HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-09-21, Page 8ZURICH, ONTARIO ZURICIrl HERALD trt • ,;•1' • 1.; New Goods O. ()'0 ' P In Spun Rayon and Suedene Cloths. New op Clear P CHENILLE BEDSPREADS: P *0 P P P P q1P VP 0 TP TP P y TP P 0 0 QP In Pretty Shades of Rose, Large size at $11.50 Each. NEW LACE TABLECLOTHS 70x84 inches, at $6.98 Each. Blue and Green. A LOT OF 26 FINE LADIES' DRESSES: Goods in Season's best Styles, to at $2.69 Each. (Regular price $3.25) Size 14 to 44. Gascho 1. '• • 444 4.:11'•, 'r • r 'rtrf •• • GENERAL INSU ANCE EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Eta, Andrew F. Hess, Local Representative - Zurich Zurich 411111111111111t 6114480•0064011100106141IDOODOVISIMI ceza.if145414fer'A.,,9qaMagt241 HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE You are going Through This World Only Once, So Why Do.. Without These Labor Savers? Experienced farm help is scarce and costly. You'll need moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. Invest part of the money you'd pay hired help, in Beatty labor- saving stable equipment. Pays lietime dividends. Gives you more time to enjoy life. En- hances value of farm. Improv- es product. Inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls—Exceptional Values at Lower Prices Lower Priced Stalls Automatic Watering 1,111iniiij '1 Imit,•••••( 1r v .1i • JIIAe 4 1 1 BROODER HOUSE COAL We have received a shipment of choice Chestnut Coal which we are selling out on restrictions only for Brooder House use, and an agreement has to be signed that it will be used for that purpose only. STADE & WEIDO I ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY . PRICE — SERVICE tostemosemoimeato,miosseamemasetwompotoseammikiso Z1JRICH'S rocery Store ill1111111111111111 WE ALWAYS cAkRY. A COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH • --, GROCERIES ON. AD PURCHASED FROM THE LEAD- ING WHOLESALErl'IIA)SES. OWING TO UNSETTLED CONDITIONS WE AtONOT QUOTING AgY1PARTICULAR PRICES BUT CAN 'A4I,./RE THE PUBLIC GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR MONEX4ITH QUALITY AND PRICES AT THE VERY BEST PRDPCE; WA. TED. '744161114.11ri* YONlitituti MIMUNisqusimm motilliMIETIMM11111 Zurich Phone 1'65 rferf34'11Ft L I '1 LIffi AHD IL. Thursday, September 21st, 1944 " ,.,.......444**4444.******0 wit4witese.**411k.4904110* YOUR !Hrdware and Furniture STORE z 144 .40 4. 4. NEW WIRE FENCING We have on hand a good supply of new Barb Wire, Steel Posts, Woven Wire Fencing and all the sup- plies required for Fencing. PAINT UP TIME 4. LET US SHOW YOU OUR NEW SUPPLIES OE 1: READYMIXED PAINTS The Season demands to PAINT UP in order to 4. his ,,reStauraut in Exeter and was held . Preserve the Surface on your Buildings. It it ; on thevi %.OfMr. and Mrs ;Williaml poor economy to try to save on Paint We have 8"10Wa* No. 4, MrWednesday . NornialialeiscliaileiyA . -, . Maintelagcs ,'Mli.'''ir,'-fititi,'1,.-' .-..,L. eve; r est: 15 were present and enjoy- ed at Meaford; NNS. a week7entivisit;-. ed a: delightful ;eitening..,•At the CCM - gr with his family here. ' It• • elusion of the roast, a social hinn- texs, .Misses Ililak. and 'Ruth o •,Mid:- ' Mrs. Fred Beer and Elane were in , Mr. George 'Brenner aria' ti, ugh; mtthical was enjoyed in the home. rand are visiting at.the home 4f.Mr. London recently -attending the C:M. arid air. Louis.Schilbe And •oth se'r. re- D. picnic held at-c.Springbank. 1500 ... .• . latives. . - attended, ' races, baW '&ames, cricket Mr. and Mrs Harry, Bassbw, 'ilif,rs. matchei` Were featured, the ICAIlD".2, Vtrin. Bass.oNtand daughter Emile Bugle Band and the Fusiliers, ;band •and Norman Miller were 'Sunday vis- were in attendance. The children; kora za tlidAibme of Mr. and .Mrs. were treated to fre'e train rides,l'ree Isiah Tetrealli; near Dashwood. The recent fine weather has:been a big help to the farmers Who' still have some beans and buckwheat to harvest, as some real stinshine is needed for these crops. The,corn is being but and silosAre being fill- ed, the fall wheatab seeding is out over and plenty of it up already. There is plenty of moisture for good fall plowing. • . Miss Tillie Miller and her niece, Miss Thelma Shore both .of Wood- bridge were recent visitors at the home of the former's sister, Mi. and Mrs. Sylvanus Witmer of town.' The two ladies are both on the ' teadhing staff in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs Noah Hunsherger of St. Jacobs, Miss Rose Cobre-,:•,and Mr. Isaac Cobre of Kitchener. ."Mrs. Tapp of the West; Mr. and Mrs': Wil- fred Jervis and family of (Chilton.; Mr. and Mrs. Campbell ;McKinley 4 a good stock of all called for.. Paints, Varnishes, 4; <re, and Paint Supplies... ..See these lines. FURNITURE See, Our Studio Couches and Dinnette Suites A Full Line of all the Home Requirements Johnston ,Livaibheisc rides on the ponies, and ice 'cream t ark ware and"pop. The day ended with' a 1 dance held at the ;Springhank • ion. Fuiitun. Phone 68 Nursing Sister Eleanor. Bell', T.T. ; S., St. Thomas, Nursing Sister Helen WHEAT SMUTS Munn, Trenton, visited at their homes There are two common smuts; here recently. namely, stinking smut or bunt, and Mrs. William Hildebrand of Lon- Loose Smut; which cause many tho- don visited with friends in the Vi17- usand of dollars loss a year. The age on Sunday. • Rfiann. Norman Stanlake, Nanaimo DX., is enjoying a furlough with his wife and mother-in-law, Mrs. H. Workman. The Woholo clos.s of the United chuicai are holding a ,weiner roast at Drysdale Friday evening- Sept. 22nd. Stinking Smut or Bunt cannot be re- tected in the fields until the ears be- gin to fill. The smutted ears are darker green and remain longerthen the healthy ones. The grains only are directly affected. They- are short plump, light in weight ,so.mewhat dis- coloured and filled with brownish Former members are invited. Mem- black, somewhat oily powder, which hers:are asked to meet at the home has an odor like decayed fish. Then Of MissfEllis at 8 p.m. the loose Smut of Wheat is more A 4.; common and does more damage ti1A wheat in Ontario than is generally,' realized by the grain gnmer., Thia is owing to the fact that most of.thiS smut is blown away long before har- vest time and thus may be overlook -s. ed by the grower unless he happens. to be inspecting his &olds about the time wheat is coming to ear. It ia-• not an uncommon thing to filtd wheat field with 12 to 15 p.c. of the. ears destroyed by •miut. The *4.k' ment of smut is by- treating the seed grain, and this iieformation can had from you local AgtUrat representative and family of Stanley Township, *ere Sunday visitors at, the 40101 'Mr. and ...).4p.S.y137.—Witmetkw.;,744-14-"<•! — HIACiCING "tt-rk HELP:. Nina Wilcox, writing in.he', American Weekly with this Sunday (Sept, 24) issue of The Detroit .% Sunday Times, tlls how the ,anflux of domestic help into war industries has created a business of srvice snat- ching which has become a :racket carried on in the streets of4reiy large American city. Get ThDe- troit Sunday Times. NEARLY 200 ATTEND . .., The Exeter High ;School re -pied Monday last with an enrollment of close to the 200 mark. The sel.‘iplia's were assembled in :the r 'ma '? and Principal Sturgis avelcbn d the; new members df the 'staff and the ;o1d and new pupils. The Board,$of EducUtion have introduced 'a new counMircial Course, with Miss Katherine Jordan, of Toronto, commercial ppecialist in charge. The chairman of the Apar& M. R. N. Creech, was present fOr the opening exercises. Mr. W. R. Goul- ding, now of4ondon, hasresumed the teaching .4,nasic in the pUblic school. .. HENSALL . ., . '-'l'hg Hensall Girls dance club :ar- ranged a theatre party it Leaqjitt's theatre, in honor of Miss Beryl Pfaff a member of .the Club, and abl'ide.: elect of ;September. Following) the theatre party theydanOtored to 'i the' home of Mrs. agetvm.•Mbirf 4.vb.44e4a social hors 'watn ,Ipent,- id '"'"Mies Pfaff presented with4 pyrex nu km Presentation Made by . Mrs. L. 13,p01 - flank, and acldresa read by Mrs,41X ton, Laing. Dear Byr1; • , Tonight unlike so many past when you liave been calleklip- en to do the honors, we have ga!ker- ed to honor and congratulate yo '4 'bil. your approaching marriage. We. ar,s, going to miss you in our Dance ;Club Beryl. However you are not maint: very far and we hope you will ,'04,,n,•:, tinue to attend our 'dances. Du4rig the coining years we wish for 11rotl and yours all the best of teverl)t h Pg• 1 health wealth, wealth and hapP' . s• We ask you to accept these I„, ;gi.,‘ja, a token of our appreciation .tt,$:,s;:4. your effonts during the life,A*43Prf our famous dance club, hopifielfial some day we may taste of itS:lif,e'V• Signed on behalf .of the Girls ' Da,tleb Club, A buffet luncheon was Settect from tables centred with pink 01141 white asters, ;pink and white canAes ha silver holders, and matching strea- mers. The event was much enjo.,ett. The staff of Grieve5s reatatOnt, Exeter, arranged a weiner rospO' ' Mr. Grieve, who recently die ! - , , .\\,..,...._,„............,...,...........,.......,..,..:_z__,________I_ Why, we couldn't buy enough food \-.'—'-..--...,___.---`--`•--- `-- $ to keep °tit.. families healthy unr '..,`\._••."-.:-..\.„...„....,--'-- c*--7--....----;'---4=""----- inflation. For wages and salaries •‘••-.....,....s--.....,•`•—•-------,---- .........,:,:„._,.....„.._„_.,_______ never catch up to prices when they start to soar! • Howwould we like.to pay $1..10 a dozen for eggs? You say it can't happen? Don't forget it's already ••7 ', I happened right here in this'Domin. ion, during the last war. And it will happen 4.gwin . . . unless we're on our toes to keep :pie cost of living down. Every Canadian must c•'-*:.• .1ace thir t1allenge! It's our responsibility. saa•••••••••=0.1, P- What oes Inflation Mean to You and Me ? ..pg• ' 1 . • • • • • Q-1 • et Be of good•heart. Living costs have risen LESS in Canada than atiywhere else. Canada leads the world in the fight against inflation. HERE'S HOW IT'S DONE— In 1941, Canada determined to control the cost of living. Price ceilings were established on wages, rentals and commodities; subsidies were paid on essential foods; goods in short supply were rationed ... so that evet7one could get their fait share at a price they could afford to pay!' But control of prices is a two-way responsibility. It needs your support if it is to continue working effectively. So make this Pledge -Today I 1 PROMISE to give my support to keeping the cost of living down. I will buy only what I need—I will observe the ceil- ing whether buying or selling goods -or services. I'll pay off old debts, save for the future, invest in Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates—and will support taxes which help lower the cost of living. nwiliee, INA Reeto 1',J.€ 4f ttorrip., sou- Published by TX1E BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) to reveal the dangers whith inflation can mean to all the people of Canada. etooderemotactaimenstseratromporwisiwomiromosionsimmislOisilk. •