HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-08-24, Page 8ZURICH, CIPITA*10 New Goods CO CHENILLE BEDSPREADS: 9 Large size at $11.50 Each. tc$ In Pretty Shades of Rose, Blue and Green. 4,4 NEW LACE TABLECLOTHS . 70x84 inches, at $6.98 Each. <441 ecial A LOT OF 26 FINE LADIES' DRESSES: In Spun Rayon and Suedene Cloths. New Goods in Season's best Styles, to Clear at $2.69 Each. (Regular price •$3.25) Size 14 to 44. ase ve TELEPHONE 59 se ZURICH vI ••••TxM2 1 • _ 4,'„ "0 1 4. : GE TIREEMBEISMILUZIENEumnismomMINIIIIM I SURANCE EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Eto, Andrew. F. Hess, Local Representative • • _ •"5 !;.•• " .• • Zurich Zurich 011111/msma 100142.&61a0 ItIt-tiinntisseeinceeeim eas)60,etZetosistoftes HARDWARE — SEEDS and • You are going Through This World Only Once. So Why Do.. Without These Labor Savers? Experienced farm help is scarce and costly. You'll need moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. . Invest part of the money you'd pay hired help, in Beatty labor- saving stable equipment. Pays lietime dividends. Gives you more time to enjoy life. En- hances value of farm. Improv- es product. Inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls—Exceptional Values at Lower Prices. .. FURNITURE Lower Priced Stalls Automatic Watering - 1 7-URICI-1 HERALD „ • ZURIeli'S Grocery Store WE AL'VVAYS CARRY, A, COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH GROCERIES oN,HAND PURCHASED FROM THE LEAD- ING WHOLESALE.. HOUSES,. OWING TO UNSETTLED CONDITIONS WE.ARE NOT QUOTING ANY !PARTICULAR PRICESBUT CANI ASSURE. THE PEJBLIC GOOD VALUE FORr. THEIR..MONE157WIfilEt QUALITY AND PRICES 'AT THE VERY BES131* Menna ()each PRDUCE WANTED. r=r111 T11011111 IIIII 11111111111111111111111 11111111111 IUD 11.11717ffli Zurich Phone 165 WM mom Rip ROMMINViiilak . PIAL WRIESTh LOCAL MARKETS.' is holidaying. at the:Atoms ef her aumt daughter Joan spent. a, claw. a. Lon: don last week. :.'diss Bernice Tyler of Dashwoot1,1, Mr. and Mrs. J.. W.. Item& ahlin . t 1. Wheat bushel Butter per lb. Chi ckens, dressed 30 f Corrected every Wednesday) 35 50c . 73 ,.. 70 2.00;,275 ton 80.00 32.00 lir. and Mrs. Carl, Thiel; 1•Oats, bushel Mr. and Mrs. Theodore. Wagnerl.Banpny, bush. and family of Guelph are visiting at Buckwheat, bush. the Wagner home: this week., Fleur, cwt. 'Miss Hess is enjnying " Shorts* and bran, week's vacation with relatives at Middlings, ton Goderich. Miss Hall has returned home tt- Toronto after inrjhOngsontctiow,at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.. Memel% Dr. and Mrs. H. H, Cowan and son Peter of • Exeter spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr: Chas. Fritz. Born—Gsekstetter, at the, Farwell Nursing Horne, Zurich, to; Mr, and Mrs. Henry• Gackstetter, a. son, Oil August 22nd. Mr. and: rIVIrs;. Leroy k),-Batile,n and sons are enjoying the Lake Huron breezes at the lovely summer resort up the lake, Port Elgin for a week or SO. Jack O'Brien who is in the armed Forces. was a waekeend Visitor at the homa of his parentsV1.- r.and 31, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin •Schlilbe, and Kenneth were on a business trip. to London on Monday. Mrs. A. Brisson of thee 1 -4th •Con. is visiting friends and relatives at. 'London this week. - Mr. and Mrs. Moses Erb enjoyed a pleasant trip in the Northern. cone•e. try the past week. Mr. and Mrs. D. Wthr of Elmlra, were guests at the Ingne of. Mr and Mrs. J. W. Merner ome day last week Mrs. Lawrence Redard• and eon - Larry have left to, join. their husb- and and father, who, is in the, Armed' Forces in the West, Word was received' that Mrs:. Har- old Thiel and baby -have arrived safe- Msrs. Lennis O'Brien. ly at their destinatinn. in the West:, • •a- er husband Mrs. Roland Geiger and daughter and were welentedby their and Daddy. Born — Ktopp at St. Joseph's Hospital, Loodon, on August 17`th to Mr. and Mrs: Howard Klopp cif Zur- ich, a sort., 'Mother and 'bake are just fine, Master Kenneth McAllister has re- turned home after spending several weeks with his friend Elroy Desjar- dliieZurich,rClinton News Rec- ord, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz and da•- ughter IVIary Lou, and Miss Pearl Wurtz have returned after a pleas- ant visit with relatives and friends at Pigeon, Mich., and other points of that State. Rev. C. B. rHeckendorn left last week for Toronto, Hamilton and Kit- chener for holidays. At Hamilton le attended the Ministerial lectiares at McMaster University this week, and is also spending 'a few days with fri- ends. Brother Solomon Baeehler of the Bronson Line A. -M. chnrch took the morning service last sunday rnor- riing, and the coming Sunday there will be no service, lart the Sabbath School at the regular hour. On Sun. day Sept. 3rd, Rev, Heckendnrn will again occupy his pulpit at both mor- ning and evening services, GROUP IS DISSOLVED Detroit — The National Union for Social justice organized in 1934 by the Rev. Father Charles E. Coughlin, the Canadian born priest, has been dissolved,' it was disclosed with the filing of papers at the secretary of state's office in Lansing. A little ov- er a year after its organization iii 1934 Father Coughlin said the un- ion's membership has passed 5,000,- 1 before resuming her studies at % members Ts-. 000 and had a goal of 1.0,000,,000 Romayne have returned after a pleasant trip to visit rOatives and friends et Pigeon, Elkton and other points in Michigan. Miss Mary Merner on her return to her position at Elmira, after a week's vacation with her parents • here, spent the week -end with her friend, Miss Mae Smith. at London. • Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Hugfil. have leased the property of Mr. and Yfiv. Chris Gingerich, formerly owned by Mr. Harold JOhniton and intend to • more therein in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. George Farwell and 1 daughter Helena have returned home after a very pleasant holiday visiting relatives and friends at Kitchener, Waterdown, and Toronto, also took in a splendid boat trip. Mrs. Clara Decker of town visited with her daughter, Miss Vera at Ex- eter last week. The latter leaving to take up work at an Indi., 1 Mission under the auspices of th:.! 'United Church of Canada in Saskatchewan. Mi1ss Ethel Hess has returned from her summer vacation which was enjoyed joining her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hess of Pontiac, Mich., on a boat trip down the lakes anti St. Lawrence river taking the es of Kington, Montreal. , and historical old Quebec City, and the Thousand Islands. Miss Patricia O'Dwyer, who with her girl friend, Miss Kay Appen, of Windsor, have returned home after enjoying several weeks of vacation with the former'e, parents at Wilber- force, Ont. Patricia will continue her Position at Oakwood for a tew 'weeks BROODER HOUSE COAL We have received a shipment of choke Chestnut Coal which we are selling out on restrictions only for Brooder House use, and an agreement has to be signed that it will be used for that purpose only. D STAE dri, WEID ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY -. PRICE — SERVICE ilsoiwitt•toteeesmeose*isiseme***Note••• 40 ya, • , cid Hall, London. • Mr and Mrs. Wells and children "of YOUR POOCH SHOULD BE Goderich were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sylv. Witmer, the latter visiting at the former's home for a week. Mr. Garfield Wit- mer of Kitchener is also visiting at the home of his parents. The weatherman has been a little more considerate the past week, as it wa5 considerably cooler over - the week -end and what seems like a very long time without rain, is broken on Wednesday as some nice showers are visiting these parts, and we hope they are general, as rain is badly needed in all parts of the country. On :Sunday forenoon the porcp., Bible School Class of the Evangelical church, of whom Mr: E. M. Dag81 ilas been teacher for some years and Mrs. • Dagg being a member of the el a,4s • presented them with a beautiful end table. The address was road by Mrs. Harry G. Hess and the presentation made by Mrs. Len • niN O'Brien who is president of the class. Mr. and Mrs. Dagg replied very gratefully for the kindness of the class members. POLITE Read. in The American Weekly, with this •Sunday's (Aug. 27) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times.. how masters ;Is well as pups will learn the ARC'S of obedience in the new schools dog welfare workers are set- ting up all over the 'country to carry on the good work started by the tra- • ining of war dogs. Get Sunday's Detroit Times, TO COMPLETE PAVING Work has commenced from the Bayfield end, of the !southern six miles of hard surfacing on tlie Blue Water Highway, to complete the en- tire distance from Goderich to I3ay- field. The •contract has been awarded to the .Brennan Paving Co., which has already completed well over three miles .south from Goderich.. In some places cedar logs, some of them 12 inches through, are being removed where they were sticking through the surface and were liable to cause damage to the pavement, These logs; wart of the curduroy road laid over one hundred years ago, were in a splendid state of .preservation. ,f4 1.2* • '42 • 'f. .... • Thousdo,,y.e AVRgok:atti.b 119414 ••••••••••••••••••••••14+414WtowowsmosoiN00404•441401•1 YQUIR ofdivraro and Furniture STO NEW WIRE: FENCING.; Wes haveeon hand a good .supply new Re& Wke„, Steel Plats, Woven Wire.Fencing.andiarilup lthe plies required,for_Fencing.g. • PAINT UP TIME LET USSHOW YOU OURNEW SUPPLIES Q READYMIXED.trAINITS The Season demands to:PAINT UP kr-order to Preserve. the Surface .011. your- BUildings. It: k poor.-econorny to try t� -save .- on, Paint, We have a gored stock of all callid; fine. Nints1,. rar and.Ftlint Supplies... eSeeAfies.e..linese FURNITURE See Our Studio .C6uches, ancti Einnette Suites .i Full Line of altItheHbm. uirements 0111181)011 ( Jon lialdware 'itr:u.itaire. Phone 63 ;. • • 4 • • • * 6 •4' 44 ir,f 4— 7 ,5,41.. a, 4.5 —t if • ..1$4.,k`f 4"a f **ft". 1 •,“.e.. 00. le,. at.A.5.0,:tb40 04.00...^.P.4*04,44.0$1010.4>.411.4. fi1tLp CANADA T(/) PRESERVE HER 1 IMEEDOM, LIBERTY, DEMOC. RA$ARY, AND ALL THAT W ttA.VE by Buyirxg, dr...1014. CANARiZet WAR SEFOljc,ga,,IJA% needs tW. WAR S*AVINGS CERTIFICAT,V. 401 • 41e *4 • • • • 4. • 4•- • 4.......414/40.0.044444' < 4**0.) 04•40.0 4.0 ....OP... • e • • 4' ;$ 4' 4' • 4' 4' • 00)0401,44.110•614111011111111111)1311110.16411 111101111111.111011110110011111118111000001110 Bonemeal We wish to advise the public that we terry a good supply of Bonemeal for your Stock and will he pleased to supply your requirernentl. FEEDING MOLASSES It is some considerable time since this all important product has been on the market,. But we were fortunate in securing a supply. Also have Cod Liver Oil, ..Etc. for Live Stock. Get your supply Now!., Your Chick Feeds The Chick Starter Season is with us again and we have all the called for Feeds such as Oat Hulls, Peat Moss, Sugar Copra, Grit, Oyster Shell, Char- coal, Etc., Etc, Schil Son '3^Q4 """44,At'S,:i.,"Ze.SVW`a\TI.}Ro'..'?T*0e,V-5) WKIDzAtmf19:::,.*Egractevaatlatbovose. 4. 4. 1 PAPER IS DAILY BECOMING SCARCER And restrictions about its use are getting more stringent. It is therefore necessary that all sub- scribers to this paper who are in arrears, should bring their subscription at least up-to-date': Our supply of paper each week is becoming very limited and as new names are being added, who have paid in advance, we are obliged to remove such names as are in arrears on our list. The label on your paper shows the date to which your subscription is paid. If it requires attention please attend to it NOW! THE ZURICH - HERALD