HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-12-14, Page 14 • ZURI Established 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14 19 44 Help Save our Freedom ST. PEWS evangelical Lutheran Church zugual - our. . Rev. E. W. Heinrich, Pastor 10 Lm. --Divine 'Semites. ]11.15 a.m.-+Sunday School. 7.30 Divine Worship. Everybody Welcoms to all Services Betty Anne Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents applied 'with the very laiee6-of methods and Equipment. And besides all this is ear years e Experience in• all. Hair D._ GIVE US A GAILI • Phone 68 four your Appointmestts. MRS. EDW. GASCSIO, Zurich -0)0-) Ara You Suffering FEW" . Headaches! :if so; Have your Eyes Ezamtne4 with tihe Latest Methods and Equipment•at A. L. COLE, ft. O. OPTOMET*JST .A OPTICIAN GODERIQII -- ONT. Good Glasses at Ressenidge. PrIcia EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL- CHURCH C. Bo Heckrsndera, Paster Mrs. M. OessL, Organist SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m.-Divine Worship. 11 a.m. Church School .7.30 p.m. --Divine Services. COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at • EXETER The Newest Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. A Publishers Blessing Chester L. Smith, Publish** $1.50 a Year in Advarke Buy Government securities HAY COUNCIL The Council of the Township °'t Hay met in the tCouncil Chamber, Zurich, on Monday, December 40 1944 at 2 o'clock, p.m. After dealing with several items Qf correspondence the following motions were passed. That the Hay Municipal Telephone System subscribe for one copy of the. 1945 Telephone Directory for each subscriber of the System. That By-law No. 9, 1944 previdin'g for Nomination and Election for Reeve and Councillors for the year .1944 be read the third time and finally passed. That the request to have the Town- ship Road 'Superintendent sign the Alexander petition be filed.' That Mrs. M. Stephan be granted $12.00 foN allowance on wire re: Stephan Drain. That henceforth all the gas used in the Township truck and grader be purchased from the seven gas t eai- ere stationed in Zurich. Purchase)* to be made in rotation at. 100 :gall- ons per dealer as needed. Oblessed is he who does not fuss When be receives a bill from us; • But knowing his subscription due, Sends 3n the money to.' renew. A doubly blest is that good friend Who Waits not tin a hill we send, But promptly sends us the amount Wherewith to straighten.lh%s account; antrat Ante • larrl Coilman . ,. • 'Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE 'ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. DAY Oft NIGHT 'NNONE No. 70 Dashwood - Ontario suoll s Visit Our Store 'The Christmas Season ;is mow with us again. Make this Y`irl4tide Season a most Happy one by remembering- your. Friends with useful Gifts. We are pleased to -announce that we have massy Aoirle i„ our Store very suitable for this occasioin. in fact, something for every mevnbcr r'isit`"our acre often during this period of Christryt Shnnnang, and you will be greatly pleased with out fine showing; with prices very r 1od rrlwe considering quality. a 140 rwz;-axe =•mva, That the ,Clerk - Treasurer. for Hay Township be appointed as' Tax Coll'•es and friends in Detroit. ector for Hay Townshiip. Duties to cpmmenee. Deceiil'ber 16, 19414: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert K. Eilber of That `payment bei made on Hay Crediton were Saturday.visitors in Munic TelephonQ System accounts, town, the former attending the Insur- Relief, Roads, -and General :Accounts ance meeting of which he is sect': trs. as per vouchers. Township •1i.bads Wm. Watson, $7; Ed.'+Stelck $1.45; Leonard Me's- ner $2.10; Wm. Gould $2.43; Harold Willert $4.74; Alvin Ayotte. $25.2'11; ack Corbett $8.05; Clare Masse; $23.40; Mara. Corriveau $56.03a'Alf Reichert $9.50; Jos. Ziler Stewart Thiel $2.80; Ted lxeoffre: $2.85; Charles Aldworth $2.63•; Sant Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Koehler, Miss Olive O'Brien and Mrs. Lennis O'- Brien spent Saturday at London. Prof. and Mrs: Herbert Kalbfleisch of London were week -end visitors at the home of the former's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haberer. Mr. and Mrs. George Farwell and daughter Helena were visitors with relatives and friends at Kitchener over the week -end. Mr. Charley Hay who ds m the arm- ed forces is enjoying a furlough at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs Wm. Hay. Mr. Wm. S. Johnston of town and Mr. Everet Heist of Exeter, attend- ed the McCall Frontenac convention held at Kitchener' ane day last week. Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Coxon; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thiel; Mr. and Mrs Wilfred Klopp, Mrs. Earl Yungblut were week -end visitors with relativ- while the latter visited with their daughter, Mrs. Ward Fritz. Mrs. Sam Lenox of Crene Valley, Sask., is at present visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howald whom she had not seen for seventeen years, when she was a visitor in Zurich. Her visit in Zurich was- a complete surprise. With tChristinas only ten days a- Ropp $8.63; Napoleon Cinnayeaaway, the "usual programs are being $15.;60; T,loyr3.. Mott Beau`ktis.';el'd; , Tjae local 84tinol concert 91 ,1 Ayo'tte $35.40; Dennis DIV charme $23.40; Frank Wildfong $1.23; Bob Timtey $3.33; Elmer Dat - ars $2.10; Wm. Ziler $4.20; Glenn Deitz $40.60; Nelson Masse $8.50; Hay Twp. Drains $109.61; , Henry Lawrence $40.00; Wm. F. Jennison $145.42; Elgin Datars $2.10; Milt Deitz $1178.4.3; Oscar Klapp $10.80; Stanley Twp. $21.00; Co. Treasurer $39.00. Total $855.81. Relief - John Suplat 1326.10; Morris Denomme $2.5.00. Hay Munic. Tele. System - Geo. Armstrong $30:'00; Roland Geiger $25.00; E. J. Willert $25.00; 11. W. 13rokenshire $130.00; Mrs. A. Schu- macher $2.19; Bell Tel. Co. $264.77; Coll. Custom and Excise $'32.52; A. Parizeau $5.00; Receiver Gen. of Can. $10.00; Wm. Haugh $25.00; F. J. +Habe'rer $25.00; H. G. Hess $206.83; T. 11. ,Hoffman $235.65; Hay Twp. Loan and Interest $2029.- 15; Northern Electric Co. $93.64; Hay Stationers $22.56; ..`amen Mc- Allister $80.00. Total $3532.31. General Accounts - Hy. Law- rence $11689.-45; Bruce Koehler $27.- 00 ; "27.,00; Wnt, Haugh $05.00; F. J. Hab- erer $65.00; Wm. H. Edighoffer $10; Sam Hendrick $4; E. B. Horner $1.50; Win_ Bell $2.86; H. G. Hess $4; H. W. Brokenshire $139.50; Johnston & Kaibfleisch $9.30; Corp. of Vill. of Exeter $30; John William $3.75 Mary Stephan $2; Albert Geddes $454.34; -F. M. Deichert Klapp -Needham $239.92; Secy Treas. U.S.S. No. 1, The Church of Christ 1lisciples, Stanley $300.30; SS No. 2 list' London, was chosen for the marriage $1105.70; SS No. 3, Hay $1046.23; of Janet Paterson Needham, Reg. N., strop Rader $1911.96; Geo. Arm- and Harold W. Klopp, both of Lon-- strong $78.00; R. Geiger $65.00; E don. Rev. B. C. Eckardt, pastor of' J. Willert $65.00; Alf. Pfaff $4; Ed. the .church,.church,performed the ceremony. Munn $4; Ont. Munic. Board v4 A. bride is the youngest daughter H. Erskiine $34.25; C. L. Smith of Mr. and -Nees. John H. Needham, E. F. Klopp $40; Municipal R.R,3, Iielerton, and the: groom is World $2.89; Prov. Treasurer $5.72; Hay Munic Tel. Supt_ $6044.24;the eldest son of Mr, Oscar Klapp, Wildfong Train Ref. $412.47; Ea. and the late Mrs. Klopp of Zurich. Reichert $524.82; J. W. liaberer The bride's costume was a street - $'294.08; Secy. 'Tree,,. SS No. 4 Haylength frock of dusty crepe trimmed $1069.53; SS No. 6 Hay $.1248.50; with brides lace, a small black hat SS No. "r list' $3539.87; SS No. 8 and black accessories. Her corsage list' $1151.(17; SS No 10 flay$1433.-bouquet was hr'd roses and earl color - 47; SS No. 12 Hay $854.30; SS No. ed baby !mums. The bride wearing 14 ?latv'$600.00; USS No. :l Stenh- her aunt's pearl neeklaee. Her only en x',1493.34; IL Sep. SS No. 1 Stan- attendant was her .iter, Mrs. David ley $66.00; US.S No 9 Stanley $750, -DIM Call, as matron of honor. The 10; SS No. } 1 Hay $1i1,01.70; SS No groomsman was Wilfred Klopp, bre- 13 Hay $318.00; T'SS No, 1.5 flay ther of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. ;$955.9:0; Sep. SS No. 1 Nay $993.77 Harold W. Mona left immediately i ;iarl 28.5911.0 ). by motor for n short honeymoon in The meeting be adjourned to meet 'Detroit. They plan to leave in Jann- e-gain, on Friday,, December loth, la 'ivy for a winter, honeymoon U.S.A.The bride is a 19143 Two pan. 1 iOl;iela, �.'NursingGeo. Armstrong, Reeve., graduate of the .Seboctl of H. Vv', T.II of enslvre C:ier•}t, let t1ie (!nit::rio Hospital; in 'Landon, 1. t Wednesday eve.; '"Dec "20•tli, the an- nual entertainment in the Evangel- ical church on Sunday eve., 17th, and ,one week later, Dec. 24th the S. S. Scholars of St. Peter's Lutheran church will render their annual pro- gramme. The public are heartily in vited to attend these entertainments as it leaves with one pleasant thou- ghts of the Christ whom we worship. The Lions Were at Zurich Last Thursday evening the. Lions Club of Exeter were in Zurich and enjoyed a splendid +banquet: at the Dominion House, who certainly know just how to handle such a situation, as .the boys all praised the, monis of good things to eat_ There were a- bout 38 Lions present, and there were some twenty of Zurich citiiens and who would be likely to become mem- bers if a Club were organized in Zurich. In fact a feeler petition was passed and signed by twenty ,worthy citizens of Zurich, and several more have since expressed their willingness to join in. So prospects are that in the near future a Lions Club will be organized in Zurich, which would be a big asset to the town, as these Clubs wherever they are, are doing most wonderful work in helping those in need physically, and also doing other welfare work. HYMENEAL Y67I/rd FOI! A LIFE TIME LIFE »►� $boe "DA= 1Nee�1 w •seagm I• tifis401111 deden, 1 Al 40* /11111 111111181111111 • Oil, 11V,s,,i� IUBEATH • raffia II DIAMONDS i • r gsersswd • A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician.. For positive identification eiI the World's Finest Anthraces ask for BLUE COAL . Miller Creek Coal. Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitianized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid Iir Eggs according to Grads W. R. DAVIDSON Pone. 10 - Rena: M• 1". N1114111..S 000 1041. Westlake - Brokenshire MINERAL & AULANCE SERVtCE Comfortable Ho$pital fled for .. Rent Phone 156r. Zurich Day' �'TYid'i'�1g1,t':,��.i,,gr Service SAINSoa,Mor„ sa owat+ew••ksrsas ees000••11•Oi(11R•R•+s0•B0).► 1 11,44.++++++++ ++-1-4-1. 4.•r.:.• ++4.4144.4-4.+++++++++++++++++,11 Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF! Buy 'Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. F. C. KALBFLEISCH & SON Phone 69 - - - .- ZURICH Ii1 t11.444.4.4*+++++e"+4.44+44.4-4•+4.44 4,44.44+4+++++++++4++++++44 •3006 'We are Salesman for the amxaot:+ ‘., F v Cn oris I-Jaz rgcod 1133n �� �: � We always ca_r� a Paints, Clothing for all rraemb F rs of the Family. Or ay th :: of. a`iti :L i THP L KE Ea kAiN. EDW , �~i:"v,_i'\:Jx ReT ZEN"1 RU3>l~,R, Proprietor