HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-07-27, Page 11 Established 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 27 ( 944 Chester L. Smith, Publish** $1.50 a Year in Advance Help 11IEL'S HAIRDRESSING NOTICE Te have recently installed a bow Shelton Waving Machine 7.nd can serve the public now Ritter than ever. Be. sure and dive us a call. MRS. FRED TEGEL Proprietress Betty Anne Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS ale Better 011 Permanents applied , with the very latest of methods and Equipment. A.xtd Besides all this is our years of Experience in all Hair Dressing. OWE US A GALL! hone 68 four your Appointments. MRS. EDW. GASCHO,, Zurich :aerr 5t) EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heckendorn, Pastor Mrs. M. Oesch, Organist STJNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m.—Divine Worship. 11 a.m. Church School No Sunday eve., Services July -Aug. ST. PETER'S .ragelical Lutheran C hurcl ZURICH — ONT. Rev. E. W. Heimrich, Pastor 10 a.m.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. No Sunday eve., Services July -Aug. Everybody Welcome- to all Services Are You Suffering From Headaches? Id el; -Have your Eyes Examined with, Iitest Methods and Equipment at ''"0 . ; $til: ,'�. COLE; R: O; OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIOR — Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES c. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER* The Newest Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. d44-4 y4++4444+• 44»d• 4444;.4+.4.4444 44.4.1++ k4• +++++•i +++ +44 C.1 aril ` offman 4 finest Amite (SOUVENIR) • �. 4. U0 the e ltturtla '; 5.30, ,=►,5.� . IfitxgliM Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance 4. + . of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and4. Funeral Director. t • .MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 4. i4 t Z Dashwood -- Ontario 4 "' 4.4-++44.444-4+44,44.4444+++44++4444444+444.44+4+44-4+++44 .4 4"+ 3 •, 4i 4 +4 t,4 4.44 44+++44++d••••..�r.'r•t••€•+444.44•£-�••F.l••r•t••; .;..1..;.✓c✓rt�4 r . �wx...Dein.s.u.r.........-.via....-.n...........wwuxpwu..wh•.r..ww.xxnrm.nn+uf+mu..-.a+,W%"�I'M. OUR GROCERIES Our Stock of Groceries is always kept up-to-date in quality as well as quantity when at all possible. Selling "The Best for Less" has always been our slogan, and we still endeavour to 'maintain this stardard. CLOTHING FOR ALL we are happy to be in aposition to show you just the Find of clothing you will prefer, Men's, Boys', and Ladies. Practically everything you will require to wear. DRY GOODS., ETCr, Our shelves of suitable Dry Goods, Yard Goods, Etc., is here for your inspection, and invite the pub- lic in to see the many lines we have to offer o'ardless o re- f the rather difficult conditions in proc- uring these items. 3. %V. ME ? NFR iPhone 140 i I 1311131 s - r sum t1 er Visit a BAYFIELD The Cottages and hotels ire all filled with tourists and Bayfield seems a very popular resort this summer. Miss Ruby Fisher of Kitchener is visiting her aunt, Mrs, F. A. Ed- wards. Dr. W. Herd and Mrs. Her and son of San Francisco, Cal., left for their home after a holiday visit with his father, Mr. Robert Herd. Mrs. Pearce of Leamington has purchased the Moorehouse property on the highway and has moved to. the village where she expects to be a permanent resident. Friends of Mr. H. Darrow will re- gret to learn he was taken suddenly ill and removed to Godericn Hospital. The annual bingo sponsored by the Bayfield Red Cross is .being held oh the Square on Wednesdy even- ing, July 12;Gth. • HENSALL Mrs. James Sangster of Hensall, received a :cablegram on sunday, from her son Flt -Sgt. •George Sang- ster, in England, that he has been promoted to Pilot -officer. Betty •Lou Watson, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Watson of 1V11 Mrs. Alfred Millett and K.ippen, had the misfortune to fall•r. baby, son William Alfred, motored and fracture her arm. She was at- to Strath oy on Sunday to visit with tended by Dr. Steer of Hensall. then 'daii liter Beth, who is enjoying Miss Amelia MacKay of Toronto, i the holid lys at the home of her, is the guest of Miss Greta Lamnnie grandinlotzer at that place. and Mrs. Lairenie. Misses Bernice Jinks, Betty Mickle e Mrs Vi, H. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Elaine Beer, Marie Boyd left Mon -I L W, I ii`fnan and daughter Mar - day to attend the girls camp at God-. jorie:;: Mitee.and Mrs. Leroy O'Brien erich. and sons }Billy and Donald attended The annual •picnic of Chiselhurst e s former's 'brother, Ud ch niteurch was held at lulnbullsMx7 1 �i''a1 lo -f t"st at Mitchell on' Grove .a' tereeoele ;eT„eli� :' ,r J - Patsy, little daughter of Mr. aiLii Mr. and Mrs, 'Hilton Truemner of the 14th Con. Hay; Mr. and Mrs. Williams from the West, accompan- ied by Mrs. Mabel Snider who hes been a visitor here, motored to Sar- nia on Saturday to spend the week- end at the latter's home. •fir, 4'r� 4 �+ F} ,.ice- Gl,`•�.. t F.7 -:rte-,—• _ :124 , ..cmssft Miss ] atilda Oestreicher of Wind- sor'was a guest at the hone of her sister,'1VI"r. and Mrs, John Bro-wri for a few days. ,Miss' Rosabell Albrecht has return- ed, home from Hamilton where she enjoyed d few weeks visit with fri- enda. Mr.. and Mrs. Ammens of Illinoise State. are visiting at the home of the foriner's father, Mr, and Mrs. Seth Aminens.. Mr, 'and Mrs, Percy Rowe and ehildren of Bolton are visiting at the home of Mrs. Row's' brother, Mr. and Mrs. Newell Geiger, of the ,Gosh- en line, Borth. 112r. and Mrs. J. Mitchell of Hen - sail and Mr. and Mrs, Jarvis Horton of Brucefield called at the home of Mrs..C.-Z.°ilber on Sunday evening. Mrs. Clayton Horton who has been ill .with pneumonia is improving. The many friends of i'Ir. Thos. Hudson will ,be pleased to learn is improving in health following a .re- cent illness. Mr. Laurie Price of Waterloo vis- ited last week with Mrs. Lammie and Greta. Miss Ruth Brook, R.N. of St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, is spen- ding her vacation with her parents, Rev. and. Mrs. R. A, Brook. Mr. Geo. Petty las returned t o Detroit, after visiting with his sister Mrs. T. D. Wren, also with her bro- ther, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Petty. He was accompanied home by his sister Miss Olive Petty who intends to re- main in Detroit for some time. Miss Goldie Cross; R.N., St. Mich- ael's Hospital, Toronto, is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. W.B. Cross. \iiss Ruth Hess, and Lenore Norm- ingten are attending summer school at Goderich. Hensall Firemen are holding a fro- lic in Hensel' on Wednesday, JuTy !Mill. (lingo, wheels and other games will be featured, and dancing to the st.'nins of Steve Dundas and his oreh:•sti'a of Lucan. 1)i. B. Blatchford, (Dentist) and Mrs. Blatchford, of Portland, Ore., %ire' visiting with relatives here. He ie a brother of Mrs, Mary Brown., and are on an extended trip•, visiting throughout the dietrict. • The Zurich Branch of the Red Cross shipped the following articles to Headquarters recently: 25 girls pinafore. dresses; 25 girls. blouses.; 25 girls coats, 20 woinens skirts, 20 womens blouses, 24' quilts, We grate - I fully acknowledge the following don- ations. Mrs. Gerald Snider 1 quilt; Zurich Public' School` Room II 1 quilt top; Miss Emma Dinsmore 1 quilt; Mrs. Earl Ytnlgbint 1 crib quilt, OBITUARY . Falls From. Ladder What might have been a more ser- ious accident when Mn Joseph Fos- ter was helping to put a hoop around a tank at the Kalbfleisch mill, when the •ladder on which he was standing gave way and Mr. Foster feet the gave way and Mr. Foster fell the ground. Fortunately he received only a bruised wrist and an injured leg, but no bones were broken. His many friends are glad to see him able to be on the street again: Local Red Cross Had Reception A reception for Mr. and Mrs. Ted Munn, a recent bridal couple, Mrs. Munn, the former 1Vliss Audrey Dinnin, was held in the town hall, Friday eve. Jul y- 20th. The large hall was taxed to capacity, and the event much enjoyed. During the course of the evening Mr. and Mrs. Munn were presented with a studio couch and occasional chair. Mr. Morley Saund- ers, principal of the Continuation echool in Hensall, reading an address. Music for the dance was rurnished by Nelson Howe and orchestra. Hensall Man Passes The lifeless body of Frank Farqu- har, 58, was found Wednesday last by his. wife, seated upright on the back steps of his Hensel] barber e' ,y . ,:I :est stated that death �' ' been c fused by heart attack. '"i h o..,.,,y to ee home at lunch 1 :nate, his wife went to the barber shop ,rare she found the body. He had consulted a physician the night before ,,t• .•,4' ', 1* en are•, condition. Born on the llr Line, ho barbered Exeter,in be- fore moving to Hensen 30 years ago •`Tr' is eneeived by his widow, the for.. .oar, Anes Coalmine, three sons and two sisters. A private funeral was held in the home en Fride$ at 2 p.m., interment it Baird'a c;on'>,otery. Late Samuel:. E.- Fust. Mitchell, Tuesday, July. 1Sth, stri- cken with a heart attack shortly af- ter he had entrained with his wife for a trip to North BattJeford, Sask. to visit his, son Carl, whois in: the armed forces, Saniueli E. Faust died on the train before, reaching Kitch- ener and. before medical assistance could reaeh him. Ile bad been in ap- parent good health and was not a- ware of any heart ailment. The late Mr. Faust was born in Zurich on December 3rc1, 1877, and married Miss• Laura Hartlet'b, a member of the. Charles Hartleib family of Zur- ich, in 1908.. For sonic time he had a shoe store in Zurich, later a store in Goderich, and since going to Mit- chell in 192.5' he had conducted a ,hoc repair, business. en. Main Street. lie was widely known in the Mitchell as well as• Zurich community and was a member of the United Church. Sur- viving are his wife, two sons, Har - 01d Faust, Mitchell, and LAC Car, Faure, North Battleforcl, ,Sisk., also tete sisters, Mrs. W. F. Finkbeiner, of `� Stratford,and Mrs.W .'H.I off- . man, Zurich. The funeral was held on Friday at 2.30 o'clock from the Beath funeral home with interment Visitors WATCH The Elco °'ORCH6D" There's chic styl- lag in this ultra mart 'spherical" model. Practical tool' A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optiician. For positive identification oi the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL Miller Creek Coal . Roe Farms Milling Co, Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid fee - Eggs according to Grade W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 1 0 - Hensall eaetazizacoeeeeeastmeeeeeeed eeeesaaaaseszoaoc,,ocvaaaa a ee a • Westiake - I rokeus lire FUNERAL & NCE 1 SERVICE 1 * Comfortable Hospital Bed folr Rent e Day and Night Service Phone 15 0, Zurich iia mtb- aossa•ww a aswysact r^ +ds rt~sweeel®=(maer,(4QotAtv.rffiG08$4*0 a BUIL ING ATER1ALS 4. moo• We are now in aposition to supply and Material for Local Building We still have a Large quantity of Lumber;. Chip - rock, Wallboard, Flooring, Nails, Etc., on hand. LET US SERVE YOU! 4. 4 44 ,a 4 F. C. NALBYLEISCH SON Phone 6g ZURICH tH.44.4 .7.4r: .» I Attention - r . rs Wehave on hand Oil Cake Meal., Mill Feeds, Con- centrates, Pioneer Poultry Feeds and Chick Starters ELECTRIC FENCERS. AND FENCING SUPPLIES p Vin,.,..,. \VGA ani ;� and Boots We have a good lilac of work shoes for Men, Boys and Women. Try thorn and be convinced. FRESH GRQCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND following in the woodland cemetery, EdmUnd SWsritzentr'~ bar, Prop. Phone: 11-97 Mitchell. Rev. Norman ;V eit",:ay offie elating, ibutgiriMMIMmemsMitrAMitwonzaantreasoutimmtagammititanne 1 a 4 4 a , , A ,