HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-11-09, Page 4KLOPP' ONE-STOP ERVIC- S A Gas known to every MARATHON GAS motorist. Why take chances in inferior des when you pencbuy Good Geis at Regular Engineered Lubrication • At Kropp'$ you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 1 kinds of Crease. We invite you to tchus Lubricants Grease toayour Car wad see how Expert Repairing Motor. CLEAR Wee the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your CLAGAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25e. Gallon Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires to -date Garage andService Station. Clean and Tidy Rest Zurich's Most Up - Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car for the Colder Weather and Heavier Roads HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE C. Fritz & Son Used Car Lot in Connection ru :ZURICH HERALD EXECUTOR'S AUCTION SALE OF REAL. ESTATE The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auc- tion on Saturday, November 25th, 1944, at 2,30 p.m, at the residence of the late Annie Desjard'ine, Zurich, Ontario, the following real estate: Parcel No. 1: Parts of lots 1'72 and 1'73, Volland's Survey, in the Village of Zurich, more partileularly describ- ed in registered instrument ,No11,4493 for the Township of Hay. On the property is said to be sit- uate a two-storey frame house wired for hydro, roofed andsidedwith asphalt shingles; a frame singe gar- age and a frame smoke house. Parcel No. 2: Being composed of lot Number 4, Range 1, Village of Bayfield, slow in the T'ow'nship of Stanley, more particularly desc 7bed in registered instrument No. 2 for the Township of Stanley. On the property is said to be sit- uate a two-storey frame house lroof- ed and sided with asphalt ming; cement barn with frame loft, Sia good repair; a frame garage, and a chick- en house. This property is situate about one mile south of Bayfield, on the east side of the Blue Water Highway. On the' property is a small hard- wood" bush. HENSALL Mr. George Qtterbein of Preston was a visitor .with his parents, Mr. and ;Mrs. Wan. lOtteiibein, Mrs. Robt. Munn of .Ripley arriv- here to spend the winter with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. !Cross. - Dr. Joynt of London accomp. anied by (Scott and Wm. Welsh were. on a hunting trip at Mitchell Bay last week. ,Mrs. A..0. Meidinger Is spending several days with relatives 'in Lon- don and Wilton Grove. `� Miss Ada Gram of Adrian, Mich; 44 spent a week with her parents, Mr. w and Mrs. Geo. Gram, 8 Mrs, Ted Taman and daughter of ListowelChas visitors with her• mother Mrs. Mrs. R. J. Paterson and Mrs. Ann Berry, returned home after, • spending a week -with relatives is Toronto. Mrs. Wilfred Weido of the Parr Line, pleasantly entertained a num- ber of lady friends at afternoon tea at the K'ozy Korner. Miss Olive Walker, R.N. left forl Albany Hospital, N. Y., pleaea- tb- sant holiday with her parents, and dVlrs. Geo. Walker. Thursday, November 9th, 1944 • •, ••ee••>••••••0. • YOUR WINTER'S FUEL Colder Days will soon be here which will demand the " most suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment. Let 0 totesoczaasv ••• • • de s • A t • 1 • R iith 1918! Your Community helped greatly in men, • materials and !money to bring about that Day. Memorial Where Does Your munity Stan Com - In this Seventh Victory Loan Campaign? z Ws Up To You! a BUY MORE BONDS AND MAKE THIS THE BEST LOAN YET. Huron County National War Finance Committee • • • • 0 0 • • • • e 0 • _• Ivisitors with Mr. and Mrs. P. Fess - 2 old. t► Miss Shirley Smith spent the week - TERMS OF SALE — The proper- ties will be put up subject to reserve bids. 10% of the purchase ;honey shall be paid on the day of sale and balance within 30 days thereafter. For Further Particulars apply to:I Arthur Weber, Auctioneer, Dash- wood, Ont. Jacob Meidinger, Fred Slayton, A - xe Exe- cutors of Annie Desjardine, Ont. Zurich, J. W. Morley, Solicitor for eecu0ns • Returned from Hospital Jack Drysdale, son of Mr. and Mrs, M. G. Drysdale, returned to his homt Wednesday last from St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London, where he has been a patient for two weeks follow- ing a serious motor accident he was involved in when he suffered a fract- ure of the upper and lower jaw in four places. Jack will have to re- turn to the hospital from time to time for further treatment. While a patient at the hospital he was rem- embered with numerous lovery cards flowers and treats. Mrs. Catherine Hedden, left Sat- urday last for St, Catharines where she will spend the winter months with members of her family. She was accompanied by her daughter Mona a• caul girth Mr. and Mrs. Malin Watts o \• in Exeter Mee, r . Kleinstiver has retuurn in e I home after spending the past while • • • • Bondsu Victory,B FOR VICTORY AND PEACE IN THE WORLD BUT, for Victory and Peace in the Soul, accept the free gift of Christ's Finished Redemption Purchased 1900 years ago on Calvary's Cross. Forasmuch as ye know that ye were knot redeemed (with corm uptible things, as silver ,and gold—; but 'with the precious blood of Christ. -1 Peter 1: 18-19. Therefore being justified by faith, we heave peace with God through our Lord. Jesus Christ.—Romans 5: 1. ... ... . TUNE IN: PILGRIMS' HOUR 7-7.30 E.D.S.T. SUNDAY EVENING. Old-fakhioned Revival Hour rebroadcasts on ,tnany stations at various times. CHAS. E. FULLER. P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGLES, 53, CAL. Mutual Network, Sundays. Local Station. •CKLW, Windsor St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mrs. Raechei Denomme win) spent the ,summer with Mrs. Leon Jeffrey, Sr., of 3eavertown, left on zeuriday for !Windsor where she will remain throughout the winter with her chil- dren. Mrs. Hector Laporte and daughter Charolette spent the week -end in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bedard .left on Friday last for Detroit, .J'indso`, Chatham anti other points. They expect to be away a couple of weeks Mr. and Mrs. Emery Bedard, of Drysdale spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Du- eharree. motored14 Tr, and Mrs. Len Sararas to London on Saturday last. Mr. Larreond Masse of Goderieh, Aprnt Sunday with his parents, in Bowmanville and Toronto. Par- ade" she attended the "Wings e her son atCamp Borden n Lorne received his wings. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Scott of Bowmanville. Lorne is home on a 30 day leave. Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry tiofman spent Sunday with fienndsin sol'oisHant - over where he was guest an anniversary service. Mrs. Oluf Pedersen has returned home after spending a few weeks with friends in Ottawa. Miss Greta (Ross of •Sekforth, cal- led on Mrs. Henry Hoffman on Sat- urday afternoon. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs Thos. Hoperoft were Mrs. G. Arthur and Tommy of Exeter. Dr. and Mrs. Read and sons and d ,Mrs. Bill Hyatt of London; and Mrs. Melvin Brown of Kitchener • and Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Brown and • family and Mrs. Flora Brown of ,Cred •iton were Sunday visitors with Rev. and Mrs. J. Burn .at the Evangelical • parsonage. • Dr. R. H. Taylor is at Toronto this week. •r A. C. 2, George Wolfe has return- ed to Toronto after spending a few days at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Maier has receiv- ed eceiveed word that their son Harold was killed in Italy on October _12th. GRAND BEND Bronze Star Winner Cpl. Earl C. Bender's courage and carbine aided Brig. -Gen. John M. Devine in escaping from a Nazi death trap. Cpl- Bender's wife and two sons live at Fort 'Smith, Ark. His parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bender, are resi- dents of Grand Bend. And Earl was born in Zurich, leaving here when quite a young lad. From his comfort- able bed at the Foster Gen. Hospital, Jackson, Miss., where he is recuper- ating from battle wounds, Cpl. Ben- der told of his narrow escape from death during the battle for Cherbo- urge, France.. His unit landed in France shortly after D-day and fo- ught their way to the outskirts of Cherbourg, and for his bravery was awarded the Bronze Star, and in ad-. diton the Purple Heart and the Eur- opean Theatre of -Operations cam- paign ribbon, BAYFIELD Major R. and Mrs.. Bristol who have spent the past six months at their cottage in the village have, left to spend the winter in New'jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Arthus Brisson and two daughters of Detroit were at` their cottage for a week -end. Mrs. Edwards has returned from Kitchener where she spent a month visiting with .friends. Margaret Woods is visiting friends in Toronto. spent a Keith Bs Brandon of London, p week -end at his home herd. Pte. Ellen MacKay, C.W.A.C.,Lon- doe was a recent visitor at her home St. Tosep:t- Atter very dry and warns fall, thefrrst sign of winter on Sunday was not at all weleome for there is a considerable lot of farm work yet to lie done, and unless we are given c� long Indian Sumner there will be much disappointment.. Rec•antly there was a surface well or reservoir dug in one of the lots in the nay Summer Resort. It is not as yet been learned t1 it will be for :private Sse or if it will 'be to supply water to the summer resorters. here. �► S k-1 E u Win. L. Ferguson, Samos Robinson Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson ofand A. E. Erwin attended the 25th Detroit spent the past weed with her annual meeting of the Blue Water parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Baker. Highway Association at Goderich on Mr. and 'Mrs. Walter Fassold of Monday last. Avery enthusiastic 'flit London and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence eting of deleg'ates from Sarnia to Routledge of Ingersoll were week -end Collingwond were present. us fill your bin while prices are lowest. FEEDING MOLASSES i • I t is some considerable time since this all important product has been on the market... But we were 1 Cod fortunate in securing a supply, Also have Liver Oil, :.Etc. for Live Stock. Get your supply Now! '.. PLOW POINTS --- REPAIRS We carry a complete Line of International andsi tother kinds of Plow Points, Sole Shoes, Etc., for all makes of Plows...Let Us Serve You! L. Schei,,rYf Son • woe**. omorm t� w}lS6@^�314�SJa E toxo ee •cost st of who had been visiting at rher home the rUn ted church entertaiday eve. Nov. 3, the in d Sed the here. Wo•uhtjed in Holland Mission Circle members to a debt-� Mrs Byran Kyle received official ions supper served in. pot -luck styid.• word from Ottawa on Nov. 2nd that At the resident of the W.M.S. he Meal call edBrk, p resident of ed upon Mrs. H. Hyde, president the Mission Circle, who presided ov- er ver a very interesting programme. Mrs. Brook moved a vote of thanks: to the 'Circle for providing the pre - gram, and a most delightful evening. was held in the schoolroom cions the church, lovely with p lovely mumsin varied shades. her husband Gunner Byron Kyle, la !been wounded in action in Rolland. The nature of the wounds was not stated. Gnr. Kyle enlisted with the Scottish Essex in Dec, 1943, and went overseas in Aug. 1944. He received his training at Petawawa, and is the son of Chief of Police Thomas and Mrs. Kyle of Hensall. W.M.S. Entertain ;r,•:;,.�:yi;;•>:::,,;,..,; Y:Ym;i' i F,yr! '-' / r •• F. . CANADA'S VETERANS Th Pet-&lfeistie "ifoe$ This is the Fourth in a series of advertisements to inform the people of Canada of plans to re-establish men and women of the armed forces. To get full details, save and read every advertisement. '..'se'n,:�^.Vr+�s":�.n yf.AW+.•✓,.'!hn'.:.'r.:.iC' a • For complete or e• tion, a'"Backf for booklet, Life. Moe sod lato &Nov* -0,--- %%*' Woes �� I®f��` � homes of 7*e have which Canada's service people, can h in yand Act, provides assistance There are two ways in the Veterans high taxation area, their own. One measure, es of land outside the be used for purchase or building of financing re estoraes on smentact credit may is available under the 'National a while the re-establishm Low cost financing assistance is given ine a home in Awn or city- reared Under the veterans' Land Act, ro arty • to Housing Act. s The veteran must be prepared and buildings and the IS perncing cent of the cost of land at 31/2 up to a maximum °f $4800 for land and buildings. s two•thirds of the cost. This is pay down 10 wn payment p with interest if necessary, over 25 years, is then sold to him for this ° purchase of equipment' balanceper sen may ber financed, ran> be made for p further grant may including the grant of 231/3 per cent. A for equipment, -after The veteran is given land an to the property, s and the money the cost of and building per cent ofe . to bis agreement for ten years. the veteran must be he has lived up home, This type one dollar for every two dollars used front it. discharge. type If the re-establishmentcredit is used time within 10 y prepared to put up lied for at any t be app of assistance may FISHERMEN MID COMMERCIAL n and for commercial fishing may Veterans qualified for full timefarm g acreage,outside acing or home under the Veterans' Land wanting a home on a small additional grant receive assistance in purchasing s veteran Act in the axme way of full time farming, and ini commercial the high taxation area. In the case to a to buy needed • of $1200 is available for purchase of stock and equipment, fish commercial fisherman may receive up the comm of the three provisions of the veterans fishing pro iliooveseos service to at' Land equipment.tthex setVi man o r anyman must Land Act, the ex -service man or 'least 12 months" service in Canada. ASSIST BUSIN▪ ESSMEN '� 0 ASS re-establishment credit may be used is to which the cin apPlica•' One purpose for capital for a business. Here again buy a business or to provide working p ears after discharge• time in the 10 y people .vho tion maybe made at any aurin p draw maintenance grants, g • addition to using the re'estabhshment Credit in this way, P `se In start their ave businesses, or farmers, may he business the farmer � of are awaiting returns from t orfor the P the period they rants may be paid in the um of onenyeax ths after discharge, g and up to a max. service, STA - VETERANS' WELFARE OFFICERS ARE s IN IUW CENTRES THROUGHOUT STA- TIONED THEY ADVISE AND ASSIST CANADA. AND SHOULD BE SERVICEPERSONNEL, L� PROBLEMS. ON . . Macicensie. Minister t1{ Issued under the authorit54 of Nos. Tari A• yETRA"S AFFAIRS C, a W Olaf h'cy vivo.ADvtit'ristusio TO sOMB MAST ...nv::..r°';F:.i�,:,f. F. .r rr. "rf..s,....<.Z. .,?.,�'rc•., • OV gRSSA•S. 4W _.