HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-10-19, Page 41
Seventh Victory Loan
CKNX Wingham.
5.45 A. M.
Monday, October 23rd.
le; L
Chesterfield Suite
To make room for 'extensive alterations in :our Furniture
and Stove Department, we are offering these remarkalbe
Bilt Rite Chesterfield Suite—Cornell Wine and Blue ..
Reg. $155.00 Sale Price $139.00
Snyder Sani Bilt Chesterfield Suite—
Reg. $160.00 Sale 'Price $125.00
Way Sagless !Chesterfield Bed Suites—
3 piece suite Reg. $145.00 Sale Price $130.00
3 piece suite Reg. $140.00 Sale Price $126.00
2 piece suite Reg. $125.00 Sale Ptiice $110.00
2 piece suite Reg. $110.00 Sale Price $ 98.50
Studio Couch with Arms—
Reg. $ 60.00 Sale Price $ 52.50
GODERICH. .Telephone 240
Mr. W. E. Nairn has been instruc-
ted to sell by Public Auction on Tu-
esday, October 31st on Lot 34, Con.
3, Usborne Township, 3 miles south-
east of Hensall. Farm, Farm Stock,
Implements and Household Effects.
John R. Stewart, Proprietor.
W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer.
Of Household Effects, in Zurich, on
At 1.30 o'clock p.m.
At the home of Mr. A. ;Merrett, op-
posite the Evangelical church. In
case of rain sale will be held in the
church sheds.
Small kitchen cupboard mahogany,
3 -piece living room suite, 3 rocking
chairs; 1 platform rocking chair;
2 :mall tables, 1 dining room table;
12 kitchen chairs, large kitchen glass
cupboard, 2 dressers, 3 commodes, 3
toilet sets, 2 bedsteads and springs,
1 .spring filled mattress new; 2 bed-
room chairs; Singer sewing machine,
drop head, nearly new; 1 day bed;
kitchen stove; 1 large Brussels rug
11.x13 -fit, new; coal oil heater; 2
kitchen tables; large quantity of
dishes; lamps, cboking utensils, small
churn; spades, hoes, rakes, grind-
stone, lawn mower new, quilting
frames, curtain stretchers, crocks and
sealer:;, handl washing machine near-
ly new, odd carpenter tools, solid•
walnut table, washing machine and
wringer, tub:, linoleum rug 7x0 -ft;
and many other arti'cle's.
Arthur. Weber, Auctioneer.
Wm. S. Johnston, Clerk.
Mrs. Singular, Proprietoress; Being
mother-in-law of Mr. A. 17ellett.
Farm Stock, Implements and House-
hold Effects. On Tuesday, Oetober
24 , at 12.30 pan„ at Lot 10, Bay-
icld Road South, Stanley Township,
2 miles west of Varna.
Horses — 1 matched trate of hay
ve on horses, 5 and 6 years old. r
(mare and gelding) ; 1 Percheron
mare colt, 1 year old, a beauty.
'Cattle—.Black cow aged 4, fresh
ened 4 months ago; Black cow aged
3, freshened 6 months, bred to fre-
shen again March 26; pant Jersey
cow aged 3, milking 6. months, bred
to freshen again April 16; red cow
dry, due to freshen Dec. 11; black
steer calf 4 mos. old; black heifer
calf 6 mons. old; red heifer 10 mos.
old; black heifer 15 mos. old.
Sheep -10 Leicester and Oxford
Poultry — 35 hens (year old). 1
brooder stove and canopy, capacity
ImplemenitsM. H. binder,, 6 -ft. cut;
McCormick mower 5 -ft. cut; 10 -ft.
stteel hay rake; 4 -section; harrows;
low wagon, steel front wheels; hay
rack; riding plow; walking. plow; M. -
H: cultivator; long sleigh;, single
horse sleigh; set 4 sling ropes and
sling chain; Anker -Holt .cream separ-
ator, 600 labs. cap; platform. scales;
1200 lbs.; set 240 lb. scales,•. wheel-
barrow; large grindstone; scythe, 1
old reaping cradle; sculfler;. Shur
Shock electric fence controller;; 1
l s/a h.p. United gas engine;. large
350 gal. metal lined tank suitable
for honey; set of team work harness,
set single driving harness; 2 22. -inch
horse collars; 1 21 and 1 20 -inch col-
lars; garden sprayer; 3 horse even-
ers; neck yokes; whiffletrees, forks;
shovels, chains, pick, sledge, double
end emery grinder; Overland '26 blue
sedan, good running condition with
4 500-20 tires like new and a spare
old auto power plant, parts for
Overland cars (transmissions, axles,
starters, generator., wheels, etc.);; 2
wagon wheels 48 -in. high 2 za-dni.
tires; front axle for waggon; neavy
block and tackle; 1, 6 volt De Lux
Windeharger complete .with wiring;
1, 45-70 •S.pringafield t .S. Army R'iiie
and cartridges; bunch shingres; 50 -
gal. barrel and several small barrels;
50 -gal vinegar bbl; about 5110 good
cedar .rails many suitable for posts;
several fence posts; 3, 6 -volt batter -
les; some Shinn flat lightning rod
fixtures; mail Nix; cyclone seeder;�
Portland cutter ,and pole; end num-
:row , otber articles,
Hdusehold Effects — Chcs�taxdlel ,
Powawe l power rrlws'tttng machine and
wringer, god alai near;'Raymond sew-
ing machine like rete;. Aladdin tamp,
extension table; Wood stove; '14itche'u
chairs; couch; pallor chairs,'tables,
bedroom suites, diisQtes, lanterns, tube
croeke, pai'1s►. garden tools,' etc. -
J. E, Pollock, Proprietor.
E. P. 'Chesney, Clerk.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
of Farm Stock and implements;—
Mr. Harold Jackson has been in-
s+ttrttated to sell by public auc.ti'bn on
Lot 6, Con, 4, Stanley Township, 1 i4
miles north of Kippeli and two miles
west on Tuesday gOetober 31st, at
1 p.m., the following:
Horses—.Bay mare nine yrs. old;
Bay mare 10 yrs. old in foal; Driv-
ing horse, single or double; Clyde
gelding 1 yr. old;. suckingcolt; Clyde
mares yrs. old.
iCattle — Durhaan cow to freshen
time of sale; 8 Durham due to fresh-
en in March and April; Shorthorn
bull 2 yrs old, eligible for registrat-
ion; 4 2 -yr. old steers Durham; 4
Dilrham 1 yr. old steers and heifers;
4 spring calves.
Pigs—York sow due' in Dec; 4
chunks 10x, lbs..
Poultry — •160 light Suaez pullets
6 mons. 0111, oolosny 1;ouge•'' 10x;12;
brooder .above; 'feeders, etc, .
Imp! taarl a Q„ !b.. M.H. • binder;
Deering mower; M. 11hay' Loader;
sulky 'rake Z•,flt1. •13 hoe 1LH, seed
drill; 3 dram stool roller; spring
tooth cultivator; 14 plate disc harrow
riding plow, working plow; M. H.
manure spreader; McCormick .Deer-
ing bean eeuffler and puller, set scal-
es; fanning mill; sugar kettle; wheel
barrow; fain wagon, hay rack 15
foot; gravel lrox; sett of sloop sleighs,
and rack; cutter, buggy, 2 cream
separators; hay forks, ear rope and
slings; 130 cement blocks; quantity
of planks and Inch lumber; 6 bunches
shingles; cedar posts; 45 2 -in pipe;
0: bushel timothy seed;
Harness—set of breeching harness,
1 set back band 'harness; set of light
• Hay and Grain -12 ton of timothy
hay; 200 bushels 'og grain mrxed; 100
bushels of wheat.
Household Furnishings — Good
Cheer cook stove (good); quantity
of household furnishings including
chairs, bedroom furniture, cealers,
Tamps and a host of other articles.
John D. McBeath, Proprietor. •
E. P. Chesney, Clerk.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Oehler Days willsoonbe' here which.will/Amend. the
most, suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment. . Let
us fill your bin while prices ate lowest.
It is some considerable time since this all important
product has been on the market,.. But we were
fortunate in securing a supply. Also have Cod
Liver Oil, ..Etc. for Live Stock. Get your supply
We carry a complete Line of International and
other kinds of Plow Points, Sole Shoes, Landsides,
Etc., for all makes of Plows. ..Let Us Serve You!
L. Schilbe & Son
Sa$ m
On the fighting front our men are still "slugging it out
Each advance ... each new sector ... each mile that
the battle front is extended ... is hard going. Much
fighting lies ahead.
There's more to be done on the home front, too.
More money is needed to enable our country to carry her
share of the war's cost.
Our duty is clear ... we, at home, must provide the
money. Canada must get this money from Canadians.
Fortunately, most of us have good incomes. We can
do our share.
But it is the extra effort that wins battles and we must be
prepared to make extra effort on the home front. Canada's
borrowing needs have been increased by some three hundred
and twenty million dollars. That's extra effort- that we,
at home, must make. We must provide the money that
is needed ... more money than ever before.
We must keep faith with our fighting men. We must
continue to work ac.d save ... and lend. We must all
lend more.
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