HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-11-09, Page 1CH !Established .1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 9 1944 Help Save our Freedom ST. PETER'S { Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. Rev. E. W. Heimrich, Pastor 10 a.m.—Divine Services. 111.15 a.m.—Sunday 'School. "7.30 Divine Worship. sEverybody Welcome to all Services Betty Anne Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS "The Better Oil Permanents applied -with the very latest of methods and --Equipment. _.And besides all this is our years of `lxxperience in all Hair Dressing. GIVE US A CALL! :Phone 68 four your Appointments. MRS. EDW. GASCHO, Zurich Are You Suffering Froze Headaches? _ so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heckendorn, Pastor Mrs. M. Oesch, Organist SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m.—Divine Worship. 11 a.m. Church School 7.30 p.m.—Divine Services. COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. Al Publisher's Blessing O blessed is he Who does not fuss When he receives a bill from us; But knowing his subscription due, Sends in the money to renew. A doubly blest is that good friend Who waits not till a hill we send, But promptly sends us .the amount Wherewith to straighten its account +++++++++++++++++++++++++++÷a++++++++++++++++++++ arty ffioffman i irnc at *join Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick , and Injured. Licensed Embahner and Funeral Director. -+ MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. +a+ + 4. 4. + + .5. + + + 4. + + + + 4. + •4•01,DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 Ontario -44-e4-:-i+§§+++++44-e-aa- g"++l+++++++++i+in'yo t+. vs. -4, OUR GROCERIES Our Stock of Groceries is always kept up-to-date in quality as well as :quantity when at all possible. Selling "The Best for Less" has always been our slogan, and we still endeavour to maintain this standard. CLOTHING FOR ALL we are happy to be in a position to show you just. the kind of clothing you will prefer, Men's, Bows', and Ladies. Practically everything you will require to wear. DRY GOODS, ETCH Our shelves of suitable Dry Goods, Yard Goods, Etc., is here for your inspection, and invite the pub- lic in to see the many lines we have to offer re- gardless of the rather difficult conditions in proc- uring these items. v TUNE IN TO: CKNX AND ENJOY THE HURON 'COUNTY FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE PROGRAMME 8 O'CLOCK Tuesday Nov.14 BLAKE Mrs. Consitt of Hillsgreen visited her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Parke and tangly. Miss Marjorie Hoffman of Zurich, spent the week -end with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Elliott and Donald. The 'Bhankofrering meeting of the W.M.S. is to be held on Thursday' af- ternoon, Nov. 9th, at the home of Mrs. Roy McBride. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lamont, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dinsmore spent the week -end at Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hey were visit- ed by their daughters from London and Goderich. Rev. Miss R. Hern gave a splendid address at the Blake church on Sun- day afternoon. Miss M. Hoffman of Zurich assisted at the organ. Mr. and Mrs. G. Clark visited the former's mother, brother and sister Mrs. Finnigan. Miss Vera Oesch has taken a pos- ition at the Mossop Store, at Varna., Miss Loren has taken a position at the Zurich Drug Store. HAY COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Hay met at the Township Hall on Monday Nov. 6th 11,944 at 2.00 p.m. After the reading of the minutes of the previous ,meeting the corres- pondence was dealt with and the fol- lowing motions were passed: That Mr. A. F. Hess renew policy with the Economical. Mutual. Fire Ins. Co. on the Telephone office and equ- ipment, Zurich Central, for three ye- ars; and that Mir. E. F. Kl'opp re- new policy No. 99281 on the Town- ship Hall for three years. That Wes. Coleman be granted $50.00 as allowance on repairing the Eaerett Drain. That the Township of Hay pass by- law requesting the Highway Dept. for Municipal roads to grant Hay Twp. an additional amount of $2',- 000,00 for subsidy. That Mr. Wm. H. Edighoffer be given authority to make a complete search of title of ,St. Joseph proper- ties at the registry office, Goderich. That payment on Hay Municipal Telephone System, Relief, Roads and General Accounts be passed as per voucher. Hay Munic. Tele. System — Hay Twp. 1943 audit $35.00; T. H. Hoff- man salary 235.65; do extras 96.66 Ellis & Howard Ltd. $27; A. F. Hess Tns. on Central Zurich $24; Bell Tel. Co. $514.96; H. 0. Hess salary $235.- 65, do extras $36.26; Dacon Teleph- sne $5. Total $1210.18. Hay Twp. Roads -- Wes. Coleman $10; Sam Ropp $2.71; Leon Bedard $3.70; Al!. Reichert $114.81; GI en Dietz +$71.40; Roofers' .Supply Co., A180.90; Wm. Neel) $8; Chas. A.Id- w.orth $6; P. Deichert Jr. $8.S0; Geo Dick $6; Harold Willett $2.40; Mil- ton Dietz $99.90; A. 'Spencer $.11.06; Everett Drain, Hay Twp. $84.79; M. G. Dietz gas and oil $118.05. Total $.623.51. Relief -•---••• John •Suplat $26.10; M. Denonrme $25. Total $511.10. Hay TV: l,. General Accounts — Wm. S. Johnston $77.51; teuecn Al- min:110 Son $9; 1rft+.nicipal World Se; Wm. Edighoffer $.10; A. F. He Ins. $20; Seay. S.S. No. 12 Hay 50; IT. W. Brokenshire $101.23; Bank n•f Montreel :".12.50;•David Fuss $16.77; 1 -lay Stationery $8.33; Vic- tor Dienin .$12, Total $52.3.34. That: the meeting be adjourned to Chester L. Smith, Publish* 1.50 a Year in Advances Buy Government Securities Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Brokenshire spent a day in London last week. Mrs. K. 'Thompson has returned froth. London where she enjoyed sev- eral days with friends. Mrs. W. B. Coxon enjoyed several days at the home of her friends, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Addison at Clinton. Jr.}and Mrs. Jacob Haberer, Mrs. Fera Haberer and daughters were visitors at London one day last week Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Coxon of Milverton spent a few days at the home of the former's son Dr. and M,rs. W. B. Coxon. Mrs. C. Eilber has returned home after spending a few days at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell, Hensall. Mrs. W. J. Major of Toronto has returned to her home after visiting with her mother, Mrs. W. L. Siebert, and brother, W. A. Siebert. Mr. Calvin Williams and sister Miss Ethel, Mrs. T. L. Williams and Mrs. W. C. Wagner and Miss Jane Lamont were at London on Friday. The first +bunch of hunters have returned from the north and the hon- ors ..go to Mr. Leroy O'Brien who was. the lucky one to shoot a nice big buck. Another bunch of hunt- ers left over the week -end for the Peterborough district. Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner and son: Clarence accompanied by Mrs. iRacey, motored to London on Sun- day. fa- visit relatives, the latter re- melting at the home of her daughter ite sWe city, after speixdisig a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Brenner. Speaks Over Radio We join the many frienda in con- gratulating Mr. David Duchae, a prominent citizen of Zurich and com- unity who delivered a splendid talk over the Wingham Radio station on Tuesday noon, speaking on the pres- ent campaign of the 7th Victory Loan. The address was very im- pressive and we are proud •of ,Mr. Ducharme for the fine showing and impression to the listeners. Hoping they will not only be hearers but. also doers of the same. This was the third similar address given lay Mr. .Ducharme. Zurich and Hay West according to latest reports have about 66 per cent, and still have a long way to go in the next few days 'do meet their objective: AN IMPORTANT APPEAL Workers of all kinds are needed. Morecomforts for the Services are required than ever in our history. For the first time since the outbreak of war, we have a whole Canadian army in the field, and the winter will be very long, very cold and very wet. —Our Navy grows constantly and needs more warm woolens if it is to accomplish its tremendous task— Our Airforce flies at great heights where the cold as intense at all times of the year. Surely you who .have al- ways responded before so magnific- iently, will not fail our men in the Services in this most critical winter. The hardships they will be called ups on to endure are so great that we pre- fer, for our own sakes, not to tin)* of them; but we must think of them We must• realize thein fully-, and then do everything in our power to lessen then.. Mr. OBITUARY Late Edward A. Brisson Edward A. Brisson of 2009 Argyle Street, Chicago, died on October 26th, of peumonia, hi St. Francis Hospital at Evanston, Iili.n- oise, after being ill but five days. He was the son of the late Mr, Edward Brisson and step -son of Mr,. Jane Brisson, of near Drysdale. His only surviving relative, Sr. M. Athelia of the Institute of the. Blessed Virgin Mary, Toronto, Ontario, arrived in Chicago the morning of the 26th, before Mr. Brisson's death and re- mained for his • burial wrilert took a^airy on Monday December 4th place on Monday, October 30, with Solemn Roquium Mass at Notre Dame 1944 at 2.00 p.m. church and ipterment in Mt. Carnal Geo Armstrong, Reeve. Cemetery, IL a'W. 131'okenshire, Clerk. FRU INSSRANOZ A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. 111110000110•••• ••••••••••••411. 011farlMNN01/lOm11111a11e•111 0111 For positive identification ei the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coal a Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid fee Eggs according to Grade W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensall 1 Westlake - Brokenshire FUNERAL &AMBULANCE SERVICE Comfortable Hospital $� P! Comfortable Hospital. -Bed.. for Rent Phone 158, Zurich Day and Night Service • Day Service 1 6.0sa0,1sv.e4,40a 044M0oiwNl.eiNe/0.Re0M`60N0000. r.$.+ �-�,.�`'.F.l•N•.0•.F•r-i-•d•.i-i.-,�w_.q..¢.}..t._ .r...,' 4.1..1.i.!1'+.�..h.i•.g.g•.F.i.•7-•F•i.4..-..-_. Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF! • Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! * Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL • TTMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU 4 WAIT. F. C. KALBFLEISCH & SON ZURICH Phone 69 - - * ++4 +++++++++4••4.4-;.++ -4- We are Salesmen for the Fam- . MORiE EXTRA VALUE' ems New Firestone Products. We always carry a good lin of Dry Goods, Hardware, Paints, Clothing for all memb- ers of the Family. Only Fresh Groceries kept in Stock. .The -lake Sive' E. Schwart entruber. Frnp, IF YOU ARE ELIGIBLE Tr TIRES, WE WILL HELP OUT THE NCE .ti