HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-10-05, Page 1ZUR1 ALD lEsfablislie'd 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 5 1944 Help Save our l'reedom Chester L Smith, Publish. $1.50 a Year in Advance Bny Government Securities ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church urinal• — ONT. Rev. E. W. Heimrich, Pastor 10 a.m.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 130 Divine Worship. /Everybody Welcome to all Services Betty Anne Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS /Me Better Oil Permanents applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. And besides all this is our years of Experience in all Hair Dressing. GIVE es A CALL! Phone 68 four your Appointments. lams. EDW. GASCHO, Zurich Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipinent at A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIClli — O. (Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices EMMANUF1. EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. R. Hockendorn, Paster Mrs. M. °each, Organist SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m.—Divine Worship. 11 a.m. Church School 7.30 p.m.—,Divine Services. COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. A Publisher's Blessing 0 blessed is he who does not fuss When he receives a bill from us; Hut .knowing„his. subsmtlAion Sthrla-'"iii"theihilitdIf .faiitfiV:a" A doubly blest is that good friend. Who waits not till a bill we send, But promptly sends us the amount Wherewith to straighten lei's account .4+4++++ +++++++++++++++++ i.•+++++++++++++++++++44++++ ASP am) Mailman antral #ante Ott the g‘,ir 5afigrazigg 5-10, e.g.g.;.Unx $ MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. + DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 Dashwood – Ontario 4. 4. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++41+ 41•11.6. on101.7.11.41 am,/ a • I Ylmen.p11•10moislemnr• OUR GROCERIES Our Stock of Groceries is always kept up-to-date in quality as well as quantity when at all possible. Selling "The Best for Less' has always been our • .slogan, and we stall 'endeavour to maintain this sta.rdard. CLOTHING FOR ALL we are happy, to be in a position to' show you just 'the kind of clothing you -will prefer, Men's, Boys', and Lathes. Pradically everything you will require to wear. DRY GOODS, ETC Our shelves of suitable Dry Goods, Yard Goods, Etc., is here for your inspection, and invite the pub- lic in to see the many lines we have to offer re- gardless of the rather difficult conditions in proc- uring these items. 1 W. MERNER Phone 140 Huron -Perth Libera!, Association Nomination and. Convention, in .the • TOWN HALL, HENSALL On TUES. OCT013ER „ 17th At 8.30 SPEAKERS: JP - Mr. Samuel Elsie of Dashwood, was a visitor in town one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Biehl of Clin- ton; Mr, and Mrs. A. Biehl of Varna were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs Louis Schilbe. Miss Theresa Deitrich was a Sun- day visitor with Miss Cecelia and Jeanne Hartman, Goshen south. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stade were at - London on Sunday to visit with fri- ends from Detroit who were guests al Hotel London. Miss Pearl Gellman and Alice Bea- ver who •operated 'The Olde Forge" at Bayfield for the summer months Dr. A. R. Camnpbell, W. L, Whyte,have returned home and they report Hon. Angus McDonald, Federal Minister of Naval Affairs. W. H. Goulding, M. P. for the Thiron-Perth President. Secy-Treas: Everyone Welcome GOD SAVE THE KING„ N. HURN CHOIICE a very good summer. /Mrs. John Albrecht of town and Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Seotchmer of Hayfield were week -end visitors with friends at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Scotchmer attended the Leonard- ., Featherstone wedding which took PlaCe on Saturday. • L. E. Cardiff, well knownMorris Mrs. Thos. Meyers, convener of Twp. farmer and present Fede01, jam and boys' boxes, wishes to thank member for North Huron, wes'nome the public for the splendid response Mated to carry the banner for 'the, they received. There will be a booth Frog. -Conservative party in that rid- at the Fair Grounds Field Day, also ing the next Federal election. Pre- one n. Hensel' the night of the frolic dieting the forthcoming eleetien• 413”Donations will be appreciated for the be the most Momentous in hiStory,, as to unity and a lasting peace;Karl K. Homuth, M.P. for Waterreo„,.S •'. KILLED IN ACTION ,kitiekted4-te-tireoifeellratiVei. preset. he entire 'community is grieved to back their leader, Hon. John Bea; to learn aver the week -end that Mrs. cken, for an overwhelming majority Barbara Surerus of Zurich had re- in the next election. ceived word. that her youngest son, Pte, Clare Donald Surerus, was killed in action in France on Sept- ember 17th. Pte. Surerus was born in Hay Township, March 6th, 1916. He and his brother, Leeland, enlisted with the Lorne Scots in October., 1942, and went overseas in April. 1948. He was transferred to the Srd Canadian Division this year. Clare was always a very nice quiet and mannerly young man, and had many good friends in this community where he spent most of his lifetime, The bereaved family and relatives have the sympathy' of a large circle of sympathizing friends. Surviving are his mother; a sister, Mrs. Frank Kane of Montreal, and a brother Leeland, with the 3rd Division in France. His father the late Oliver Surerus died in September 1932. A memorial service will be heed at Emmanuel Evangelical Ohurch at a later date7 • In Magistrate's Court Goderich — A young Stanley Twp farmer pleaded guilty to having an 8 -gallon brew of beer on its way when Mounties called. He had neglec- ted to take out a permit from the Dept. The fine was $25 and costs. There was no evidence of sale. Re- scued by police from a group of yo- ung men who resented his attention to a young woman, E. Ridhie appear- ed before the magistrate charged with disorderly conduct. 11 e received a veew's adjournment. Reginald Good- ing, a young man who was given two year's suspended sentence after ple- ading guilty to breaking and enter- ing, pleaded guilty to disorderly con- duct, fighting in a cafe. He received 30 days in jail. DASHWOO Anniversary services will be held in the Evangelical church on Sunday October 8th when Rev. Dr. H. A. Kellerman of Kitchener will be guest speaker both morning and evening. Special music will be rendered by the Choir, and Grand Bend male quart- ette. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Rev. and Mrs. J. Burn are t.pend- ing a few days in Milverton this week also attending a convention in St. Pauls Cathedral; London on Thursday. • Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Pfile of Grand Bend and Mr. and Mrs. Cayiton Pfilc of Dashwood visited with friends in Kitchener on Sunday Mrs. Hoperoft visited with her father 'in Clifford last week. Mr. Hoperoft motored there Stmday.Mrs Hoperoft returning with him. Quite a number from here attend- ed the anniversary services in Zurich last Sunday. Miss Zeta Nadiger, RN., or How- ell, Mich., spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Win. Nadiger. Mi. Samson Colosky who has made his home in Zurich for some time, has returned to Dashwood and will be at hoMe with Mr. and Mrs. W. Wolfe. Mrs. John Oestreicher of Ottawa Valley, spent a few days with re- latives here, also attending the WMS Convention at Zurich Miss Onieda Restemeyor, R. N. Evangelical Church Annivecsary Services Very successful anniversary Ser- vices were held in the Emmanuel Evangelical Church, Zurich, on Sun- day, October 1st. Rev. A. D. ,Gishler of Syracuse, N. Y., who ser- ved this church, from 190-6-1911 was the guest speaker.His sermon themes were. "The Task of the Church" and "The Quest kr the Best." The Choir under the leadership of Mrs. Milton Oeseh, sang two very fine anthems,. The Ladies' .0ctette and Mon .s iMe's Chorus each contributed to the services- The financial objective of $354.0,0 was exceeded. Both services; were well attended. On Monday night a public service was held :followed by a reception, for Rev. and Mrs. Gishler. Mrs. A. D. Gishler who was instrumental in or- ganizing the local. Ladies' Aid Soci- ety spoke to the Monday night aud- ience. Atter a few words by the local president of the Ladies' Aid, Miss Olive O'Brien, Miss Mary Lou Fritz presented Mrs. Gishler with a bouquet of flowers. Mrs Gishler re- sponded. The presence of Rev. E. 1. Gishler, a brother of A. Gis- hler, and his wife now living retired in Elmira added to the interest of the anniversary. At the Monday night meeting be spoke of the work in the Canadian North West where he had served for 23 years. At the reception, lunch was served. A real spirit of fellowship prevailed. Mr. A. Melick and Mr. W. H. &Ugh - offer made brief remarks. Rev, A. of London is spending two weeks va- cion at her hoMe here. Gishler in charastic good humor at 'responded. The singing af "Blest Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller axe Be the Tie that Binds" bpoiAght, the visiting with Alm* to Michigan. gathering to a close, PHONE YOUR C2DOZ,T42Z)Wu'tti.!1 A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For positive identification ad the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coal.. Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid fee Eggs according to Grade W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensel! 10110040411.4114110000441600,0411141 41.41.00•0454141.64606.604110***4119 1 Westlake - Brokensoire FUNERAL & AMBULANCE SERVICE Comfortable Hospital Bed for Rent Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich 010001.11MPS41141104411.00411404100•00001.000.0.0000.600414064.414410.0 1E+44...4•44+++++++++++1.÷-,--"-++-:-- ++++++++++++++÷±÷±÷÷÷++++4 4. 4. 4. 4 4 4 BUILDING MATERIALS We are now in aposition to supply and Material for Local Building We- still have a large quantity of Lumber, Chip - rock, Wallboard, Flooring, Nails, Etc., on hand. LET US SERVE YOU! F. C. EALBFLIKISCH & SON Phone 69 - - - ZURICH We are are Salesmen for the Fam- ous New- Firestone Products. We always carrya good line of Dry Goods, Hardware, Paints, Clothing for all memb- ers of the Family. Only Fresh Groceries kept in Stock. ThelBlake Store E. Schwattmutruber, Nop., - 0 MORE EXTRA YAWN + 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4, IF YOU ARE ELIGIBLE Tr' TIRES, WE WILL HELM OUT THE NS