HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-12-07, Page 8ZURICH, ONTA1IO ZURICH HERALD ''tllll!Iili11111 Ll!lf►I►1!Gilllllif titill fill !!ii►iJipina: jill _J[111111011 ul ITll�llqdlllllllti!u►�iiimifluuill�i�i�uuuul 101 DD qG a0G' 12 nly ass les a.ti 8 0 Crete iresses9 IN ASSORTED COLORS AND SIZ- ES. These are New Styles, welt made in pretty Shades of Brown, British Tan, Rust, also Navy and •Black, at $9.50 Each Gase N 0 Bros. TELEPHONE 59 GENERAL INSIJRANOE EXCEPT LIFE • Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Etc. 1 • QQ Andrew F. Hess, Zurich Local Representative f 1111111.111111. Zurich zu •. pairs Grocery Store WE ALWAYS CARRY A COMPLETE. LINE OF FRESH GROCERIES ON HAND FURC'41;e0.SED• PR'MM THE LEAD- ING WHOLESALE HOUSES.. OWING TO; UNSETTLED CONDITIONS WE ARE NOT QUOTING. ANIY PARTICULAR PRICES BUT CAN ASSURE: THE PUBLIC GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY WITHL QUALITY' AND- PRICES AT THE VERY BEST Merino 1 esch PRDUCE WANTED. 413, Zurich Phone 165 II MEI 111111 III 11111111111lllll N! MIMI IIiIt IIJ . 'l u ii 1Q1C Ul! it _iIij011115I0 ►I a !1!111. i0(L�ii),j1(liljl : l i s �'� i lir i a T R ' AL MARKETS Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smite:. were (Corrected every Wednesday) Sunday visitors at Seaforth.,. iipggs; .................... .'..... 31, 29, 23 A goodly number of bad colds. are Uattcie? peg lb: 38 making the rounds in these parts. at.� Chickens„ dressed 30 present.Wliee, b:asllell .. ,1.09 Mrs. Mary Stephan, Parr_ Line,„ Oats, bushel 50e visited relatives at London one, day' Barley; bush. 7073 last week. BI eltwheair„ bash. Mr. and Mrs..Ward Fritz,_ acrd:Mary;.' Lou were Sunday visitors with. Mrs. Fritz': parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Herb- ert K. Dither, Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Albert ,Smith. •oif Port Huron were visitors sfor sere. ai d»Ys: at the home of the former's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brisn. • Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Italbfleiscli land Mr. and Mrs. Ross Yohnstof mot- bus- ored to Toronto on Monel;r5 en iness. • Mr. and Mrs. Earl E: Weido and. hid • and Mr. John Gellman. spent Thursda f,1.,f edit `Tfhy, 1944 + 41411441041.4~14441,414.414)11011441 04.1040441140$4440444,4444+$01 YOUR Hardwar andFurniture 40 • 4. .,L Flour,. ewt. Slio rets- and ihran, Middlings, ton 2.60, 2.75 ton .. 30.00 32.00 FAMILY HERALD WESTERN SERIAL TO BE A MOVIE ,Starting early in the New Year, the Family Herald and Weekly Star will. feature a hilarious Western tale,. "Useless Cowboy", by Alan LeMay,.-� Based on a case of mistaken identity, a clay at London lastoweek. zinc baman- : that involves young Melody Jones al, ess.the solving .of mystery and the elim.: , Thursday, Decernlber. 14th will: be I; Into atioii of a killer, this story is shut:the last Banking Day in Zurich mat Gar 'Cooper. a i ly Heraldtfiro1:i JL F —b;ath serial and short story --has been of a high order during the; cur- rent year, the recent series •off Will R. Bird stories being particularly ap- preciated by readers. Because of its, rich stogy content, its valuaelilp. f�ste service departments :and its• practical usefulness as a farm and home guide: the Family Heral and W e cly Star is: • LET -11S3 SHOW YOU OUR NEW SUPPLIES OF STOJE NEW WIRE FENCING Weehaveort hand a good supply of new'Bittrb'Wire, Steel l F ostse Woven Wire Fencing and: all the sup- plies required for Fenciiim.. PAINT IIP TIME. taxes will be pia wi'tli•:2azt. p y'tng ex'• Itra penalty. DorOt forget this date. Mrs. William, :Gibbons who has been with her ilosbamli Mt- Qtfiebee, is visiting with her parents, 1&r., and Mrs. Sylv. 'Witmer. Mr. and: Mrs. Ward Fritz spent a few days; at Toronto recently, and were accompanied to that crty by Mr becoming increasingly popular as a John :Cantu' of Montreal, and who I Christmas gift. 'Special, Gifts R and Rakes f spent a few weeks with his mother, make it a thrifty wartime p Mrs. N. M. ,Canon, of St. Joseph and the colorful, lavishly-iariustrated C'nL'i- tylia is ill• strias issue, now in course of prepay' At the recent auction sale of tlhe ation,ft lends y en -a seaso b e t uclh ti o. a t real estate of Mrs. Annie Desjardr g the dwelling property iOCe ZurichGewas purchased by ber while the property on. the Blue Wat- er Highway near Bayfield, was p t- chased'by a Mr. Badour. We notice in the London Paper MLA., for South Huron, p asci away that while Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Geo- at her home in Usborite Township on (trey were on their way to• Windsor Sunday in her 78th year. The re mains, were resting at the home, where funerill was held on 'Wednes- day afternoon with interment in Roy's cemetery. READYMIXED PAINT TlieSeason, demands to PAINT UP im order to 'Preserve eserve the Surface on your Buildings:. It i1 pear economy to try to save on ; Paint. Wfe have a, god: stock of all called for.. Paint*, VbErnishes, and; Paint: Supplies— ..See these litres:. FURNITURE See Our Studio Couches and! Musette Suites A Fun Line of all the Home. Req ensent• 4 4 4 • Johnston et Kaibfieiseh t Hardware 8c Furnit e. hone 68 4 4++ +++++++*+++ ++ 3.52i +arae -.4•4•44•4•444.4.4.1•++++.4"1"141114 0110..110,11. 0410011168.00.061.0809110•0008 19100•®8.3.30••113• aage 024410004411`'; 2.0SIA HARDWARE -- SEEDS and You are going Through This World Only Once. So Why Do.. Without These Labor Saverg7 Experienced fa' scarce and cost moderately prir pment to do tl' kest, easiest way. Invest part of the money you'n pay hired help, in Beatty labor- saving stable equipment. gays lietime dividends. Gives you ,. more time to enjoy life. En- - fiances value of farm. Improv- es product. Inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow'' Stalls --Exceptional' Values at Loiwer Prices... FURNITURE Priced Stalls iatic Watering; BROODER HOUSE COAL We have received -a .shipment of choke .chestnut Coal which we are selling out on restractios only for Brooder House use, And ,an agreement tas to be signed that it will be used for that purpose only. ZUF lC H QUALITY -- PRICE SERVICE • a WIFE OF FORMER M.L.A. PASSES Mrs. Mary McKellar, tall forme, wife of James Ballantyne, Dead and Disaed Animals REMOVED PRO-MPILY Phone: Collect: E .eter 2255. Seaforth 15 DARLING and COI Of CANADA LTfl. (ESSENTIAL WEAR INDUSTRY) ■ • • • from Zurich last week, Mrs. Geoffrey had the misfortune to fracture her ankle while in the city and wag giv- en medical aid before g -.Ig on to Windsor. { A Real WintCr Winter has really set in the past week, with storms and snow galore, the weather being the most "inn teens e last Thursday and Friday, was not so bad here, at Uasnwood considerable more snow fell there, and in the city of London, by the looks of photos several .feet of the beautiful white covered that part of Ontario, and they are not rightly dug nut of it as yet. The weather has become much milder and the snow is settling down, BLUNDERS OF THE MASTER 3 Colder Days will goon be here which will dd eman itmost suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment. • s ••• • • • • • • • iN/N0••1110l4i111!•1110••11110l01 WM*WWI 13M•i YOUR WINTER'S FUEL STORE CHANGES HANDS +Snallman & Ingrrun, Ltd., a 67 - year -old business that. grew to be the largest departmental store in Western Ontario, and located at London, has been gold to the Robert Simpson Co. Ltd., Toronto, it was announced by Lt. -Col. Gordon Ingham, president of the firm. Col.,Ingram said the store changed hands on Friday of last week but there Would be no alterations in the name of the company at the pre - .t -tent time. Under the new ownership Col. Ingram i:: chairman of the board of directors. SLEUTHS The victims of your favourite "whodunits" shouldn't wear those ex- pressions, of horror, clutch guns, or photograph murderers with their ey- es, yes, says Dr. LeMoyne Snyder of the Miehigu.^, .State Police's (Dec. 110) is- sue of The Detru ` SundayS mes. Tae sure to get The i.. nday Times every week. CHANGES IN CO. COUNCIL Rumors were current at the recen' County Council meeting that et least sirof the sitting members would re- tire et the end of the :current year, but only two were prepares: to de- clare themselves. These were Reeve: Ben Rath:well. of. Goderich Township and George Armstrong of Hay. Bots- are .topping out to allow a youn;: aspirant to try his luck 'at the new Ship, 'o.• l;nth look for an Acte:;:• contest in their 4•espective municipal. ity. Reeve Radhwell has been ten wars in Goderich Township Council, the last five as reeve. • Reeve Arm, -trang has been i11 County Council :tight years and is considered one of t 1e Vetr'rall'S. He has been warden and has held all the important chair- nian.;nips. He likes a. debate, both on and off tha floor, and has been •active in Federal affairs.--Goderich Signal Star. PTE. GORDON BIEBER IN HOSPITAL Mr. and Mi•s. William. Bieber, of Hay Township, near Exeter, recevcd word from Ottawa that their son, Pte. Gordon, had been wounded in action. Later they received a letter written in a Belgian Hospital where he had been ;taken by plane. He received severe shrapnel wounds in both legs, left arm and face. Be - 11e going overseas he served at Kis- ka for loll s..a year and went over- seas in May of this year; - A Bad Accdent Goderich was stunned last Thurs- day morning with the news that two well-known and highly regarded cit- izens, Mr. and. Mrs. E. (1, Robertson had the night before been 'ailed in a motor .collision at London. "1:7U• accident occurred at the intersect- ion of Richmond and Ovferrl nearing rnicinight. Mr. Robertson was killed outright and Mrs. Robertson died early the next morning in Vic - feria Hospital. They rare +^ have occupied the front seat. In the rear seat were Mw. Verna 'links, 22 of Paisley and Mos. T,ily Clark, 26, of Denville. Doth are employed d pt the Fashion Shoppe in Goderich, The party had gone to London on a Wed- nesday hal' holiday trip, and their car was hit by a U.S.A• Army truck. tbo Let us fill your bin while prices are l,west. FEEDING MOLASSES It is some considerable time since this all important product has been on the market... But we were fortunate in securing a supply. Also have Cod Liver Oil, ..Etc. for Live Stock. Get your supply Now! ,. PLOW POINTS --- REPAIRS We carry a complete Line of International and other kinds of Plow Points, Sole Shoes, Landsides, Etc., for all makes of Plows. „Let Us Serve You! L. Schilbe & Son PAPER IS DAILY BECO -/iMG SCARCER s: eons about its use are getting more is therefore necessary that all sub., siL,4 ')aper who are in arrears should brii ..a'iption at least up-to-date. Our supe.. ,f,),... -.each week is becorning very limited and'* _sw names are L',._ : tg added, who have paid in advance, we are obliged to 4,,-.....,—;,.... such names as are in arrears on our list. The label on your paper shows the date to which' your subscription is paid. If it requires attention please attend to it NOW i THE ZURICH HERALD