HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-11-30, Page 8ZURICH, ONTARIO ZUR)Cl-lI HERALD 111111millllllllllllllllllllllll i1111111111i11111111111111Illllil1i1VIII iIAI IIIA Illillllli Lililll lli llllilill, llllillll 1111IIIII 1� 111 ,,!:.;Gliliiu 8 8 kSvP 9 a0 D TELEPHONE 59 1 n@y La re res Fi resses IN ASSORTED COLORS AND SIZ- ES. These are New Styles, well made in pretty Shades of Brown, British Tan, Rust, also Navy and Black, at 9.50 Each Gascho Bros. ZURICH essoseggsissawassellow GENERAL IN SIJRAN OE EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Etc. F Andrew F. Hess, TO Zurich Local Representative - Zurich HARDWARE — SEEDS You are going Through This World Only Once, . r So Why Do.. Without These Labor Savers? Experienced farm help is scarce and costly. You'll need Imoderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. . Invest part of the money you'd pay hired help, in Beatty labor- saving stable equipment. Pays lietirne dividends. Gives you more time to enjoy life. En - Ihances value of farm. Improv- es product. Inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls—Exceptional ! Values at Lower Prices... ZURI Grooer Store WE ALWAYS CARRY A, COMPLETE. LINE OF FRESI(-lik GR®CERIES ON HAND. PURCHASED: FROM THE LEAD- - 1NG WHOLESALE HOUSES. . OWING. TO> UNSETTLED!) 7 CONDITIONS WE ARE.NOT QUOTING•ANY'PARTICULAR:' PRICES BUT CAN ASSURE THE PUBLIC GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY. WIT1-I: QUAdkIIEW AND, PRICES ATT THE VERY BEST Merano ' fesch. Zurichk PRDUCE WANTED. Rhone 165 o moot II IIIII.IIIIIIIIIVlII 10111111 1 IIdN11I11IIl 1 111 ono moon' [lIIIIIIIII 1111111111111111111 11 - IlotoIiIIII (Illllil iil)L[Illi.� ITEMS OF LOCAL L t TERE,ST I, •LOCAL !MARKETS Mrs. Mary Truemner visited. fri-1' ,---...-- ,Q;Clorreetetbju every Wednesz i£y kgs 31,4,29„ 23 :Butter per lb. . , • '38 :Chickens; , dissect ............ ' ........ leo !Wheat' bushels ................ ....... ;ll.09 ..Oats; bushel 50c Barley, bush; • • 73 :Bu,cicwheatx. hush.............. ...... 70 $lour,. cwt. 2.60, 2.75 jShorts,, malt bran, ton 30.00 Middlings, tont ,, -.• 32.00 ends at Dashwood on Sunday.. Dr. and Mrs. J. J. O'Dwyer and son Michail, spent a day, at. L.oBdon. last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. David. Ducharme spent the week -end with.. their chil- dren at London. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith of De- troit were recent week -end visitors at the home of lir. and,Mrs.. Josiah, Geiger. Mr. and Mrs. Georg& Farwell:anti: daughter Helena have:, returned homne,. after attending a f aaeral at Kitch- ener. tc t- ener. Mr. Mervyn Ste1c has returned home after receiving treatments at Victoria Hospital. His many friends wish him continued' health. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ball and son of near 1Clinhton were .Stxtnal:3ty guests at the home of Mr. and. l'Irs. Ed. Swartzentruber, Blake. Mr. and Mrs.. Elmore Klopro and Mrs. J. W. Horner, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader, at Dashwood on Sunday afternoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Aubert Hoai}ar• and Mr. and Mrs. Ings of Varna and Mrs J. W. Honer of town glad, were the home of the former's brother, Mr and Mrs. Blake Horner„ 14th Con, last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau and daughter of Kippen anal Mr. •and' Nrs Rufus Turnbull and daughter of the Blue Water Highway, were Sunday visitors at the home of •the fo' er's tnother, Mrs. Alex. Mousseau. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gaseho were accompanied by their son F.O. Allan motored to London one day last we- ek, where the latter lett for his army duties after enjoying a brief visit at the home of his parents, also at the home of his sister, Mr. and Mrs Orville Witmer. Negotate Sale of London Store Negotations are in progress for the sale of Smallman & Ingram, Ltd., Western Ontario,s largest department store, to the Robert ,Simpson Com- pany Ltd., Toronto, it was announced by Lt, -Col. Gordon 'Ingram, president of :the London firm. Mrs. Herb Neeb, acacia mied by her husband who had been at St. Joseph's Hospital, where he received treatments for his injuries which he receved in his recent car accident returned home and is progressing as well as can be expected. His many friends are pleased to hear he is able to be up and around again. and FURNITURE Lower Priced 5t%M. .Automatic Iater>,Ii,;, Miss.. Rarttb Browne of_ on, was 'a visitor with her pare<1tlisF Mt. and Mrs. Johan Brown.. Mr. anal. Mrs. Frecdl Weadebb and daughter of Tecemseh; Mich., visit- ed at thaahome of thea itarmex's sister Mr. an Mrs. Wm;. T.,tai,?t;, tar several days, also motored to. London last Friday accompenied by• gas.. Thiel to visit relatives andi O+ii;nda: in •that city. 1 s BROODER HOUSE COAL We have received a shipment of choice Chestnut Coal which we are selling out on restrictions only for Brooder House use, and an agreement has to be signedthat it will be used for that purpose only. 0 STA ZURICH — ONT. QUALITY — PRICE — SERVICE teeaei tee:a +se Thursday Noveraihiar. 30th, 1944 't 40414~4147‘41444.1144444 )11444114411,4440.0.044010444441 tYOUR 4 Hardwar :.E':Hardware and Furniture 4wt, h V'r STORE 414.4. AnrtomaEemerat. lir., and Mrs.. I erb. lIttley, 'Zurich announce the engagement of their daughter, Hazel. Jean, to. Hugh Alex- axoder McEwen, sen, of Ur. and Mrs. Hugh McEwen„ Hensa11;, the wedding to .take .place early December. Sight Puaela'sed_ ter New Gas S#aliext Mr. WardFritz of .Zurich, has purchased rom Mr. William !Web- ber am, aacre of land on the north- east corner; opposite the garage of Mr. C. L. Gibson in Exeter North. We understand Mr. Fritz has in mind. It garage and service station to be built after the war.—Exeter Tim- es Advocate. NEW WIRE FENCING We have' on hand a good supply of new Barli'.:Wire, Steel Posts, Woven Wire Fencing and all tom: sup- plies required for Fencing. PAINT UP TIME LET US SHOW YOU OUR NEW SUPPLIES -OF READYMfXED PAINTS The Seasona demands to PAINT UP in order to Preserver. the Surface-, on your Buildings... It k poor economy to try -'to save on Paint. We have a goo, mock of all called for.. Paints, Wlrnishes, and Paint;S .ipplies.....See these lines. 4 { FURNITURE See Om Studio Couches and DinnetSuita > A. $hill>Line of an the Home Requirements 4. z I Johnston dc Kalbfieisch Hardware 84 Furniture. Phone 63 + .0..,.... :;r44.+F+++$,+++++++4*44444 t :CRE STORY OF SPENDTHRIFTS DE LUXE John Henry 'Cutler, .in an aaaicle in The American Weekly with, this Sunday's (Dec. 3) issue of Tljte De- troit Sunday Times.. tells haw Aes- op's famous $40,000 highball set the fashion for fabulous characters who have tossed away fortunes in prod- igal splurges for the del.i,,'ht of their own strangely thwarted egoes. 'Ger; The Detroit Sunday Times. GRAND BEND The many friends of VIr.' Fred C. Walker are pleased to see him about attending to his usual duties after his recent .appendicitis operation at St: Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wurm of town, will celebrate their 64th wed- ding anniversary on Thursday, Dec- ember 7th, and will be at home to their neighbors and friends on that date from 3 to 5 o'clock ana • 'from 7 to :1 oclock. Mr. and Mrs. Willa(' are having their binthdt y in Decem- ber, the former will be 91 and the latter 32, and have been a reader of the Zurich ,Herald for many years. We congratulate this granu couple for these showers of blessing and hope they will have years of hearth and happiness. LOAN WORKERS BANQUET A banquet was held in the United Church, Brucefield, by upwards of .150 members of the. Huron County organization for the Seventy Victory Loan. J. H. Vandcwater said the co- unty total of $2,8.19,150 did not in - elude conversions, and the actual, to - of sales was well over $4,000,000, Rev. W A. Beecroft, county chair- man, pre:.sided for the progra.nt, and .vas presented with aleather brief case and a suitable gift to Mrs. I3ee- r oft f eom the executive, the present - On being made by Dr. -Campbell and Major McLean. Awareta car out- ;t,rnding bond -selling efforts were made to George McEwen, •Gorierich .J. H. Wylie, Wroxeter, Watson Brown, Grey Township; A. J, •Mac - M rurray, Clintons and Milton 'Oesch, 2;ur•ich. A musical program included vocal solos by .1. A. Steuart, Sea - forth; violin. scleetions by Hugh Gate Wingharn, and sing song lets by 'Mr. Stewart. The pianist was FT, V. Pymn, Winghasn. Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone:. Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING. and CO. Of CANADA LTD. iz;SSEI"ITIAL WAR INDU VANI SNtsl•MSM •00a6 0•di411M1110 ,111•• 1 Colder Days will soon be here;, which will demand • suitable FUEL for Your. Heating Equipment, •• YOUR WINTER'S") FUEL most j• us fill your bin while prices are lowest. • the Let • FEEDING MOLASSES • s It is some considerable time since this all important e product has been on the market... But we were fortunate in securing a supply. Also have Cod Liver Oil, ..Etc. for Live Stock. Get your supply Now!.. Late William Stebbins Funeral services were conducted at the United Church in Grand Bend for William :Stebbins by Rev. W. Cleave. Mr..Stebbins was a well known Grand Bend resident who passed away af- ter a lengthy illness, in his 79tniyear. He had farmed in Bosanquet Town- ship before moving to Grand Bend 22 years ago. He is survived by his wife and one son, Emery, of Grand Bend and two granddaughters. The pallbearers were: J. Gill, J. W. Holt, W. Elsie, R. Wanner, W. ,Statton, N. Turnbull. Interment took place in Grand Bend cemetery, Local Red Cross The monthly meeting of the Red Cross was held in the Schoolrooms with a good attendance. The meeting opened with devotions. The custom- ary business was attended to and plans were .made for several ways in which to increase the funds. The an- nual community sale will be Iheld in December. Reports of the past year's work were given and were satisfact- ory. The Grand Bend unit raised ov- er $1800.00 in the past year of which over $1500.00 was forwarded to the Exeter Branch. During the summer months substantial contri.butrons we- re received from Mr, F. C. Walker and guests of 0akwod Inn and Mr. Eric McI]roy and patrons of the Lakeview 'Canino. At the close of the business part of the evening, Murray Desjardine gave a piano solo and Mrs Emery, Desjardine recited a number of interesting poems. Tickets were sold on -adainty handkerehiet doll. Morgan Gill 'being the holder of the lucky ticket. Lunch wars served at the close of the meeting. 3 PLOW POINTS--- REPAIRS • We carry a complete Line of International and other kinds of Plow Points, Sole Shoes, Landsides, Etc., for ell makes of Plows. ..Let Us Serve You! L. Schilbe & Son PAPER IS DAILY BECOMING SCARCER And restrictions about its use are getting more stringent. It is therefore necessary that all sub- , scribers to this paper who are in arrears should brie their subscription at least up-to-date. Our supply of paper each week is becoming very limited and as new names are being added, who have paid in advance, we are obliged to remove such names as are in arrears on our list. The label on your paper shows the date to which your subscription is paid. If it requires attention please attend to it NOW ! THE ZURICH HERALD