HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-08-10, Page 4rtit 14, ONTARIO. ZURICH _HEI ALD Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND • LOOK! CANADIAN RED CROSS CONCERT SUNDAY, AUG. 13th. 9 p.m. Doors open 8.30 GLEN BRICKLIN ORCHESTRA BRUCE • SHARPE, Outstanding Can. Violinist MRS. BRUCE SHARPE, Concert tanist FRED FUNK, and his MALLET TRIO MARGARET LEWIS - .ACCORDIANIST A Remarkable Programme for young and o1.1—Every Artist giving his services free ---Not a cent 'taken nut for expenses or Overhead. DR..IWING FOR MALE 'COCKER. SPANIEL PUPPY, "CHAMPION NIP" --Bred by Bong Kennels, London. Last year this Concert raised $581.00. Please give all YOUR support again, and give the Red Croft.; much needed help. Many who tan's come send a ,tlonetion, and no matter haw email, it is very much ca'irp'redirlteti. Thanks! ;Iteer. Cleave of tx"r cl 'Bend, was in ,charge of the service in Blake church on,Sunday, . ,Miss Hern will be back on the ieem'ing Sunday. • The W.M.S. 'will be held at the church on Thers'day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey are be- ing visited by their daughter 'and 'fan ily from Kitchener, Ms. and Mrs. James Janrott and Mr. and Mrs. E. Jarrott and aughter Marie and Ruth Ann of Hillsgreen, visited Mr, and Mrs. H. 7iFinlay and family. number took hi the Red Cross program at Dr. Moffat's farm, Veena en Sunday evening. Some took in the races at 'G'bder- ieh, On 'Mon'day, civic holiday. BAYFIELD Jas. Day has purchased Act Edw- ards and Dean lots on Tuy1'1 +'S.t, and plans to build a summer leene in the near future. Mrs. Martha Jacob, matrem'ef the County Horne, Clinton hasperches- ed the McNeil cottage rem 'Cdlina st, and is improving same. Mr. John Rankin and "funnily . re - teethed to Indiana after having vis- ited his aunt, Miss C. 1'. -Rankin. LAW., Mildred Leitdh, I.CAF., da- ughter of Mr. and Mrs. -Wm. Leitch Goderich, visited her 'grandmother, Mrs. L. Leitch. Mildred is enjoying a leave after having -b'een in Eng- land for the past year and a half, Mr. and Mrs. Fo'vvlie of London, and Mrs. G. Kehler of Zurich spent the past week with Their sister Misses F. and E. Fovea. F.O. Frank W. Burch, RCAF. spent a few days with his wife and two children before leaving for Vancou- ver where he has been posted. Trinity Anglican church was:beau- ..•!6A••••••+R•••••••••••iB•.ower*.•®a1eN• •St Bonemeal We wish to advise the public that we carry a good supply of Bonemeal for your :Stock and will be pleased to supply your requirements. FEEDING MOLASSES It is some considerable time since this all inipoetant product has been on the market... But we were fortunate in securing a supply. Also have Cod Liver Oil, ..Etc. for Live Stock. Get your supply Now!.. our Chick Feeds The Chick Starter Season is with us again and we have all the called for Feeds such as Oat Hulls, Peat Moss, Sugar Copra, Grit, Oyster Shell, Char- coal, Etc., Etc. L. Sebilbe & Son CHOOSE CANDIDATE Flt Lt. Thomas Pryde, of Exeter, veteran of two ware and father of four sons on active service, in Hen- sall on Friday eve. last was nominat- ed Progressive Conservative candid- ate for the Aaron -Perth riding in the next Federal election. -George Wm. - Armstrong, present reeve of Hay Twp., and Huron County Warden in. 1942 also let his name go before the convention, and it was a very close contest. Fit. Lt. Pryde retired at the age of 56 from the RCAF at Lon- don. In the First Great War he serv- ed in the infantry and later in the R AF. J. W. Morley, chairman of the meeting stated the .meeting was call- ed to help select the type of man who will help John Bracken in the next Dom. government. "Our task is to eleet men who will do a good job in rehabilitating our returned men" said Mr. Morley. A. R. Douglas, of London, introduced Park Manross, of London, president of the Western Ontario P.C. Association, who outlin- ed or'g'anization work of the party in this district. The following was the officer. elected: J. W. 'Morley, of Exeter was elected president; 11st vice Carl Draper, Clinton; 2nd R. G. Parke, Seaforth; 3rd Mrs. N. Tre- wartha; 4th Wm. Kay, Cromarty; secy. Clark Fisher, Exeter; treasurer Richard Welsh, Exeter; Hon. presid- ente are John Bracken, George Drew and Dr. Hobbs Taylor, MLA., for South Huron. Mr. MacArthur was introduced by Dr. Hobbs Taylor. DISTRICT NEWS LOSE LIVES IN CRASH LANDING Two flying instructors from No. 9 Service Flying Training School at ' Centralia lost their live, as the re- sult of a crash landing at the relief field et Grand Bond Friday last. The two pilots were flying an Anson and were. making a landing when the plane crashed and both were serious- ly injured. The two men were taken bye ambulance to the hospital at the Centralia Airport, and they surwtred only a few hours. One of the officer,, was PO. Tho,. J. Muleair, aged • 27, of Outremont, Qua., and the other was FO. Clifford R. Russell Pring, aged 20, of Young, Sask. KILLED IN FRANCE Word has been received of the death in France of Sigrnn. Gordon R Luther, of Greenway community Mc- Gillivray Township. He was wounded July 10. Was well known in that com- munity and took an active part in ehur'ch and community twnh.;, was .r member` of Greenway United church and was active in the Young People's Union. He enlisted in 1:'24 and went overseas, March I1r43 ,n hi 3.ht year. A son of 'fr. ;elf! Mer•.'. Cromer. Lut'^e...., f ?TeCflI.7eree in 1'1.43 110 Diarrierl 11 nrl trot. Chinese, •velm 4urviv>:'r w:ih hie peeerit: ;Irlee., OE.ea Coavaleaeleeel.eseeieeleeeeeeakeelatif a sisters. TRAFFIC OFFICER ABOLISHED At a recent meeting of the police committee of Huron County Council held in Goderich, it was voted unan- imously to abolish the position of Co minty tral lc officer,- end that. Norman. Lever, who has held the position since 1929, be given one month's pay in lieu of the customary notice. The abolition. to take effect immediately. The County Clerk was authorized to ask for applications for a fourth Co- unty Constable to be stationed at Blyth. Each County Constable is to look after the traffic in his own area: J. Ferguson at Exeter; E. Snell at Seaforth; C. Salter at Wingham, and the one to be appointed in the Blyth area. TWO CLINTON PEOPLE KILLED Crushed when the wall of a vacant building collapsed, Mrs. A. J. Mc- Murray, wife of ex -mayor McMurray of Clinton, was instantly killed on Monday eve. last and William Walk- er, another prominent Clinton resid- ent, sustained fatal injuri.es., Me. Walker died in hospital during the same night. The fatality occurred on a farm in Tuckersmith where the party had gone to inspect the bricks in a vacant farm dwelling, with a view to purchasing them for use on the tower 'of Ontario Street United Church. The men were church offici- als. The wall is reported to have col- lapsed without warning, •striking down Mr. and. Mrs. Walker and Mrs McMurray, burying them beneath a pile of bricks. Mr. McMurray es- caped injury and as quickly as pos- sible dug the victims from the rub- ble. Mrs. McMurray was dead when her body was released. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mrs. John E. Pepper Mrs. John E. Pepper died on Sat- urday last at her home, Stanley Twp. She was born at Clinton, January 14 1879, daughter of the late Henry I Carter. On December 25, 1901, she married John E: Pepper and they made their home on his Stanley Township farm, near Brucefield. There also survive thme sans, Lorne Pepper, Niagara Falls, Ont; Ray- mond at home; Randall, of Warren, One; two daughters, Mrs. Frank McGregor and Mrs. John McGregor, Stanley Township. She was a mem- ber of Brucefield United .Church and the pastor, Rev. Atkinson, conducted the funeral service at the residence on Monday afternoon last. TnTtern- ene was in 13aird's Cenreter•, Stanley Twp. BLAKE Mrs. V. Heyes and Mrs, M. For -et r eet of Moose Jaw, spent a day with! Mie. Harold Finlay and flint i1y. A ntunber• attended the funeral in (Clinton an ;;uedee of Mr. T. Ray, to.. I'rtyfleld cemetery. tifully 'decorated with flowers .en Sun- day last for the 90h anniversary services. In the Inortling the Rev, H. O'Neil, Principal of Huron, College delivered a very constructive address While in the evening Rev. R. M. Bulteel of St. Paul's church, 'Clinton delivered an (inspiring sermon, HENSALL 1Vliss Alice Dougall of Toronto is holidaying with her mother Mrs. Win Dougall. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. 'Cross and Miss Goldie Cross, R.N. ,of Toronto, were holiday visitors to 1VIanitouli'n Island. Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Hayter and children of Landon were holidaying at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. .Bell. Ptes. Carl Schwalm and Lee, of Hamilton were holidaying with their mother, Mrs. P. Sohwalm. Mae and Mrs. Arthur Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton ,Smith of Win- dsor wer visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Consitt. Mrs. W. R. Davidson who under- went an operation in 'the hospital in London recently is much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook and members of the family have return- ed home ofter a month's vacation at Grand Bend. Mrs. Laramie, Greta and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lammie and friend were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Hess and daughter Ruth in the Pinery. • • Earl ISoldan, son of Mr. and Mrs Wni. •Soldan, No. 4 Highway, while cranking the tractor on his father's farm, accidently injured his arm. He was removed to Scott Hospital, Sea - forth for X-ray which revealed a Tlalarsday, Audi o, 1944 lowl-Honlimlimil- INN KLOPP'S ONE -S TOP SERVICE MARATHON GAS A Gas known to every motorist. Why take chances inferior Gas when you can buy y Good Gas at Regular Prices. Engineered Lubrication At Klopp's You get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 1 hinds of Grease. We invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car and see how Trained Attendants Grease Cars Expert Repairing We use the KING AN ALYSER toproperly Tune Up your Motor. CLEAR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS ANI) STOVES' at 25c. Gallon Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up-to-date Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us service and "„Pep Up" your Car for the Colder Weather and Heavier Roads HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE C. Fritz & Son Used Car Lot in Connection PferIPPO in fracture. Mr, J. D. Buchanan, of London, was a recent visitor with his mother Mrs. A. Buchanan. Rev. R. A. Brook of the United Church is away on holidays during the month of August. Mrs. Luker and daughter Gladys, were recent visitors with friends at Auburn. Miss Dorothy Brazier, having spent two week at the home of her sister, Dr. and Mrs. Steer returned to her duties. r..........••.... -, r..iW.....,...... Late Ralph Wosktnan, Ralph Workman, who passed away at the Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit,. was fosznerly of Huron County, 'born at Rogerville, just south of Iiensal.l,. 60 years ago. He later lived in lien• sail, Tuckersmith; Stanley Twp., and: on the Parr Line. As a young man he went to Western Canada, late* going to Flint, :Mich., where he re. sided for the past 29• years. He en. tered into. business life and becama well known in motor sales. Surviving• are his widow„ two daugl;zterse and. four brothers. y; v► •yy tiS S �� y ��sfig�� g'9 4°5o�� 0i°50ssVyg y s 10'.1,t,5woj �F ° A • cx. '9g� ° G °`0.��� �' TO PRUE y T INFLATION Now AND DEFLATION LATER COSTS ` • e • GT ZA.L TO PRUI�Zg 110001 TROY ESS C071TR0Y' OR�ASr . / p OE C 11a PR O Y OIATBO TE,R We V� OUS ST OF 1.11:1111C. Y 001'10.01A °TRO SOOTIER OR WA EPR p CT COSTS. a ITiFLATIO 00.01110T OF CANADA �,D Rg L a wOggE MR. FARMER: ESSENTIAL TO KEEP DOWN COST OF WHAT YOU BUY, THIS IS TO HAVE CEILING ON FARM PRICES, DEFLATION IAND DEPRESSION LATER. F T TAL TO PREVENT INFLATIONNOW OUTLOOK FOR STABILITY IS FAVOURABLE- WITH CEILINGS ON TOP AND FLOORS BENEATH. GOVERNMENT OF CANADA, Controlled prices, wages, costs. profits mean security WAGES If one breaks through .. Soon all would beak through . And stability woulri go all to pieces 0. WE CAN A.I.I. HELP 0Y SuPPOR'f'ING CONTROLS OVER PRICES, WAGES, RENTS AND PROFITS :as