HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-08-24, Page 5BUSIT4ESS CARDS A.NI TED CASH FAR FOX HOESES---Dead sisulmals miuniVed. • Two-hour ger- vice day sor night. Phone Credis t Your Want, for Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ms, in this Column, LOST FA .E one -year-old ilIolstsein!heifers ton 41,21.5„, ,cellect. alack Wile Information gladly received "ls,,y Arth- 1 ur Korslake, Kiriston Central, or Charles Aldworth, Dashwood (mistral ...................miseeeeeeseeteete•••-s•-•wsee.•-•••••••••••- L10ENSEDAUCIZnNEER NOTICE TO CREDITORS ht e Estates, set: lat For Huron and Middies" of the Vglage of Zurich, whoidied January 11,th, 1943, are requiredeto I AU IN A POSITION TO CON-. forward the same to the undersigned &Kt ory ,Auction Sale, regardiegs by ,September 9th, 1944, also ail' se to Ise or article to sell. I soliaCtt parties indebt(ed to estate to settle by four business, and if not satisfied win same date. After which date the sake no charges for Services Rene Executor will flistribute the assets of the eF,tate. Wed. All persons having claims against of Casper L. Wal ZURICH HERALD IiOCAL NEWS Pte' iltominque Jeffrey of the his A.rined "Forcee is visiting with ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood1 ;Zurich, August 14th, 1944. Phone 51 1'2 ()sear Klopp, Executor,. wife ate etas -oily at St. Joseph, Miss Ilene IVIiller of London holicley Visitor at her home the past dies weeks. Born—At Stanley Township, on August )16ea, 'to Mr. '.and Mrs, IVIenno Steekley a son. Mr, Ivan ItCalbfielsch and Her) Uttleyrecently made a business trip to North Bay and Sudbury district, Mr. and Miss A. Legue; Mr. and Mrs. Legae, Ain of Chatham were Sunday visitors at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs, Joseph 'foster. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Forsythe and lqr. and Mrs. Moore el 1Seaforth, were Sunday visitors at the home Of IVIr. and Mrs. Wm. Hay. 'Pte. Norman Fleischauer of the Maintenance Corps, Meaford, spent few days with his wife and daughter, 'Marion in town. ;Mr.. James Moore of Troy, N. -Ys' wIts a visitor with his aunt, 1VIrs. Peter Koehler the past week. Mr. Kenneth Roatledge of Toronto called -en Zurich friends the past week. Mr. and Mrs. John Oesch and family of Pigeon, Mich., were visit- ors with relatives her over the. week- end. MI's' and Mrs. George Sutton ,of Kitchener were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oesch the past week. - Mr. Alex Kerrigan and daughter Elva and the •former's granddaughter Barbara Green of London, were week end 'visitors at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Winiam Thiel. was bete Zurich,. Ontario., • ,TENDERS WANTED . . , VETE,RIIR1A.N Ti,1n for High ,School''Blis from ----------._...._.....-------; . , Bus to leave Zurich in the moning. t VTERINARY. •SURGEON sstihoenriteksior as Mous' th l4 miles Opposite. Drug Store sean'tsocoCrnileg're, Office with Residence, Main •Skreet, east &hoed. For further particulars get touch with Theo. 'Soberer, Zurich. 4'1 Tenders to .be submitted to Theo'. Ille. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc.. H, aberer, Zurich no later than Mon - Graduate of Ontario . Veterinary College, Univesity .of Toronto. All aa3! evening, August 28th at eight osi o'clock,Signed by ,School Boards of .S...S. goeases of domestic. animals treated ___. Charges reasonable. . Day or night .N._._a. 1,,s Zurich; and S: S. Nd. 10, by the most modern principles; tolls promptly attended to. Also Bre 11. Y 1 owlishly. oder of Scottish terriers. Inverness iitamels. Office on Main Street, tiegosite Town Plait . . • Zurich to Exeter, its. transport ap- CC W. tt' N. SC, proximately 20 pupils on school days W B COXON B none -98., . Zurich and east 21/2, miles to No. 4 Bleiweiss, andsthence south to Exeter High Fall Footwear THERE 15 A fop 15110W1146 OF NEW FALL SHOZS AT DATARS FOR LADIES, GENTS AND CHIL- DREN. BE SURE T.O COME IN AND SEE THEM. ALL VERY REASONABLY PRICED FINE STYLES AND 000D VALUES BUTCHERS P opular Mr] ARICE T Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices or Wool, Hides. and Skins NOTICE YOUR SEWING MACHINE Re - 'conditioned to perfect sewing, at your home. --Phone 80 or 105, Zur- ich. 11"Yungblut & Son 1 PRODUCE fl aria Pyoduce WANT • FOR QUICK SALE PULLETS -90Q Rock Pullets and 300 Sussex New .1.1aanpshire, 5 months old. Bray's best double -tested high- est grade stock. —T. C. Joynt, Hen- sel, Phone 92. FOR QUICK SALE A number of teachers and officers of St. Peter's Lutheran Sunday School attended the annual Sunday School -convention held at Brod- bagels on Sunday, August the twent ieth. In last week's issue we mentioned • of Mr. Harold Thiel moving into the apartment vacated by Mr. Simon Gingerich, this should have been My. Carl Thiel. We reetret such errors belt they will oceurr. ED. J. DATARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR. and SHOE REPAIRING TRUNKS AND SUITCASES nt..._._•-_--sese_s_eeetlestserreesseeseetee-seeestree-- A used Motorcycle at $15. Apply to Fred W. Hess, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE 17 Stocker Pigs.—Apply to A. E. Oestricher, Dashwood. FOUND An Airman's tan coat containing keys, in pocket. 'Owner please call at the home of Mr. Leonard Erb, Parr Lille, Hay Twp., R. R. 1 Zurich, can have same by paying expenses. Have your Eggs Graded scien- tifically on our approved grad.- ing Machine which gives the producer every adva-ntage. Also Cream and Poultry. Writ, O'Brien ph.. 101, Res. 94, Zurich Zurich Creamery Miss Mande Torrance and Miss Winnie O'Neil of Clinton were in town a few days last week. The for- mer who is a' former resident of this Place, visited -with her cousin, Ms's. Menno Oesch and other friends while the latter represented the Fuller Brush Company. Local honey producers have now completed the extracting; marketing of the first and largest flow of honey for the season. And while the qual- ity of honey was good, yet owing to the changeable weather conditions the yield is estimated at about half a. crop. FOR SALE • BEES -50 colonies and all equip- ment. FARM -100 .acres Con. 4, Stanley Twp., with full set of build- ings. Quick possession. -- W. C. Pearce, Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE Horse --T have two surplus horses which I would like to dispose of both seven years old. .Apply to Earl Gingerich, phone 22-96, Zurich. Your Horne Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg SPA Poultry department in charge of Mr:. T. Meyers. A. Mellett Proprietor. iNsliRANcE Viestem Fa- r-mers' Mutua Weather insurance CO. FARM FOR SALE The' Misses Anita Datars, Pauline Haberer and Doreen Schilbe who at- tended the Lutheran Girls' Camp at Eden Mills, Ont., have returned to their homes. Miss Anita Datars, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Datare Tr., was honoured by being .chosen and crowned, "Miss Lutheran Sum- mer Camp." The camp \yes attended by one hundred and sixty girls from all parts of Ontario. Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hey, of Blake .wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter Tean,Victoria to Mr. Charles Leonard Myers, of. White Oak, Ont., the wedding to take place the latter part of Aug- ust. -r; • - Sst-• S.,s1 4 • Dead and ...Disabled Animals • REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. (E99ENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) 0011111111111.1.11111111111.1111.1.11""WINIMICUIIMOSONIERNISOOSOMMOSOMMOS1123110MWAIIIMONAIN *040....e.00tiee00.4•04000.444, sse-00440.40.444••••••••4040440. 0 1' 0 • ; EARLY RISER Bill Bessey was an -early 'riser in the days when he was a versatile office junior at CBC's Toronto stud- ios. But he has been climbing out of bed 'even earlier since he was pro- -meted to the announce staff, early last summer. He'll be back on the ' job this week, following his vacation to give the eight o'clock morning, news over OBL. • Fall Wheat Fertilizer THE FOLLOWING FERTILIZERS ARE AVAILABLE FOR FALL WHEAT: 0-14-7 2-12-6 4-12-6 THESE FERTILIZERS ARE .ALL CAREFULLY COMPO -UN - DED. GET YOU SUPPLY EARLY.. WESTERN FEED GRAINS, SINGLES, MOTOR OILS, ETC., ALWAYS ON HAND. Huron Farmers' Co -Operative HENSALL, Phone 115, R. J. COOPER, MANAGER ts 44-s•settPteestsitesePtte.(essettiete40.40 sit 0 4•• -e 4 4 • 44 4 usually given to eulogizing. "You t have been a most able magistrste. fact, it is not flattering to you to say that your magisterial career has I been outstanding. 100 acres of clay loam, well fenced and drained, eight acres of wood lois Brick house, bank barn 40 -ft., cem- ent hog pen, sheds, garage, etc. Spring well, running water in house and barn; oil bath Beatty wind puinp supply tank. This farm is for sale at a reasonable price. Being Lot 21 S. Boundry, Hay Twp., half mile east of Dashwood,—Duncan Snider. OF WOODSTOCK nit LARdEST RESERVE BAL ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec.. 81st, 1936, $22,391,521.00 Total Cash in Bank and 'Bonds $278,618.47. Igater,--$4.50 per $1,000 for 8 Years A _t t recent meeting held in Zurich school house it was decided on that if suitable bus accomodation could be procured to engage same to run a bus to Exeter High School on such days as school is being held. This will prove a great convenience for the people of the district to give their children advanced high school education which is so eseentrar these days. ZURICH HERALD Es tabliithed 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON FROM THE Herald Printing Office (Member of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association.) SUBSCRIPTION RATES—T1.50 a 1 i dv nee $2,00 inaV ye,ar, atriet y 4 4 • be charged. No payer discontinued until all arrears are pain up unless at option of publisher. The date of which every Subscription is paid is donated on the Label. ADVERTISING RATES Ti Memoriam, one verse 50c. 25e for each additional verse. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction Sales -82,00 for one in sertion if not over four inches in length. Miseellatieotie articles of not more than four lines. For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, Found, Etc., one in- sertion 25e; 2 ins. 40e; 8 ins. 50e. E. F.. KLOPP.-ZURICH Contract advertising made known ?1/2.gent, also Dealer' in Lightn-' on application. Ing Rods and all kinds of Fire Additess an Communications to!. - t• Iniuraric'e HERALD OPFICE, ZURICH-. Palsses Fourth Year We are in receipt of an official letter of the 'University of Toronto,1 stating that Mr. Fred W. Hess has successfully passed his fourth year's work in the Faculty of Medicine. We congratulate this young student, who is a son of Mr. and Mrs. AndreW F. Hess of Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Erb of the Bronson line, attended the Ballan- tyne-Beckler nuptials at Exeter .on Saturday, RETIRING HURON MAGISTRATE Goderich lelagistrate J. A. Mak ins was last Thursday iinmediately after the closing of the weekly police court, over which he presided for the last time, made the recipient of gifts from barristers, courthouse officiale and constables. Spokesmen for them eulogized hint on his impending con- clusion on August 20 of 28 years of successful and honorable service on the magisterial bench. Crown At- torney D. E. Holmes recalled that Mr. Makin, a brother of Mr. Justice J C. Makin s of the -Supreme Court, had been appointed magistrate for Perth. County in 1916 and for Huron County in 1934. He spoke of the respect and admiration in which His Worship was held by members of the bar and of how he had served with distinetion under seven. premiers and1 nine attorney generals of three polit- ical parties. "To dwell on his line capabilities would he like paintil'R n • lily," said Mr. Holmee, who is net t : . I 4 , • Brot er, S" assey-Harris Advise Do not call for parts, saying you need a part for Binder shaped like an egg, if it was squashed flat, Order by number, or better still bring ole. worn out or broken part along. THIS WILL GIVE YOU QUICKER SERVICE EARLY. M -H. PARTS FOR M -H. MACHINES Tel. Shop 1 49 °seal Klopp R". MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arm, for Canadian Farm. 67 • iildY ;dime is small change!(io But when a lot of dimes march out of your pocket they soon became dollars that start to fight other dollars, for the new neckties, dresses This battle of the dollars is called INFLATION And the higher prices go less your or furniture left for us to buy. because it starts prices rising ! lot 30, 23 dollar is worth! For instance, during the last war, people hod to pay for sugar that you get for today, A voile night dress was compared to the PIT'you pay now. Your dollar buys more goods, is worth more than the dollar of 1914-18. Price ceilings and other anti4flationary measures have helped keep it's value high. And remember ! Every time you use your money wisely to pay or to increase your savings when you refuse to hoard goods off a debt or potronize block markets...it makes your dollars worth MORE ! •K'9� - Published by THt BREWING INDI1STRY (ONTARIO) to help oveaI the dangets that iodation represents for all the people of the Nation. es4s4e.exic I promise to give my support to keeping the cost of living down. I will buy only what I need. I will,obsterve the ceiling whether buying or sell- ing pods or services. I will pay off old debts, save foe the future, invest in Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates. And 1 will support taxes which help lower the cost of living. 0 tl 130R11,1ENTWARUINS10.-