HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-09-14, Page 5MOCK ONTAiO BUSINESS CARDS LOCAL NEWS Miss R4th Church of London, sp- WANTED eat the Week -end at her home here. .--,...,----,.... Mr, and Mrs. John Denomme of cAsii rOJ t FOX HORSE—Dead Blake are visiting in Toronto with animals removed. Twa-hour ser- •their brother. 1 vice day or night. Phone Credi- Mr. ,Chelsea Thiel who is in the ton 47r15, colleot. Jack Wil- Mr Force, was a visitor in our vill- age over the week-eand. Miss Ruby 'Churdh has returned to her duties as book-keeper at the Kalb- fleisch Mills after a pleasarut holiday. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Anderson, of Wilton Grove visited with her par- ents over the week -end, Mr, and Mrs C. Zirk. Misses Selonia Meidinger and Rosseila ;Corriveau from Cliuton, are home for a vacation. Mr. Leonard Sararas of Blue Water Highway and Mr. Cameron McGregor of Grand Bend motored to Toledo, ; Ohio, on business last Friday. Mr and Mrs. Ivan Yungblut, and LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and IV1iddlesex AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duet any Auction •Sale, regardless oo to size or article to sell. I solicit /Our business, and if not satisfied will for Services Ren - awake no c a g reu. ARTHUR WEBER--Dashwoo Phone 57 r 12 VETERINARIA.N Or. W. B. COXON, WV. Sc. • VETERINARY SURGEON 011ee with Residence, Main Skreet, Opposite Drug Store Ploone-96. Zurich A R. Campbell, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinarf College, 'University of Toronto. All eases of domestic animals treated 10 the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night soils promptly attended to. Also Bre *der of Scottish terriers. Inverness nermels. Office on. Main Street, anponite Town- Hall. ZURIC H RALD KILLED IN FRANCE ,Clinton — Col. and Mrs, IL B. FII oo wear Combe were officially notified that Cornbe, Essex Scottison, Reg., was kill- HERE IS A FIND SHOWING OF their only son Lieut. James Owen ed in action in. France on Aug* 27th. Capt, Owen Combe was an O EW ALL SHOES AT DATARS ficer in the Middlesex Huron R. C Reserve Army, He enlisted in the DR LADIES, GENTS AND CHIL- Royal Canadian Army and, went family; Mr. and Mrs. 'Jacob Haberer and son were recently on a pleasure trip to Midland :where they particip- ated in some real lake trout fishing. Billy Yungblut was the lucky nim - rod to catch the first trout and they say iit was a beauty. erseae in Feb. 1944 reverting to the,,.DREN. liE SURE TO COME IN rank of lieut. in order to,see act/I/O': service. He was an only son, and wass AND SEE THEria. 29 years of age. He was born in i914 the year of the outbreak of World i ALL VERY REASONABLY PRICED Huron I FINE STYLES AND GOOD the 1st War 1 in :which his father wasc2 Officer of R iment and saw active service in VALUES France. • LOAN GOAL SET • • Ottawa --Finance Minister lisley gave Canadians e. new high target of $1,300,000,000 for the Seventh. -Vic- tory Loan campaign which, he anno- unced, wiU open October 23rd. The ne,w figure which he described as the minimum ,objective, is $100,000,000 above the objective of. the Sixth Vic- tory Loan campaigfl which last May yielded $1,401,547,650. The minister said the borrowing requirements for the current fiscal year still stood at the $3,200,000;000 figure estimated in his. budget speech June 26. PrO- visions had been made in the budget for uncertainties and it appeared that an increase of $5.00,000,000 might have to be made in •estimates of war expenditures. WINS SCHOLARSHIP Wm. T. Abraham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Abraham of Wroxeter has been chosed as the winner of the Massey Scholarship for Huron Co- unty this year. Mr. Abraham is a student entering the second year •at the O.A.C. this fall. This year the Huron. County Council inaugurated this scholarship. $50.00. is donated to the boy on entering thecollege and another $50.00 is given to him by the Massey Scholarship at the beginning of the new year. Wm. it 20 years old and received his Junior matriculation from the Wroxeter High School. Af- ter staying home one year, he then went to Wingham and received his Senior mat. passing in eleven upper school subjects in one year.. BUTN-IERS Zurichs' popular IVIEA.T MABTiET Let Usi supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices tor Wool, Hides and Skins 11. Yungbiut & son PRODUCE Faro. PrO(IUCe A T w EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS Special Evangelistic m'eetings are being held at the A. -M. Church on the Bronson line this week and will continue on until Sunday, Sept, 17th The guest speaker for the occasion is C. Z. Martin of Moundsville, Pen. who has travelled extensively thro- ught America and Canada, having covered about 45,000 -miles in twenty months, visiting the slave cottages of the south, as well as the costly temp- les of the north. Services are being held oach evening with the following subjects under consideration: "The Anti -Christ," "The Mark of the Beast," 'What about Hitler and' Ger- many?; Will Russia Crack tack. at the Allies?; The future of Japan and China; The Judgment of God on Earth; Where will the Church be Di ng, ,,T.aaprn an t. ?, axe cordially invited to attend these services. ED. J. DATARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR and SHOE REPAIR 1 NG TRUNKS AND - SUITCASE S 0.4,,.. 4,4040444:7414,4406. Thtirsatiy,, " • 4 40444044 4 0 4,444 4444441,40440 04104444 0 0 0 4 fore he wagNrescued Ly Ma. of. Seaforth. IC I. McLeaa, f.!.,;!,,rort,•11•1 worked over him for aome lime be-. fore he showed signs of .conseious- nenss. Dr. A, E. McMaster was call- ed and had him removed to the Sea - forth Hospital, where he recovered. LEADERS AT QUEBEC Prime Minister Churchill of Eng- I land and President Roosevelt of the United States are at present in con -1 ference in Quebec City, Canada for RESCUE SWIMMER on diplomatic matters concerning. thel one of their so important meetings , LAC. Harold Walker, of the RGA Great Global War now in progress. F., Saskatchewan, who is visiting re- Both these leaders are accompanied latives in Hensall district, had a , by their wives. This the llth and rather thrilling, experience while en- perhaps the most significant meeting joying a picnic art the Seaforth the other day. LAC. Walker in company with Miss Margaret Glenn, Hensall, decided to swim a- cross the pool in the park, but half- way across he was seized with•cramps and went down for the third time be- • Park of the two leaders. Mr. Churcon hill Have your Eggs Graded scien tifically on our approved grad- ing Machine which gives the producer every advantage. Also Cream and Poultry. 0' ren Res. 94, Zurich Wria. phone 101, 11), brich Creatusty • LOST In Zurich, a bunch of keys, in the business section. Finder kindly re- turn to Dominion Hotel, and receive a reward. FOR QUICK SALE • A Pontiac car serial No. 104281. Price $50.00 with 4 extra good tires at Prang's Garage, Zurich. Fergus Turnbull. Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg Illnd Poultry department in tharge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellett - Proprietor. Pm' LOST TWO heifers, ,Hereford, 1 roan, other red; 1 and 2 years old; mark of 2 pig rings on tbp of right ear. Call 'Paul Ducharme, Phone 83 r 20, Zurich, or Jack Williams Phone 47 r • 15, Crediton. VARM FOR •,S LE Consisting of 50 acres grass land, being Lot 7, Con. 8" Hay Township. There is some bush and panty of good water. Samuel Cestreicher, Dashwood. • FOR A limited cows and heifers d Solomon INSURANCE, Western Farms' Mutual Weather insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK ME LARGEST RESERVE BAL- OICE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount Of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 81st, 1936, $22,391,527.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds S273,618.47. lgotes--$4;50 per $1,000 for 3 Years 1.15. — 97r14: SALE • number of jersey . Some fresh, others Baechler, Phone FOUND Right side of hood of 1037 Fard auto. Apply to Peter Ducharme, 3 miles north of Drysdale, ATTENTION FARMERS Highest Cash prices paid for beans peas and field Seeds. See us before you. sell. W. E. REID, Phone 87W. Dashwood, Ont. FOR SALE Westinghouse battery radio, Cole- man lamp and iron; 1/2-11..p. gas wash- ing machine motor, 'battery wind charger 6 -volt, factory made; 1 deep red Reg. Shorthorn bull 11. inns* old; 1 good work horse chea,p.—Delbert Geiger, Phone 97r8, Zurich. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres of clay loam, well famed and drained, eight acres of wood lot. Brick house, bank barn 40 -ft., cem- ent hog pen, sheds, garage, etc, • • ter in house waE. F. KLOPP—ZURICand H• ' barn; oil bath Beatty wind pump Sprmg well, itin g Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- '11-111PlY tank. This farm is for sale at Ing Rods end kinds of Fire Beundri; Hay Twp., half. mile ea4 a reaaonable. price,. Being Lot 21 S. Insurance of D . iwood,---Duncan. Snider. dramatically appeared in Washing in December, 1941, soon after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor drew the U. S. into the war. It will be their second meeting in Quebec in a little more than a year. Fall Wheat Fertilizer ,THE FOLLOWING FERTILIZERS ARE AVAILABLE FOR FALL WHEAT; 2-12-6 401-81-4110 4—I2--6 THESE FERTILIZERS ARE ALL CAREFULLY COIVIPOC1-51- DEP. GET YOU SUPPLY EARLY. WESTERN FEED GRAINS, SHINGLES, MOTOR OILS, ETC.,"ALWAYS ON HAND. Co -Operative Huron Farm ev.,' HENSALL, Phone 115, 40 • 40 4 • 4.• 4. 4. R. J. COOPER, MANAGER • 4. AIONMOUNII.M0411•11.1:16W.M0041,/.4,,,,, 1 :}117.1411.0.17.00aMMIMMONWM••••••01.0*113..4 IVIassey-Halri Do not call for parts, saying you need a part for Binder shaped like an egg, if it was squashed flat. Order by number, or better still bring old worn out or broken part along. THIS WILL GIVE YOU QUICKER SERVICE EARLY. M -H. PARTS FOR M -H. MACHINES Tel. Shop 149 OSCar E.101)13 Res. 67 MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arm, for Canadian Farm. X • A' .144 ••• ,.."% • •.,•.;. ••.<•••4:/,•; ••• 4‘. 4/0 WEAR IT ON YOUR ARM Every Canadian looks forward to that head- line. Every Canadian believes that some day soon a great victorious convoy will thunder down the road to Ber- lin. Huge Canadian trucks . . . Canada's crack battle equip- ment, and gallant Canadian soldiers, world's finest fighting men, will all be there. Will you be with them on the road?.. . or at least, on the way? The smashing defeats we must inflict upon the enemy before that day, however, cannot be won except by fierce, determined. fighting. . . and the First Canadian Army, you may be sure, will help to deal the hammer blows that punch the way along the Berlin road. • That's why Canada's Army needs men and needs them NOW ! Join for General Service TODAY! When Peace has come, you'll be proud to know (and know that the world knows) you had your place in the mighty force that fought its way to final VICTORY. .44 .1 f7,411„4/4.