow Points, Sole Shoes, Landsides, Etc,, for all makes of Plows. ..Let Us Serve You! • L. Schilbe & Son t►e®lsesa town• 'e PAPER IS DAILY BECOMING SCARCER And restrictions about its use are getting more stringent. It is therefore necessary that all sub- scribers to this ,paper who are in arrears should bring their subscription at least up-to-date, Our supply of paper each week is becoming very limited and as new names are being added, who have paid in advance, we are obliged to remove such names as are in arrears on our list. The ' libel on your paper shows the date to which your subscription is paid. If it requires attention please attend to it N'OW ! THE ZURICH HERALD