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Zurich Herald, 1944-10-05, Page 6
SUBMARINE'S WEAPON UOaIZON'hX4 ,1 Weapon used by submarines. 7 Transactions, 13 Protective. covering; 14 Fastens. 15 Negative, 17 Lubricates. 18 Refuse. 19 Part of "b 20 Pleasant, 22 Workers. 28 Part of 'the body. 24 American 40 Desire Indians. 41 Plural 26 Registered pronoun, nurse (abbr.). 42 That thing, 27 Like. 44 Assist. 28 Coil. into ringlets. 45 High army 29 Composition. officer, 31 Plural of this. 47 North Dakota 32 Id est (abbr.). (abbr,). 33 Pronoun. 48 Seed vessels. 34 Slope, 49 Beverage. 39 Pitchers. 50 Fruit. Answer to Previous Puzzle CONMEIONffignamigieri 111Mrill l r G�©;;.©N©© GOON 01014; ''©Q ©. 0©(�®N0 ign oAo. © - oiii faMMIC.151 NCI DOROTHY CAIRO 51 Measure of weight. 52 Less aged. 53 Finish. VERTICAL 1 A language. 2 Sun ,god. 3 For. 4 tject, 5 Grief. 6 Shakespeare- an character. 7 To toughen. 8 Agricultural ;exhibits. J Son (Fr,). 10 Collectively. 111 xists, 12 Specimen, 16 Grains, 19 Atmospheres• 21 Affirmative.. 23 Color. 25 Sanctit'ied person. 28 Ruminate, 30 Still. 31 Article. 34 Supple, 35 Placed. 36 Conjunction, 37 Criticize. 38 Robber on the high seas. 41 To push. 43 Claw. 45 Signal bell. 46 .Loan. 48 Cooking utensil. • 50 Greek letter, SIDE GLANCES By Galbraith I COPR.1942 BY NEA SERVICE, INC. T. P4. RSO. U. 3. PAY. OFF. "She hasn't been any good since the boy joined the Army— the only thing she'll point is that old tree where they used to stop and rest." CROSSTOWN ,tea: By Ro1ad Coe "When my wife opens her mouth to give me a lecture I just says `close it please' -- and she closes it!" THIS ARMY (Sy "1/19. CwghN. F. The Maple Laid, Canadian. Ariry .•wwpo,a, h. Maly. Crow. ae.Yf1,1 Stt ii T rw "Mein Gott! Canadians again." MOPSY UNA'S PARKER FUNNY BUSINESS By Hershberger dar . / 7 .r. if 111111111.►I ,,•. •, �. r111j I!l�i a�1,1 •� „,i• • • °. • ,t//IIG •d4•�, .,11/01t; r %lf Jr d��, ( '' • lil" �.,rJi�d4r9ri •,i 4 '. 11 d ,! i t�] 11111;, 0 r •.11/at 'r,: •14.1:. • Nr,,..r ///i,.•n I ihurItt `�il�4111 1111 l� ..0,„ y dq•" ^�,r., vlr r ,i d it i% �:, �'1 '1 i1d.rE0'' t�rh,t r ,rr I i :' Ir�fr,,IJ.r'• 0 �'�111 ihk .;"' •')/0. F, •t:ar11./I'l�'r�l/�i:r''. t (,..SERVI l4 :Rw. ) 1 }.114:. 1993 CY NEA SERViCE�N� �': IA: AECs. {l. S. iAT��Si►a d/,)/r�j�/,,rw � A "Frankly, I think he's been trained to be an airplane spotter?'. MUTT AND JEFF — It Seems That Mutt Got Some Kind Of A Break At That By BUD FISHER (t GOT A GOOD JOB! THE PLACE I'M WoRKING FOR IS HOLDING A DANCE! MS A GOOD CHANCE POR ME To GET ACQUAINTED! i ' GOOD GoSN l DO VOU KKoW �WNo I AM4 I;ClJ ' ' THANK GOo )H SS - Fog YNAi I ' ISM GLAD 3.?,OUR BOSS, I$NtT HERE, -TONIGHT: NE's AN OLD SOURPUSS SIR, v /" you KNOW ? WHO I AM. / \ I Nd! W� ARE Vol)? , -' 1.M TPS WIFE! i--' r fl1 i Ili a f,� �g fit` V. k: = ,.t.,.'.:: �/ ;: • 1�. • ' b - <lp THERE EVER WA S ONE( ip,. ��. fA3, •♦41 - GF — • �.'� '�,Glr rlwrr" V(it t •`8r� i1 'III e z .a I 1 ! I IV ( r '% �' %moi IP -,..7.-^ i� , ' 1,PI.�IIIII ' i 1111111111 1 II�IIIII' ... _�! 111 II Jl/� Zli(;1_,; {\a1!'I111111 C ` ' — e 4� ' .'S w.J . ... O 1 . ' 441 IN II 100614E1.1016.... ar HOLD VERYTHD'iG 4.10111•0 01•311411MIN REG'LAR FELLERS—A High Deal JUST A MINUTE, My FINE - FEATHERED PIGEON -- WHAT'S YOUR CEILIN'PRICE. ON APPLES -ON A -STICK ? CE.RTA1 NIY : NOW, WHAT PRICE'. I5 THAT YOUtvE OOT MARKED THERE? TWO CENTS! THREE. CENTS -- 50 WHAT? .50 WHAT, EH? YOU'VE. BUSTED TI4P.0UG 4 NtER OWN CCtLIN, AN' IF 1 KNOW ANYTHING IT MEANS FIFTY YEARS lil114'CLII'3IC° By GENE BYRNES 2.1B 09. 1944 89. NEA SERVICE. NIG T. 14.11E2. U: O. PAT. OFF. "Having , pipe dreams again, eh?" THE SPORTING THING "It's just a hobby." 2-27./3 0a. t', 9, I'm ONc . ..wee.e..+,....evmam.w w..weammr:w..e,•va,., nu.ftevmsw...9.9•• wu .,•..rna..xcay. .+.11.tmuu nil rinht, reeer/0R FA sy pL-,5- I\I mow»..,.. • POP—Tactful Pop Avoids a Battle DID VOL; GALL /0, A • eA Liz — •e; �! 6 PA!?'ROT tt 113'. Thr' 0191••••••1214 919 0110111111911! • By J. IVIILLAR WATT