HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-08-10, Page 6Four Reasons --- 9A.rnong Many Canadians are bolding and buying more Victory Bonds because they realize: that in 1944, Canada's war expendi- tures may be the highest of any year to date and must be financed. --that increased war production will shorten the war. -that Victory Bonds are the best safe. guard against the needs of the future. '—that Victory Bonds are the most secure and saleable investment, and yield a good interest return. There is no better investment than Dominion of Canada Bonds. IJold and Buy Morel 36 King serest areae Wood, Gundy & Company Toronto Telephone: Elgin 4321 Limited Assionateasieseemewsamel OTTAWA REPORTS That Canadian Wheat Supply In 1945 Will Probably Be.„ 10 to 15% Less Than In 1944 Canada's wheat surplus at the close of the current crop year is expected to be between 330,000,000 and 850,000,000 bushels compared with 594,000,000 at the end of July, 1943, but crop prospects are such as to suggest that total wheat sup- plies in Canada during the next 12 months will be perhaps only 10 to 15% less than they were in the crop year just corning to a close. * *' * Reductio) in prices of imported farm machinery, as a result of the Budget announcement of the can- cellation of duty and war exchange, will amount to about 952% on gen- eral line implements, 11'14% on ' cream separators, 55•5% on tractors and 5% on tractor repair parts, ac- cording to H. H. Bloom, admin- istrator of Farni Machinery for Wartime Prices and Trade Board. * * * The new Federal bill to stabilize prices of agricultural products has its keynote in the clause providing that in prescribing prices, the ad- ministering board "shall endeav- our to ensure adequate and stable returns for agriculture by pro- moting orderly adjustment from war to peace conditions, and shall endeavour to secure a fair relation- ship between the returns from agriculture and those from other occupations." Legislation provides for the set- ting up of a Board of three to administer the Act and regulations passed from time to time. It au- thorizes the Board to prescribe, with the approval of the Governor - in -Council, prices at which the Board may purchase agricultural products in the market. Two alter- nate methods of stabilizing oper- ations are provided for: first, that the Board may purchase products at the prices prescribed, according to standards and grades covered by Acts now in existence, or which may be set up by the Board. In the alternative, the Board is em- powered to pay to producers the difference between the prices pre- scribed by the Board for any pro- duct, and the average price at which the product is selling on the open market, in case the average market price is below the prescribed price. Either method ?nay be used at any time according to what the Board determines is necessary. A revolving fund of not more than $200,000,000 is pro- vided by the Act for the Board's operation. All agricultural pro - You Can Profit From MILL -HOLE NEWS" That's The mane of our pub- iientlon, which brings gold) - share epee/lintel-tit up to date with latest diamond -drilling progress report)* of companlee !n the boons °annpa. 1!t will also keep you potcted on the potential big roney- nIakere in the drill-hole group of etoelt/4, partieulnrly of ri unria'mrtrine luelret in the Mud Lake flptrietn. No one who wants to make money in gold pining abates can afford to be without cur °YDrlil-Hole News's and it'd yours for the netting, without oblitration. Send for your4 tire* copy NOW. UNITED SECITIR i'IES CO. 371 ? a Y S#re et nT Toronto 1, Ont. :Please send Inc your "Drill - Hole News," it being under- stood that this request In- volves no obligation. 0. .0 .. r..rrrrr • `1'ry ...0 0.9 v4 iltid..., ««.... ducts are included except wheat which is already under the Wheat Board Act. By Anne Ashley Q. How can I Cleanwindow shades? A. Try rubbing them with a rough flannel cloth dipped in flour, Q. How can I ; give' a polish to cat glass? • A. Articles of cut glass will have a brilliant polish if a little turpen- tine is added to the water when cleaning them, Use about one ta- blespoon to two quarts of water. Q. How can I make rice pudding with raisins so that it will not curdle? A. Cook the raisins separately, as they frequently curdle the pudding, Drain off the water and add to the pudding when the rice is done. Q. How can I bring back faded colors? A. If colors have faded in a gar- ment, use a little vinegar in the rinse water after laundering and it will help revive the colors. Q. How can I make wall paper cleaner? A. Mix 1 cup of flour and a -cup cold water to a smooth paste. Add 2 tablespoons salt, 2 tablespoons vinegar, 1 tablespoon kerosene. Boil until it thickens, stirring con- stantly. Allow it -to cool, then knead thoroughly. Use the same as the manufactured kirld,. FLYING CHICKS ;a*btat' ,. ie \ix..v^`s,':4 ;,•A.., 4°:v$rrE:eti :ti Just 24 hours before this picture were eggs in California. United fondles chicksa which made trip bilities in transportation by air was taken in Chicago, these biddies Air Lines Stewardess Lyn Stauffer as experiment in post-war possi- of such items to foreign countries Strawboard Used. in Containers Those who are studying the request of the Hinde & Dauch Paper Company for wheat, rye and oat straw may be influenced by the knowledge that strawboard is urgently needed by tate Depart- ment of Munitions and Supply. Strawboard is used extensively in the manufacture of corrugated shipping containers for overseas shipments. It is also used in the packaging ging of certain foods for civilian requirements. King and Queen See Robot Downed The King and Queen •of Eng- land saw a robot bomb shot down rt short distance from where they were standing during a visit to an Good Way To Treat Sore, Painful Piles Here is the chance for every per- son In Canada suffering from sore, itchtrig, painful piles to try a simple hone remedy with the promise of a liabl re e firm to refund the cost satisfted twith the resu is are net getl apbot le off Siem-Roidg and use as directed. Hem -:Bold is an Intern. al treatment, easy and pleasant to Use and pleasing results are quiek- noticed leeIpansbidsserenest evd, insubsides and a the treatment is continued the sore, painfu] pile tumors heal over leav- ing the rectal membranes clean and healthy. Get a bottle of ileo. Reid today and see for yourself what an easy, pleasant way this 1s to rid yourself of your pile misery, NOTEt The hponxor of this notice l,* a re1Iairie firm, doing basines,, In Canada for over 20 years. If you tore troubled wish sere, Itching, painful plica. tteni.Roily nuns? help Yon quickly or the smnnll purchase pale* will be Kindly refunded. ack-ack emplacement, the BBC stated in a radiocast recorded by NB C. Their" Majesties were visiting the antiaircraft battery when a ro- bot bomb sputtered overhead. The ack-ack blazed away and the bomb continued on its course until S fighter plane dashing out of a cloud bank detonated the missile with a burst of its gun. ST of/Msesef i to l ��/leat/lasQr Qutckl Stop itching of insect bites, heat rade; eczema, hives, pimples, scales, scabies, athlete's foot and other externally eaused skin troubles. Use quick-acdag, soothing, antiseptic 1D., 0, D. PRESCRIPTiON, Greaseless, stainless, Itch stops or your money back. Your druggiyt steaks D, 0, D, PRESCIiIPT1I0N. HAY FEVER Attack sneezing, wheezing, sore nose symptoms right at their sources. Smear a little NOSTROLINE in each nostril Relief is instant. Sneezing stops. /Breathing's easy. NOSTROLINZ soothes, lubricates, disinfects, pro- tects. Also relieves eye irritation: For adults and children. S0c at ail druggists. OSTROLINE CLIFTON. T oN BRISTOL, ENGLAND' if yea suffer MONTHLY FEMALE' N You 'who suffer such pain With tired, nervous irritable weak feelings --due to functional monthly disturbances should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Pinkham's Compound Bears Narver. 'Thousands upon thousands have reported benefit, Fellow Mr.�abel dlreetions. LYDIA INMiIleM vEGEtAB1 COMPOUND Have You Heard? Two dairies were engaged in an advertising war, One of the Eottl- panies hired a daredevil racer to drive a car around the town with large placards reading: "This D redevil Drinks Our Milk." The rival company came out with placards twice as large, read- ing: "You Don't Have To be A Dare- devil To Drink Our Milk." ---o— Canadian sailor; "How fast are your aircraft carriers?" American sailor: "Can't stay. Never realy tried on at top speed yet. AU they've been re- quired to do so far is keep up with the planes!" Poetic Rover (to farmer): "And does this glorious setting sun mean nothing to you?" Farmer (mopping .his brow): "I'll say it does. It means 1 can eventually unhitch the horses and go home," —a, "I have a brother with a wooden leg," "Thais' nothing. I've a sister who has a cedar_. chest." —a Rustic: Ticket to London for the misses. Booking Clerk: First or third, sir? Rustic: Shl She's the third, but I ain't never told 'er about the others! Medium: "Ah, I hear the spirit of your late wife knock- ing," Man: "Who's she knocking now;" Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. Where should the waitress be- gin to serve at dinner, and should she then proceed to the right or the left? 2. When a girl is introducing a man to her mother, what would be the best phrase for her to use? 3. Is it in good form to send en- graved invitations to a christening? 4. Is "Your's Very Trudy" a cor- rect closing for a letter? 6. Wouldn't it be time enough for a bride to wait until she re- turns from her honeymoon trip be- fore acknowledging wedding gifts? 6. What does it mean when fri- candeau Is on a menti cai-d? . ANSWERS 1. She should first serve front the left side, the woman guest of honor, who is seated to the right of the host, then proceed to the left, 2. "Mother, this is James Gray." If the man should be probably ten years older than the girl, she may say, "Mr. Gray." 3. It is done oe- 1Id.11Y CHICKS' Easy to roll, deiightfuJ -- to smoke FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO casionally, but usually these in- vitations are extended ,hy informal notes and telephone. 4. No, as there are three mistakes in the phrase, "Yours", without an apo- strophe is the possessive pronoun. The word "very" and "truly" (not truely) should not be capitalized. It should read. "Yours very truly", 6, No; the gifts should be acknow-, !edged before she goes away, 6. "Larded fried veal." WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Lie Detector At its last meeting the American Psychiatric Association expressed its low opinion of the Be detector in a resolution which pointed out that the findings were wrong in about thirty percent of tite cases reported by Fred Inbau in 1942, that the feeling of guilt is too com- plex to be tested by any single instrument, and that the hardened criminal is more immune to the test than to the free interview and other modes of probing his mind, says The New York Times. No definite conclusions can in- variably be drawn when the lie detector is used, and even those that are valid are no more trust- worthy than ordinary confessions. SAFES Protect your ROOKS and CASH tram ES. We have a+sesilze and ty fvSafe, or Cabinet, for any purpose. Visit ns, or write for prices, ete, to Dept. iW, 1.5 Front St, E., Toronto Established 1985 4.6CJ,`PAIS'LI3R iJMoTEl3 TORONTO SAFE WORKS PULLETS: 13 ARRED ROCKS, NEW Rampshires, White Leghorns and other breeds 10 weeks un to lay- ing. Free catalogue, Top Notch Chiekeries, Guelph, Ont, PLAN .A.HEAD—.TAKE STOCK OF your needs—now is the time to place orders for September chicks and cash in on good markets. Get good stock, with a good record of production. Bray Hatchery, 190 „Sohn St. North, Hamilton, Ont. FREE RANGE PULLETS EIGHT wege eks of White Leghons, New alogue hiTweddleb1Cl fekFBatclier- les Limited, Fergus, Ontario, DYi.ING to CLEANING HAVE Yt)U ANY'I'HIN(; NIOB)DS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information, We areglad to answer your questions. Qepart- ment kJ, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street. "To- ronto. HA)RoxuxssING., AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE women. learn halydresstng at Can- ada s finest and largest schools. Refined, dignified work. Splendid pay. Write or call for free liter. t a ti re, Marvel a el Hair $08 Biota' Street, Toronto.gBranches 44 King Street, Hamilton, and 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. LEARN EAIliUllfNsIN(4 •'rHry Robertson method. fn formation on request regarding classes. Robertson's hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. PATENTS FaT ERSTUNHAUI;H & Ct.lA1I'Ale Patent Solicitors, Established 1890; 14 Icing West, Toronto. Booklet of information on re• quest pno'TOGIIA 1'!1It TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE RUL' REPRINTS 8 for 25c goo FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your flims to IMJ'IEIUAL t'IIUTO SER Vivre Station 1 Toronto. WAN'T'ED WANTED TO BUY: ALL KINDS OP hard wood and soft wood logs, also, small quantity bolts, Write fogdon Sr. Gross, Furniture Co. Ltd., Walkerton, Ont. 10-20 M.D. '7"J1,1("l'0HH, WILL J.K- ehoTitro for or hue h,p, lams or. Apply Louis Pfaff,' ,sill. 2, M(l- terton, MMEDJ CAL It is a, question in the minds of the •psychiatrists whether lie -detector findings are admissible as evidence/ in court, and this because the sub- ject does not submit himself volun- tarily to a• test. A lie detector may have its uses, but its findings should be correlat- ed with those obtained by other means and then only by compe- teat psychiatrists and psychologists. There are 7,000 dogs serving in the British Ariny today. It takes 60 days to train each one, and out completing the course each animal goes to a unit with his trainer, where the duties comprise guard- ing aerodromes, depots, dumps, in- stallations, power plants and sec- ret enclosures. Headache. • Nothing ism ore depres- sing than headaches... Why suffer?..,Lambly's f\ will give instant relief.' Lam lily's is good for ear. 1C• ache, toothache, pains in 7�1/1y .te back, stomach, bowels. d , HEADACHE POWDERS_ ia, NEURITIC PAINS? .HERE'S HOW to relieve that pain, take Perznoi Rheumatic Arthritic Pain Tablets, At your druggist's oa' send $1.00 today and receive one month's supply postpaid. Fermol Distributors, Box 712, London, Ont. GOOD ADVICE --ITS IMPORTANT ever. Pains or Neuritis should tryrDix- Store, 35 Elgin, Otta Ottawa. Postpaid *Los. STUAlAL H AND THREAD Wuluuii often the ell pages, NoIll-health im- mune! Why not find out it this is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars --Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies. Specialiste Toronto 2 ITS 1MP01 TANT—EV17RY SUI+'- ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixoni's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00, SAUMleteleA Pinta U,#Lai dust!uye offensive odor instantly, 450 bottle Uttawu agent, Denman Drug :R'ul'e. tlttawls I+'Oli sAL5; ATTENTION LADIES; 1317 THE center of attraction at next bridge party. Tell your own and friends fortunes. Wonderful amusement. Pack of Madam Signe tt 6 Fortune Cards with instructiontune s, of $1 postpaid. Novelty Dept, I3os IDs01,, Kitchener, Ontario. REMEMBER— W E DNES DA Y , AUG. 10t11, is the day. One P.M. is the ne. syrPerms, iaOt ithe place.ucton Sale of ?Registered Yorkshire Bogs is the reason. 10 Boars and 30 Bred Saws or more is the quantity. We have 300 head atfd herd has been closely culled, Geo. Robson, Mgr. of Shure -Gain 1")U'm, and 111r. Graham, O11 the Live Steel( ];ranch of the Department of Agricul- ture, have recently inspected the herd and we are pleased to refer you to them. We have always purchased the beat and, there- fore, believe we will he selling the best. Visit the farts any time and Our herd of Scotch Short-' hHAROLD 1yLSUM, Panni Manager; S. ,C. HADLEY, Owner; SYLVAN P A 15 M S, WHHIEATLEY, ONTARIO. 1001 DREAMS WITH A1rI ' ,ANi explained, Lucky and unlucky days. Ocult mpttuing of num- bers, 120 pages, nvell.bound, 50c postpaid. Novelty Dept, Box 14J1,, Kitchener, Ontario. 1"ARMALL F-14 ON RUBBER, AL - lis Chalmers 13, with mower at- tachment, three -furrow p 1 o w, two -furrow plow; two -furrow plow, tractor disc, (Massey-llur- xis), Yard two -ton truck (good - condition), Model A, Tudor, large power cider press, two large steam cookers. George Smith Durham, 34 NEW CANADIAN ARMY OP - Ikons' saddles and bridles, $40 set. apply 14 Wood street, Toronto. 1511 ARES POR SALhI, GOOD) hrri'dirute, No, 7 Ifighwcy, 20 miles oast x31, 78 sedeiaidehW.,7'Totr�onta. P01 SA1LE SL1PIT I4'ARN'I;SS DRIESSING — f'inest leather and harness pre- servative. Slipit also has many, houeshold uses- 25o up • at moat grocery, hardware and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Lab- oratories, Toronto. 25/40 RUML1Y TRACTOR AND 34/45 Mildmay Separator with, gratin thrower, Ebersol Feeder and Shredder. Richard Ingram, Rothsay, Ontario, NEW AND USED CAR AND TRUCK parts, Riverside Auto Parts, 515 Queen Street East, Toronto, LLP.A.U1:Jo MUTONS, N.CW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belt s, pulleys,brushes.bLtd., 2326 ilen DufferineSt., Toronto. PULI, SILL POULTRY CRATES 21.85, 1.033, St. Jacobs. Ivan Martin, St. Jacobs, Ontario. •FOR QUICK SALE TO CLOSE ]S- tate neer Beaverton, is acre land, furnished solid brick house, stable, garage and henhouse. Ap- ply Mee. Dixon, 8 Marion 51., To - route or Mrs, Jos, Hancock, Beaver ten, Ont. REPEATING TRAP NEST. HENS leaving nest reset trap, eggs Poll away, . l'I Y e trier eggs, ,prevents egg eating, Blue print instructions one dollar. W. 1611erton, Itiverhurst, Stiehl, BI1t11siou, CLOVER HLrL1:L+'Il, re;tdy to go to work. Roy Soand- len, 38 Evans .Arenas, Mintier), Ont. I'Ytuve:fl rims WANTED To DUX WE HA VIA LIUVERB WAITING echicken market town orvillaghoes in all parts of province. Send full Particulars in confidence at once. We make no charge unless we sell. Powell and Company, 5 St, Clair East, Toronto. WANTle) SLABS AND EDGINGS. 4' SOFT and hardwood. State kind, quan- tity, when cut and lowest prices 05 cats. WaltToSchloss. 11 r Me- linda Street, Toronto. F1:r,mhand---51ngle WANTED, EXPERIENCED WORK- er for dalry farm, pet'mctnent position, good wages; give ref- erences. es Box 146, 8 Richmond mond H]I I OIt! TEACHER WA1tI'T'f33) CARLL«",TON lOtiNTY—AsS1STANT. 1st c]nes certificate for C,rnde 13 cohtinuation school, 9tlh,tecta re- (faired — Mathematics, Science, I+ln(;lish, Defence Dal111g and other necessary 11tut liflea Bons; good duties to lcorli namenri ee iirl tk"nIl ?ry term of 1944, ,Apply to Ira ()woos. Sec- reter3•, b''!ferny harbour, Ont.