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Zurich Herald, 1944-11-09, Page 6
FAMOUS NEW YORKER iORXZONTTAL 1, 61VIayor La Guardia's aide, 12 Summit. 13 Short rainfall, 15 Group of• eight Voices, 17 Spoken, 1,8 Three threes. 20 Having hair. 22 Pair (abbr.). 23 Restore to freshness, 24 One who roars 26 Fib. 28 Half an em. 29 Tendon. 31 Southern state (abbr.).: 32 Raced. 33 Father, 35 Near. 36. Geographic picture. 38 Frolic. 40 Spain. 43 Neither, 44 Parrot. 45 Ream (abbr.). 47 Member of a religious•sect. Answer to Previous Puzzle II ]IaL 1® ©� . E4 IRO©© R ii pC AL� Q©® 0�©© Il%i1I000©fI© ©pp ©®E! D ' UN©©l7© DON OQ©© ©© N 090A CIL10I01i gas I NSURANTS D® 52 Crystalline substance. 53 Type of wolf. 54 Heap of stones 55, 57 He helped run the New York — 58 City in New York state. 59 Wooden hammer. VERTICAL 2 Proportion of one quantity to another, 3 Musical. dramas. 4 Animal doctor 5 Out of (prefix). 6 Spin. 7 Wooden trough for carrying mortar. 8 Exclamation of disgust, 9.Smooth.. 10 •Ireland, 11 Exclamation o1 contempt. 13 Plant fluid. 14• Fasten With thread, 16 Flower he 'wears. 19 Northeast (abbr.), 21 Lair. 23 Mutual. 25 Crimson•. 27 Within, 28 Age. 30 Conflict. 34 English river, 36 Fully ripe. ,37 3.1416. 39 Mother. 41 Breathes quickly. 42 Plowed land. 44. Tablet. 46 Mistress (abbr.). 48 Piece Of track. 49 Deep mud, 50 Gold color (her:). •51 Compass point 53 Algebra. (abbr.). 56 Music note. 57 Note of scale„ l4' 18 19 SIDE GLANCES By Galbraith COPR. 1943 SY NEA SERVICE. INC. T. M. REG. U. S. PAL OFF. "You mean if I divorce my husband I can't continue to use his ration book?" MOPSY byGLADYS PARKER I JUST PUT THEN! TNEPE TO BUN UP NANCY. SPIE HASN'T ADATE TONIGHT. TI -IE SPORTING THING II IIII II�I�'ell1! tI I�i�i���i ilp�Ii3iliII��? ii G�! I `Well, see ya again, sometime!' 7-$/ i.rs oub1y C_%i T "Mon said you didn't have any vices!" •FUNNY BUSINESS By Hershberger ."_T -• -- • r, 'ra ;US, PAT "Overcrowded transportation or no overcrowded transporta- tion --having to deliver a box of cigars at the same time is too much!" makes better cigarettes HOLD EVERYTHING '! o { ititi;zfis: CBao o cs move, S 19f6 CV NEA comer. INC. T. •M. REa. the. PAT.7 "I saved it when I cut my fingerl't Infertllity,,shy breeding, inactive males, false pregnancy, frequent misses, weak calves, abortions and other non-organic breeding troubles cause serious loss of production . .. AND PROFITS. Rex Oil overcomes common non-organic breeding troubles because itcontainsfac- tors which actavoura bly on reproduction, such as Alphatocopheral (Anti -Sterility Vitamin), Lecthin, Cephalin, unnamed caretinoids, Sterins, Free Fatty Acids, and other unisolated "FRESH" factors. Remember, too, that Rex Oil Is inexpensive—requires no special messy troublesome handling or storage :.. you simply add a few drops daily to regular rations. Availab/o of FEED SEED DRUGSTORES 4 oz. - $1.25 20 oz. - $5.00 VIOBIN (CANADA) LIMITED N.D.G. Postal Station 'Box 50 Montreal, flue. and ro be ter "ttveg}o '<And'Poi r•, 0 sa 'b k. ..:th, b2• .a, • k:. Vi,z54 ii• 13,X.19.£* Viaglatik 00 0 41.