HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-10-19, Page 6WM SCIENCE IS DOING Making Hay Making hay while the sun shines is not the only time farmers can now cure hay, says The Christian Science Monitor. Experiments be- gun by the University of Tennessee and the Tennessee Valley Authori- ty have proved, to the satisfaction of pioneering farmers in Indiana at least, that the several kinds of hay can be cured .n a new type of mow. The mow has a ribbed floor, equipped with ducts, through which air blows up into and through the hay piled on the floor. Recent experiments at Purdue University show the cost of such an electrically -operated system need not exceed $500 This would make the cost average $2 a ton, a figure riore than compensated for by added feed value. Hay in the field has up to 80 per Dent in moisture: retained moisture is a feed premium, and the new system retains as much as 40 per cent, compared with 25 per cent retained after sun curing. Other nutrients, such as leaves otherwise lost in field handling, also add to the benefits of the in- side system. One farmer is using a machine which chops the hay as it is cut, when blown into .the dry- ing mow, the stalks take up only half as much space as field -cured hay. ON MOROTAI ,F ..:;`lam") .2..,1 .... u...v Because he is thoroughly fa- miliar with the island of Morotai, Lt. -Gen. L. H. Van Oyen, above, Royal Netherlands Indies Army, was of great assistance to American forces when they invaded that Moluccas island only 300 miles from the Philippines. Have You Heard? An Aberdonian went to Austra- ba. When he returned three years . later he found his three brothers, All with beards, at the railway sta- llion. "What's the big idea?" he asked. "Ye ken quite well ye took the a'azor awa' wi' ye," was the reply. —0— "I told her that each hour with her was like a pearl to ane." "And did that impress her?" "No. She told me to quit stringing her?" —0— "And now, doctor, that I've told you I am going to marry Jane, there's one thing I want to get off any chest." "You just tell me about it, my boy." "A tattooed heart with the name Mabel on it," —0— Daughter: "Dad, what's the best way to make Willie stop spending so much money on The whenever he takes me out?" Tads "IJfarry him." r,. MORE TERROR POR, TOKYO F: OR. will give you an idea of what goes on in the B-28 assembly plant at Wichita, Kan., where this 17 -ton main center wing sec- tion of the Boeing Superfortress, complete with huge dual wheels of the main landing gear and two of the four 2200 -horsepower engines, is being lowered to join the fuselage bomb bay section. Soon the completred bomber will join others to help blast Hiro- hito's empire We Can't Do Less Than They Now is the time to get your finances in order to buy Victory • Bonds when sales start October 83. The success of this loan is just as vital to Canada and to the fu- ture of this country as any previous loan, says the Financial Post. Its success will be in proportion to the amount of bonds bought by individuals; to the degree of self- sacrifice that they assume in those purchases. The war is not yet won. Our men in the fighting services are now leaking their most supreme effort. The Canadian people at home, for whom this War has meant so little hardship, can surely do no less. And It Wasn't Even Paid For! "This is a remarkable suit of clothes I'm wearing," a man said to his friend "The wool was grown in Australia, the cloth was made in New England, the suit was tailored in Rochester, and I bought it in Louisville. Isn't it interesting how so many people can make a living out of something I haven't even paid for," 1933-44. Edition Canada Year Book' The Canada Year Book is the of- ficial statistical annual' of the coun- try and contains a thoroughly up- to-date account of the natural re- sources of the Dominion and their development, the history of the country, its institutions, its demo- graphy, the different branches of production, trade, transportation, finance, education, etc.—in brief, a comprehensive study within the limits of a single volume of the social. and economic conditions of the Dominion. Cloth -bound .edition $2.00— Re- mittance should be made by money order, postal note or accept- ed cheque payable to The Receiver ' General of Canada. Paper -bound edition $1.00 These copies have beenset aside for ministers of religion, bona fide students and school teachers. Ap- plication with remittance must be forwarded' to the Dominion Statis- tician, Dominion Bureau of Sta- tistics, Ottawa. How Can 1? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I keep the garbage can clean? A. The garbage can or pail will be much easier to clean if a fresh newspaper lining is placed in it after each emptying. Q. How can I keep a raincoat from flying open at the bottom when facing a driving rain? A. A couple of clasps sewed be- low the lower button, to use in such an emergency, will repay one for the trouble. Q. How can I clean the pleated lamp shades? A. These shades can be cleaned by using the blower of the vacuum cleaner on them. The dust will be removed in a short time. Q. How can I avoid having frosting that runs? A. Add a half teaspoonful of RE RE Artist's conception of the Hematite ore showings en the Western portion of the Westland Prospecting Syndicate holdings, the Mississagi iron ore range, Algoma Min. Ing Division. It is easy to see that this section et the property lends itself to open cut mining operations ORE •ji �l e,r.;;.t• WESTLAND FROSPECTING SYNDICATE llf ■ is MS In all --- Y $TM/A GA •LAKE== CAPITALIZATION $ 10,000.00 RON-..Steel's Priceless Ingredient Canada's conomic significance to ouremergence ndustrial future. ime r The centreoducer of s of this enewly iron ldevelopine is a g industrydex exous ists within the boundaries of Ontario and its growth has been accelerated by the advent of Steep Rock as a shipper of ore to the smelters of Ohio. As new zones of iron ore deposition are brought to light, especially those which are easily accessible and developable at low cost, we are destined to benefit from a rising industrial prosperity that amply assurec a substantial future growth trend. Summery Report on WESTLAND'S Property I wish to submit the following re4 port On your group of Eighteen mining claims, situated in Township 176, Sault Ste. Marie Mining Division, Ontario, approximately 18 miles North of the Village of Iron Bridge. The property is reached by the White River Road, which is kept in excellent condition by the Provincial Government. from which a road turns off to within two miles of your claims. An easy trail continues from there to your property. The claims are staked on a very proinising Hematite deposit, which has been traced for a distance of three» quarters of a mile over three claims, and shows a well defined deposit of strong continuity of Hematite, ranging from eight feet to twenty feet in width and in one place One Hundred feet from wall to wall. The vein runs a little South of East, going into Stringer Lake on the East, with good showings of Hematite /tote across the lake. On the West side, where stripping is be- ing done. the vein continues in a Jasper conglomerate with plenty of aoft material for a replacement body. I think that it is the Diabase that has brought in the iron . , r and that mining a minimum of. a six foot width of this Hematite would show a good profit. Therefore, with widths and continuity .as above staled, it is easy to see that this is a big thing. In conclusion, 1 am` very impressed with this deposit. It is the largest Hem. Mite body that 1 have ever seen apart from Steep Rock. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) W. E. Stringer. July 10th, 1911. A tiiincereiy Conceived Development Project of Proanising Potentialities Sufficient surface work, trenching, etc., has been done to date to indicate that the find brought to light is one of major importance. A drilling program is shortly to be undertaken to define the depth and extent of the showings. The significant feature about the grade of ore found on the Westland property lies in the fact that from it can be produced the finest grade of steel. Certificate of Assay No. 16235 Provincial Assay Office August 31st, 1944. This is to certify that the samples assayed by us tor the WESTLAND PROSPECTING SYNDICATE 24 King Street, West, Toronto, following result: 64,41 Sample Nogave. 1—Ironthe fo Sample No. 2—Iron o 67.94% Sample No, 3—Iron 68,14% Sample No. 4—Iron 68. Sample No. 5—Iron 66,33%24% Sample No, 6—Iron 61,79% H. A. Moddle, Acting Provincial Assayer. A maul front tide -water to the 'greatest ore market in the world, the smelters on the south shore of Lake Erie, can be effected economically and profitably. Domestic bon Ore Production Seen as Urgent National Need Mr. W, L. Millar, Liberal Member of Parliament for Algoma- Manitoulin, when defending the Ontario Government's One dollar per -ton ore bounty, stated: "lt is estimated that Canada pays the United States approximately $200,000,000. for iron and steel in various forms, and it is ineumbont upon the Canadian people to rid themselves of this serious handicap, by the fullest development of an important and'vital industry. Offering of Units at $30 Per Unit (Each Unit exchangeable for 300 shares 1n a Company. to be formed) Units may be purchased throughour own Bank or Broker or direct from: Metal Syndict'es W. Ferguson, Manager) 24 King Street West Toronto Canada Metal byndteatee, PHONE • AMCLAioR, 4120 14 Inns W. Toronto. Herewith ins remittance of S + lin hull payment for units of Westland Prospectintt Syndicate at $30 per. unit, NAME .00000 , ADtRE55 ,If,I HY,f,YY,1., •U4... Y . CM/(Make 111 cheque" Payable to Metal 5ynd)eateel baking soda to the boiling frosting and it will keep it from running. Q. How can I make an attractive looking salad? A, A pretty salad can be made by jelling a chicken salad in the shape of a ring and placing one's favorite dressing in the hollow of the ring. Q. How can I remove marks made from an indelible pencil? A. Grease the spots with lard, rubbing thoroughly, Then wash with soap and warm water. Russia Replanting Devastated Forests Forest tracts in Russia burned or cut down during the war are - now being restored on a large scala. Tens of thousands of hec- tares of forests are now being planted in the liberated areas of central Russia. Some 10,000 hec- tares will be planted in the Orel, Voronezh, Tula and other regions. this year. • ACCO UNTANPS & A UD 'TORS INCOME TAX REPORTS, complete monthly Bookkeeping Services, small businesses our specialty. A. Brett & Company, 8 Wellington Street East, Toronto, DA23Y. C111(DKS 'PULLETS: BARRED ROCKS, White Leghorns, New Ramp - shires, Hybrids 18 weeks to lay- ing. You will save money by booking your 1945 chicks now. We give liberal discounts for early booking and we guarantee the price against a raise or decline. There is also the advantage of getting' the chicks when you want them by ordering early, Send for catalogue and pricelist. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY WE have laying pullets, and for later in the month a limited supply of dayolds. November and December chicks should be ordered now. We have copies of the Report on Ontario's 1944 Poultry Confer- ence, and will be glad to mail you copy. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. N., Hamilton, Ont. CHOICE PULLETS LAYING AND ready to lay. Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, White Leghorns, Hy- brids and other breeds. Order your 1945 chicks now. Discounts for Early Booking and Early De- livery'. It will pay you to write for prices to -day. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. DYEING & CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment IT, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. FOR SALE ATTENTION ' FARMERS! ORDERS TAKEN FOR SHEAF Loader • attachments for Corn Binders for 1945 delivery. Place. your order now. For further in- formation write Peter J. Seip, • Gads Hill, Ont. ELHCTItIU MOTORS, NEW. USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belt s, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd.. 2326 Dufferin St., Tornnt o. FOR SALE—FREMLIN'S HOUNDS thoroughbred, seven only. Guar- anteed to hunt. Order promptly. D. W. Fremlin, Bar River. ARMY BOOTS NEWLY RECONDITIONED BOOTS of our armed forces, perfect con- dition, $3.25 delivered, Money- back guarantee. State size, send money order. Ruskin & Co.. Peterborough, Ont. FOR SALE REGISTERED OXFORD Down Rams, one two years, one yearling, also Ram Lambs, reas- onable price, Carl Gillanders, R.R. No. 2, Harrow, JOHN BURR HORIZONTAL MILL, turret lathe with auto drive and motor. Madison bearing grinder, 3 buffers, sheet metal roll form- ers, 32 used Caliper thread gauges. N.F.N.S. and B.S.P. with setting plug gauges free fit go and not go. Contact. F. C. Martin, 72 Stafford St. AD. 3427, Toronto. ' Men's Handkerchiefs 10c ea. WRITE FOR FREE LIST ON ALL dry goods, flannelette and smnll- wares. Part time agents wanted, Orders over $2,00 sent postpaid. Goods satisfnctory or money re- funded. LAWLAND & i I t'r INQ Wholesale Retail 517 Mount Royal f1., Dept, [VY Montreal -BUCKEYE" TILING MACHINE complete with surveying equip- ment, in working condition. H, Price, R.R. 1 Wheatley, Ont. NEW DISCOVERY, TESTED, SAVES 45% gasoline, guaranteed. Send stamped envelope for information, S. ];3rodie, Vilna, Alta. SLIPIT HARNESS DRESSING — FINEST leather and harness preservative. Slipit also has many household uses 25c up at most grocery, hard- ware and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Labors' tori es, Toronto, $1 BUYS 1 SHARE ON $L2,000 VIC- tory Villa at beautiful Chestnut Hills in Islington, open for inspec- tion. Sponsored by Col. Streight Branch, 210, Canadian Legion. Proceeds for a Memorial Hall now nearing completion, Send $1 to M. Evans, Sec., Islington. CARROT JUICE EXTRACTOR, electric, Juices all fruits and leafy vegetables, Mr. Read, Box 3, Coleman P.O., Ontario, BUSINESS BLOCK, BRICK ANT) stone, first class grocery and Liquor Control on corner with apartments over, also brick tour- ists home, King Street West, Gannnoque, Ontario, P.O. Box 505. CARLOTS OF COLTS, FARM AND bush horses for sale, Write, T, 1). Murphy, Chaplin, Saslc. "FAIRWAY" IT CLEANS! --- AS IT WAXES! -- AS IT POLISHES! Quielt Efficient Floor Tool! Cana- dian Patent. Material, workmanship, guntanteod, 1i'u11 directions with esch "F'ttirway," only $5.75 express pntd, (',O,D, 463 Gerrard Street. Toronto. FARMS FOR SALE IDEAL MEDIUM DAIRY FARM, fenced and tiled. Hydro and water serviced buildings, wind a n d, lightning protected; rail and bus, commercial outlets, McKenzie,. Princeton, Ontario. FAItM F011 SALId AT ORO STA tion, 115 acres, 8 acres bush, 85. acres under cultivation, balance pasture. Steel -roofed barn 100' x 45'. 8 -roomed brick house with, steel roof. Driving' shed and. blacksmith shop with steel roof„ Silo. Close to school, village andl station, ,Apply Thos. F. Bell, Oro- Station, Ontario. 120 ACRES ON NO. 2 HIGHWAY' in Colborne East, 8 -roomed Brick House, city conveniences, 3 -piece bath, running water, electricity all building's, 2 creeks, large hen- house, Apply Warrysh, Colborne, Ontario. w HELP WANTED HERDSMAN, R.O.P. EXPERIENC-. ed, also other help, for dairy • farm near St. Catharines, immed- iately, good residence, city lights and water. Apply, with full par- ticulars and reference. McMahon's, Dairy, Port Dalhousie, Ont. HAIRDRESSING AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE women, learn hntrdresstng at Can- ada's' finest and largest schools. Refined, dignified work.' SplendidY pay. Write or call for free liter- ature. Marvel Hairdressing Schools, 358 Bloor Street. Toronto, Branches. 44 King Street, Hamilton. and 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. L 17 A R N HAIRDRESSING THE' Robertson method, Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 13? Avenue Road, Toronto.. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, HERD Ofe 25 PLTRE- hred Durham cows and calves. and sire; reason for selling, ill health. Apply W. L. Ketcheson,. Tweed, Ont. Telephone No. 10. iMMACHINERY FOR SALE FORDSON TRACTOR, RECONDI- Coned, steel wheels, 8375. 15 La Plant Ave., Toronto, MEDICAL STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of ill -health in humans, all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out if this'• is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars—Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies. Specialists, Toronto 3. BAUMIEKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 45c 'bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa., IT'S IMPORTANT — EVERY SUF- ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store, 335. Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 31.00. ARTHRITIC PAIN? FOR ARTH- ritic Pain take Formol Rheumatic Arthritic Pain Tablets — get positive relief! At your druggist's or send $1.00 today and receive. one month's supply postpaid_ Fermoi Distributors, Box 712, London, Ont. 0000. ADVICE! EVERY SCFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Stere, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. 111USI CA1, INS'rBtlato TS FRED A. IBUDD]NG'roN BUYS., sells, exchanges musical instru- ments. 111 Church. Torohto 2. .^titl'I' )GItAVert TME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION' Your Bine property developed end printed 6 Olt 8 EXPiiSl11416 ROLLS 29a RI+1I'RINTS 8 for 250 FINIOST l:NLARI;INC SE1tVIt:E Yen may not net nil the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire. by sending your films to I8TI'r,1RIAL 1'1•Ih'1'h 51tlt VICE Rfntinn .1 Tnrnnln PERSONA L SITE WHAT YOUR BANDWItIT- ing reveals and instructions how, to read cards, $1. Madam llnoah„ Sub Station 9$, Toronto, raTI5N'r8 FETHERSTONHAUGE & COMPANY Pa tent Solicitors. I6stablished• 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of lnforma lion on re- quest. W A'N'rlti) WANTED TO BUY: ALL LINOS OP - hard wood and soft wood logs, also small quantity bolts. Write. Bog'don & Gross, .Furniture Co.. Ltd„ Walkerton, Ont. WANTED TO PURCHASE El AY IN CARLOAD LOTS FOR, prompt or scattered shipment, Write Hugh M. Scott & Co. Hay and Grain Dealers 485 Mem] St., Montreal 1, P.Q. PORTABLE SAWMILL WANT]5D,, A. ]3aker, Gravenhurst, Ontario, WANTED TO I3t,1Y, PUSH LANDS or Farms containing hush lands, suitable to cut furniture Meker, Write ]Togdon & Gross, Purniturt Yo, Ltd., Walkerton, :Ont.