HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-08-17, Page 50 �?ALL. BUSINESS CARDS WANTED CASH FOR. FOX BiQ S-^-De•d ap, M * reaaaoved. Tweehonlr ser- vice day ,9x ni, t. Phone :Credi-I ton 470-.60 ,conceal. .d44 I Put .Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads in this Column. hams. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION regardless Olg- duct sny Auction Sale, as to size or article to sell. I solicit /our business, and for not satiBilSed Reawill tublike no chargee toed. WEBER --Dashwood ARTHUR WEBER-- Phone 51 r 12 CARD OF THANK 1 wish to take this opportunity in neatly thanking nay 'many Ifrse,seds for the lovely cards and flowers sent while at the hospal,al. --;Ray Fisher. NOTICE YOUR. SEWING j\fA,OHIN1E conditioned to perfect sewing, at! your home. -Phone 80 or 105, Zur- ich. LOCA * AWS, Mrs. 3. Geiger Mid Elaine are vis- iting in Bayfield for to few days. Mr, Chelsea Thiel of the .Armed forces was a. visitor alt his home here. Miss Myrtle Hay w hu spent retux wo weeks at her home hem, hes to London. Mr, and Mrs. Lee Gesell and fam- ily, of St, Catharines are holidaying with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Bedard and family of Detroit are holidaying for a week with friends at .St. Joseph, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hess andoda Fred are holidaying this weeds at their cottage, Grand. Bend. Mr. 3. B. Matheson, of Clinton, Agricultural Representative for Hur- on County called in town on Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs. .Chas. Hagan and daughter Mary of Seaforth were vis- iting relatives in our village on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted, Weseloh and son :Bob, of Waterloo were visitors at the home of .Mx• and Mrs. William Thiel last week, FOR QUICK SALE PULLETS -900 Rook Pn1Yets and 300 Sussex New Hampshire, 5 months old. Bray's best double -tested high est grade stock. --T. C. Joynt, Hen - sail, Phone 62. VETERINARIA.N COXO1, B.v s Or. W. B. SURGEON VETERINARYMain S`•rEOt, alike with Residence, Opposite Drug StoreZurich Phone -96. bell, V .S, B.V .Sc. A„ R. Camp sooduaate of Ontario V eterinar9 College, University - of Toronto. All uses of domestic, animals treated the most modern principles,'I;harge8 reasonable. �T Day or night xe• ealls promptly attended to. Also Inverness der of Scottish terries. Street, gennels. Office on Main „paosite Town Hall. BUTCHERS Zurich=' popular 'MEAT MARKET FOR QUICK SALE A used Motorcycle at $15. Apply to Fred W. Hese, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE 17 Stocker Pigs. -Apply to A. E. Oestricher, Dashwood. Spring Shoes THERE IS 'A FIND SHOWING OF NOV' SPRING SHOES AT DATARS FOR LADIES, GENTS AND CHIL- DREN. BE SURE TO COME IN AND SEE THEM. ALL VERY REASONABLY PRICED FIN100 STYLES AND GOOD VALUES ED. J. DATARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR and SHOE REPAIRING TRUNKS AND SUITCASES FOUND An Airman's tan coat containing keys in packet. Owner please call at the home of Mr. Leonard Erb, 'Parr Line, Hay Twp,, R. R. 1 Zurich, can have same by paying expenses. Let Us supply .you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bologna=, Sausages, Eet., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices ri eSstor Wool, Hideo kins H. Yungblut & Son PRODUCE Fan . produce WANTED FOR SALE BEES -50, .colonies and all equip- ment. FARM -100 acres Con. 4, Stanley Twp., with full set of build- ings. Quick possession. - W. C. Pearce, Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE Horses -I have two surplus horses which I would like to dispose of both seven years old. Apply to Earl Gingerich, phone 22-96, Zurich. Miss Patricia Mittleholtz of Lon- don was a week -end visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted, Mittleholtz, Mrs. Albert C. Iialbfleisch who had been a patient at Victoria Hospital, London, has returned to her hoatie in Zurich and is progressing very fav- ourably. Mr. and Mrs. George Farwell and Helena spent a few days at Kitchener Waterdown and Toronto. Also at- tending the funeral of the tormer's sister. Miss June and Master John Camp- bell of Detroit are spending their vacation at the home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Mell: ett of town. NOTICE The Hay Township Farmers' Mut- ual Fire Ins. Co. has bought a supply of Stirrup Pumps which they are prepared to sell to the public at cost, namely $5.00 each. These pumps have been used extensively in Eng- land in fighting fires and are highly recommended as a means of fire pre- vention. If you desire a pump, please call on Oscar Klopp at Zurich. H. K.,; Eilber, Sec'y - ,Crediton. Have your Eggs Graded scien- 1 ifically on our approved grad - big Machine 'which gives the ,producer every advantage. Also Cream and Poultry. Wm. O'Brien phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich Zurich Creamery 0.„m ...-..--P.... W.1111.12..'~' Mr. W. F. Braun of Forest was a Sunday visitor at the home of Miss Jane Lamont. Mrs. Braun and da- ughter Barbara, who spent a week in Zurich, returning with him. Dr. Wesley and Mrs. Schellig of Detroit and who are spending the summer months in their cottageat Mon- day. Bend, were in town on They have -sold their .home in Detroit and have purchased a home at Longwood, Florida, where they in- tend to reside in future, beginning some time next winter. Dr. Schellig, who has enjoyed a very good dental practice in Detroit, is a former Zur- ich boy, and always keeps m touch with the activities in the community of his birth and boyhood. We wish them every success in their move to the sunny south. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres of clay loam, well fenced and drained, eight acres of wood lot. Brick house, bank' barn 40 -ft., cem- ent hog pen, sheds, garage, etc. Spring well, running water in house and barn; oil bath Beatty wind pump supply tank. This farm is for sale at a reasonable price. Being Lot 21 S. Boundry, Ha.y Twp., half mile east of Dashwood. -Duncan Snider. Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- tient "accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellen Proprietor. ZURICH HERALD Establii'shed .1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON FROM THE • • t 1 1 OVERSEAS Ray :Mackness is a naive that should be on the corner -stone of Canadian radio. He stepped owl, the broad- casting threshold at 17 and has doub- 1 d his age in the seevice of the list- ening public. He joined the CBC in 1938, but, like over a hundred of its other members, has been on active service since early in the war. He is attached to the RCAF overseas. Zurich Bakery Sold The remaining bakery in Zurich, known as Eckel's Bakery has been sold to Mr. Leeland Willert of -town, and who has been an employee as baker for some time with Mr. Eckel. We understand posession will be giv- en next week and the Ecxels will be moving into the house vacated by. Mr. Willert at the south end of town and owned by Mr. Herb Mousseau. Mr. Eckel purchased the business from Mr. Everett Heist in 1937 and has carried on quite an extensive bus- iness with several trucks on the road daily making long routes. We wish Mr. Willert every success, and he should get along very good having had considerable experience, as he conducted a bakery in town in the building owned by Mr. Eckel and Herald Printing Office known as the Eckel apartment. (Member of .Canadian Weekly News- New Well A-1 paper Association.) SUBSCRIPTION RATES -151.50 a year, strictly in advance, $2.00 may be charged. No paper discontinued until all arrears are ,pain up unless at option of publisher. The date of which every Subscription is paid is donated on the Label. ADVERTISING RATES In Memoriam, one verse 50c. 25e for each additional verse. Card of 'Thanks •50c. Auction Sales -$2.00 for one in- sertion if not over lour inches in length. INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK IgE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .2aount of Insurance at Risk on Dee. 81st, 1986, $22,391,527.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds Miscellaneous articles of not more than four lines. For Sale, To Rent. Wanted, Lost, Found, Etc., one in• sertion 25c;•2 ins. 40c; 3 ins. 50e. Contract advertising made known on application. Address all Communications to: HERALD OFFICE, ZURICH 1 a • • • • L. • MASSEY FUND SCHOLARSHIP 1 At n meeting held in the Agricult- ural Office, Clinton, August 10th., plans were made to have a suitable boy selected for this scholarship. The local committee is composed of J.'B.,i Matheron, Agric. Rep for Huron,. Warden Fred Watson, and inspector for N. Huron, James Kinkeed. This year the County Council have don- ated $50.00 to a needy boy who is planning on going to the O.A.C. this fall. This amount is duplicated by a like amount from the Massey fund. $50 will be paid to the boy on en- Word was received this Wednesday of a recent test of the water by the Department of Health that the water is now in class A-1 for domestic con- sumption, and the local management is losing no time in getting the new pump hooked up, as the supply of water during this heat wave has been anything but satisfactory. Now with moderate use there should be water for all and a good preasure, but if we wish to sprinkle our gard- ens, or the lawns, we•l, a few more such four thousand dollar equipments will have to be installed. We ask our citizens to drink plenty of this good, pure water, as it has for cen- turies past proven to be the best and most healthy drink for the human system, and nothing can equal it or surpass it. • "�, NEW MANAGER (The Lucan Sun) Ernest Milton Dagg, who has been appointed manager of the Bank of Montreal comes to Lucan from Zurich where he has been in "charge aof thee local office for the past nine y succeeds J. L. :Hendry, -who after sive years here, has been transferred to Exeter in a similar capacity, The new manager is a native of Camp- bell's Bay, Que., and was educated at Shawville High School. After serving at various branches in Ontario, he was appointed manager at Courtland. Subsequently he was in charge old and bank's offices at Chesiey, Zurich, Latterly he was attached to Hensall office, when Zurich became a subagency, but continued in charge of that office. Mr. Dagg has always $273,613.47. ktiim and the season's were lout taken an active part hi community 4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Yearat 1 b Sl vin s affairs, and has held the position of. )Hautes--$ LOPp�,b��,1RIC1'll � stmall ctail�gli�ter, who went to the baxn pre."id°i�ndian Red Croat, ,Society for E. F. K The aril recently �'+: trb�- .e trance and the other $50 on -the first of the New Year. Any boy who is desirous of going this fall should file his application with J. B. Matheson. A Junior Matriculation is required for entrance to the college. Applic- ations or inquiries should be received not later than August 19th. Mrs. BLAKE Napoleon Ducharme tle daughter holidaying home of Mr. Leon Jeffrey. Mr. and Mrs Cliff Donovan and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young of Win- dsor spent a pleasant vacation at a cottage on Drysdale beach, and a•e turned to London on Sunday. Mr'. George Cox of Stratford who is employed at the hospital in that city spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. Sam Hey when an en- joyable evening was spent with mus- ic supplied by George and •Cliff Dono- van of London. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Finlayson and little daughter Gale spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mustard and Mr. and Mrs. James Burdge of God- erich spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hey. Mrs. Win. Fiscus and children of Kitchener spent a few holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeff- rey. Mrs. Lloyd Finnigan and daughter Bertha spent Monday in Goderich. Mr. and Mra. Dick Brown of Zur- ich spent Sunday evening in the Village. Letters from Service Men The Armed Farces. July 13, 1944. Dear Ladies of Zurich: Just a line to thank you so are 1 1 1 and lit - at the ATTE:.NT1ON! Bean G=rowers! Ontario BeanMarketing Scheme Proposed The directorate of the Ontario Bean Growers' Association ,have petitioned the Ontario Government for a marketing scheme (for White Pea Beans and Yellow Eye Beans) under the provisions of the Ontario Farm Products Control Act. A copy of the proposed scheme is 'being mailed to all growers whose names and addresses are recorded with the Association. Before the Farm Products Control Board will be asked to .recommend the adoption of the proposed marketing scheme, growers engaged in the growing of i, 'aa.' are being requested to register their opinion.. A vote will he taken by barlot. Re- presentatives of the bean growers will distribute ballots dur- ing the week of August 21lst, Thr= Bean Grower,' Association his played a very definite part in bringing about improved prices for white beans during the last two years but further organization is essential if elle marketing problems ire to be met in the future. The proposed Marketing plan has the support not only of tlio, Growers' Assoeiation but of the Bean Dealers' Association. THE MARKETING SCHEME Will be DISCUSSED ON THE RADIO MONDAY, AUGUST 21st, by D. M. Campbell, President of the Growers' Assocn. W. C. Hubbell, :President of the Dealer_ Assocn. Hon. W. G. Thompson, M. P. P. . TUNE IN AUGUST 21st,.. to •C.F.C.O. (Chatham -9.00 p.m. -9.30 p.m. C.F.P.L. (London) -9.00 p. m.-9.30 p.m. C.K.N.X. (Wingham.)-8.45 p.m. -9.15 p.m. PROVISIONAL COMMITTEE John Armstrong, Zurich; Angus McLean, Wardsville; D. M. Campbell, Blenheim. Win. Alexander, Hensall; Wm.Cornell, Appin; R. Clendenniitg, Blenheim; Russell Broderick, Hensall; Chas. Bannister, Ailsa Craig; Geo. W. Parry, Pain Court; Ernest Goodhue, St. Thomas; Wm. J. Davis, Florence. Chaff Blamed for Farm Fire. Fire, 'believed to have been started by an accumulation of chaff around an electric light bulb, destroyed ,a large bank baric on the farm of Thos Slavin, three miles east of Hensall, causing damage estimated at several thousand dollars, parity covered by insurance. Threshing operations had been completed the same day at t he . i crops The dire was first Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 V' DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) i ••i••••••••••••••••••••••••a••o.*•.a.,..e+••...••o••..10•• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • s • • • *• notices y a " `t of the Zurich branch of AAgent, also Dealer in l.lghtn- i' 9 ll cloc. b , ge , 9 t fait iley, wasone ttf tht fina,� 3n th� �' nc� ' ltt�lee lawn bowling oand ther istr g Rods and all. kinds of Firs It , i L.t 1'he Hr i� ::tl i t e lt, +;, u . lnruratieef ,o very much for sending me your most BINDER TWINE WE HAVE A LIMITED SUPPLY OF 650. FT.. BINDER TWINE WHILE IT LASTS. ALSO A CAR OF CHOICE CEDAR POSTS IN STOCK. WESTERN FEED GRAINS, CONCENTRATES HOG AND POULTRY FiEEDS; SALT; MOTOR OIL, ETC., ON HAND AT ALL TIMES Huron. Farm ere' Co- Operative R. J. COOPER, MANAGER HENSALL, Plume •t.Vo•••••••••••••••••••• - 1 115. A6m•Asi•••••••••••Mtkt 411.1_..----.�.,�. Hassey -Harris Advise Do not calf for parts, saying you need a part for Binder shaped like an egg, if it was squashed flat. Order by number, or better still bring old worn out or broken part along. THIS WILL GIVE YOU QUICKER SERVICE EARLY. M -H. PARTS FOR M -H. MACHINES Tel. Shop 149 Oscar Klopp I�rs, f�7 4.� MASSEY - HARRIS for Canadian Farm. The Service Arm, welcome parcel which I received yesterday, and I can assure you all there is nothing more appreciative `ve ' they say, front for a whole week, and there was the parcels vslife in waiting, than a parcel containing the nus articles whlch are impossible to b this -tele We all hope and obtain on side, it just seemed to p.-- know this wet will be over in the them, after not having shaved t n near future, when we can be home over a week and having just eaten Vain with our friends and relatives, and slept when and where they g Thanking a nice clean box, life once more. �n getting live machine gun =dugs to enjoy and the g shj canopy of you again.. for the parcel. -.l remain l full of good Canadian food, and swash i that ripped inches overhead, and Dear. F. J. Farwell. Ito thauk you one and all helpbei• surrounded by the smoke and dust Dear Mrs. Rose: week from that the Ploys could not such! of heavy demolition charges at this 1 received ale bothot last w ' now I light good when there were r of are in I't enc n looking after them back 1 camp today. The regular training in„ by boys who good wontc and would you believe it they rl'. ., Canadian infantry reinforcement ' ,� sen( Home. So will you please thank the • highlights in the 1 >, evied them parcels you ]eau. ...ladies one and all for both myself the till you that cv ever boys. Thank you'• occurred before the eyes oft ll, jort'i .. and told Ina. to and niy two E. Potts, connn t ...ni, r- thing in it. was fine and did it back �„ 1111 t+ 1;:tk� r. aly District '�a ti- taste good, they had just . wi ), . l t .. 1' 1 ,. ' Ct'artt i1t,. tiring liar:. <,+,. y win!), ' LIVE AMMUNITION USED Camp 1pperwas'h, Aug- 11 -• Cana adian infantry, in the last stage. o� their training, plunged through tans Fled underbrush and wire, beneath a 4 4 -41 1