HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-11-30, Page 5ZURICH, 0141201RM BUSINESS CARDS WANTED IPASII FOR FOX HOUSES -Dead animals removed. Two-b.our eer- vice day or night. ?bene Credi- ton 47r15, collect, ,Aack Wil. 4.6-'41 LICENSED AUCTIONEER. For Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON - tact any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. 1 solicit rear business, and if not satisfied wilt spike no charges for Services Rea - toed. ARTHUR WEITER--Dasheeood • Phone 51 r 1.2 VETERINARIA.N CONON, BN, Sc VETERINARY SURGEON °See with Residence, Main Skreet, Opposite Drug Store Pisone-86. Zurich A. R. CainPbel V .S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Zollege, 'University of Toronto. All atme.a.ses of domestic, animals treated isy the most modern principles, merges reasonable. Day or 'night walls promptly attended to. Also Bre oder of Scottish terriers. Inverness zilennels, Office on Math Street, weposite Town Vali, 41••••••••••*pro*KcIransomocceol.....***IaPaomern....... BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MELT MARKET Let Us supply yop with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, • E,ct., always on hand. Kept hesh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins a Yungblut & Son PRODUCE F arm Produce WANTED Have your Eggs Graded scien- kifically on our approved grad- ing Machine which gives the producer every advantage. Also Cream and Poultry, . Wm. O'Brien phom, 101, Res. eel, Zurich Zurich Creamery Your Home Market for Crea fll Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plu * premium for delivered crea We are equipped to give effi cient accurate service. Eg and Poultry department in tharge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellett - Proprietor. IN-SU,RANCE Western Farmers! Mutu Weather •Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK OBE LARGEST RESERVE 13A ANCE OF ANY CANABIAN M TY UAL COMPANY pOING BUSINE OF THIS HIND IN ONTARIO amount of Insurance at Risk on I) i 81st, 1986, $22,391,627.08 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $273,613.47, Setos.-$4.60 per $1,0013 for 8 Ye E. F. KLOPP-ZURIC Agent, also Dealer in Ligh tog Rods and all kinds of Freuirton. Ont, the 1111•10113101Ce 'ut• Your Want, .... For Sale root, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column. f . v FOR .QUICK SALE A. used Verrell :Seed and grain ! ;leaner in good 'condition, elevators, 1 rotor and stamens complete. Apply LI 0 Box 161, „Zurich, Ont. ....-. .i STRAYED v Unto my premises, 14th Concee- i Ion, Hay Toweeleip, a red eteer corn - ng 2 yrs. old. Owner can have same )y paying expenees. gdw. Stire, d ?hone 100 r 2, Zurich. s LOST A. yearling Ted 'calf, hasslit in ?ight ear, tags in. tare with name hereon. Finder notify, Bruce Tuck- i ey R. R. 3, Exeter, Ont. ( ...... . -,-- STRAYED From grass fame Parr Line, Slay Township, a red steer with star on forehead, no horns, about 700 Ides. 1 Finder notify Mex. Mousseau, Phone 4.2r92, Zurich. l - • I FOR SALE A quantity of choice apple butter for sale in bulk. Apply to Ernmerson Erb, Phone 97re. LOST 1 STRAYED, from pasture farm, on Babylon Line, three head of cattle, 1 ,Tersey and 2 Herefords corning two years of age. Finder notify, Earl Gingerich, .Phone 22r96, Zurich. LOST A white faced heifer with nick on ear. Corning 2 yrs. old. -Tony Etue, Phone 15r90, Zurich. WANTED Married man, separate house, by the ;year. Apply to Herald Office. FOR SALE . Property -I have a fine residence in Zurich for sale with all conven- iences. Also a summer cottage at Grand Bend. Terms can be arrang- ed. -Thee. Haberer, Zurich. STRAYED - Onto Lot 19, Con. 9, Hay Town- ship, about Sept. lst, a steer rising 2 years. Owner can have same by provingproperty and paying expens- es. -Herb Desjardine, Zurich, R.R.3 FOR QUICK SALE Some 4 -ft. soft elm dry wood, also •dry soft elm in log lengths for wood. David Dignan, Phone 18-91, Zurich Central. R. R. No. 2, Hensall. NOTICE CIDER MILL Cider made every Tuesday and Thursday. Apple butter boiled by appointment. F. C. Kalbfleisch & Son, Zurich. 96 r 7, Zurich. VOTICE TO CREDITORS Re: 4NNIE DESTARDINE, late of the Township of Hay in the Comity of Huron, Widow deceased. CREDITORS AND OTHERS hav- ing claims against 'the estate of the said deceased are required on or be- fore December 4th, 1944, to file with the eundersigned solicitor for the Executors, full particulars of their claims duly verifi.ed, after which date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of said estate, 1 having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. DATED this 9th day of November, 1944, 1 Jacob Meidinger, Fred Simon, Exec utors of Annie Desjardine, R. R. k Zurich, Ont. .T W. Meirley, .Solicitor for Execut- - ors, Exeter, Ont. ; NOTICE Whereas the ratepheyeee or Hee Township assessed to the Zuricl Drain South have petitioned th, Board of Health to have steps takei to remedy the pollution of the Zur ich Village Drain that empties int the Zurich Drain South. All owners of septic tanks, slough - ter houses, creameries, and any othe di refuse causing an offensive discharg II into the Drains to cue contaminal ion, are notified to tale Mess t 1 ,.. ,.. , e. ,a, a- Ie.:. .0.-- -‘trferin ' prevent any POinition erom eees the Drain. Recommended distance betwee weeping tile and main drain to b 1,-. not less than 10 feet. r., If this condition La not cleared e IS within a 'reasonable time, the Sani ary Engineer of the Department Health will be consulted. )4, --Local Board of Heal Announcement . . The engagement is announced , Iry Matrgaret Alice, daugter of Mrs. A ice Cooper and the late W. W. C oper, Kippen, Ont., to Mr. Oliver 1 ri- 'Winston, R.O.Toronto, son of t 1,a.f.o linr. and Oliver Johnstt ' ' ' ' • '1 • '40.41, JWS , 4 tiff F,O .Calvin Tel • of the altered orces was a visitOX in town the past eek. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wagner and amity, Mrs, Wm, Wagner were vis- ors at London on Monday. Mies Jane Lamont of Zurict was recent visitor with her aunt; Mrs. lex. McConnell, Varna. Mrs. Roy Oliver •of St. Marys is visiting at the home of Mrs. Charles eber this week. • Mr. and Mrs. !Peter Gingerich and ens Kenneth and Keith spent Fri - ay on business •art London. Mr, Eisler of Mitchell is at present pending some time at the home of is brother-in-law, Mr._ and Mrs. Henry Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Milne Rader enterta- ned several of their friends to a delicious duck dinner last Saturday vening. Misses Teresa slid Patricia McCabe both of London and Miss Patricia 'Dwyer of Brecia Hall,, London, ere recent visitors at the hoarse of he former's cousin, Dr, and Mrs. P. T. O'Dwyer. The Song Service in. the local lermonite Church on Sunday even - hg by -a group from Kitchener, was very much enjoyed, and the church as filled to capacity, while the 'sing-, sing- ers did amply well in the rendering f their numbers. NOTE -Anyone burning papers or litystreets • that it contains nothing else but paper or rags, as coat hangers • or articles that contain composition like steel and nails, are absolutely pro- ibited, as this appears very untidy to the street, also very dangerous to the motorists tires. So please do not forget next time. Wins Pony At the final drawing for tan pony at St. Joseph's Parish last Thursday evenings the, lucky ticket was No. 3064, and was held by Miss Cherie Teffrey of 2795 -Weyburn, St., De- troit. If this young lady (foes not lift the puny it will be 'offered for sale by the parish priest, Rev. Fr. A, 0. Martin. The venture . proved a big success. Fall Footwear 1 MILKING MACHINES • The United Farmers Co -Operative Co Toronto, I • • 4 4,4 4 4 • 4, has recently taken over the manufacture of the RUBBERS, GALOSHES ; P R . famous Universal Milking Machine, Before purch- Boots or Lumbermen. : asing, give us a call. Up -to -the Minute DRESS 1 Poultry Feeds, Concentrates, Cedar Shingles, fence SHOES for Ladies and Gents. • Posts, Coal, Motor Oils, Etc., on hand at all times. * School and Sunday Shoes ' Huron. Farmers' Co.Operative : .......,9110................ :Mr<5,14:; ,e3;;;• OT, ,°,PE, „,B,: ,.,,, MANAGER ‘,..2. • HENSALL, Phone 115. • * Womens' Institute The local branch of the • Zurich Women's Institute will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on December 7th at 8 .p.m. A very good programme has been planned. The guest speak- er will. be Father Lucier. Everybody is cordially invited. So come one, come all, make this the best of the year meetings. for Children SHOES REPAIRED With Best Quality pre-war Leather. Good Workmanship --Lowest Prices ED. J. DATARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR and TRUNKS AND SUITCASES FOR SALE Doherty High Oven Range, 'in good coaditions equipped with both the or- dinary and hot water front linings, good grates for coal or wood, also has boiler and warming closets. Electric Washer -A Miss, ity and a -Trojan. • Electric Fixtures -A choice select- ion of houiehold fixtures suitable for any home. Inspection invited, .call eveningi,. or Saturday afternoons or by ap- pointment at the Geiger Residence, Phone 59. Ira Geiger, Hensall, Ont, Shot Timber Wolf Harold Glew of 'Clinton shot a timber wolf late Satutday eveningin The lecture demonstration on a mile and a half north of 'Clinton "Health," the subject chosen by Kip - weighing 40 pounds, the largest to pen East and Hensel Woerien's In - be shot in the comity. The animal stitutes, is scheduled to take place in fell with the second shot, and hadetthe Hensall Town Hall, Thursday, killed a number of sheep and chick- December 7th, The session will be ens in that area. Ken Elliott, of held from 10 a.m. to 4 pan. An Clinton also reported that one of outstanding speaker has ibeen secur- his goats had been killed. ed this provision being mase by the department and held under the spons orship of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, Women's Institute branch. BURNS $5,000 IN FURNACE A southern :Sa.skatcheevan farmer found an unusual spot to hide his money -in the ashes of his furnace -and now since his son started a fire he has turned over charred re- mains of the $5,000 in bilis to the Bank of Canada. The bank officials declined to disclose the farmer'S name, revealed the charred pieces of bank notes enabled them to retain\ $1,200 in new bills to the farrner.The farmer's explanation was that he had more than $5,000 as proceeus from a good crop and wanted to have it (available without having to go to the bank. No thief would ever look in the furnace, he reasoned. DRYSDALE We are sorry to report that Mr. Joseph Ducharme has been confined to his bed for a few days. Mies Mary Ann Rau of Detroit, anent last week -end with her grand- parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Corriveau have returned from Detroit where they spent some time with relatives and friends, Mr. Leon F. Gelinas, of Fielding, Sask., is visiting with his sisters here and brother Joseph, of near Zurich. Mr. •Gelinas before arriving here took a car load 4of horses to Three Pistols, 200 miles beyond Quebec. He reports the crops of Saskatchew- an as being in alistindence the last 30 Years At It With this issue of the Herald the publisher celebrates his thertieth an- niversary as publisher of this weekly. Yes, many a foot of water has passed over the dam in this time, bus we are happy to be here to serve our many patrons. What. the next thirty years will bring, fate only knows. But we cannot let this opportunity go by without greatly expressing our appreciation of the patronage ac- corded us, to snake it possible to keep going all these yeaae. Very few weekly papers are now being published in towns the size of Zurich, but with Providence favouring us with adequate health, we shall be de- lighted to carry on with your support. And we can in no way express our appreciation by saying Thank You - Plan Demonstration Skating Rink? We have been asked recently will there be a skating rink for our young people in town this coining wmter, but we are a loss as to what to say, as personally we have no such facil- ities, but we trust ;the Village Fath- ers will make some arrangements to have some kind of skating when the colder weather which is not far offfferealy does come. Youth must be Served, and we have the confid- ence there will be skating in Zurich this winter. Farm • Forum The Babylon line farm forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Battler for their first meeting of the season with some twenty members present. After the discussion "What Has Happened to the People'?" The annual election of officers was held, and was followed by progressive bunco, and a dainty lunch was served The next meeting will be held 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mer - net The Unique Farm Forum met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Merrier on November 27th with 28 present. The topic being "What's hap pening to our Farm People." In the absence of Mervyn Stelck, Mr. Wm. Edighocer took charge of the topic and discussion. Here it was stated that farm neighbourliness has de- creased in a period of years, but farm forums have increased this neighbour spirit. Also farmers have a higher regard for their busluess, therefore are more highly regarded. The recreation was led by Mrs. Clare Geiger. The presence of Mr. L. O'. Brien and RevHeekendern was great ly appreciaed, so More vieitors are welcome. The next meeting will be • held at Mr. S. 'Oestreicher with Carl Oestreicher as discussion leader, the topic being "Cane ;Future Airmen Make a Living." Rev. Reckendorn contributed to the Farmers of Can- ada, from the faxm forum Guide: "The Farm 11`ormes in ehis commun- ity have proven very successful and helpful to the • fanners. One of our f farmers. told me the other day the 1- difference in the fellowship among 0- the farmers there has been since they . held these Farm Forums. It has ;bra- e ught -them together and fostered a n, eomintinity spirit. Onee again they marriage to take real Il ihbour."-C. B. - place quietly the .end of November. dorn, Zurich, Ont. n h. IVI assey-llarris Advise ORDER YOUR MACHINES EARLY FOR 1945! 1 HAVE A FEW CREAM SEPARAT(17,13 ON MY ALLOT- TMENT: (LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON TRADE INS:S758.)91:F5 550 to 600 SIZE 'at 400 to 450 SIZE tia 850 to 900 SIZE @ THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED USERS ASK THE MAN WHO KNOWS. -BUY CANADIAN MADE ARTICLES I KI opp Rea. 67 Tel. Shop 149 °Boa 7 MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arm, for Canadian Farm. year. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Rau, also Mr. and Mee. Nelson Ducharme have re- turned from Detroit after spending sortie time visiting relatives and fri- ends. A large number of our vicinity attended the Rau reception in Bay- field last 'Friday night. Mr. Louis Montague of here, and Mr. Leon Gelinas of Fielding, Sask. The inns .Gelinas land Mr. Joseph Gelinas of near Zurich, motored to Alvinston ;to visit ;wit& their brother, Mr: Arthur ;Gaines. Miss Rose 'Corriveau also Sidina and Delmer Meidinger have gone to Detroit where they will ;spend the winter. Sorry to ;report Mrs. Charles D. Bedard who has (been in Clinton Ho.4.! pital is not recovering as rapidly . is OXDOCted. 1 saaramam.ursumounotoom re e Sinners? If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins (to God), He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 11111151115=,:-;. I John 1: 8, 9. What must I do to be Saved? Acts 16: 30. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be Saved, .. Acts. 16: 31. : TUNE IN: PILGRIMS' HOUR 7-7.30 E.D.S.T. SUNDAY EVENING. Old-fahhioned Revival Hour rebroadcasts on many stations at varus times. CHAS. E.. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGLES, 53, CAL. Mutual Network, Sundays, Local Station, •CKTeW, Windsor 1 41414441•444.4 !PICTURES ON THE STAIRS The staircase is often an ideal spot for snapshots at home. In this picture of a small girt off to her afternoon nap, note how an Interesting effect of sunshine and shadow has been created by clever placing of photo lights, rg MANY houses, one of the best ' picture loastions-and one of the most neglected -is the stairway. If you've never taken pictures on the stairs, give some thought to it now -there may be any number of un - anal picture opportunities waiting for Several features of the staircase make it a good location for snap- shots. In the first place, it enables you to place a eubJect at different elevations; and in the second place, the pattern of treads and banisters helps provide an interesting or dec- orative setting. If the staircase is unusual in design, with novel breaks, a curving rail, carving or virouglibiron 'work, its value as a setting may be even greatet. With many staircases, interest - Ng shadow effects can he ol‘tainecl, 270) John van (4,;litier by proper placing of photo lights. Often, lighting effects may be evoleed which suggest sunlight. An interesting example of how lighting. can be utilized to create a novel shadow pattera is seen in the pic- ture above. Stairs may be used as a back- ground to make a person appear taller, and they are especially good as a setting for snapshots of the children, with a "bedtime" or "breaktast-time" theme. Some stair- ways lend themselves to interesting angle shots and novel corapositiong. Try your hand at "staircase snap- shots." Experitnent with various picture ideas, lighting effects, and eamera angles, and the chances are you'll lied a 'number of good. shots to add to your pieture eolleci ion. -4 4 -4 4 4 .1 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 1 4