HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-07-27, Page 5ZURICH. ONTARIO ZURICH HE " ALD BUSINESS CARDS WANTED VA:SH FOR F.OX HORSES ---Dead animals removed. Two-hour ser- vice day or night. Phone Credi- ton 47r15, collect, Jack Wil- liams. • LICENSED AUCTIONEER For (Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CO1- duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. 1 solia your business, and if not satisfied will wake no charges for Services Ren - tared, ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 57 e 12 VETER1NA.RIA.N Or. W. 1° COXON, 3.'V'. Sc•. VETE,RINA.RY SURGEDN kreet, Office with Residence, Main Opposite Drug StoreZurich Phone-- Campbell, \J .S, B.V ,Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary "College, University of Toronto. All #iseasses of domestic animals treated the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. by Day or night Win promptly attended to. Also Bre' ,der of Scottish terriers. Inverness i ennels. Office on Main aragonite Town Hall, . • qy-1 �Q�y BUTCHERS A.. R. & popular MEAT Nil AIM $:ih vary Choice off Rash and Cvtr- LOCAL NEWS 'Miss Margaret iHey,of London vis- ited with her mother for a few days Mr. and Mrs. W. Murch and Mrs. J, Langford of Parkhill visited on Sunday with Mr, and- Mrs, Harry Galhnan. Mr. and Mrs, Byron Ducharme and family have returned to their home at London after spending sev- eral days at the home of the form - Or' s parents, Mr. and Mrs.' David Ducharme. Messrs. Gid. Koehler, George Dei - chert, Edward, Theodor e and Ferd- inand Haberer were up to 1Vloaford over the week -end on a trout fishing trip, and had fairly good success. Miss. Ruth Brown of London was a week -end visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and M.rs, John Brown. Ruth rendered two solo num- bers in the Evangelical church ser- vice on Sunday morning which were much appreciated. As a result of severe burns suffer- ed ox July 5th when he came in con- tact ,with a high voltage Hydro wire at Blenheim, Thomas Ferguson of Soaforth has had' his left foot am- putated in Chatham Hospital. Announcement ;Mrs. Jane Chapman, HensalI, wish es to announce the marriage of her daughter Ruth Mildred, to Mr. Harry R. Connors, Petty Officer U.S. Navy, October, 1943. Mrs. Connors is a member of the staff of Albany Hos- pital, Albany, N.Y., and her husband serving with the Navy in the Atlan- tic theatre. TO GET RID OF RATS The Seaforth Agricultural Society has embarked on a rat -killing cam- paign. open to boys and girls in Sea - forth and surrounding townships. Five cents will be paid for every rat- tail, and in addition $50 will be given to the person collecting the largest number of tails before Sept- ember 22nd. Rats may be poisoned, trapped, clubbed, or hunted down with dogs or cats. OFF TO 4th TERM President Roosevelt has accepted a precedent -smashing fourth -term nomination for president of the Un- ited States with the prediction that another four years will find the world at permanent peace, he declar- ed. `New hands will then have full opportunity to realize the ideals which we seek." he said.' Letters from Service Men Canadian Army Overseas. Dear Mrs. Ducharme: Just ,a few lines to let .you know that your parcels reached us O.K., it took a little longer than usual,' but arrived here in A-1 condition, and think we have received all the par- cels that were sent ue by the Wong- ens' Institute so far, and its nice to know that the people back home are backing us up. So all we can say is "'Thanks a Million." Lee and Clair Surerus. July 3, '44. R:C.A.F., O;S Dear Mrs. Ducharme: Many thanks for the lovely parcel I received from your organ- ization on July 1st. Everything Was STANLEY TOWNSHIP in perfect condition. How is thinks back home in Zurich LAC. Gordon Keys, of Brantford, no doubt I will find quite a change was a week -end visitor with his par - when I return which I don't think ents, Mr. and Mrs. Den Keys. will be too long. " Things look very Friend. of Mr. George Clark and good. Jno. Rathwell will regret to know I still hear from Clare Surerus, these two gents are under the doct- had a letter the other day which he . or's care. had wrote from France. I haven't se- Mr. Fred Austin and son of Flint en him since March, but expect we'll are visiting relative's here. be meeting again soon. On Sunday, July 23rd, Mr. E. M. I want to thank you and members Dagg of Zurich had charge of the of the iWomens Institute for thinking services in the United church. of us boys over here. Everything is Miss Maud Keys and Mary nicely a real treat to us, as things are very mont attended the Goderich Summe• hard to get here.. and everything is school. really appreciated. Miss Gertie Smith, W.D., RCA"+.,' I'll soon be celebrating my birthday after .pending some time with her ; on the lith bi:` Yuly, the second over parents, left for Lachine, Que., to l here and I hope by the time me resume her war work, next one rolls around I'll be back ir• '_Ur. and Mrs. Harold Elliott, after Auto Accident, An auto accident took plac:: Sun- day evaninc' last at the intersection at• Grand Fiend evhen a collision °aeurred between an auto and a motor - n eycl.e. Mr. and Mrs. Harry e11wort youyou° � s and on of Stephan Twp., and Mr Let US supply ed Means, }ologes, a91ss�.��'ry, ,W Ect., a.ay.= on hand Trash in Electric nefr, i" f'sra efa Highest ghest Cash Prices tos- i'AQ`.3 Hidroa eSiv.T!F.fla PRODUC1° Farm F-aY r a as Wb �s 1 -lave your Eggs Graded scien- tifically on our approved grad - ng Machine which gives the producer every advantage. Also Cream and Poultry, 1i 1? 94, Zurich 'Phone 101, WOCan417 and ?Irs. Garnet Flynn of E:;et'r. �►prin Shoes THERE IS A FIND SHOWING OF NEW SPRING SHOES AT DATARS FOR LADIES, GENTS AND CHIL•, DREN. BE SURE TO COME IN. AND SEE THEM. ALL VERY REASONABLY PRICED FINE STYLES AND GOOD VALUES ED, J._DATAS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR and SHOE REPAIRING TRUNKS AND SUITCASES 11741.®.i rac4v8v cArAvll HuronPerth PROGRESSIVE CONSRVATIVE CON- VENTION AND ANNUAL MEETING will be held in the TOWN HAUL, H+' N ;ALL. O 'Friday, July 28, 1944 At 8.30 p.m. to select a Candidate to contest the Riding at the next Federal election and to appoint Officers. Speakers: -Peter McArthur of Quebec, President of the Dominion Progressive Association, and Park A. Manross of London, President of the Western Ont- ario Association. .The Chairman of each. Municipality will ob- tain credentials for voting delegates from the Sec- retary at the Hall between 8.00 and 8.30 the night of the meeting. Executive Meeting 8.15. EVERYBODY WELCOME Clark Fisher, J. W. Morley, Secretary President. GOD SAVE THE KING! .,s se-. ease ''.figeanses` tt good old Canada. e spending some time with relatives! Thanking you once again, I remain have returned to their home in Yours Truly—Mass, E. B. Windsor. were C- o. sing the i 1tereection frost. eat to wet when the ear was stn. -irk 1)y a motor Cycle on which were rid - in';• a man and e lady from London. They were travelling north. • The lady suffered a concur do'i end was taken to the Brenner Hotel where I she was treated by Dr. Neil 11cDon- a ald of London, who i, holidai1ne at'. Oakwood. The side of the Swr.rte car was damaged as was the motor- cycle. POLICE e AGISTRAT`" IN -iURON Dr. Hobbs R. Taylor, MLA., far Huron. who eeuidi s at Dashwood, the other day announced cree ion of the position of police anagietrete for the 2ounty of Harem, a duty that for the past 15 years has been performed by ningistratos frotn near -by counties. The pew appointee will be a lawyer. Dr. Taylor also indicated the likeli- hood• of a juvenile court set-up in Huron. The last magistrate in Huron wee llassistrate Cha,. Reid, who re- tired 15 „ years ago and died 10 years ego. During the interval, Magistrates Makins of Stv',atford; Walker, of !iT,11 rtop, and Ian MacRae and C. V.. Ifesekshav;, of Mithllesex, perfor- med the duties of cacti in all magis- trate'. court enPes. Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellett - Proprietor. HONEY FOR SALE We have choice clover honey for tale to our local customers for a limited time only.—J. Haberer & Sons, Zurich. Phone 122. INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK rHE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT, UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO ,L amount Of Insurance at Risk on Dee:. 01st, 1986, $22,391,527.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $275,613.47. Rates—$4.50 per $1;000 for 3 Yearr. A E. F. KLPP--ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn tug Rods and allxkincls of Fire Insuranoe FOR SALE Dresses and Coats, sizes 12-14 410, seconds, very reasonable. Telephone 44, Zurich or Box 215, Zurich. WANTED Applications are requested from residents of the County of Huron for the position of County Constable for the County of Huron. The successful applicant will be stationed in the Village of Blyth. All applications to be made to the Selective Service, Goderich, Ontario, by 112 o'clock noon on the 5th day of August. All applicants will be required to appear hi person at the Court Mouse, Goderich, Ontario, at 8.00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 8th. , FOR SALE A limited quantity of feed buck- wheat for quick sale. --Oscar Du- charme, Phone "98 r 2, Zurich. PIGS FOR SALE A number of small pigs tor sale. Apply to Sol Gingerich, Phone 84-3. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 100 acres, being Lot 10, Con. 11, Stanley Township; has hank barn, frame house, garage and outbuildings. All in grass at 'present. For particulars apply to D. A. Siaaet- enson; R.R. 2 West Monkton, Ont. /gppCE"Ofr 010 WEAR IT ON YOUR ARM One look in your mirror will give you the answer ... Am 1 man or mouse .. atn I one of those who lets the other fellow face all the danger, take all the risks? Look yourself straight in the eye and ask yourself this one question ... Have x the guts? The guts to wear the G.S. badge on my sleeve to fight that my home, my people may be free. You'll need months of thorough training to make you fighting -fit. Your place is beside every man who has the courage to see it through. Canada's Army needs you NOW, and needs you for overseas service.