HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-08-10, Page 5POOH ONTARIO • Jr.•usmss cum •I Lout. NEws f. and Mrs. C, L. Smith made at WANTED CASH OJ . -FOX HORSES --Dead animals =Moved. Two-hour ger vice day six might. Phone Creedi. ton 47r1,6,, ska;Ilect. Jack Wit Barns. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITIO! TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless an to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not sated will make no chargee for Services* Ren - *red. , ARTHUR WEBER—fashwoed • Phone 57 12 VETERINARIA.N Or. W. B. , COXON, B.V. Sc. Y'l~TERINARY SURGEON Saco with Residence, StoreMiSkreet, OPPeOtteZurich lrbsne---9d. R. Campbell, V.S, i leadnate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All Weasels of domestic aninmalseprinciples, ted by the most modem night targe reasonable. Day or Who promptly attended to. Also Bre. *der of Scottish terriers. Inverness Kennels OMBee on Main Street, verrosite Town Hall. BUTCHERS Zurychs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins H. Yunghlut & Sou j. PRODUCE Farm Produce WANTED Have your Eggs Graded scien- ifically on our approved grad- ing Machine which gives the producer every advantage. Also Cream and Poultry. Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich Zurich Creamery Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus it premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg find Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellett - Proprietor. r�- JOSIAMINIMONMENOMMOMMINI INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK ME LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSI.NFAS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec 81st, 1936, $22,391,527.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $273,613.47. Rates—$4.60 per $1,000 for %Yeas E. F. KLOP'—ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- ;business trip to London on Frida .Mr. Ray Schilhe of Stratford Bp ttbe week -end at the home iof prLrents, Mr. and Mrs..Milfred Ochi Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Foster f I'i aor1, Mich., visited at the he of Mrs. Emily Fuss the past week Um Wm, Hay spent a few d at the ll1ozne of her daughter, and IN/Am. Gordon Prance on, Thames Road. Mrs. Oswald Fisher of Guelph spending a few weeks at the home her son Mr. And Mrs. Ray Fisher.. Ursebrr, axed Bruce Masse of Wii sor have left after spending t weeks at the borne of their paren Mr. and Mrs, ilex. Masse, 14th co .Messrs. Ray Desch and Jackie 0 Brien of the Armed Forces were ;s ek-end visitors withtheirparents Zurich. Mr. Carl Calfus atilt. boy friend, M Gates of Kitchener are. holidaying the home of the former', grancrtath Mr. A. Melick. Ernest Appleton, while 'working tlia Canadian Canners, Exeter, ha one of him toes badly crushed whe a large kettle fell on his foot, Mr- incl Mrs. E. E. Weido an family were visitors with .friends a Applegate, Mich., over Sunday an the holiday. Mrs. .Sol Williams of 'Seaforth, ha the misfortune the past week to fal town eteire. and fracture her righ Arm. «. , _w I; Mr, 'and Mrs. Exias Charrette of Detroit and son Cpl. Harold and and Leonard, of Fortwood, Missiuri, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Ducharme, NIrs. Gideon Koehler received word of the passing of her uncle, (Herbert I+ow]ie of Galt, who was unmarried, and found after having passed away for some time. The cause of death is unknown. Civic Holiday passed off very qui- tly in town on Monday, with most people out of town, and those that remained home found plenty of work about the place. The summer' resorts were well patronized. east has lbe 1',o1n' • Tays fMa•. the is ,of LS ad, o ts, IL Ve- in r' at er at d n d t d d Messrs. Herbert and Norman Beir- erling, of. the Blue Water south and who have been for some time at Waterdown on a Iarge farm, have re- turned .•to their home on the Blue Water, a few miles south of St. Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. 'Moritz of Guelph were Sunday last visitors at the home Of ?ilr, Chas. Fritz. They were also guest, at Oakwood for the month of July, and enjoyed this va- -cation very much. Last Wednesday afternoon a heavy thunderstorm passed over Zurich and district, and a very heavy rain was in evidence. During the storm light- ning struck in a pole at the easterly part of town, and the erack was very loud and it knocked the Hydro oil for a few hours, Mr, E. M. Dagg, former manager of the Zurich Bank of Montreal, is making preparations to move to Lucan where he will take over the managership of the Branch at that place. Mr. J. H. Hendry who has been manager of the Lucan branch, has been transferred to Exeter. FOR QUICK SALE A used Motorcycle at $15. Apply to Fred W. Hess, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE 17 Stocker Pigs.—Apply to A. E. Oestricher, Dashwood. FOUND An Airman's fan coat containing keys in pocket, Owner please call at the home of Mr. Leonard Erb, Parr Line, Hay Twp., R. R. 1 Zurich, can have same by paying expenses. FOR SALE 13EES-50 colonies and all equip- ment. FARM -100 acres Con. 4, Stanley Twp., with full set of build- ings. Quick possession_ — W. C. Pearce, Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE 1Torses—I have two surplus horses which I world hike to dispose of both seven years old. Apply to Earl Gingerich, phone 22-96, Zurich. NOTICE The Hay Township Farmers` Mut- ual Fire Ins. Co. has bought a supply of Stirrup Ppmps which they are prepared to sell to the public at cot, namely $5.00 each, These pumps have been used extensively in Eng• - land in fighting fires and are highly recommended as a means of fire pre- vention. If you desire a pump, please call on Oscar Klopp at Zurich. II. K. Either, 'Sec'y - Crediton. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres of clay loam, well fenced and drained, eight acres of wood lot. Brick house, bank barn 40 -ft., cern- ent hog pen, sheds, garage, etc, Spring viol], running water in house. and barn; oil bath Beatty wind pump' supply tank. "Chi, farm is for sale at' 4 d`` ` Rods and allk nils of R Bre l •'r r<;t ]7 rlf. 11+rPr'. lev 111 Q' Loi. t 1. :i I Ilotulrl"+ li:ty Iw1f., bL+1f ? ] P.•t Go 7.flatIrt►i'�eee of r,n: ?a: CH HERALD GRANAiARY WEEvF,L 1'llja is the best time to get ,rid of granrywtiwegvil when most of the gra- nari :bre empty. Farmers wav>sild .be wel] alis-iised to clean out ecny old grain 411{] ,thoroughly spray waltws,and floors with coal -oil. The use of an oil can in {the cracks is a good Jirilea. It lou are ;I,ertain of having weevil YOU may "bc well advised to repeat tlxis operation. The weevil is often the cause of the grain heating in the bin. The 1b;S tles the4iselves are brown, about ,one-eighth &If an inch long. IN MEMORIAM Sehhilbe—ia loving, memory of our little daughter, Dorothy Nan ,Schilbe who passed away eight years ago to- day, August 10, 1936. In our home she is fondly remembered Sweet memories cling to her name, Those who loved her in life sincerely Still love her .in death just the same. --fiver remembered by ..Mumm}-, Daddy and Kenneth. 'Spring Shoes THERE IS A .FIND SHOWING OF NEW SPRING SHOES AT DATARS FOR LADIES, GENTS AND CHIL- I (ESSENTIAL -zeMillesemmeelror4seermalumm.,,arrw'aeleereimemeraese Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY' Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTTE. WAR INDUSTRY) DREN. BD; SURE TO COME IN AND SEE THEM. ALL VERY REASONABLY PRICED FINE STYLES AND GOOD VALUES ED. J. DATARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR and SHOE REPAIRING TRUNKS AND SUITCASES ilayamalo.0.111Nitsta.o...••••••••• TRY 1 E C K F L' S own Talk" Bread t. also CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES, AND T SWEET GOODS, ; a;• 4 a All Ingredients Used are of the Highest Quality 'I ALL CONFECTIONS -- ICE CREAM 4. + OUR STORE 1S CLOSED MONDAY., WED., & FRIDAY NIGHTS 4- Eckel's Bakery -- Zurich + Telephone 100 Kt4+14.F44-fi-„€.•3.3-++.1-i-i-k✓r-f--l-K'i--H,., ._.s✓r^3--F•3•-i-ti,++.a.-§--f--F^I--4 1 i..I-+ + +'i +14 s • r•••,►••.•4*••e•••••••••• ***0.* "Y*.M******i*r*i*•{1•♦*• or BINDER TW�j ► I 1 � ► WE HAVE A ,LIMITED SUPPLY OF 650. FT.. BINDER TWINE WHILE IT LASTS, ALSO A CAR OF CHOICE CEDAR POSTS IN STOCK. WESTERN FEED GRAINS, CONCENTRATES HOG AND POULTRY*FEEDS; SALT; MOTOR OIL, ETC., ON HAND AT ALL TIMES r ► M 4 ► Huron Farmers' (Jo- Operative HENSALL, Phone 115. R. J. COOPER, 1VIANAGER •e o►v*aF wdaeaoo**a•;e•asaa• ' ,e. .-.....wome Massey -Harris Advise Do not call for parts, saying you need a part for Binder shaped like an egg, if it was squashed flat. Order by number, or better still bring old worn out or broken part along. THIS WILL GIVE YOU QUICKER SERVICE EARLY. M -H. PARTS FOR M -H. MACHINES rel. Shop 149 Oscar Klopp Res. 67 MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arm, for Canadian Cosa YV/Rasst moserarimionimisimint Yes sir, 1 wear it on my arm and nil proud of it. For, G.S. means General Service --• on any fighting front anywhere in the world. It means that .I want to go overseas. Canada needs a lot of men like you and me. 1 know it's going to be tough, but the job has got to be done. So, sign up as a volunteer for overseas service. Remember it takes months of thorough train. ging to make you fighting fit. Come on fellows ---- let's go! WEAR IT ON YOUR ARM