HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-08-17, Page 1• Z.UR1C Established 1900 ALD ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 17 1944 Chester L. Smith, Publishelt $ 1.50 a Year in Advance Help the Herald to publish your summer Visits and Visitors `HIEL'S HAIRDRESSING NOTICE We have recently installed a Flew Shelton Waving Machine lend can serve the public now better than ever. Be sure and rive us a call. MRS. FRED panaug, (Proprietress . Betty Anne Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS Che Better Oil Permanents applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. Vend besides all this is our years of Experience in all Hair Deeming. DIVE US A CALL! Phone 68 four your Appointments. MRS. EDW. GASOUO, Zurich EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Hockendorn, Pastor Mrs. M. Oesch, Organist SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m.—Divine Worship. ,11 a.m. Church School No Sunday eve., Services July -Aug. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. Rev. E. W. Heimrich, Pastor 10 a.m.—Divine Services. 1'1.15 a.m.—,Sunday School. No :Sunday eve., Services July -Aug. Everybody Welcome to all Services -,Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. 0.. • OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN t+ODERICIEf - ONT. • Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. .Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. -44+++++ +++++++++++14•+++, a++++++++t+++, +++++++++• + q E. xrrn *ifman ante*. `' amt ca 24.11•. �illltt bili :I: Ort tide AirAtia>r���5 5.30,c�. � �� � .+ ::.moi. Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance • of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. • MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. i, DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 " �" .. + Dashwood Ontario a• 4. e4-4.4-4-:•++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++44-10 OUR GROCERIES Our .Stock of Groceries is always kept up-to-date in quality as well as quantity when at all possible. `Selling "The Best for Less- has always been, our •slogan, .and we still .endeavour to maintain this .standard. CLOTHING FOR ALL we are happy to be in a position to show you just the kind of clothing you -will prefer, Men's, Boys', and Ladies. ?radically everything you will require 'to wear. DRY GOODS, ETC. `Our shelves of suitable Dry Goods, Yard Goods, "Etc., is here for your inspection, and invite the pub- lic in to see the teen" lines we have to offer re- gardless of the rater difficult conditions in proc- uring these items. Mi$RNI3R Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND DANCING NIGHTLY Glen Bricklin's "Music With A Beat" GREAT NEWS! SUNDAY, AUGUST 20th. RETURN ENGAGEMENT FRED FUNK'S VARIETY ENTER- TAINERS • A complete different Show that their previous appearance here. Thanks for your grand support on our Red Cross ;Concert. The latest returns show about $620.00 collect- ed. • HAY COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Hay met at the Township Hall, Zurich, on Monday August 7th, 1944 at 8 pare for their regular monthly Meeting.- The eetingThe minutes of the previous meet-, ing were read and adopted; follew- ing this, several items of correspond- ence were dealt with. Tlie following motions were then passer: That the Clerk be authorized to sell debentures for $4,000.00 to cov- er the eoat of the Zurich. Rock well No. a. That t letter of June 7, ' '44 a.s received from Mr. Jean Cantin and presented to: the Council on June 5th 1944, be filed for the present, pend- ing inquiry by Mr. A. H. Erskine, Collector of T'ax Arrears. That the B'ud'get for the year 1944 be adopted and that the rates be con- firmed by by-law. That the request of the Board of Trustees of the Police Village of Zurich, a. rate of TO mills be levied on the ratable property in said Vill- age for 1944:. That at the request, of the Board of Trustees; of the Police Village of Dashwood a rate of 10.5 mills be levied on the ratable. praperty in said Village for 13944. Thai:. byrlay No. 1a be read a third time.. That, thee Chairman of the Zurich Police Trustees be authorized to sign all cheques: that pertain to Zurich Police Village accounts, iin conjunct- ion with' tiie Township Clerk. That accounts covering payments on 'Township Roads, Hay Telephone, Retie:[', arrd general Township Acco- unts 11 irassed as per voucher. �ZYH. F. Weseloh is spending a few weeks at London. Mrs. Harry Rose spent a day at London last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mero and Billy visited in Hayfield on Sunday. Rev, and Mrs. Lloyd Kalbfleisch and family of Elmira, are holidaying with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oliver of 'St. Marys spent a few days vacation at the: home of Mrs. Chas. Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bedard and fam- ily of Detroit, are holidaying with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bedard of town. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Siebert and family 'of Detroit, who spent a few weeks at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. W. L. Siebert of town, 'returned to the city over the week- end. Dir. Erwin Schade of near Dash - woad has returned home after an op- eration for appendicitis at St. Jos- eph'e Hospital, London, and is getting along very well. . Wm. O'Brien motored to Port Hirr"cin last week, where he enjoyed sevenei days and was accompanied by Mrs.. O'Brien and daughter Miss Oliver who. had been visiting relatives and friend's at Crosswell and Port EIurin for a few weeks. M::and Mrs. Harold Johnston have mov;d their effects from their former 'resi cite fire north end of town to the ence recently purchased on t;,i ,.part of Louisa street : .Mr. and' i3t Johns -tan. Have• made consid- erable improvements tins property before moving therein. The prop- ert they vacated has been sold to Mrs. Jolinston•'s parents, Mr. and Mrs Chris. Gingericb of the Branson Iine, Stanley Townslein, but do not expect to occupy sanre just at present. Fire of unknown origin created a considerable excitement in town Iast Friday afternoon wlien a srnaIl build- ing used'by the Beichert butcher bus- iness took fire and eertainly did go for a few minutes• t'ill the fire bri- gade arrii'ed and' poured' on ehemmc- al.s and' a stream of water which soon had it under control. There was quite a ,bre.eze blowing at the time and luckily it was. put out so soon as there weresoiree, frame build- ings near by. Family Re-U•nior Abort 160 aattend'ed! the. Jrinfh an- nual, Thiel reunion at. Victad e;Park, Kitchener, on Civic Haliday.. Presi- dent. Simon Thiel of Kitchener and Ald. Clarence Seibert, the latter re- presenting the city„ welcome the guests. Ald Seibert. presented the president with the key to the city. Rev. Nelson Dahnis of Roseville led the devotional period. He offered a Hay Manic, Tel. System—T. H. prayer for members who have been Roffman, salary 8235.05; do extras bereaved during the year anti for the 102.75; 13e11 Tel. Co. 562.83; H. G. safe return of those absent; on active Hess, salary 235.65; C. L. Smith service. Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Corn - 4.50 Northern lctee. Co. 155.70, well led a sing=song; around a port - total 1'297.08, able organ. "happy birth.daye! were IZeleef —John; "uplat $22.10; li... j` ng to two members,who;sue cele- !elrating theday; Pima nceordian Denozcrme 25.00. Taal $47.2. numbers were contributed b;}: Tom Hay Twp., General Acct. Laing, insp. $13.6.00; Queen Alex.. Sam., $9; Herb Bloch, insp. 1.10; Rea Lawrence 572.00; T. R. Patterseee $G,4a; Exeter Tanes, Adv. $2; Beatty Bros, 1,056.21; Wm. Watson $48; (2, L. Smith 45.70; Munic. Weed. 20.64; Julius. Thiel .75; Battle of Montreal 144.88; Ont. Munic. Board ell; Geo Armstrong $5; Maw;' 1,tunic. Tel. Systole transfer $2,000e, Total $4797.20. Hay Twp. Roads — Dam., Road Mach'y C.o. 121.18; Thee, Welsh 128.80; Ed. Stelck $a; Hy. Brown 4.37; Claire Geiger $Z; Wrn .r North- cott 18.30; M. Dietr, labor, oil, etc. 269.88; Exeter Times, adv. 3.20; C. L. Sinith 6.30; Gutta Pereha 71.27; Ed. Erb 4.33; Ed. Stine 2.60; Tom. Laing 16.45; (:Tenn Dietz 91.70; W'. F. Jennison, crushing 404.36. Total $1147.74. Motion that meeting be adjora:rned to me"t again on Tuesday Sep,teenber 5th at 2.00 pan. R. W. Brokenshire, Clerl, Clete:, W4 Aelilstrong, *eye, 1 Gardiner and: Herman: ,l��.uscl�ild,Miss Doreen Thiel plowed: twa numbers on the tonettre After a llro•gramme o:Q sports the dug of war• was aeon by the members 1,i•om Mitcllell. The oldest person present wee, iir<lre ; Thiel, 84 of Zuric: , and thee reereigest, Jimmie Hanlon, aged six weeks of Stratford Earl E.]tert of eetoele was the tall -II est nate and Muriel Scutes of Ottawa the sl,artest woman, The guessing: conte et was even by' Mrs. Stanl.,i Watt of Mitchell. 1aests were pres- ent. from Toronto:, Mitchell, Zurtell, Senforth, W+odstoek, Elmira, Lond- ore Hanover, Rirodhagen, Detreet, St Catharines, Ottawa, Gowanstown, Byron, Centre, ,Mich; Morenaia, N.Y. New Hamburg, St. Marys, Rostock and Gadshill, The next reunion next year will be held at Mitchell on Civic Ilolidny. The new ofboers, all :from Mitehell follow; Hon, pres., Adam Thiel; president, Lloyd Thiel; vice, Arthur Robinsga; secy., treas. ;firs. Harold Thiele eports convenrea Ben Thiel; kiteliaa envener, eleee Than; A lovely 'Brtda1 Wreath" onsemble I n dainty twin -heart design, "14'1914 WAH � PeRErfectT DIAMONDS `• t a r guaranteed quality and out- standing value! ; FREE INSURANCE A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For positive identification 4 the World's Finest Anthracite ask kr BLUE COAL A/filler Creek Coal, Rte Farms Milling Co. V timized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid' Eggs wording to Grade. W. 'y' . DAVIDSON Pone 10' - Hensel] O•10 0 •r 00.06 @0410410060 0•OM I Westiake _. • -------------- ••••••'••••••0•••••••••0••' Brokensnire FUNERAL &AMBULANCE • _ SERVICE jcort forta a Hospital Bed for Rent ••i Day and Night Service 11141••••r• 111006441840/0641646011411110•11081141 Ik44::1!441.4+4,++++++,+ ++:- •: -r +++++++++++++++++++++.F+++41 Phone 1158, Zurich BUILDING MATERIALS 4E We are now,•in aposition to supply and. Material for Local Building We still have a. large quantity of Lumber, Chip - rock, Wallboard,. Flooring, Nails, Et e, on hand. LET LIS SERVE YOU!! F. C. KALBFLEISCRL & SON Phone A - - ZURICH + + 4 le+4:4+ II°+++++++4 + +++++++++++++i'+++++fir++++++++++++++4H We are,:,Salesmeir. fb.r the Fam- ous Nw Firestone; Pr'aJucts. \ 're always carry a good line. cif Dry Goods, Hardware.. Paints, Chething for all theater, ers of the Family. Only fresh Groceries• kept in Stock-. The Blake Store - E. Schwarteentruber, Prop, Mi RE EXTRA VAE:int IF YOU ARE ELIGIBLE TO REPLACE TIRES, WE WILL HELP YOU MAKE OUT THE i'1ECESSATRY FORMS