HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-08-10, Page 1ZURICH LD established 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 10 19 44 Chester L. Smith, Publishes! $1.50 a Year in Advance Help the Herald to publish your summer Visits and Visitors THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING NOTICE We have recently installed a new Shelton Waving Machine end can serve the public now Witter than ever. Be sure and give us a call. MRS. FRED TELE, Proprietress Betty Anne Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. :And besides all this is our years of Experience in all Hair Dressing. GIVE US • A CALL! Phone 68 four your Appointments. MRS. EDW. GASCHO, Zurich Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment.at A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST 8c OPTICIAN GODERIOR — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Hackendorn, Paster Mrs. M. Oesch, Organist SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m.—Divine Worship. 11 a.m. Church School No Sunday eve., Services July -Aug. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH -- ONT. Rev. E. W. Heinrich, Pastor 10 a.m.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. No Sunday eve., Service• July -Aug. Everybody Welcome to all Services 21", ) COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER xar._ Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. +++++++++++++44+++4-14++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4. -4 d Dashwood — Ontario 44+++++++++++++++++++ I •i d $•'I +++++++++++++++++++++++++t+ .. arra offinnn lunerat lOome (SOUVENIR) (1)tx tilt Art^ gatttrclatg,5 atiiitetztlf Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 OUR GROCERIES (Our Stock of Groceries is always kept up-to-date in' .,quality as well as :quantity when at all possible. Selling "The Best for Less" has always been our slogan, and we still endeavour to maintain this :star•darsl. CLOTHING FOR ALL 'We are happy to be in a position to show you just the kind of clothing you will prefer, Men's, Boys', and Ladies. Practically everything you will require to wear. DRY GOODS, ETC Our shelves of suitable Dry Goods, Yard Goods, 'Etc., is here for your inspection, and invite the pub- lic in to see the —many lines we have to offer re- gardless of the rather difficult conditions in proc- uring these items. J. 140 25 YEARS LEADER Nation wide congratulations were extended on Monday to Prime Min- ister W. L. MacKenzie King, on the celebration of his 25th anniversary as leader of the Liberal Party in Canada. A. very appropriate event was held in the evening suitable for the occasion, for so long a period as leader of his party. DASHWOOI•) Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Rile are sp- ending their holidays with friends in Detroit and Lansing, Mich. 1VIrs. J. T. Petzold who has been visiting with her mother, Mrs. Ho.op� er and sister Mrs. E..- A. Guerithe left for her home in Dunedin, Floe ida on Monday. ire {vy yy++(( -sine Tie . v Kation in Kitchener. ' Miss McMath of Goderich visited with friends here last week. Mrs. J. Snyder who spent the past week with her mother, Mrs. Hayter, returned to her home in Brantford on Saturday. Russell Hoperoft is spending a few weoks with friends in Woodbridge. :rlr. Sam Witzel of Toronto, is spending a few days withh is mother Mrs. Witzel this week. Gnr. Albert Miller of Niagara, is spending his furlough at his hone. Mr. and Mrs. Melton WaIper of Ingersoll were week-snd visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P. Fassold. Mrs. A. Musser who has been ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. Haugh. is improving slowly. Miss Lena Steinhagen of CIeve- land is visiting with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Steinhagen. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Restemeyer and Miss Onieda Restemeyer, R. N. of London, and Gnr. Donald and fri- end, spent the holiday week -end with their parents, r. and Mrs. 'Otto Rest- emeyer. Mr. and :1IIrs. Ed. Nadiger and da- ughter Helen are spending their va- cation with friends in Mt. CIemens. Jimmy Taylor of London, spent the week -end at his home here. Mr. and. Mrs. W. ,Sandercock of London visited with relatives here last week. The Gossman reunion which was held here on. Sunday was attended by many relatives. i'Ir. and Mrs. Harry Hopf and two. daughters and Mr. Henry Hop! all of Clifford were Sunday visitor, with Mr and Mrs. Thos. Hoperoft. `Tr. and Mrs. Derby and family. and Mrs. Cowan of Hanover were week -end visitors with Mr. and' Mrs: Harold Kellerman. Mrs. Fulton of Toronto r., visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis of Exeter and daughter Mrs. Burkhart of Cle- veland visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Steinhagen on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mosher of Evanston, I1L., Mrs. Hinton of Toronto, Mr. ar'd Mrs. Melvin Brown of Kitchener and Mrs. Brown of Crediton were ::oliday visitors with Rev. and Mrs. .1. Burn. 'air. and Mrs. P. 'Humble of Sar- nia and Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hum- ble of Belville were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Gates On Monday. The Bethany Sisters Sunday school class of the Evangelical church will hold' an ice-cream social on Gosti- man'c l iwn on Saturday evening. Pie cake and home-made ices cream will beserved. Dashwood Dand is expect- ed to be present. Y'rcxPt+,ybtrdy 1S cordially invited, art' Dr. A. J. Addison of Clinton call- ed in town Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Meyers were visitors with friends in Michigan for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Brown and son Douglas, Mrs. McKinley, and daughter of Toronto were vising with relatives in our village. Mrs. T. L. Williams and Miss Jane Lamont have returned home after Bend. spending a week's vacation at Grand .Mrs. L. Warnock who has been a visitor at Goderich has returned to her home in town, and was accom- panied by her daughter, Mrs. Par- ker who is visiting here. The knitting committee sent anoth- er. shipment to headquarters contain- ing 30 prs. airforce blue socks for men; 30 prs. grey socks for men; 30 Kan'ki helmets, also a number of miscellaneous articles. Thanks, alot, to the knitters for their help. Mrs. Irvin Schilbe en Tuesday afternoon had the misfortune while going to the garden to trip over a louse board and badly sprained her ankle. She will be partially laid up for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Datars, Mr al f Mrs. Edw. Datars, Mr. and Mrs. `'''red Schilbe, Miss Anna Datars,i" sa. Edward Datars, Sr., and Mr. TMrs. Milton Oesch spent tn.,ev- g last week at, the Ducharme i h' -- ;_, Rev, an Mrs A;: J. I)at.- .t. i�•ho are �enjayir,b,, the ireli, eooi .."-a,.ic,,• of the lake at the cottage owned by Mr. Albert Hess. To Provide Transportation On Saturday evening at 8.30 p.m. a meeting will be held in the Zurich Puhlic School in the interest of pro- viding transportation for the High School scholars attending High Sch- ool at Exeter. The County Inspect- or, Mr. Staples will be present and it is to be hoped that some decision will be reached upon. Zurich was always badly in need of such accom- odation for its students seeking ad- vanced secondard education. All parties in the community that are in- terested are urged to attend. OBITUARY 61.04 FORA LIFE TIME A Iovely "Bridal Wreath" e n s crab!. t n datnt/ twin -heart design. IpfL WREA'T'H Perfect ,• B DIAMONDS FREE INSURANCE A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For positive identification s the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coal, Roe Farms Milling Co.. Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid fell Eggs according to Grade W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensall &seeeeeoeoeoeoeaeeeeoeoeooweeive 1 Westlake - Brokenstire Iry FUNERAL & A11/LBULA1 �E i S E+,E Comfortable Hospital Bed for Rent • Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich 1111e0s00e0ecesussoeeeeoee0 •ee00000aeoeeeeeoeeeeaertr E++:+++++++++++++++++,- 6..i•+•4•Gi•++4d.•14.g..¢.+.F..2.fi..?..p.a..i•+k+++4+1 8' Mrs:. John: E Gingerich 4. Following a short illness, Mrs. t Rachel Gingerich of Baden passed a- I way in Kitchener Hospital Friday last ,I, in her 86th year. .She was a daughter + of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Oesch .t. and was born in Hay Township, Hur- on County. Following her marriage + she resided in the Baden district and t was a member of Steinnian's A. -M. + church. Besides her husband, she is 'I' iurvived by three. sons,, Peter, Ed- mond and E_ O. ,Gingerich, all of Baden.; two. daughters, Mrs. Annie Bruba.cher of Baden and Mrs. Aaron Bender o•f Crasshill; two brothers, Joseph Oesch, Biggar, Sask; John, Milverton; four sisters, Barbara Bre- nneman, Wcaterloo; Katie Brenneman Oast' liana and Nancy Roth, Imlay City, Mich. The funeral was held: on: Monday afternoon last from her tate residence to the Steinman A -M., church :for service, followed by irrr torment in the adjoining cemetery.. Late Mrs. John Ravelle Mrs. Jane Ravelle died suddenly of a heart attack on Saturday ai:.her home at Port.Blake in her 77th year. Mrs. Ravelle, who was the widow of the late John Ravelle, had been liv- ing alone and it was not anti) Sun- day morning that her death .became known, her body being found by Mr Alex. Hamilton while deliverig milk, as the door of the house was open and she was seen slumped in 'a chair. Mrs. Ravelle was born at Drysdale, being a daughter of John and Mary Howard and residen at Port Blake, near Grand Bend for 55 years. Her husband died three years ago. Sur- viving are a slaughter, Mrs. William Eisenbach, Detroit; a sister, Mrs. Mary Parrwitt, Calgary, and a brother George Howard, Exeter. The funeral. was lte)d on Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock, interment taking place Grand Bend Cemetery. Rev. W. v.Er. Cleave of the Grand dearer 'finned church of roiled. BUILDING MATERIALS We are now in aposition to supply and Material for Local Building We still have a large quantity of Lumber, Chip - rock, Wallboard, Flooring,, Nails, Etc., on hand. LEI US SERVE YOU! F. C. KALBFLEISCH & SON Phone 69 .. - - - ZURICH We are Salesmen for the Fang oris. New Firestone Products_ We always carry a good line of Dry Goods, Hardware, Paints, Clothing for memb- ers of the Family. Only. Fresh Groceries kept in Stock. The Blake Store. E. Schwi`lrtze.ntruber, Pray, 4 1 MORE EXTRA VALItt 1F YOU ARE ELIGIOLE 'TO REPLACE TIRES, WE WILL HELP YOU MAKE OUT THE NECESSARY FORMS