HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-11-30, Page 2CHIC CHIEF We wonder if pretty Pat Clark, of Hollywood, really means to emulate the Indians of yesteryear, who used the bow and arrow quite effectively against wolves, or whether she is merely dis- playing feathers in their most attractive manner. OTTAWA REPORTS That The British Commonwealth Air Training Plan Will End March 31, 1945 The immense British Common- wealth Training Elan -the scheme that turned out air crew so fast that at a vital stage of the war Germany lost its air superiority -will end on March 31 next since there is a surplus of air crew for the war in Europe and the Far East. This is the normal expiry- date for the plait and has been agreed to by the participants, the United Kingdom. Canada, Australia and New Zealand. A shadow training scheme of small dimensiot_s will he retained in a high state of readiness, and certain operational training units will be kept mainly for Canadian purposes. After Marc'r 31, 1945, these will not form part of the but will carry on as R,C,A.F. schools, the minister for air, Major Power, has announced. Personnel still in training in Canada will all be graduated be- fore March 31. They will be placed o_t R.C.A.F. air crew reserve and will be subject to recall while hos- tilities last. Instructors and other air crew staff not eligible for over- seas operations will also be re- leased and transferred. to reserve. Air crew who have completed a tour of operations will be given the option of returning to civilian life. Release on a voluntary basis will be offered ground crew per- sonnel in priorities according to length of service. and members of the Women's Division may return to civil life on application except in certain restricted traces. 'Mar- ried personnel of the will be released as soon as replacements from within the force are available. * Dr. Norman :McRae. scie•_:ti,,t .. the tobacco division, Central Ex - FEATHERWEIGHT The pretty young miss above Is not the circus strong lady - it so happens that the aluminum tank the is nonchalantly holding aloft weighs just 21 pounds. Devel- oped by ALCOA engineers in New York, the tank --30 pounds lighter than conventional type will radically ineteaie the amount of gasoline -shipped by air to the China -Burma -India theater of war for Inc against the japsr House of Commons May Get New Home A committee proposed recently the construction of a new House of Commons costing approximate- ly $3,130,000 and requiring four to five years to build. The Commons, replacing the one bombed out, would be in late Go- thic style. Canada's Asbestos Much asbestos is produced in Canada but little processed for use there; it is exported chiefly to the United States to make fire -fighting clothing, automobile break linings, steam pipe coverings, and for other fire and heat protection uses: peritnental Farm, Ottawa, says that with very little expansion in equipment Canadian tobacco grow- ers could produce under normal conditions enough tobacco to meet the Canadian demand, plus 20,000,000 to 30,0000,000 lbs. for export, pro- vided it is prepared to compete in quality and price with foreign - grown leaf. * * * The United Kinkdon has agreed to take all surplus beef during next year, Hon. J. G. Gardiner, Min- ister of Agriculture, announnces. Pre*ioush• a minimum amount as well as a maximum amount of 134,000,000 pounds had been set, The maximum limitation now has been lifted. BREENATONE Health Salts Positively Does Relieve Arthritis and Rheumatism Painful, svi alien joints reduced no natter stow long you have suffered. One month's supply 51.00 postpaid from INDIAN RF.MIEDIES, Box 118, 'Cnneouvcr, B.C. ITC ti CHECKED in a dineg -or Money Back WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Colored Cotton Grown In Russia In the autumn of 1941 one of tlie experimental plots at ,t Soviet cot- ton research station became the centre of a peculiar kind 'of pil- grimage, Crowds of visitors came to look at the strange cotton, covered with brown pods of various shades ranging from dark to almost yellow. They had been coloured by Nature directed by man. This was the first proof that it is possible to grow coloured cotton. The experiments were initiated by Badanov, Director of the Ex- perimental Station at Chimbai, just south of the Aral Sea, in Asiatic Russia. As a result of selection he has succeeded in developing a species of cotton with a high yield and constant, natural colour. Badanov expects that his me- thod will eliminate the need for artifical dyes for a number of textiles, and will speed up the production process. The textile, dyed by Nature, does not fade either in washing or in the sun. Soviet scientists are now trying to obtain cotton in many colours beside brown. Shades of green have been produced. For quick relief from itching cawed by eczema„ athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and other itching conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, Iiquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION, Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms intense itching. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. ,ol a That tired, listless feeling is often caused by unbalanced diet. Try HALE. the tonic that's rich in B vitamins and dextrose, the energy food. Satisfaction guaranteed. For a full month's supply send $1,35 to Gordon Drug Company, 3205 Yonge St., Toronto. WILLIAM S CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM i ES 400ttiing to tired feet .that have been through I. cold, lard days 'tramp, relieving pain, stiffness and aching maxim. Try It to -night for retie 1t111Y. tiletXlla Win LER •Yx t h'. of (a suer To relieve distress of MONTI!!Y Female Wea Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound Is made especially for women to help relieve periodic pain with weak, nervous, tired, irritable feel- ings- due to iunetional Monthly disturbances, Pinkham's Compound helps trait/re and that's the kind Of medicine to buys FolloW label directions. Worth trying! d- LYDIA E. Gfih1fiAM COON ISSUE 49-1844 One hot water bottle contains enough rubber to make two yards of hospital sheeting. PATRIOT Col. Arne Dahl, above, who was the commander of the famous Alta Battalion during the last days of . Norway's stand against the Nazis at Narvik, now is lead- ing a contingent of Norwegian soldiers fighting with the Rus- sians against the Germans on Nor- wegian soil. Col. Dahl was as- sistant military attache at the Nor- wegian Embassy in Washington before returning to England to as- sume his present command. Gold Goes Far One pound of gold can be pulled into a wire more than 700 miles long, and sheets can be beaten from it less than 1-250000 of an inch thick. VOICESES O THE 11 WHAT A WORLD! What a world, what a world! All the Christian nations at war and all the savages at peace! -Kiwanis Magazine -0- LAUNDRY WORK Sign at 'a Quartermaster Corps laundry in England: "We don't mangle your clothes with ma- chinery -we do it carefully by hand." -This Week -0- SIMPLE, ISN'T IT? A professor says: "It is egregious obscurantism to postulate that syncopation and improvisation in harmonization has an immoral con- notation." Translation: Swing music won't hurt your morals, if - any. -Kitchener Record WE RECOMMEND Units o4 Mont -Mac Prospecting Syndicate Yellowknife • Inquiries Invited • British Commonwealth Securities 07 Yonge Street Toronto Queen Is Descended. From Scottish King The recent death of the Earl of Strathmore recalls that Queen Elizabeth is descended from an old Scottish King. The earl used to claim that his family connections in Scotland were as old and as. honorable as the Royal Family's in England, comments the Win- dsor Star. Glamis Castle, the residence of the Bowes -Lyon family, was given to Sir John Lyon in 1370. He was a courtier and secretary to King Robert III of Scotland. He married Princess Jean, daughter of Robert, who gave the young couple the castle for their home. The ninth Earl of Strathmore married a daughter of the Bowes family and added her name to his own to make the hyphenated Bowes -Lyon, which is the Queen's family naive. ACCOUNTANTS AUDITORS INCOME TAX REPORTS, COM- plete Bookkeeping Services, Small or Large Businesses. Trav- el Anywhere. Albert Brett & Co 8 Wellington St. E., Toronto, Ont.: AGENTS WANTED MEN AND WOMEN IN TOWNS TO handle the sale of 200 guaranteed products on a part time basis. Very attractive proposition. Par- ticulars, Xmas Pamphlet, Cat- alogue FREE, on request; FAM - ILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. AN OLD ESTABLISHED CHICK hatchery wants agents in cer- tain localities in Canada to take orders for chicks in your spare time. The commission is good and the chicks are well and fav- ourably known. Write for full details Box No. 182, 72 Adelaide W., Toronto. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WILL SELL OR EXCHANGE FOR a business located in Toronto or other larger Ontario town, 2 ad- jacent farms of 100 and 150 acres, located 100 miles east of Toron- to. Highest class buildings on both properties. 170 acres till able. Lots of running- water. Valued at ;12,000. Box No. 186, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. BART CHICKS LAYING AND READY TO LAY pullets for immediate delivery. Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, White Leghorns, Hybrids. Also booking orders for day old chicks. Tweddle Chick Hatcher- ies Limited, Fergus, ,Ont. BARRED ROCKS, NEW HAMP- shires, White Leghorns, Hybrids and other breeds of pullets for sale, laying and ready to lay. Also booking orders for 1945 htFree now.ChickeriesGuelph,Ont. PROMPT DELIVERY OF BRAY chicks. So order now what you want, and remember to avoid disappointment as to breed and delivery date, your January chicks should be ordered now. Write for prices. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. N., Hamilton, Ont. 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVERY ORDER OF 100 PUL - let chicks, we give 100 free chicks (our choice). Leghorn pullets $22,95 per 100, barred Rock pul- lets $19 95 per 100. White Reck Pullets $24.95 per 10t. Brown leg - born Pullets $24.95 per 100. All chicks sold backed by high egg Pedigreed stock. 51.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed 10050 live delivery. Kent Hatch- ery, Chatham, Ontario. 51.00 HOOKS YOUR ORDER ORDER YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW, and not he disappointed. All chicks are from guaranteed test- ed ested stock, and from 25 oz. eggs or better. Barred Rocks mixed $12,00 per 100, White Leghorns mixed $11.00 per 1011, Barred Rock Pullets $19.00 per 100, white Leghorn Pullets $22.00 per 100, white Rocks mixed $15.00 per 100, white Rock Pullets $24.00 per 100, Brown teghorns horndpullets 924.000psr 100 lWe guarantee 100"c iive delivery. balance paid C.O.D.lfaple City Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW. AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED your chicks for next spring when you want them. Barred Rock mixed $12.00 per 100, white Leg - horns mixed $11.00 per 100, Bar- red Rock Pullets $19.00 per 100, white Leghorn pullets 522.00 per 100. Heavy Breed Ckls. $500 per 100. Leghorn Ckls. $2.00 per 100. All chicks hatched from 26 oz. eggs or better and from special mated flocks. Guaranteed 100ci'o live delivery. 81,00 books your balance lbow Tachery, hham, Ontario, ,EARLY DELIVERY DISCOUNT. Yes, we are taking orders for Top Notch chicks now, offering liberal discounts for delivery any- time during the hatching season, providing your order is sent in Vcop. Top Notch chicks ate from Government Approved blood- testgd breeders that are well known for their livability, fast growth and high production. Get an early start this year and don't forget that "Early 'Booking Discount". It means it big saving to you. Old customers and new are invited to write for the Top Notch pricelist and catalogue as soon as you read this. Also Lay- int; and ready to lay pullets for immediate delivery. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph. Ontario. BABY CHICKS 25 FREE CHICKS OUR FOUNDATION STOCK IS registered and pedigreed birds. Nothing better in Canada. Order now. Prices for mixed baby chicks, males and females: Bar- red Rocks, $12.00 per hundred; White Leghorns, $11.00; White Rocks, $15.00; Brown Leghorns, $13.00. Pullet prices: Barred Rocks, $19,00; White Leghorns. $22.00; White Rocks, $24.00; Brown Leghorns, $24.00. 25 free chicks, our choice, will be given for each 200 mixed chicks order- ed and 25 free chicks for each 100 day old pullets ordered. Goddard Chick Hatchery, Bri- tannia Heights, Ontario. POULTRY KEEPERS BE CERTAIN OF SECURING GOUT). healthy Chicks this coming Sea- son by placing your order now. Write for 1945 prices on our Gov- ernment Approved Chicks, also catalogue containing the proper brooding and methods used in raising better poultry. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS Monteton, Ontario SEND FOR CONTEST SHEET AND see how easily you can win $50.00. You should also learn more about our Early Booking Discount. You may not win the $50.00 prize but you are sure of a liberal discount on your Tweddle Chicks if you order them early. We recommend that you start a brood of chicks as early as you can. Early chicks develop into pullets that will give you summer and fall pro- duction when eggs are the high- est. The cockerels Will be ready for market with the highest meat comes back to year, i eddle Hatcheries year after year and as a group are the poultrymen who make the most out of Poultry. Send for contest circular and Early book- ing pricelist today. Also for im- mediate delivery laying and ready to lay pullets. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited,. Fer- gus, Ontario. DYEING & CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Tonga Street, To- ronto. FOR SALE SUFFOLK BREEDING R A 11 S, also Yorkshire Gilts farrowing Nov. and Dec. Registered, Churchside, Lunenburg, Ontario, MATCHED BAY MARES, AGE 4 and 5. Weight 1,7700 pounds. Bernard Teller, set e Belle River, Ont. FOR SALESLEIGHS T - forto s. Shipped anywhere, ForD tin - mation write Box 22, Brussels, Ont. 51,50 a BUSHEL, BALD'W INS, PE- waukes, Russets, etc, delivered. Gerrard 2 write . 1,Pickering. ELbEI T1IIC MOTORS, IOTOR , ilEW, b eS1ED pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd„ 2326 Dufferin St., Toronto. WINDSOR TURRET LATHE FOR SALE, 2 $i: -INCH CAPACITY, now operating. 650 , Runnymede, Toronto. PURE-BRED BROAD -BREASTED Bronze and Bourbon Red turkeys. Hens $6.00, Toms $8.00, Choice White Leghorn e 'nl ah. MW A. Cockerels EIplln, Ont. REGISTERED BEAGLE PUPS, springer spaniels, a 1 1 ages, promptly shipped; 60 young reg- istered Southdown ewes, good service rams. Peter Porter, Bur- ford, Phone 280. REGISTERED HERE FORD cows three years old with calf at foot and bred to Ringwood Baldwin .lkull m onths AieYool, Mono Centre, On. BROAD BREASTED BRONZE Turkeys, vigorous, healthy stock, Also Jamesway sectional, hot water incubator, capacity 6500 orders forePoultis, book br nze and white Hollands. S. Ii. Ed- wards, R.R. 4, Watford, Ontario. WILL TAKE 52000.00 CASH FOR clear deed to block of 85 resi- dence lots, close to Windsor elty limits, in a growing suburban community which is building up With Medium pricer] h rhos. lose to sc'rno s and cit: Windsor, Ouellette Avenue, sOnt. FOR SALE SEVERAL LOADS GOOD BUSH horses, mares in foal and farm chunks. Gregg's Machinery Ex- change 6th and Halifax Sts„ Re- gina, S{asit. INVESTMENT PROPERTY $16,000.00 • $5000 CASH DOWN BUYS THIS thirty -room apartment building and excellent grocery store. Six 3 -piece baths and 5 hot air furn- d aces.well ste • wing10%onvemnt. Al in good condition: For further .particulars, write PLATO, HIGH, KNOX LIMITED, uiD0Queenston • . Ihnea, NATIONAL UNITY BOOKS THINKERS ORDER IN advance the censorially approved survey on "Hebrew Nationalism": (1) Old Testament Principles of National Unity (2) Politics of Jesus Reserve your copy by sending one dollar in order to: MR. " LEONARD KRUEGER First Revielv Box 1. Post A Postal Terminalrs '",'roronto, Ont. FARM HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED in,any nae nality under FARMHAND, years of age. Good home and wages. Apply Mr. Rob Roy, Bow- manville, Ont. ATTENTION - TRAPPERS, LUM- berman, farmers, a marvelous se- cret to snare foxes, five times lucid rEthonrtraps. Address. Louis Ro HELP WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE - work; small home 4 miles from Toronto. Christian. Good wages. Write Mrs. Locke, R.R. No, 1, Todmorden. EXPERIENCED MARRIED MAN to take full charge of hogs; grain feeding' practised. State qualifica- tions. Free house, milk, fuel, light: $80 per month.-Rrrite Box 489, Brantford, Ont. WANTED, MARRIED MAN, TOP wages, Smith Haven Farm, R.R. No. 1, Bright, Ont, HOUSEKEEPER FOR FARM house electricity. Apply stating age, experience and enclose snap- shot. Bachelor, Box 117, Lancast- er, Ontario. HORSEMANSHIP "ROW TO BREAK ANA! TRAIN Horses." A book every farmer and horseman should nave. It is free; no obligation. Simply address Beery Dept. 411 hPleasant Hchool of oille ()bio. HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request. regarding classes,, Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto, HAIR GOODS Only firm in Canada manufacturing ladies' and gentlemen's hair goods exclusively, Write us for particu- lars. WHITE'S RAIR GOODS 258 Yonge St.. Toronto, Ontario MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. ]3ODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments. 111 Church, Toronto 2. MACHIN EMI' REPAIRS H M'ACHINERY REPAIRS GENERAL MACHINE SHOP WORK ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING METALLIZING HAVE YOUR WORN SHAFTS AND BUSHINGS SIADE LIKE NEW BY THE OOCESS METAL ALL WORK GUARANTEED Godson Contracting = Co,, Ltd. Union St., Toronto JUNCTION 7360 AILnribAI. BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 46o bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. DON'T WAIT ---EVERY Stinnett= of Rheumatid Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- DPstpaid 0$1,005 I>"illin, Ot- tawa. 6IED1CAL STOMACH AND THREAT) WORMS often are the cause of ill -health in humans, all ages. No. one im- mune! Why not find out if this is Your .trouble? Interesting par- Remediesr Specialireel sts, Toronto y 3. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED -EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 E1 - gin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. CONSTIPATION, BILIOUSNESS, liver trouble, depressed head- ache, quickly relievers with Pig - Lax tablets. Keep regular with Fig -Lax, 25c at Druggists. , OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEAIIIN(' tt'HDOL Great Opportunity, Lean Hair- dressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successf'i1. Marvel grsys- tem. Illustratedes. tcacatalogueat fee. Write or call • MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 P.iLOOR W., TORONTO Branches: 44 Ring St. Hamilton, & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King 'Nest, Toronto. -Booklet of Information on re- quest. POULTRY REMEDY SURE CURE J3LACKHEAD IN Turkeys, Home remedy full in- structions $3.00. Harold Mac- - Cormack, Brewer's Mills, Ont. PERSONAL "ELTJAH C 0 AI l N G BEFORE' Christ," wonderful book free. Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, N.Y. HITLER'S LAST WILL AND Testament! Big laughl novelty 10c. Catalog fir e e. EMPIRE NOVELTIIOS, -Peterboro. Ont. ?Itrvf'n(:It s errs TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c REPRINTS 8 tor 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You mny not get all the films you want this year. but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMPERIAL PIi0'I'O SERVICE Station J. Toronto STAMPS WANTED, , OLD C :1 N A D T A N Stamps on envelopes also will h u y collections of Canadian Stamps at good prices, Write now to K. C. Vlzznrd, Jeweller, Wheatley. Ontario. TANNING .L�` TAXIDT:ROCEY DEER HEADS WANTED. will pay good price for large T3ucit Heads, lona necks not nut up the throat. "Write for particulars. DEER HEADS mounted reasonable prices. DEER HIDES, tanned into glove leather. We also buy Deer Hides. BEAR HIDES tanned and made into Floor Rugs, and Rnhes. FOX SKINS & FURS tanned and made into Neckpieces. OLT'i'E1t sr..kw'cTR CO. LTD. 20A Elm Street. Toronto WANTED . HIGHEST I'RIC21h PAID 1011 RAW Pura, Rabbit Skins, Ginseng and Golden Seal. Sntisfaictinn guar- anteed, Ship to Heller and Fra- leigh, 147 Harrison Street, To- ronto, YOUNG MAR1UED MAN DIOSiRES yearly employment on mixed farm, Protestant, no minting. Fully experienced with tractors, farm inachinery, trucks, horses, must include. hoose, fuel, milk. hydro. State wages etc. R. Saund- ers, ears of 10. D. Smith, Winona. HATCHING EGGS WAN CIOII 10011 1945 hatching season. Flocks culled and blood -tested free of charge under government Super- vision. Good problem paid, For full details write t3ox No, 1811 73 Adelaide W., Toronto.