HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-09-07, Page 5IIVSVAISSS CARS WANTED 4:ILSii R F ItORSES—Dead I� . wnimals removed. Two-hour Ser- vice day or night. ('hone Credi- for s;evemal days, ton 47r1D, collect. Jack Wll- Miss Meda Surerus who spent the llama, i summer holidays with her Brother on the Bronson ' line, has returned to her paiofession teaching. in 'Toronto, LUCAL xis ,'Mr. and. Mrs. Orville ;Steinbach of London were week -end visitors with their parents in Zurich, gars?, Hartgrieve •of Li towell, vis- ited her sister Mrs. Mary Iauemner UCENSEO AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Au IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless ems to sloe or article to sell. I solic4t grnr bodiless, and if not satis ad Real will make no charges for 1 res. WEBER 2Dashwood ARTHUR Pk►one 7 r 1 VETER1NARIA•I',; lar. W. B. 4COKON, • VETERINARY Msln Street, *Ik e idenae, Y SURGEON OppositeDrag Store .-_f0. V.Sc. 'l1.. R. Camp 11, V.5, B. u Veterinary /ir►d of Ont Toronto. All OdieeUnivereity treated mea of domestic animals d W the most mern D� principles, i6bt Charges reasonable.tided to. Also Bre. M!b promptlycattended terriers. Inverness roar of Offipe on Main Street, aepoo• itte Town $°R' BUTCHERS �,urlch& ET ular AT MAI�rK 1 you with the Lit Us supply very Choice of Fresh and Cur- Bolognas, Sausages, ausa P, Cur- ed Meats, son hand. t F,�t,, always Refrigeration lash in Electric Highest Cash Prices for Hides and Skins Wool, g, -yu ngblut & Son PRODUCE Irl IA(%I Vamy >'l�idge, France — �Camada'e gleaming *bite ite nnernonial on Vliany Ridge—tribute to those, who died .in the succesefnl Canadian' assault ou April, 1917,, ,on that German strong- point during .the First Great War stands uxsenathed. It is completely undamaged, and not a bombLnorTa Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witie,er and son Kenneth of Detroit, Visited at the home of Mrs. Clara Decker and other friends over the week -end. On Thu�s'sday evening the business men of town made a presentation to Mr, E. M. Dagg, in appreciation to his splendid citizenship and accomod- ating relations in business. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Tuckey and i children Betty, Jean and Jimmy and Miss Marjorie Merxer from London, :;•cent the week -end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Werner, Baby- lon Lane, Hay. • Fall F'o-otwear THERE IS A FIND SHOWING OF NEW , FALL SHOES AT DATARS FOR LADIES, GENTS AND CHIT, snarl has fallen •�*�� -• British Army Troops in their swift drive MIEN. BE SURE TO COME IN 1 through Northern France and into Belgium captured Vimy Ridge, about. five miles north of Arras on Friday. NOTHING O T s Y' London --Despite reports irom years that Adolf Hitler, who eve y ' ago plunged Germany and the world into war, would mane a 'sensational' appeal to the Nazi people to join in battle on the 'hol'y soil" of the Reich there was no public word from the Fuehrer. From Lisbon, where Germ- an diplomats Saturday said 'Hitler would speak on Sunday, came addit- ional reports that the German Iead- er planned 'an early appeal to the Allies for a negotiated peace under the threat he would loose upon them another "secret weapon" which the Germans described as more terrible than an; ping the world has ever known. R:.�.. E. iHeimrich conducted spec- ial Labor Day services In St. Peter's Lutheran church, Kitchener on Mon- day. Sunrise prayer serviae in e morning and he also spoke in the afternoon. Thee eweTe as over400 a0 Young People present, many other people. Revival meeting will be held in the Amish Mennonite church, (Bron- son line, from September 11th to 17th, every evening. Evangelist C. Z. Martin, of Mountville, Penn., will be in charge,. The public are heartily invited to attend these meet- ings. Miss Melville Schade of London, enjoyed her week's vacation visiting at the homes of her brothers, Ervin of Dashwood and Clarence of the 14th con. Her sister, Miss Ger- trude ,Schade of London joined her over the week -end holiday. Eat Produce WA T' In Magistrate's Court AND SEE THIEM. AIL,, VERY REASONABLY PRICED FINE STYLES AND GOOr' VALUES Goderich — Charges of failing to stop at a stop sign, under a Goderich by -1w, and of speeding, under the Highway Traffic Act, preferred by Constable Emerson Overholt against' Lorne Eamons, were dismissed by i Bend, Reg. Gooding, 19, of unknown address, was given suspended sentence 't.ion that re - Mr Henry Schade and aaughter Mrs Pearl lUVletcalf of London, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Truemner 14th con. Miss Joan Metcalf who enjoyed her sum- mer months at the 'Truemner home, returning hone with them. LOST Somewhere in Zurich, a ladies' gold open face wrist watch with chain. Finder kindly leave same at Herald office and receive a reward, as e watch was a keep -Sake. FARM FOR SALE Consisting •of 50 acres grass land, being Lot 7, Con. 8 Hay Township. There is some bush and ptentY of good water. Samuel ,Oestreicher, Dashwood. FOR SALE A limited number of Jersey cows and heifers. Some fresh, others Peons due. —Solomon Baechler, 97r14. ED. J. DATARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR and SHOE .REPAIRING TRUNKS AND SUITCASES Fall Wheat Fertilizer THE .FOLLOWING FLR:TILIZERS ARE AVAILABLE FOR FALL Wkit+A7r: • 0-347 Z. -+a2•.--.8 4,w S* —# 0 4-12-6 f • 1. THESE FERTILIZERS ARE ALL, •CAREFULLY .COPATI - DED. GET YOU SUPPLY EARLY - WESTERN FEEDETC., 1`GRAINS, A ALWAYS ON HAND. MOTOR OILS, Huron arm ers 7 Co- Operative R. J. COOPER, 1VIANAGF,�R • axe and pinch bar when he threaten- ed Mrs. Hueston, his tenant. Adjour- nment to Sept. 14th was taken in the case of Wm. Kay, Goderich, charged with assault with bodily harm on (Henry Lashbrook, bail was fixed the $t 500. Two women residing same house on West st., aired their grievances in court. One or tm, who was charged by her neighbor with assaulting her with thepeace. a broom, was bound over keep to charges of After pleading breaking, entering and then at the t Of Karen Petersen, Grand Magistrate F. C. Cook in the Police Court. As the by-law did not contain a penalty no action was taken. Thos.es Gundry, charged with assaulting tenant, changed his plea to not guilty td one of guilty and was sentencer to 30 days in county jail, Crown At- torney Holmes explained that accus- ed had been drinking and carried an Have your Eggs Graded scien- tifically tifically on, our approved grad - Ing Machine which gives the producer every advantage. Also Cream and Poultry. Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich Zurich Creamery FOUND Right side of hood of 1937 Fard auto. Apply to Peter Ducharme, miles north of Drysdale. • FOR SALE 50 cords of 14 -inch hardwood for sale. Apply to Alex. Sparks, ,Bay- field. Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus *premium for delivered ereffi- ream We are equipped Egg tient accurate service and poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellett, - Proprietor. INSURANCE A'� TE TN ION FARMERS Highest Cash prices paid for beans pee and field Seeds. See us before you sell. W. E. REID, Phone 87W. Dashwood, Ont, FOR SALE Westinghouse battery radio, Cole- man lamp and iron; 3,:-h.p. gas wash- ing machine motor, battery wind charger 6 -volt, factory made; 1 deep red Reg. Shorthorn bull 1:1 inns. old; 1 good work horse cheap.— t Geiger, Phone 97r8, Zurich. FOR SALE BEES -50 colonies and all equip- ment. FARM -100 acres Con. 4, Stanley Twp., with full set of build- ings. Quick possession. ---• Pearce, Exeter, Ont. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres of clay loam, well fenced and drained, eight acres of wood lot. Brick house, bank barn 40 -ft., cem- ent hog pen, sheds, garage, Spring well, running water in house and barn; oil bath Beatty wind pump supply tank. This farm is for sale at a reasonable price. Being Lot 21 S. Boundry, Hay Twp., half mile east of Dashwood. —Duncan Snider. NOTICE TO' CREDITORS .A11 persons • having claims against the Estate of Casper L. Wolper, late of the Village of Zurich, who died January 11th, 1943, are required to forward the sane to the undersigned by •September 9th, • 194'4, also all parties indebted to estate to settle by same date. After which date the Executor will distribute the assets of the estate. Zurich, August .14th, 1044. Oscar Klopp. Executor, Zurich, Ontari e Western farmers' Mutual Welt& insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK • VRE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN- MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount , 1986, 22,39t 527 on Dec. 81st, Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $278,613.47. Estes—$4.50 per, $1,000 for. 3 Yearn E. F. E,L.OPF--.ZURICH ',gent, also Dealer in Lightn- ing Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance �. ce for two years on condi stitution to the extent 'of $15 be made with costs of $8.10; or in the alter- native thirty days in jail. He told the police that he had been discharged from the army on March HHe had th, but had4ost his discharge papers. no previous court record. HENSALL, Phone 115. Hassey -Harris Advise. Do not call for parts, saying you need a part for Binder shaped like an egg, if it was squashed flat. Order by number, or better still bring old worn out or broken part along. THIS WILL :GIVE YOU QUICKER SERVICE EARLY. M -H. PARTS FO�RjM-H. MACHINES Tel. Shop 149 Oscar Chopp Res. 67 MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Ann, for Canadian Farm. 0 •0 a 0 4,0 .p See that G.S. badge on his arm? That means he's volunteered to fight anywhere in the world. The Army needs more hat their home, their ,loved onlike him—men who can e it—men the courage to fight, so es---everythi g, they cherish—may be free. For this War is not over yet—we there wa 11 need thehelpevg to �exy gid' . And our boys who are fighting o blooded Canadian who is fit to fight, and willing to fight. It will take months of thorough training O�--and to make yneedsou gyangfor That's why Canada's ,Army needs y overseas service.