HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-12-14, Page 4oft tr'4e. (,,i'il i'. v; .
Mayr Declymb�r' S. 4th, 2044 `
A Gas known to every motorist. Why take chances in
inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas at Regular
Engineered Lubrication
At Klopp s you wit Guaranteed usingimams Labrieatiers, r Car awl de
of Crease. We tnwite you to watch us Lubricate !�
bow Trained Attendants Grease Gra
. Expert Repairing
We use the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor.
Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear 'Tires
Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Moat Up—date
Garage and Service Station.
Drive in and let us service and "Pep tip" your Car for
the Colder Weather and Heavier Roads
C..e't .. ,ewe Used Car taut .inConnection
s At This time of year a Ipaiblem is buying an
i appl:npriate CHRISTMAS tIFT, and many a one
• is very much perplexed1:}Iat'to Buy." In many
4 lines of merchandise as w�Il:as special Gifts it is
just 'impossible to get what -you want... So we
• •
wlzld suggest a Year's Subscription to the Zurich• Herald would make an ideal Gift .in many cases.
Just Try It! Only -Year... $1:50.a -Year, yoSurelyould
a present
every week for a whole
not wish for anything re -appropriate.
Mr. and Mrs. Menzel Mason have
returned from a visit in the West for
some two ;months.
Mr. E. M'cllroy spent a tew days
in Toronto recently.
Mrs. John Mousso. has returned
from a three weelr.'s visit with her
daughter near Camp Borden.
Mrs. Ed 'G(1i, and Mrs. Allen Mil,
lar have returned after a few month's
visit with friends in California. They
report a most ;excellent trip.
Mr. and Mrs. 1Penfound have
moved in from their farm at Brine -
field and twill spend the winter here.
Word has been received here that
Mr. and Mrs. Beer and Miss Skinner
have arrived in Florida and had a
grand trip going by Greyhound bus.
Mrs. Racket has (moved into the
house she recently1purchased from
Mr. Norman Tururbu"il. Mrs. Hacket
comes from IWinrhpeg..
Mrs. Harmoo' a (Gill 'is visiting in
Windsor. a
Mr. and Mee. Bill "Bossenberry
have ;gone to ' ondon 'where he has
secured ape teen "anti will 'spend the
winter tiosze.
What's to become of wartime
men workers when peace comes?l
they gladly give up fat pay cheeks
for home and a baby? Genevieve
I4arkhurst, noted research authority,
writing en The American 'Weekly scute
this Sunday's (Dec. 17) issue of The
Detroit Sunday Times, presents eiews
of the women themselves.
While driving on No. 4 highwee ee 1 has been president of the South . .ur
quarter -mile south of Hensall, :Gee= on Agricultural Society for over nibj Ronald McGregor of near Kippen
rhe Mame, sof near Clinton, suffni ' d the continued life and sue- se forth Hospital where pie,has
fade! lneesations, when the -'
was driving wei- 4t out' of contrail con
the icy :highway, and sideswiped •a
car he was,.passing, owned by ,'Alis
Manning odf Clinton. The icy real
was blamed for the accident. eles.i
Manning:Alia passengers were unhnstti
Traffic (Miter F. Taylor of Clinton)
investigated. ,
191 ',BLOOD DONORS • .
Exeteri id its most successfsil,
blood donors;Flinic, the 14th since in -I
ception, when 201 volunteers report ' church, _patriotic and social life ofen had the
Total donor='Mas. Wm.Lloig ;.ef Kipp
ed during tth'e: morning, the'c�ommunity. They have three sons; 1anafoah�'ue to £a'll :from a ladder and
were 191, elf .leese .127 were mea and' 'Jim, wounded in the invasion in i was tal�tm o aferth Hospital for
64 were ev rn n• There were o f rants ; G Gordon, student at Exeter t1ea,tmeat.
first-time donors. Those giving Nigh eSbhool; Bill, student at Hensall Mr aan i aMrs• 'games Wright of
their blood ,from Zurich we notice:}dblicbbu¢1 r Kippen received word from their son
Mrs. M. rslid_tt;..and Mr. M. Elliott;hMr D A S H W O O o Lieut. Gerddan Witi'giht, HMCS., ad -
second, . L. mid. en, M ; W. Eckel;, vising them gat he ;bail canrived in
Mrs. adh.iilien, Mrs. W. ]Elbe (Gen •Wolper of Nova Scotia New York front overseas. He had be -
fifth, M. Oeec'.h. en stationed le (Glasgow, Scotland,
be -
spent :a ;few 'days leave with his par -
Farm ;Forum ents,, I,r. owed_Mrs. Ed. Walper. for 11$ months as E;ducationai Officer
The Unique :Farm Forum met at Mx anti cies. Alvin Kellerman are and physical insitrueter on ." liobe."
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morris spending this week in Chatham. Mrs. Gordon (Wright, a visitor at the
• Durrant with Se event• The topic Mr; and .Mrs. Thos. Hoperoft are Wright home, left to ,meet her hush,
and in Toronto. Both Will setuam to
being `'Rural 'Conmiunities Can be visiting ijn iTiigrRllto•.this week. spend .a weeks with Mr. and 'Mrs
Ateractional," with .Morris Durant as Pte. Russell Tiernan of 'Camp Bor- Jmes •few aotiiwi�pett, a Gvxaxs
convener and Mr, ttki t as speaker. den event the meet -end with his par- arsaes WrightWrs.
The discussion was very lively which ents, Mr. :anti Ars. A. Tieman.Busaicoo 3Natson
led to say that C.ominenities can be Mr and Mrs Chas. Steinhagen are The First Presbyterian Church,;
made attractive theolah Co-operat- visiting in 3k'••ai°klill•l• tthis week also at- East South. Temple St.,a • rch,
ion. The next main will be held tending the 1funral of.the late Mr. Eat was the Saltof . in -
Mrs. E. G. IGru ger•e on January W. Tait on ;Saturday City, in Utah, was e scene at Nov.
it+th, the convenor bejpg (Ralph Kru- Mrs. S. Comet ;is'eiisiting with her g y g
sin a sister, Miss Chaiictine :McCrea in Vele- 15th when the pastor .of the chureh,
eger.uThe strg'ge uri es (.0 officiated at the marriage of Lieut.
church .(teed in Zug"unit ;las tt akating ter. Gary, Indiana, and Miss Margaret
rink was thoroughly d.iecussesi and a -Mr. and Mre...11iaeidb Gossman' of Ruth Watson,dieldestndaughter of ret
vote showed unanimou4g1;y' iiia lever of Port Huron spent the week -end with and Mrs. C. Watson, of Kippen.
the movement. his sister Mr. and Mgrs. Charles Rin-
Womens'. institute Mr Louis Rader 'ie spending a few iVIr. and Mrs Jas. Parkins were
On Thursday evening .the `4ttlieh days in Toronto this {week, week -end visitors with kins re
Wom tis' Institute held tessir (meeting Mr. and Mrs (Henry eeeger and London.
in "h • Zurich Town Hall. A very in- Mr. and Mrs. 'Oscar Miller and fan Mrs. Stokes and little data, titer of
teres tiny programme had 'laeen ;ere, ily and Mr. and Mrs. Herrington Fink London were andvisilitors with. Mrs. W.
pared. A few Christmas Ca lois were beiner and family were •uday visit- Carlisle.
sung. A. very splendid peeper •on •ors with Mr. and Mrs. Herb 'Krueger.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glenn and Mr
"Christmas in Other Lands" -was in Zurich. •
read. A number of musical selections Cpl. McLaughlin of Grand Bend and Mrs.J. W. Bonthron were guests
were enjoyed during the evening. Air Port spent Sunday with Mr. and at the Wright-McIllwain wedding at
The guest weaker, Father .Lucrer of Mrs Edgar Restemeyer. Goderich, ' - •
Zurich, gave a splendid ta:kk on The •Chnistmas program in the 'Ev- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Passmore a pd.
Mr. Tolin Passmore were at Hamilton
".T•1-ome Life', ;and the import ed angelical church will be held on Min, Mrs. John Passmore returning home
a ;aartnoirious ;home life. Let us day evereng, Dee. 17th. having spent two weeks with 1VIr, and
snake this nation) our boys are fight,. The sacred concert given iby the, Mrs. Lorne Eider and other friends.
ing for 'worthy of the great sacrifice Hendrick Memorial Band and the Mr, and Mrs. John Passmore re-
yof so many lives. After the ouslm s Lutheran choir on. Sunday .evening in, craSved a telegram from their son, Fit
eves transacted the .committee served the Evangelicacl church was welt at-' Lieut.,Kenneth Passmore, Hiro had
at -
refreshments. tended. Cpl.'t inlinaon of Centralia ,
Air Port was the guest speaker. The just arrived safely in New York from
10R. A. R. CAMPBELL TO LEAVE colledeen amounted to $65.00 which overseas,. Kenneth has completed his
will go (toward tee Gar Service tour of operational flights and is now
HENSALL Board on leave.
Dr. A, R. Campbell, wbe has car- A play put on by the Youth Fellow Pte. 'Carl Schwalm of Hamilton,
'ied on a Veterinary practise in Hen- ,hip will be held in the public school was a visitor with 'his mother, Mrs.
sari for the past 22 years will close on Thursday and Friday night. Violet Schwalm.
Ids office this month to aeccpt the The following is the Dec. Red Cross The members of the Arnold Circle
position of secretary -treasurer :incl shipments 3 large quilts, 2 small of Carmel Presbyterian Church held
o bin- a most su'ecesful Nassar and home-
lGaeldiaxan of the Canadian Guernsey quilts, 8 prs. boys siidrts, fl c m
ilreeder's.Association, He will maks a6ions, 3 shirts, 2 layettes of 74 peg, made biking .sale in the church sttho-
his headquarters in ;ixuerpzi. Dr, '1 box used baby doth((($, 1. turtle olroorr, the proceedq mounting toy
c mpbe1i' is ttina� of the nlnst wlilrly peck sweater, 1 pr. gloves, $ i25.0,0.
Mrs. W. A. (Kerr wet daughter,
Betty, of Seaforth, spent a pleasant
week -end with the ormer's sister,
Mors. Maude Hedden.
Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks and
Berenice, and Mr. and Mrs. John Ren-
ders= and family were Sunday last
visitors with Mr. , and Mrs. Arthur!
McClinchey!, of the Goshen Line, St-
anley Township.
John Dalrymple
Word has reached Hensall of the
death in a Winnipeg hospital of John
Dalrymple, the result of a paralytic
stroke. He was a son of Mr and
Mrs. Robert Dalrymple of the Hensall
district and was born in Tucker-
smith 78 years ago. He married Mar-
garet Ross. 'Surviving are his widow
and six children, a brgher George of
Autumn flowers, white candles and
evergreens shade the pretty setting
for a wedding of much interest in
Union United church, Goderich Twp.
when Mary Esther, only daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mcliwain, Goder-
ich Twp., ,became the bride of John
Franklin, son of Mr. and Mrs. James
Wright, Kippen. 'Given in marriage
by her father, the bride vwasof white
ing in a floor -length b
triple sheer. The matron of honor
was Mrs. Everett Mcilwain and the
groom was attended by Robert Ar-
chibald of Egmondville. Rev. H. Tur-
ner,. Goderich, performed the cere-
mony. The music was played by Miss
Margaret Mason and the soloist was
•Dave Davidson of Goderich. A buffet
Lunch was served. to fifty guests. The
bride was a farmer; popular teacher
at S.S. No. 10, Hay Township.
r �
Me. eta -"Itrs,.-Spencer Ervine mov-
ed into their anew home on Howard
Street. ILt 'Naas formerly owned by
the late Mrs. Annie Rouatt.
Mrs• p', :A, _Edwards is spending a
week .with 'relatives in Waterloo en
route tto Broadview, Sask., to visit
':her elatlg'liter, Mrs. R. J. Watson and
her:'hueban'd for the winter.
Miss K. Wright of Ottawa, Is visit-
ing 'her uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs.
elailumu• left for differ
Miss A. M. Stirling .
exit tpoirits in 'Saskatchewan with her
two .'sisters and a brother.
A'bazaar and ten -cent tea, under
tthe auspices of the Ladies' Guild of
:the Anglican church was held in the
(Orange' Hall on Saturday last.
The teachers and scholars of the
;public school are holding their annu-
al Christmas concert on the evening
'of 'Wed. Dec. 13th, in the town hall,
'they are having a good programme.
'aro'Celebralte July 12th Here
A id'elegation of the members of
L.O.L. No. 24, Bayfield, attended the
crannu.al North Huron County Lodge
meeting in Wingham recently ana ex -
ten ele an invitation to North Huron
to celebrate the 12th of July, 11945
in Hayfield, which was unanimously
:accepted by all, which also had been
accepted by .South Huron (County Or-
ange Lodge, it being the hundredth
:anniversary of L.O.L. 24, Bayfield.
:1cnown and successful practising vet
erinary surgeons in Ontario. Starting
at the bottom in Hensall 22 years,ago,
by skill and industry he built aap�one
of the largest practices in Western
Ontario, his constituency extending
over four or more counties- In add(
tion, his services were widely :used
kzas,.a consultant in a much wider end
He is one of the most pop
widely known nien in the public ,life;
of Huron and •occupies' many ;offices'
in the agricultural, patriotic and ;pnl-
:it(cal. activities of the County. :He
The champion steer at the Walk-
erton Winter Fair, shown by F. G.
Todd of St. Helens, was sold to the
T. Eaton Co., at 52c. a pound. The
animal weighed 1080 pounds.
The Exeter District 'Co-operative
has opened its new warehouse in Ex-
eter, with P. Passmore as manager.
John Innis has sold his farm on
the 2nd concession of Stanley to Roy
Cantelon and has' purchased a house
in Clinton.
Collie Has Thirteen Pups
Last week we reported a litter of
eleven pups. This week we top that.
Mr. J. G. Simmons tells us that he
has a registered ,Scotch 'Collie that
gave birth to 13 pups -8 males and
5 females.-Wingham Advance -Times
Moving to St. Thomas
Wm. J. Floyd, former manager of
the Exeter branch of the Bank of
Montreal, who recently left to as -
'31•'� cess of that society is due an a .large as
,operated foi appendicitis aiid'his
measure to his interest and aetisviby l eiends :hue for an early ,recovery.
He is president of the Huron -Perth Mr. Jas..Stephenson of the Goshen
:Liberal. Association, chairman of thel Ilene, Mho recently disposed of his
Hensall committee 'for the reee on :farm .to -Mr. Walter Eckel 'of Zurich
has taken a p his residence in Varna
at the ;home -of his sisterin-law, Miss
elossop, and:Mrs. M. G. Beatty.
,division. The removal of Dr. aero," ;Miss logs iiViefatt, A.W.I., •Comox,
Mrs. Campbell from Hensall will be �aaxooartcer i ie, its spending a two
(regretted by the people of the ertul1 week's fmflough with her parents,.
, is there Mrs. 'Campbell also play Mn. land Mss. ;Netter Moffat, Bruce-
part in active.life of the( e1i
Fire, Aute, Casualty
Fidelity, Etc.
Andrew F. a.�.�G :� Zurich
Local Representative
art 1��
surae the managership or the main thailer behind his car, was proceed--
b�raneh of the bank at St. Thomas, , ing north, -when the two met head on
Considerable damage was done to
both cars.
Twin Brothers Have 80th Birthday
has secured a house in that city an
the family will be leaving Exeter
soon after Christmas.
Has Knitted 195 Pairs Socks
Among the many ladies Who have
knitted many socks for the armed
forces there is one at Monxton who
is worthy of men'bion in the person
of Mrs George Woodcock who has
Wen. J. McIlwain of Auburn and.
his twin brother, David Mcllwain of
Goderich, marked their 8dth mile-
stone on Dec. 5th. They were bort
in W. 'Wawanosh and spent their boy-
hood days there. They also have twira
the fine record of having completed sisters who were at the party. The
195 pairs since the war started and family consisted of 13 members, 7'
expects to reach the 200th pair by of whom are stip living.
the end of the year.
(for reeturning overseas boys, and in'
tthe.;last and previous war Moan camp''
. aigns was chairman of lienal( -;£slay'
1 Horses Suppiy Blood Plasma
Brussels to Have Theatre i From Listowel during the past few-
Brussels is to have a theatre in the i months Mr. Lyle Jackson has sla(pp-
very near future. Movie fans will be ed seventy horses to blood clinics in
delighted to know that Mickey Carl -1 Toronto and Hamilton. These animals
ton, Wingham, formerly with Radio i will be used to supply a certain Lype-
Station CKNX, is remodelling the 1 of blood plasma. The type of animals
F. R. Smith building as a theatre, shipped was not important, but they
and expects to have an offlcrat open- must all be sound and in excellent
ing early
in the new year. 'health. Lyle also pu'rcha'sed and ship--
ped 17 horses for lumbering industry'
Crash at Egmondville
Last Wednesday evening at 6.30
two cars met head on in Egmond-
ville, and both went into the deep
ditch. Drew Swan of BrucefieId, was cows have been shipped to the U. sS.
driving south and Mr. Kirkby of Wal- (•Heifers have been bred to take them
ton who had just come from Goven- places and the dairying strength of
lock's stables with a horse in the the district is not being d'eple'ted.
The price paid' averaging: around $70.
From the Listoweli district, Mr. Jack-
ackson states, over. 500 good young dairy -
When is a Dollar Not a Dollar?
hen it won't buy a dollar's watt!) ergot's! For inston* compared is present'day
standards, your dollar of the lost war was Worth, nate dollar' ... bvt sometimes
less than 0 .. Housewives, who went marketing in 1917, had lo part with
fora four -pound jar of jom which you buy to -day for ... Doh winter Werner
set him back
then,as compared tothe
You geta lot more for your money NOW
he could buy itforto-day.
... because price ceilings and
other anti-inflationary measures hove kept the value of your dollar H I GH!
That's why it will pay you to see that selfishspendingnever undermines
price control in Canada. Remember youprotect your dollar's worth when you,
use your money wisely :$i' when you pay off dslts ~` .. • refuse to lout
needless luxuries... give blade markets a wide berth .. and tion''t hoard goods.
1 promise to give my support to keeping the cost
of living down. I will buy only what I needs. 1
will observe the ceiling whether During or sell-
ing goods or services. I will pay off old debts,.
save for the future, invest in Victory Bonds and
War Savings Certificates. And 1 will support
taxes which help lower the coat of living.
ee, foi4 P14 Fake 44..
il#,/���//05, //ii //a/'%,//if,0"%//,,Zer Jeff
to help reveal the dangers that inflation represents %r all the people of the Nation.