HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-08-17, Page 8r ZURICH„ ONTARIO ' ZURICH HERALD 3ikumviien, Mugge, itr4mil,11944 New Goods CHENILLE BEDSPREADS: In Pretty Shades of Rose, Blue and Green. Large size at $11.50 Each. NEW LACE TABLECLOTHS 70x84 inches, at $6.98 Each. A LOT OF 26 FINE LADIES' DRESSES: In Spun Rayon and Suedene Cloths. New Goods in Season's best Styles, to Clear at $2.69 Each. (Regular price $3.25) Size 14 to 44. Gascho Bros. TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH COP • 9 NaM411111111111111L. 11111•1111111! evamiOININ 1 1 GENERAL INSURANCE EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Eto, Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Local Representative Zurich 7. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• eareseemassawseowaseetasee • • SD a 1 HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE You are going Through This World Only Once. So Why Do.. Without These Labor Savers? Experienced farm help is scarce and costly. You'll need moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. Invest part of the money you'd pay hired help, in Beatty labor- saving stable equipment. Pays lietime dividends. Gives you more time to enjoy life. En- hances value of farm. Improv- es product. Inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls—Exceptional Values at Lower Prices. .. 4 .41 • Lower Priced Stalls _Automatic Watering BROODER HOUSE COAL We have received a shipment of choice Chestnut Coal which we are selling out on restrictions only for Brooder House use, and an agreement has to be signed that it will be used for that purpose only. STADE & WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY — PRICE SERVICE *1110111011111100100000004110001110001111111110111101110111164104044104441M41 "!!!!!1111111111:1111111111:11111111111111111111ulivIlliiiiliffisililigH0111001i1J111111i1I111111111111111111111111111111111111111'‘ 11' ' I zumett S Grocery Store WE ALWAYS CARRY A, COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH GROCERIES ON HANDPLIRCHASED FROM THE LOMB - /NG WHOLESALE HOUSE& OWING TO UNSETTLED CONDITIONS WE ARE NOT.AVOTING ANY PARTICULAR PRICES BUT CAN ASSURE WE PUBLIC GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY' WITH; (PAALITY AND PRICES. J AT THE VERY BEST • Menno ()each PRDUCE WANTED. Zurich Phone 1115 • 111111 1111111111 1111111111110111111111 II 11111111 1111 11 101 1 111 iTEMS OF LOCAL INTERfa Born—At Zurich, on August. to Mr..and Mrs. Adrian Denomme, a son. Mrs. Roy Howard of London, 8pent. a few days with her e4ster,,Mrs., Wm. 'lhiel 01 town. Miss hall ex Toronto was a visitor at the home of her aunt, Mi. and.Mrs. 3. W. .Merner. Harvesting in these parts.. Is aooet, all completed now and farmers, axe., engaged in their otter work. Mrs. A. C. Meidinger. c1f Hausa!, spent a week -end at the:home ofMr and Mrs. Wm. Thiel. Miss Mae Smith of Loudon was a week -end visitor at the home of. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. :Smith. Mr. and :Mrs. Josiah, Geiger! and. Elaine visited with Mr. and :qrs.! Scotchmer in Ba.yfield. on. 'Sunday. Mr. and :Mrs. Morris :Rau. of Detroit were visitors at the. }Kane of. the for- mer e, parents, Mr. and. Mr. Z. P. Rau. Mr.'. John Albrecht who tock quite ill on Sunday, is nave feeling much better. Her mailer friends: wish for a speedy recovery.. Mr. and Mrs. H. Heideman of De- troit are visiting at the home of the former'cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Edg- bert Heideman.. Mr. and •Mrs. Wm. Greb and Mr. and :Airs. Meeks of Stratford. were visitors at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. J. Brenner, last week. Mr. and 3,11-s. John Hallam and: daughters Corrinne and Barbara of! Detroit, who camped in A. Hess' cbt' tage, visited with Mrs. Clara Decker and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pollock and family and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knott all of London spent a week's holidays ' at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Isiah Witmer, Goshen line, south. Miss Mary :Kerner of Elmira is enjoying a few daye at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. j. W. Merner. She was accompanied by hei- sister Joan, who spent a few weeks in Elmira. 1 a a Miss Dorothy O'Brien of town and Mr. Ralph Krueger, 14t1i can., have returned home after epueding six weeks attending Summer Sehool at the Western University, London. Mr. Ray Fisher who has had an operation for appendicitis at the Sea - forth Hospital, has returned to his home, feeling as well es could be ex- pected. Rev, and Mrs. Roy M. Geiger of Welland were visitor,: with relatives here, They were joined by memners of their family and are enjoying a camping outing up the lake. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Gingerieh and family last week moved their effects to London, where Mr. Gingerich hes had a position for some time. Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold Thiel have moved into the residence vacated by the Gingerich family. FALLS FROM LOAD Mr. W. C. F. Oestricher, of near Crediton, had the misfortune to fall from a load of grain the other day when a trip rope he was pulling broke and he overbalanced and fell from the top of the load to the barn floor. He landed on his shoulder and now carries his arm in a sling. The fall was partly broken when he struck his head against something. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Re Either were recent visitors with Mrs. .Sam'l Eilber at Ubly, Mich. Phew ! Ho t - What is considered one of the woret heat waves in many a day iS' with ns at present. Mit}, the mer- cury from 90 to 100 daily and little relief at eights, the people are gett- ing sort of worn out, There is little promise of any relief. The ground also is so dry, lawns and gardens are literally burning up, farmers are experiencing that their bean fields are ripening up and some are pulling the same, with less than half a crop. Ram nd cooler weather is badly in need, and we hope for the same in the very near future. 3. LOCAL MARKETS t'Correeted every Wednesday) Eggs 31, 29, 23 Butter per lb. 38 Chickens, dressed 30 Wheat bushel 1.O9 Oats, bushel 50e Barley, bush. 73 Ilu.ckwheat, bush. 70 Flour, cwt. 2.60, 2.75 Shorts and bran, ton 30.00 Middlings, ton 32.00 Miss Ruth .Chuneh of London, spent the week -end at her home here Mrs. Morley Witmer of Detroit who visited here the past week, re- turned on Friday, accompanied by her son Kenneth.whco visited here the past five weeks.. Was Att Cki cago Mr. Sheldon Wein of Exeter, at- tended the International Baby !Chick .40.460.04040.4144.4144 04,0•1410.14 610~411100100.411101114011.610 i o YOUR I 1. Hardware and Furniture I ii Z, Z i I t 4 4 4. STORE NEW WIRE FENCING: Weave on hand =good supply of new Barb,Wlie,, Steel:Posts, Woverr, Wire Fencing; and, all dies/ap- plies required for Fencing, PAINT UP TIME LETT SHOW YOU OUR NEWSUPPLIESROP: READYMIXED PAINTS ThleeSeason demands to PAINT UP in orderr to, Reserve the Surface on your • Birildingsi. k poor economy to try to save on-. Paint. WIA-4iave aa good stock or all called for„ --...Paints,. Vbwilliesi, • and Paint Suppl4s... ..See these:dines.. ..FURNITURE, • 4t See Our StuJio Couches and DinnettetSidtm. A Full Lingkof all the Hosee.Requitementa • Johnston dc Kaibil.eisela t Hardware & Furd ure. it 4...r * v. .r I. + + + + + 4 4,1, + +4 0 4. ++ 4..4* * 4, d• ,ii. + 4. +4. + + + ++ + 4+ 4 4 46 4+4444 0449411.14444-14+++++404-++++++÷÷e 404-4-tet-i-e-i-÷o.e.e.+4,44+÷o44444.44-e+4 4.1. .1- 4.1. +4 TRY ECKEL'S + * "Town Talk" ;:read I _ i 41, 1 t convention at the, Stephen's Hotel, in:14 l Chicago recentir. leThe hotel is the : aso largest in the eity and 4000 persons : CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE,. PIES, AND SWET GSr were present from all parts of tha• world. 1 + APrzatencement e Rev. and We. H. E. Roppel, of .- All Ingmedients Used o are of. the Highest Quality e*X. Jacobs, One., (formerly of Daeit- wood- announce the engagement f * their only daughter, Hope Porn -troy, to Thoma, -.4 Ralph Waugh, youngest son of Mrs. Waugh and the late Mr. Thomas Waugh, of London. Ont., the marriage to take place cat Sept- ember '2nd, in St. Jacob's Evangel- ical .church. •HOUSE IS ADJOURNED Ottawa, Aug. 42—Thea House of Commons today adopted a motion introduced in the Commons by Prime Minister Mackenzie Xing to adjourn as from completion of the business of the present session to Jan. 31, 1945. As is customary in war time, , the House adjourns instead of pro- roguing so members can he called toe gether again quickly in the event, of emergency. WHERE IS OUR FABULOUS MOTHER LODE? Are horseshoes lucky? They are— for one West Virginia boy. Pitching horseshoes, he uncovered the second largest diamond ever found in Amer- ica. Read. .in The American Weekly with this Sunday's (Aug. 20) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times ..bow scientists are excited over this con- tinent's unquestioned natural diam- ond. hoard is located, Get Sunday's Detroit Times, SWEEPS ALBERTA The Alberta Social Credit Govern- ment which took office for the first time in 1935 was returned to office with a greater majority than ever, and will. hold about 50 of the 57 seats The Social Credit Party was founded by the late Premier William Aber - hart, a former Seaforth boy. Upon his death about a year ago, he was succeeded by 39 -yr. -old Premier C. Manning, whom he had trained. This is. the 'third election Which has been won 'by the Social Credit Party in Alberta. BEAN GROWERS MEET On Tuesday eve. Aug. 14th a rep- resentative meeting of the Bean Growers of Huron County was held in the Town Hall, Hensel]. with Mr. Wrn. Alexander in the chair, The main purpose of the meeting was to outline and acquaint the various pm' - men with the scheme now proposed! and to arrange canvassers within the various Townships and school sect- ions, and the following were named as Twp. chairmen: John Armstrong Stanley; George Armstrong, Hay, El- gin Roweliffe, Usborne; Russell Brod- erick, Tuckersmith. Other chairmen will be named. The scheme will be mailed' to each grower the latter part of this week and on Monday a broad- castwill be given over CKNX, Win- gham from 8.145 to 9.15 .outlining the proposed bean marketing .scheme. Next Tuesday the canvassers will start out to canvass each man. Some very instructive .plans were laid at this meeting and every one is urged to listen to the broadcast which Will be held Monday evening. ALL CONFECTIONS — ICE CREAM OUR ST,CaRE IS CLOSE%1MONDAY"3FRIDAY NIGHTS t Ekl's Bakery Zurich t ap, **4 osafaciaseaseetroomissaseeaaR aossimassaoseeemaimmapatim Telephaie 1043 1 • • a a a • a 1 Bonemeal We wish to advise the public that we carry t good supply of Bonemeal for your Stock and, will be pleased to supply your requirements. FEEDING MOLASSES It is some considerable time since this all important product has been on the market.., But we were fortunate in securing a supply. Also have Cod Liver Oil, ..Etc. for Live Stock, Get your supply Now! .. • Youi. Chick Feeds The Chick Starter Season is with us again and we have all the called for Feeds such as Oat Hulls, Peat Moss, Sugar Copra, Grit, Oyster Shell, Char, coal, Etc., Etc. L. Se jibe & Son 0-90041e24K0064101119001109e1 gitIND* StinUnffienalStaikalat906•••••• PAPER IS DAILY BECOMING SCARCER And restrictions about its use are getting more stringent. It is therefore necessary that all sub- scribers to this paper who are in arrears should bring their subscription at least up-to-date. Our supply of paper each -week is becoming very limited and as new names are being added, who have paid in advance, we are obliged to remove such names as are in arrears on our list. The label on your paper shows the date to which your subscription is paid. If it requires attention please attend to it NOW! THE ZURICH HERALD 1.!