Zurich Herald, 1944-08-03, Page 5ZURICH,, ,ONTARIO BUSINESS CAMS WANTED CASH FON FAX HORSES ---Dead animals removed, Two-hour ser- vice day or night. Phone Cradle ton 47x15, collect. Jack .l ia- titans. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON. duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to Bell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no chargee for Services Reit- bred. ARTHUR WEBER ---Dashwood Phone 57 r 12 VETERINARIA.N Or. W. B. COXON,B.V.Sc. VETERINARY SURGEOMain N 'dice Opposite Drug Store ZnsiCb A. R. Campbell, VS, B.V.Sc. __ of Ontario Veterinary University of Toronto. All (tlasa>rm of domestic treated de principles, try the most terms reasonable. Day or night Also Eire sells oxo cattendedto. slsr Sottterriers.InvernessSonneIs. Ofce on Main Street, "Waite Town Hsii. BUTCHERS ZurichS' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins R. Yungblut •& Son -PRODUCE Farm Produce WANTED Have your Eggs Graded scien- tifically on our approved grad- ing Machine which gives the producer every advantage. Also Cream and Poultry. -Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 84, Zurich Zurich Creamery Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- acient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyer.s. A. L. Millett - Proprietor. INSURANCE Western Farriers! Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOOD -STOCK run LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN O:N'.ARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dee. 81st, 1936, $22,801,527.00 Total Cash in Bank axed Bonds $273,613.47. • Rates ---$4,50 per $1,000 for 8 Years, E. F. KLOPP-*-ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- ing Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance .... Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc,. Ado in this Column, FOR SALE • BEETS -50 colonies and all equip- mut. ' 'ADX--. 00 acres Con. 4, Stanley Twp., rvikli ul'1 set :of had - legs. Quick possession. -- W. .C. Pearce., 'Exeter, 9zit. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Village of Dashwood has .declared. Monday, August 7th as a public holi day, (Civic Holiday) and that all businessmen are asked to observe it as such.—Dashwood Police Trustees, FOR SALE . Horses—I have two surplus horses which I would like. to dispose of both seven years old. Apply to Earl Gingerich, ohone 22-96, Zurich. NOTICE The Hay Township Farmers' Mut- ual Fire Ins. Co. has bought a supply of Stirrup Pumps which they are prepared to sell to the public at cost, namely $5.00 each. These pumps have been used extensively in Eng- land in fighting fires and are highly recommended as a means of !fire pre- vention. If you desire a pump, please call on Oscar ICIopp at'Zuricdm. IL K. Eilber, Sec'y Crediton. HONEY FOR SALE We have choice clover honey for sale to our local customers for a limited time only. ---J. Haberer & Sons, Zurich. Phone 122. FOR SALE Dresses and Coats, sizes 12-14-1.0, seconds, very 'reasonable. Telephone 44, Zurich or Box 21.5, Zurich. .NOTICE The local Board of Health of Hay Township requests that parents who have children with coughs and colds to. keep then from Church and Sun- day school and away from other children, until they are doubly sure that these children are not getting Whooping Cough. This may be the means of saving the life of some child or" baby. Local Board of Health Officials. WANTED Applications are requested from residents of the County of Huron for the position of County Constable for the County of Huron. The successful applicant will be stationed in the Village of Blyth. All applications to be made to the Selective Service, Goderich, Ontario, by 1!2 o'clock noon on the 5th day of August, All applicants will be required to appear in person at theCourt House, Goderich, Ontario, at 8.00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 8th. FOR SALE A limited quantity of feed buck- wheat for quick sale.—Oscar Du- charme, Phone 98 r 2, Zurich. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 100 acres, being Lot 16, Con. 11, Stanley Township; has bank barn, frame house, garage and outbuildings. All in grass at present. For particulars apply to D. A. Steph- enson, R.R. 2 West Monkton, Ont. ZURICH HERALD ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON FROM THE Established 1900 (Member of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association.) Herald Printing Office SUBSCRIPTION RATES—x1.50 a year, strictly in advance. $2.00 may be charged. No paper discontinued until all arrears are pain up unless at option of publisher. The date of which every Subscription is paid is donated on the Label. ADVERTISING RATES nish but your local paper does. If you are not a subscriber to your local paper, you should be. Plan to have your name added to our subseriptioi; list as e0011 A5 y'oti catt. In Memoriam, one verse 50c. 25c for each additional verse, Card of Thanks 50c. Auction Sales ---$2.00 for one lie sertion if not over four inches hi length. Miscellaneous articles of not ntore than four lines. For Sale, To Rent, Wanted,Lost, Pound, Etc., one in- sertion 25e; 2 ins. 40e; 3 ins. 50c. Contract advertising made known qn application. Address all Communications to: HERALD OFFICE, ZURICI4. Mr. Henry 3Ds tars bas returned! fawn :a pleasant thiee weeks' visit' with friends ixa .the Thedford district•'. Rev, .and Mrs.:A1lbert Deters and fait"ii1•y ,of Kitchener, are spending two weeks' holidays at one of Albert'' Hess' 'eottages at the lake,, Dr. Archie Mac1 ieeton and friend', Dr. G. R. Carter left for Toronto to, resume their duties in the Cannought' Labatories. Mrs, Isaac Hudson Pf Seaforth, and sister, Mrs. ,Sam Merrier of Hen- sel' are visiting at the lame of theft brother, Mr. and Mrs. A. M,elick, also at the home of Mrs. feener's son, Roy and family of the 14th con. Mr. Wni. Thiel and daughter Mrs. N. Flescliauer and daughter Marion, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Heywood. near Exeter. They were accompanied home by Mrs Wen, Theil who had been there for several days. Mrs. Win. Redinger of Detroit and Miss Ada Wurm of New York •City, who have been holidaying et the homes of Mrs. Emily Fuss and Mrs. Bertha Block, returned to their re- spective homes on Saturday. Our mailing list has been correct- ed up till August lst, and we ask all subscribers to examine their Iabels and see that it reads correctly, If not kindly let us know and it will be corrected in due time. Civic Holiday will be observed in Zurich on Monday Next, August 7th. This has been decided on by the local Police Trustees, and is in line with other places in the district. So all places op business will be' closed. • By the looks of most' of the plum trees we are in for a good bumper crop. Now if someone could in- vent trees that grew the canning sugar, our good housewives would be all -set for a lot of fine canning. Following the cool and September - like weather of the past week, we are this week in the midst of some real warm, yes hot weather. It is good harvest weather, but just a rattle cooler would make the working go much easier. The local summer resorts in this vicinity all report as being filled to capacity, which means that there is a bit of loose money gingling in the pockets of the public to take a vac- ation. Mrs. Geo. W. Shore of Woodbridge and sister Miss M. M. Miller are vis- iting the Western Coast, and a broth- er which they have not seen for 44 years; one in Albert for 2.7 years; also a brother in Saskatchewan and one in Winnipeg. It has all been such a very happy reunion. Mrs. Shore and Miss Miller are sisters to Mrs. Sylv. Witmer of town. Mrs. Thos. Meyers received letters of appreciation for boxes that were sent to the boys beginning June: Pte David Meyers, Lt. Hugh MacKinnon, Gnr. L. G. Forest, who want to thank every one so much for their thought- fulness, kindness and interest shown to them, as these boxes of goodies mean more to them than we ever re- alize, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schacte and baby Phylis, Mrs. Wm. Schade of the 14th con., Mrs. Erwin iSchade and! children motored to London on Sun- day to visit with the former's sisters, Gertrude and Melvina Scnade, also visiting with Mr. Ervin Schade at St. ,Joseph's Hospital who is getting along nicely after his eppendix oper- ation. Attended Wedding The wedding of Miss Ruth Eick- ineir to Dr. Keith McGill of Toronto took place in Broadhagen church, on Saturday, July 29th at 4 o'clock. The reception was held at the Royal Ho- tel, Mitchell. The bride is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eickmeier of Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Eickmeier and son Bruce were in attendance at the wedding. Annual Reunion The Ninth annual Reunion of the Thiel Family will be held this year in Victoria Park, Kitchener, accord- ing to an announcement by Mr. Sim- on Thiel, President. As in past years the day chosen for the reunion is Civic Holiday (August 7th.) The committees in charge have prepared an interesting program and cordially itivite'a11 members of the clan to take this opportunity to meet their relati- ves and friends. lit, • Mue_h improved Road Those of us who have had the priv- ilege of driving over the Provincial Highway from Hensel] to St, Joseph known as the Zurich Road, cannot help butt comment of the fine condit- ion this road is at present. In facts we do not remember of ever seeing it in so good a condition. This is largely due to the untiring efforts of Dr. R. H. Taylor M.L.A., of Dash- wood who boa worked hard to have both the road through Zurich and Dashwood receive this treatment of asphalt and oil. There is no dust in evidence and the road bed is as even as a board walk. Dr, Taylor advises us that the plan is for next year to pull in the surplus gravel at the road sides and treat it likewise with the same material, and by doing this a few years a good foundation will bc' laid •for' a more pernmaneni asph:.lt I p,ive;melt ]_iter CH HERALD Spring Shoes '1IHERE IS A EINO SHOWING OF t&,EW SPRING SHOES AT DATARS FOR LADIES, GENTS AND CH1L. DEN. BE SURE TO COME IN AND SEE THEM. ALL "VERY REASONABLY PRICED FINE STYLES AND GOOD VALUES ED. J. DATARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR and SHOE REPAIRING TRUNKS AND SUITCASES FARM FOR SALE 100 acres of clay loam, well fenced and drained,' eight acres of wood lot.' Brick .house, bank barn 40 -ft., cem- ent hog pen, sheds, garage, etc. Spring well, running water In house and barn; oil bath Beatty wind pump supply tank. This farm is for sale at a reasonable price. Being Lot 21 S. Boundry, Hay Twp., half mile east of Dashwood.—Duncan Snider. Mr. and Mrs, D. C. Studer and son Paul and family of Detroit, were recent guests at the Dominion Hotel and other relatives in Zurich. Phe large public s weigh scales of L. iSchilbe & Son have been moved from their coal yards to the seed cleaning building on Victoria Street, which will be a big convenience on bad weather, and will greatly pro- long the life of the scales to be in a building. Letters from Service Men Following is an interesting letter received by Miss Glady Luker, presi- dent of Hensall • Womens' Institute, from Pte. Austin Schwalm, stationed in Italy, expressing thanks for parcel received from W.I. and War Serv- ice committee: Dear Gladys: Received your interesting letter, the sun is just going down behind the mountains and the air is cooler. The Captain and I are nearly always the advance party when we go to a new area. That is why 1 was in Italy a month ahead of the battery We had several interesting sight see- ing trips. We Laughed when we saw a few pigs tied up to a tree or to the door knob of the place which the owner called home. The women do most of the .work and the men super- vise. I bought two dozen eggs from a lady just before supper time. She soaked me 2110 lire. (in present Can. money $1.20 a dozen,) The captain footed the bill. We are half of then for our supper as the ration we get is bully beef. One night Jerry pick- -ed on us. I was in a slit trench, as I always sleep in it, my teeth chatter- ed and knees were narking tine,but not on account of the cold, he drop- ped several bombs and used the mac- hine guns, when it was over I had 2 tires to fix on the jeep and my water can sitting beside the trench had a nice hole in it. There was a fin of a1 bomb lying on the Sgt. Major's slit trench next to mine and a cherry tree not far away hall moved 20 feet Your Institute are doing a wonderful job. The Christmas parcel from Hen- eal1 which was five months on the way we:: in excellent condition, the only thing we though of was geting the most of it eaten in case a shell hit the house.—Austin Schwaln. FARM COMMANDO Off duty for the week -end from his war job in the city, this young "farm commando" gathers the sten on his back and the hay on a rack, as his contribution to the farm front. Botta to enlist in a farm commando brig- ade or a holiday service brigade le told in CBC's dramatized farm broa•l cast, "Help Wenti;d," heard e•err>' Friday at 7.30 EDT, ever <t „. i w e•' of Ontario .tem; 'Thursday i Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 155. .DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) l�t�t OA►� +040.40******* 40 #.4.•041+6oto•,b66 . k .369>96.06 004 BINDER TWINE WE HAVE A ,LIMITED SUPPLY OF 650, FT.. BINDER TWINE WHILE IT LASTS. ALSO A CAR OF CHOICE CEDAR POSTS IN STOCK. WESTERN FEED GRAINS, CONCENTRATES HOG AND POULTRY FEEDS; SALT; MOTOR OIL, ETC., ON HAND AT ALL TIMES 4 i 4 9M 4 4 t t 4 . 4 t • Huron F+ arilcl'h' Co -Operative •• e HENSALL, Phone 115. R. J. COOPER, MANAGER .. js`tao•+euo.oteus.osuu. ®owe as Massey -Harris Advise Do not call for parts, saying you need a part for Binder shaped like an egg, if it was squashed flat. Order by number, or better still bring old worn out or broken part along. THIS WILL GIVE YOU QUICKER SERVICE EARLY. M -H. PARTS FOR M -H. MACHINES Tel. Shop 149 Oscar • Klopp Rest. 67 MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arm, for Canadian Farm. qbeSNApSI4OT GUILD PICTURE OPPORTUNITIES Keeping the camera ready for the unexpected resulted in this unusual snapshot. Picture opportunities are abundant, so have your camera with you wherever you go. TT ISN'T very often that you'll find a dog looking inquisitively around a corner at a cat, but if you do, it will be an occasion well worth photographing, You're probably . seen similar oddities, and often expressed tke desire to take pic- tures ietures which really capture ssaiabal ,i - nations. Many opportun;tiees like this occur but once, and, by having your camera with you at all times, you can take advantage of thole in- 41,4440,12,Nake • a number of inter- esting snapshots. • Besides the unusual, there are mini, other things that afford excel- lent subject material for the cam- era hobbyist. For example, activi- ties of general interest offer an abundant source of picture oppor- tunities. Hiking, motoring, swim- ening, boating—in fact, any sport will yield a number of good snap- shots. or, wherever you go—to the mountains, seashore, or inland lake—you'll have the chance to pic- ture the sante beauty as well as the intenesting happenings on a memorable vacation, a week -end trip or just a day's Jaunt. There's no single formula, to fol- low when you take your c ameee with you, hut. there are, some good points well worth m rn e •bpi ing, First, alwnvs loo' r .,"ens 4 that are characteristic of the place you are visiting, whether yon are out for just a short drive, or a trip to some distant section of the country. Second, try to organize your shooting so that the pictures tell a reasonably well ordered story. Not bust a lot at shots of one thing, ut a° step-by-step account of what yoti did and what went on. Third, always be on the look- out. ookout. Watch for unusual or "slit - tertian' pictures such as the one it lustrated above. They add a great deal of interest and variety to your, albani. Its scenic shooting, don't let broad, breath -taking views mislead, you. They're good subjects—but .in- clude' a foreground obiect or "frame" when possible, to give them depth and creative feeling of distance. In picturing the things you do, always try to include some action —not necessarily rapid motion, but people doing something. In brief, make each picture tell a story.. Chertees to get excellent snaps shots :it everywhere, and it's easy' to build a fine collection. Keep your yon Constantly, and :,rift i .c a permanent record of yt�ri - ;'• .1'' . 12 ' _ .:•,i:der