HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-09-14, Page 1Established 1900 ell) the Ai ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY M9'1 ING, SEPTEMBER 14 1944 ald to publish ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH - ONT. Rev. E. W. Heimrich, Pastor IO a.m.-Divine See -vices. at1.15 a.m.----,Sunday School. 7.30 Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services Betty Anne Beauty Shop `irHE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanente applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. And besides all this is our years of Experience in all Heir Dressing. GIVE US A OALLI Phone 68 four your Appointments. MRS. EDW. GASOHO, Zurich Are You Suffering From Headaches? -f so; Have your Eyes Examined with EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heeliendorn, Pastor Mrs. M. Oesch, Organist SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m.-Divine Worship. 11 a.m. Church School 7.30 p.m. -Divine Services. • COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, 11.0. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. A Publisher's Blessing the Latest Methods and Equipment at 0 'blessed is he who does net fuss A. L. CoLE, R. O. When he receives a bill from us; But'acnowing subscription due, - •ds ,airectliteameney to.renew. •',0p.:TOMErela31 liPagilKIwkeee in4teeeeNaaeopearaeaeretiaaM GODERIOH ONT, ' Wba" Wattetaetetiale/aa aaa .eende Bat 3rdiraitly Sends'us the amount Wherewith to straighten lira account Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices ea++++++++++++++++++++-ae-Hea.e+++++44÷+++++++++++++++++ ea .4. arr offinail ,fitnerat.Tome cz) ,.. ir the t Or..i. -4. n (A,fauthito (5.30, .Q,',1.S.S.S. 4Vittglimi .». ..1. -+ Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance 4. • of .4. Sick attd Injured. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral D + + + + irector. + + + + 4. .y. 4- MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. .1. -a DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 4. • + "F Dashwood - Ontario 4. 4, + ------ -----............ ---1- y• • OUR GROCERIES Our Stock of Groceries is ....lways kept up-to-date in quality as well. as quantity when at all possible. Selling "The Best for Less" has always been our slogan, and we still endeavour to maintain this star dard. CLOTHING FOR ALL we are happy to be in a position to show you just the kind of clothing you will prefer, Men's, Boys', and Ladies. Practically everything you will require to wear. DRY GOODS, ETC. Our shelves of shitable Dry Goods, Yard Goods, Etc„ is here for your inspection, and invite the pub- lic in to see the many lines we have to offer re- gardless of the rather difficult conditions in proc. 1 ming these items. 3. W. MERNER Phone 144 ..v................o.p.......,.........i..-......,,„„..r., FLIER MISSING Flt. Lt, Roland Barite Motz, only,1, son of Sgt. and Mrs. Roland Motz'O#al Exeter, who is missing after air opa orations overseas. His wife, the form- er Patricia SI Russell of Exeter, to whom he Was married Julie 3rd this year, during a furlough, Wee, in London. FR. Lt. Motz has been overseas two and a half years, eerv.- ing in Africa and as an instructor in a gunnery school in the United King-, dom. At the time lie was reported miseine, he had been a wireless air. gunner on a bomber. , • 1;. summer VtisitE s• masrs.rsartrasamwartis •,. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert K, Eilber of iediton were in town last Friday. Mrs. Wm. Hess spent a week with her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Trevethick, tt Brinsley. H I L L S G R E E N ;„..,,,fi, Mr, Albert Deichert was a recent The continued wet weather h a'tiaiitor with his sister, Mrs. Wilfred held up the bean harvest tor thoebe Eichler, at New Hamburg. who were not fortunate enough t6, Ja.a.lr. and Mrs, Will McAdams 'ac - Word have their beans harvested. ' t'by relatives were in Mich - Word of the sudden passing awaY.e::e",ei'an over the week -end where they of the late Otto. Stephan carne as 4 4'at,tnded shock to this community as Mr. StePelee the funeral of a relative, aXr. and Mrs. George Fee of Hen - of years and was well known. han had resided here for a nurrele414er . )1, accompanied by Mr. Louis Lipe 1 leaves to mourn his loss lirs wife".rdt, of the State of Washington, and five children all under the age,„led on friends in town on Monday. of sixteen and other relatives. Thet `',Mr. Charles Thiel of the Armed sympathy of the community is ex- e ems at an Eastern point, is here tended to the bereaved family. . ithhis wife and daughter for a few Mrs. Armstrong has been holiday- ing recently at the home of Mrs. Max 1Messrs Theo. Haberer, Ferd Hab- Mr. Wesley Richardson of Ha.me garet Love. el •ir, George Deichert and Gordon alh were at Meaford trout fishing ilton spent a week -end at the home , 'a of hiseveek and report having caught parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Richaedson. we real nice ones. Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Schultz and ' Miss Lottie Zirk of Clinton, is family visited for a few days recent- ' 'ine for a time while her father, Mr ly with friends in Toronto. c Zeck of the Bronson line is quite The school has re -opened for an- paorly. other term with the teacher, Miss Ginn in charge and the scholars are glad to return after .enjoying their summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. James Gardiner and baby David of Finquah visited and Mrs.. Wm. Davidson; -mcIfAt lyt. ywto.14..go.- a eve, StrLOmeaNa...aatialte,-. xceichert and other relatives. a‘ir. Orville Ehnes, of Detroit, ac- .„ : ,._panied by his brother, Rev. Moe r ,Elmes :of Leonia, New Jersey, , 're week -and visitors with their asinsa the . Williams family, ad avid. again. meeting „their many er , a . • A , ,-;, I, !, ' Sgt. Jack Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Sniith is home on fur- lough before leaving for overseas services. Sgt. Smith is a wireless air gunner. • • HAY COUNCIL The Council' of the Township of Hay.met in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Tuesday September 5th 1944 at two o'clock, p.m. The following business was then transacted: That the Clerk be authorized to prepare a by-law to the effe-et that commencing, on December 16th, 1944 the Township will not accept any pre payment of taxes. That accounts covering payments on Township Roads, Hay Municipal Tel. System, Relief and General Township Accounts be passed as per voucher. Hay Twp. Roadie -Hay Tp. Drains 767.00; P. C. Kalbfleisch & Son 7.34; M. G. Deitz 1.1.48; do n0.00; do 136.33; do 132.93.; C. Passmore 37.5.40; C. Passmore 450,54; Emer- son Erb 1.57; Arnold Merrier 5.60; H. W. Brokenshiee 5.00; Dom. Road Mach. Co. s.sr; W. F. Jennison 44,00; do 180.40; do 972.80; Tom. Welsh. 65.a0; Rob Adams 7.35; Clare Geiger 5.90; Sane Ropp 18.28; C. Alclworth 2.40; Nick Foster 7.00; Dennis Ducharme 6.40; Harold Rad- er 1.40; Adclbert Smith 2.40; Wni. Watson 20,15; Ed. Stelck 10.50; Jacob Ortwern 1.60; Albert Hoffman 4.00; Glenn Dietz 91.50. Total 3382.73. Hay Municipal Tele. .System - H. G. Hess 235.65; H. W. Bnokenshire 130.90; T. H. Hoffman 235.65; .Bell TeL Co. 948.92; Northern Electric 56.11; Dan Oswald 32.00; H. G. Hess 17474; Ray Stationery 58.23. Total $1872.20. Hay Township Relief - John Sup - tat 2.2.10; M. Denomme 25.00. Total $47.10. General Accounts - John Brenner 20.00; H. W. Brokenshire 933.18; A F. Hess W. Coupons 40.00e Wm. Watson 48.00; 3.. Richardson 15.00; Wen. Consitt 5..00; Wm. Reichert 10.00; Sarah Coleman 6.00; Mrs. M. Deitrich 4.00; Wm. Grenier 2.00 Wm. Decker 6.00; Bert Klopp 0_3.00; Wrn, jennison 8.00; Bank of Mon- treal 30.55; Hay Stationary 344.27; Fred Regier 14,00; 3. 13. Forrest 10.00; F. & D. Hagen $6.00; Mrs. M, Stephan 10,00; Wrn. Leibold 6.00; H. H. Neeb 8.00; James Green 6.00; Geo. Clausius $5.00. Total $8.51.29. The meeting adjourned to meet agnin on IVIonday October 2nd, 1044. at 2 pen. H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk. • George, Arington& &eye, .1 Chester L. Smith, Publish $1.50 a Year in Advance nd Visitors A lovely "Bridal Wreath" e n s emble In dainty twin-heari design., Perfect DIAMONDS 10 r guaranteed quality and out- standing valuel AG. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coal, Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs according to Grade W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensel! 0001M2,1*100004003Z.001941640006030410 4006,04960041ittOgiti4M38004$6.%04itia 1 Westlake - Brokensoire 1 • 0 Ttieatieee . Oa 'Monday of this week the' Exe- ter High School opened with a big attendance, and the new system of the transportation of the pupils from Zurich by bus is being tried out. Mr. E. R. Guenther of Dashwood having the contract. The first estimates lyere about twenty pupils, but now, ieemingly, a goodly mole wish to take advantage of these ficilitiesand it looks as if a much larger bus will have to be.hrought into action. How- ever, these arrangements will all be adjusted in time. ZURICH FALL FAIR In the matter of two weeks the Zurich Fall Fair will again have made history and the days are slip- ping iby when Zurich's annual big day will be here, Sept. 26th, The new prize list, a espy of which can be had from the Secretavy, Mr. E. F. Klopp, offers many valuable prizes, and those interested will do well to compete for these rim*. .Special en- tertainment will be on the grounds in the afternoon and a grand cone,ert and dance will follow in the town hall in the evening. Don't miss it • • • PITITERAL &AIYIBITLANICE I 6epitit-4.7 Red • Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich Milattisiotonotf000toe.ctio.v.Z044162P3100,6110 02010011411140 eilit*S470.000061/0 '• .:••' it • - 44. HYMENEAL A wedding of 'local interest took place at Calvary Evangelical church, St. Jacobs, Saturday last, when Miss Hope Pomeroy Roppel, only daugih- ter of Rev:. seed Mrs. H. E. Roppel of St. Jacetb.s, and formerly of Dash - woad, becamethe bride of Mr.. Thomas Ralph , Waugh, son of Mrs.. Thos. Weveg, and the late Mr: Waugh of London Miss Roppel WaS a :former teacher of the New Ham- burg coutiurration school and re- signed her position last June. The ceremony was performecr ty her father, Rev. H. E. Roppel, pastor of Calvary .elturch, St. Jacobs. Follow- ing the eeremony a reception was held at the parsonage .of the bride's parente. Mr. and Mrs. Waugh left on a brief wedding trip. Both bride and grooin are graduates of the Uni- versity of Western Ontario, London. The beide, a member of Gamma Phi Beta sorority, also attended the Ont- ario College of Education, Toronto, and the groom, Emmanuel College, Toronto. Beside e a post -graduate travelling fellowship„ he received general proficiency scholarship, the Francis Huston Wallace prize in New Testament exegeels and the speeial prize in church worship. He Intg or- dained on September . 5th, ilet First United. Churoh, St. Thomas, after which Rev, and Mrs. Waagh will go by boat to Port Wiliam and thence by auto to their Weston acid at %IN% a • UILDING MATERIALS 1 5. 4 4 4, 4 4 4, 1, We are now in aposition to supply and Material for I: + Local Building We still have a large quantity of Lumber, Chip - rock, Wallboard, Flooring,. Nails, Etc., on hand. LET US SERVE. YOU! F. C. KALBFLEISCII & SON ZURICH 4. Phone 69 We are Salesmen for the Farm - us Neer Firestone Products. We always carry a. good line of Dry Goods, Hardware, Paints, Clothing for all memb- ers of the Family. Only Fresh Groceries kept in Stock. The:Blake Store E. Schwaltztutruber, Prop. at MORE EXTRA VALUt IF YOU ARE ELIGIBLE Ti" TIRO, WE WILL HE .00T THE NEM