HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-12-07, Page 5ZURICH, OMTA* Q BUSINESS CARDS WANTED y CASH FOR FOX HORSES --Dead animals removed. Two -how sera vice day or night. Phone Credi- t= 47r15, coiled. Jack Wil- 1ias, P.T. 4-6- 41 LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or .article to sell. 1 solickt /our business, and if not satisfied will Make no charges for Services Ren- gored. _ ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood Phone 57 r 12 VETERINARIA.N W. B. CONON, WV. Sc. • VETERINARY SURGEON Office with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store Zurich Phone --96. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of. Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All finesses of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day oroni t gh salla promptly attefided to. ,der. of Scottish terriers. In ernes Hennels. Office on Main seeuOsite. Town Uall. BUTCHERS Zuriebs' Popular MEAT MA-RKE Let 'Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolo as, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices� S� ns Wool, 1- ide. H, Yungblut & Sou PRODUCE Farm Produce Have your Eggs Graded scien- iifically on our approved grad- ing Machine which gives the producer every advantage. Also Cream and Poultry. Wrnm O'Brien - Yhoine 101, Res. 94, Zurich Zurich Creamy Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus a pTemium for delivered cream We -are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg Bind Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellett - Proprietor. rvr— Put Your Want, For Sale Lost. Found. Etc. Ads, in this Column. STRAYED. y' From the farm of Gilbert Geoffrey at his recent sale, a heifer two years old, black and white. Finder please notify Wm. Dietrich, Zurich. STRAYED. From the swamp pasture, Hay Twp. two yearlings, 1 white steer and 1 red heifer. Finder notify, Roy Swartz, Tel. 21r2, Crediton. FOR QUICK SALE A used Ferrell Seed and grain cleaner in good condition, elevators, motor and screens complete. Apply to Box 161, Zurich, Ont. STRAYED Unto my premises, - 14th Conces- sion, Hay Township, a red steer com- ing 2 yrs. old. Owner can have same by paying expenses. Edw. Stire, Phone 100 r 2, Zurich. • LOST A yearling red calf, has slit in right ear, .tags in ears. with name thereon. Finder notify, Bruce Tuck- ey R. R. 3, Exeter, Ont. STRAYED From grass farm, Parr Line, Hay Township, a red •steer with star on forehead, no horns, about 700 lbs. Finder notify Alex. Mousseau, Phone 1.2r9.2, •Zurich. FOR SALE A quantity of choice apple butter for sale in bulk. Apply to Emmerson Eeb, Phone 97r6. LOBI STRAYED, from pasture farm, on Babylon Line, three head of cattle, 1 ersey and 2 Herefords corning two years of age. Finder notify, Earl Gin.gerich, Phone 22r96, Zurich: WANTED Married man, separate house, by the year. Apply to Herald Office. FOR SALE Property—I have a fine ,residence in Zurich for sale -with all conven- iences. Also a summer cottage at Grand Bend. Terms can be arrang- ed.—Theo. rranted.—Theo. Haberer, Zurich. STRAYED Onto Lot 19, •Con. 9, Hay Town- ship, about Sept. lst, a steer rising 2 years. Owner can have same by peeving property and paying expens- es.—Herb Desjardine Zurich, R.R.3 FOR QUICK SALE Some 4 -ft. soft elm dry wood, also dry soft elm in log lengths for wood. Daviel Dignan, Phone 18-91, Zurich Central. R. R, No. 2, Hensall. NOTICE CIDER MILL Cider made every Tuesday and Thursday. Apple butter boiled by appointment. F. C. Kalbfleisch & Son, Zurich. 96 r 7, Zurich. FOR SALE Doherty High Oven Range, in good condition, equipped with both the or- dinary and hot water front linings, good grates for coal or woad, also has boiler and warming closets. Electric Washer—A Miss. Simplic- ity and a Trojan. Electric Fixtures—A choice select- ion of household fixtures suitable for any home. Inspection invited, call evenings or Saturday afternoons 'or by ap- pointment at the Geiger Residence, Phone 59, Ira Geiger, Hensall, Ont, NOTICE Whereas the ratepayers or )fay Township assessed to the Turich Drain South have petitioned the Board of Health to have steps taken to. remedy the pollution of the Zur- ich Village Drain that empties into INSURANCE the Zurich Drain South. All owners of septic tanks, slaugh- ter hooses, creameixies, and any other 6,fRrn Farmerss Milu#�ua� I Weather Insurance 10. OF WOODSTOCK j HP LA..I.tGES7.' $ESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOINGBUSINESS Or THIS KIND IN ONTARIO • Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 81st, 1986, $22,391,527.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $273,613.47. Wes—$4.60 per $1,000 for 3 Years E. F. KLOPP---ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- ing Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance refuse causing an offensive discharge into the Drain, to cause contaminat- ion, are notified to 'take steps tom l prevent any pollution froering the Drain. •itecominended distance between weeping tile and main drain to be not less than 10 ,feet. If this condition is not cleared up within a reasonable time, the Sanit- ary Engineer of the Department of Health will be consulted. —Local Board of Health. 40 Only two and a half weeks till Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thiel -and Mrs. Louis Thiel made a business trip to -Goderieh last Friday. Hay Counoil met on Monday .for the regular business meeting. The next and probably the final meeting will be held on Dec,. 15th. The Christmas program by the Sunday ,Schou+l of the Evangelical church will be held on Sunday, De- cember .17th at 7.30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon e ranee . of the Thames Road were visitors one day recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hay of town. Mr. and Mrs. David Ducharme have left for Detroit where they in- tend to remain for a few weeks with members of their family. All users of milk bottles of the Zurich Dyrai, are asked to put them out as soon as they can, as .bot11es are very hard to get. • Miss Betty Dietz .of Gederied. gee. a few .days at the home of h• parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Diet last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Ge ° . family of the 15th Concession, iHe, Twp., left for Windsor where they intend to make their future home They will be greatly ,Hissed in this vicinity and their many friends wish them every success. Mr. William. McAdams who has been employed with the One -Stop service station, managed by Mr. How- ard Klopp, has severed his connect- ions with that place, having purch- ased the milk delivery business ' of Hensall of which he will get posses- sion shortly. We will indeed miss Fall Footwear RUBBERS, GALOSHES Boots or Lumbermen. Up -to -the Minute e • s f DRESS . o SHOES for Ladies and Gents. School and Sunday echoes for Children SHOES REPAIRED With Best Quality pre-war Leather. Good Workmanship --Lowest Prices ED. J. DATARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR and TRUNKS AND SUITCASES 450 MILES AN HOUR Inglewood, Calif. — North Amer - gee: A ziatien, inc. announced it had received War Department permission to reveal a speed of 450 miles en hour far its P-51 Mustang fighter, reported to be the worlds fastest plo- peller-driven plane. HYMENEAL Dignan --.Dignan The marriage was solemnized at the United church parsonage, O'Leary Prince Edward island, on Nov. est of Revada Elizabeth, daughter of Me iR. 4, I" 4P, rat.• MILKING' MACHINES ii *r �1! Al• • • 4 w a _Huron Farnierh' Co -Operative 4v The United Farmer's Co -Operative Co,, Toronto, has recently taken over the manufacture of the famous Universal Milking Machine. Before purcn- asirig, give us a call. Poultry Feeds, Concentrates, Cedar Shingles, fence Posts, Coal, Motor Oils, Etc., on hand at all times. HENSALL, Phone 115. R. J. COOPER, MANAGER i4'., seee7leve•tea,tpW4,....0.4 ..QA : _ .. r sq, 1assey--Harris Advise ORDER YOUR MACHINES EARLY FOR 1945! I HAVE A FEW CREAM SEPARATORS ON MY ALLOT- TCME!'T 550 to 600 SIZE at $70.75 400 to 450 SIZE (a. $59.50 850 to 900 SIZE e $82.75 (LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON TRADE INS.) THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED USERS ASK THE MAN WHO KNOWS.—BUY CANADIAN MADE ARTICLES Tel. Shop 149 Oso ` K.101) MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Aran, for Canadian Farm. Res. 67 Billy around the garage, T. wish and- Mrs. Wesley Dignan, of Woods him enrich luck in his business vein- stock, P.I., to Harold Benjamin, ::on , flare. MAILING LIST Our mailing list has been correct- ed up to December 5th, and if you have renewed or changed your ad- dress .before that time please see that the pro.per changes have been made. If not please notify us and•wc will do so. Presentation To Retiring Warden Warden Fred Watson, reeve of Stanley Township. played host to ov- er one hundred the other night when the annual warden's' banquet was held in traditional manner at the British Exchange Hotel, Goderieh and the Warden himself was "chaired" by hie confereres of the county council. It was the great .annual get-to-gether of men in the official life of the county, in this and past years.—Goderieh Sig- nal Star. • To Hold Memorial Service Word has been received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Fos- ter, of Hay Township, that their son Private Anthony. Arthur Foster of the i4th Pit. Support Cog., of the -48th Highlanders of Canada, is now rport- ed as killed in Action Jan. 3rlth 1944 of Mr. and Mrs. Davi? Dignan, of Hay Township. Rev. G. Gough oi h.i- ating. The bride looked changing in a dress of tu}'eluoiee blue We. navy accessories and wore a gold locket, the gift of the groom. The bride was attended b;- her sister, Mrs Wallace Rayner and Mr. Wallace Rayner sup- ported the groom. After the ceremony the beide] party motored zo the home of the brides parents, where a delic- ious wedding supper was served to 40 invited guests. Many useful gifts were received, including a cheque from the groom's perents. Cables of congratulations were received during the day by the bride and groom from l the bride's brother serving. in Belg-1 ium. and Caip of Scotland. At , a later hour a jolly bunch of seran aders' errived to offer best wishes. The following morning the bridal to -1 uple left by bus on a honeymoon trip to Mon++ton, N.S. Stellarton, N.S. 'and Charlotte, P.E.I. Huron Old Boys • The +45th Annual Meeting of the Huron Old Boys' Association of . Toronto was held in Haddon Hall Nov. 24`th and every part of the old He was 22 years of age and wont Country was represented. H. M. Jac - .overseas in June 1943, and saw act- kson, retiring president, stated all Association is the oldest and 'largest of its kind in Canada and has never missed holding an annual meeting. Boniface R. C. Church, Zurich with' The late Sir John Willison was its a Funeral Mass being sung by Rev. I first president in 1900. Father Lucier, pastor. The symp-1 The members stood in silent athy of a large circle of friends is;The of those who passed away extended to Mr. and Mrs. Foster and ', since the last annual meeting. They were not forgotten. S. M. Wickins was elected presid- ent and all other officere ee re the same as the previous year by accla- mation. Euchre and bridge were we service in Africa before .goingto dep'aztments were flourishing This Italy, where he met death. A Mem- orial funeral Service will be held on Saturday eiior.•n}ng at 10 a.m. in St. .Womens' Institute The local branch of the Zurich Women's Institute will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on December 7th; played and many prizes were distil- i at 8 p.m. A very good programme I buted. has been planned. The guest speak-' One of the most successful parts er will be Father Lucier. Everybody', of the Huron Old Boys is the Junior is cordially invited. So come one,Association which has shown union' come all, make this the best of the ( growth and is very active. It has year meetings. 'geld leve; d large dances and bowl - After 'ng tournaments during; the past year DIES IN STEPHEN l A large number of membc were an illness of two weeks, _ilrs j present for the evening, and the pub - Joseph Mofieever, formerly Eliza- licity committee chairman is Mr. B. beth Madden, passed away on Sun- -j McCreath. day at her home, lot 4, Con. 13, Ste- phen Township, in her 75th year. , She was born in McGillivray Twp. and after her marriage had resided 1 83 years on the farm where she died. 1 She leaves three daughters and three sons, a sister and a brother. The remains rested at the residence until Wednesday when requiem mass was sunk in the 'Church of Our Lady.. Mt. Carmel, at l0 a.m. Interment I followed in the adjoining cemetery. Farm Forum Tore Down Union Jack Chicoutimi, Que., --- A Union Jack was torn from its -staff' at the ad of a half -hoar demonstration by several hundred youths protesting against the of dv' -le-co"Heil giving authority, to send daftcd men overseas. The Babylon Line Farren Forum and at the home of ivLr. and Mrs. Arnold Merger on Monday evening, with 18 members present. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. iOscar Greb. ' The Unique Farm Forum met at the haute of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Oestreicher, on December 4th, with 25 present. The topic was "dean-1''`ut- ure Farmers make a Living.• Dr. R. Hobbs Taylor spoke on the topic as related to the Vetrin's Land Act. A very interesting and educational discussion took place. It was decided that a returned service man has not a very good chance of making good as to the vetrin's Land Act, also that co-operation and practicing the Gol- den Rule can help future farmers. The next 'meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Durrant with Mr. [)arrant being convenor. The torte being "Rural Comnmunities Can he Attractive," DIRECTS EXCHANGE Ernest Morgan, former program director at +GBP, V.ancouver, has now established ounces alt Toronto as OBC supervisor .of International ex-; change programs. In this capacity Mr. Morgan will handle arrange-+ runts for all programs brought into , or sent from Canada, with the ex -1 ce'ption :of shortwave broadcast=.. In-; eluded under his jurisdiction re pro- grams 'mem*d for expect "n'l thr ! tsdvaneo planning for special hro ' • Masts of international signlfleance. e lnn r6 ei .13 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins (to God), He is faithful and just to forgive us our • sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. ay: ... 1 John i : g, 9. What mast 1 do to he Saved? Acts 16: 30. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be Saved... Acts. 16 : 31. ... . TUNE iN: PILGRIMS' HOUR 7-7.30 E.D.S.T. SUNDAY EVENING. Old-fathione-1 Revival Hour rebroadcasts on many stations at various times. CHAS. E. 'FULLER. P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGLES, 53, CAL., Mutual Network, Sunday.. Loral Station, CKLW, Windeor Ci4--, he r k. HOBBY MMUS Any child hobby is full of picture chances. Adult hobbies, too. Picture them as they progress, step by step. TF YOU have a son or daughter who 1 is a budding hobbyist, picture the child's progress. A series of these pictures has delightful "story- telling" quality, and will increase in memory value as time passes. Almost any hobby can be pictured. If your young daughter paints or draws, snag a progressive series of her at her sketch pad or easel. If the boy builds model planes, snap a series of hint busy in his workshop fitting parts of the new model. Take pictures that show the progress of the job, from the first stick to the completed plane—and its trial flight! ' First attempts at golf ... first les- sons in tennis or swimming.... any outdoor sport is full of these picture chances, Picture each stage, and you will treasure these snapshots later on. Take special care with these pic- tures, to get just the effect you want. For example, in taking the plc. tare above, a light yellow K•1 filter was used on the camera lens, to darken the blue water and sky an& make the white clothing and boat sail "stand out." Fast film was used, and reflections from the water made, a short exposure possible 1/50 see. end at f.11. The picture shows care- ful thought, and proves that the rule "think before you shoot" is worth, observing—whether you are taking hobby snapshots or some other kind. Hobbies grow and expand, and they should be represented in your picture -history of the family. Take plenty of picturos, showing each new; phase and development of your sou'd or daughter's hobby—and begin tak- ing them now, for tomorrow there will be new stages to pioture, while t.orlay'a opportunities will be past. 207,lnhn vsn Guilder 4 1 4 r -1 4 4 . 4 4 .4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 , r , , 4 , 4 9 d 4 4 . 9 , 4 .i 4 4 1 4 4 4 -4 4 4 4 4 4 J 4 4 4 4 4 4 a 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 a 1