HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-07-20, Page 8Meek O1 irridtkI ZURICF HERALD) T,hgrsday", July 211014,t,'1~11.; 8 leep540 Ladies' Wear A New Supply of Ladies' Dresses on hand in fine spun Rayons, assorted floral designs, suitable for warm Summer Days. All Sizes. Special at $3.25 One dozen only Striped Seersucker Dresses, well made in tailored styles Sizes 14 to 44, Special at $4.50 A new line of Ladies' Bathing Suits from 2.69 to 3.50 Each. Men's Wear See our range of Men's and Boys' Summer Trous- ers, fine sport Shirts, Jerseys, light weight Sweat- ers and Windbreakers... A new lot of Country Club Dress Shirts. .Everything in Work Clothes for men and boys... Also a large assortment of Men's and Boys' Ready to Wear Suits. GROCERIES Black Bulk Tea per lb. Soups, per tin Sugar Sub., now per bottle Certo, per bottle Certo, crystels, pkg. Tomato juice, tin Laundry Soap, 5 bars Falcon Coffee, tin Grapefruit juice, 55 -oz Esc. TOc 39c 27c 15c iOc 19c 40c 35c tin Gascho TELEPHONE 59 Bro's. ZURICH GENERAL INSURANCE EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Etc. Andrew F. Hess, Zurich Local Representative Zurich NNMNNsessoNSNNelM 1111160114101101004411010111. • HARDWARE — SEEDS You are going Through This World Only Once. So Why Do.. Without These Labor Savers? Experienced farm help is scarce and costly. You'll need moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. Invest part of the money you'd pay hired help, in Beatty labor- saving stable equipment. Pays lietime dividends. Gives you more time to enjoy life. En- hances value of farms. Improv- es product. Inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls --Exceptional Values at Lower Prices... and FURNITURE Lower Priced Stals Automatic Water:ni, BROODER HOUSE COAL We have received a shipment of choice Chestnut Coal which weare selling out on restrictions only for Brooder House use, and an agreement has to be signed that it will be used for that purpose only. STADE & WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY — PRICE SERVICE 1 t ���:;:C,91111'''�9iILII!iIL'!`IIIIIIIIflillllllil��;���i411111111(IIIIIIII,flllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllliillllllllllih '�,�,+i .,.a. ZURICH'S Grocery Story WE ALWAYS CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OFF FIRESHl GROCERIES ON HAND PURCHASED FROM THF::Ir1EADx- ING WHOLESALE HOUSES. OWING TO UNSETTLED. CONDITIONS WE ARE. NOT QUOTING ANY 'PART%CULAR'. PRICES BUT CANS ASSURE THE PUBLIC GOOD,' VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY WITH QUALITY AND PRIelleSe ATI' THE VERY BEST. Menno Oesch - Zurich, PRDUCE WANTED. Phone 1i65c el 111111 1IIIIII111111IIIIII111101IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!141111110111111110 Jlll1111IIIIIIl1111111i11111 IIIIIIIIIIII11101II 11111IIIIIIIIlIIl111!: ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST R LOCAL MARKETS Mrs. C. Either spent !sfzv al days at the home of her sieten, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell at He.nsaill. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew .Cts on, of Milverton were Sunday.; guests at the home of their son, Dr.. and. Mrs. W. B. Coxon. Miss Milverna Geiger. mf: near Nia- gara Falls visited at' the home of her parents, Mr. and' IYEes. Josiah Geiger for two weeks,. Mrs. Wm. Wagner lige, returned home after visiting ae the home of her sister, Mr. and; arse Wm. Ben- der at Grand Bendi Miss Grace Kellerman of Toronto enjoyed a visit at the: home of her cousin, Miss Pearl. 'Wtertz the past week. • Mrs. Arthur Thuimpeon and daugh- ter Jean have rebasrced home after spending some- time with relatives and friends at leTtehener. Miss Jean Fearman of near Cale- donia is spending- her summer vacat- ion at the ho.iree, cif her aunt and un- cle, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eckel. • (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs .............. .........331.2;7).23' Butter per lb:, .. 38 Chickens, dressed! ............. .. 30 Wheat, bushel:; ........... . . 1t1i'• Oats, bushel Barley, bush:,. Buckwheat, hush. Flour, cwt. Shorts and bran, ton Middlings, ton 50c 73, 7'0? 2:00;, 2:7'5- 30A00 32:00 LO 31 TOP' 0.f1e10ERS; ,London: — Germany has lost four more of its generals—two killed'and' two captured—it was announced; 4, - creasing to 31 the number of top._ flight Nazi officers killed' in action or• accidents or taken ,by. the Allies since warefare blazed out en.• three fronts: in June. MIND READING IS THE SUNK Its just `old-fashioned hocus-pocus'' .•.magical mumbe-jtxmbo', scoffs Ric- hard 'Himber, noted orchestra l'ead'er and amateur magician. Read' his ser - Miss Patri'eia Mittleholtz who at- les exposing the tricks of mind' read-. tended College at London, spent `ers, starting in The American Week, some time holidaying at the home of ly with this Sunday's (July 23) issue her parerete ,Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mitt• of The Detroit Sunday Times: leholtz. Mr. and Mrs. Lennis Callfas, of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Morris Neil and children of Detroit, were week- end visitors at the home of the ladies father, Mr. Alf. Melick. �s MOVED TO SEAFORTI{ Rev. Dr:, and Mrs. J: Z. Hogg have taken up residence in their home in Seaforth, having moved recently from Drurnbo, where Dr. Hogg was minister of the United church. the Mr. and Mrs. James Smith and Mr. served as minister of Wesley -Willis McDonald of Plattsville were Sunday United church, Clinton, for many visitors with relatives ' here, calling years and is not a stranger to the at the home of Mrs. Smith's brother, Huron Presbytery. Mi. and Mrs. Sy]v. Witmer. Born—At the Farwell Nursing Home, Zurich, to Mr: and Mrs. Law- rence Brisson, a daughter, mother and baby are doing fine. Bern—At the Farwell Nursing Horne, Zurich, on July 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dunn, Jr., of Bayfield a son. Mother and baby ere real well, Dr. B. A. Campbell, a former prac- ticioneer of Zurich, calleel on old friends in town Saturday evening. The Doctor, Mrs. 'Campbell and mem- bers of the family enjoyed a vacation at their home in •Hensall. Son Dies in France Mr. and Mrs. James A. Nichol, of Exeter, were officially notified that their second son, L. -Cpl. Gordon Ivan Nichol, died in :France on June llth, cause of death unknown. He was born at Bluevale, and in 1921 moved with the family to Grey Twp., where he received his primary education and his high school education in Brus .els. In June 1941, he enlisted and in November of that year went over seas. Surviving are three brothers overseas. and one brother at home. Last War Prices et, 'The average housewife often aom- plains of the present high cost of living, and she has a right to, as in most cases prices are slowly but sure- ly going up on many of our essential living necessities, but here are a few quotations from the last war prices: Eggs, 75c doz; bacon 65c. lb; orang- es 80c dozen; laundry soap 12e bar; sugar 25e lb; lard 35c. lb; rice 25c. lb; celery 25c bunch; string beans 25c tin; onions 15c Ib; baking pow- der 55e tin; potatoes $7 a bag, Field Crop Showing • The Department of Agriculture at Clinton this year have a replicated eat and barley plot situated on the aourty Hoine Farrn directly west of the entrance to the farm, In each of these plots there are nine varieties. These varieties are the highest yield- in� ones over the province, They include several of the newer variet- ies. Many have resistance to the com- mon plant diseases. For anyone in- terested in comparing the different ones growing aide by side would find these plots very. interesting and edu cational. Yields will be taken on all these plots: FALLS PROM LOAD Mr. Wm. Bieber of the 3rd. ;Con. Hay Twp., will be indisposed for some weeks, being laid up with some fractured ribs and an injured ankle sustained when he fell while unload- ing a load of hay in the barn. He was on ton of the load and was pull- ing the hay fork back when the , rope broke and he toppled over onto the barn floor. Me. Beiber is a heavy man and he was badly shaken up and sustained a few cuts. He was attend- ed by Dr. Fletcher of Exeter, and an X-ray by Dr. Roulstor, revealed a fracture in the left ankle. ENTRANCE RESULTS The following mist includes the names of pupils successful in the high school entrance examinations, for this vicinity, those granted cer- tificates on the recommendation of the principal, and those granted stan- ding in consideration of assistance on farms. Those on farm leave will re- ceive certificates when assurance is given that the thirteen weeks of t work is completed; Bayfield •— Glen Brandon, Billy Elliott, Charles Guest, Betty Larson, Charles Reid, Mona Reid, Marie Tal - 1 bot, Garfield Westlake. Hemel' — Jean ,A,rmstrong, A.11l Bell, Joyce 'Broderick, Doris nuchan an, Bill iCampbell, Elaine Carlile, El- eanor Cook, Elaine Cooper, Ray Con- sitt, Bernice Links, Winner Kelly, Frances Lostell, Bill Mickle, Betty Moir, Aileen Munn, Betty Munn, Dorothy McNaughton, Betty .Rowcliff Orvile Taylor, Marian Thomson, Dor othy Turner. Dashwood — Doreen Baker, Betty Brenner, Donald Denomy, Donald Dinney, Donna Desjardine, Lawrence Hartman, Eugene Houlihan, Kenn- eth Keller, Blenn Love, Alice Miller, Eileen McCann, Martha :Pederson, Leo .Smith, Raymond Snell, Gerold Spicer, Doris Swartz,, Grace Turn- bull, Allan Wanner, Calvin ;Wein, Nora Wilds. Zurich — Leona Anderson, Rose Marie Bedard, Geoninie ;Corriveau, Leo Roy Denomme, Raymond Deno - mine, Elva Denomme, Lottie Denoin- me, Anita Datars, James Fuss, Paul- ine •Hess, Doreen Hoffman, Marjorie 1TofFina.n, Victor Hey, .Campbell Kru- eger, Ruth Krueger, Leo Masse; Joan Merner,, Gladys Overholt, Norman Overholt, William O'Brien, Dorothy Desch, Allen Smith, Myron Snider, Earl Schilbe. 11 1;+ ep4.., M4.44******fir N ii 4 • ,.. .., .... +, ... P:AI1T UP TIME r, LET US SFCOW YOU OUR NEW SUPPLIES; OF 4. ' RE YMIXED PAINTS t' The- Seasom demands; to PAINT UP invartli n• fm Preserve; the Surface on your Buildings.. I@ ilk ,. poor economy to, try to save on Paint,. W� have ,', a good stock of all called for.. Paint.* V , and Paint Supp .....See these lines.;. , FURNITURE h. ' See €Jtir Studio Couches and Dbmett Swi - I; A. •Full Line of all the Home R ii?emente ? YOUR Hardware and Furniu:rs STORE NEW WIRE FENCING We have on; hand at goad supply of new Barri Wire,, Steel P , Woven. Wire Fencing and alPltlier sup, - plies required for Fencing. Johnston & Kalb. of Hardware & Furnitura.. Phone 63 +44 4 4.4.444 4**44.***A**+A *414 .j.+*4.4$444f3 i44+ 4 iini 9wleleelm+++++++4++++++•II +++}4+++++3:4i•+++.4.+++ -i *++•i +++ 4, TRY E CKEL'S •i • "Towit Talk"' Bred; also, `CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES, AND SWEET MODS. All Ingredients Used are of the Highest Quality • ALL CONFECTIONS -- ICE CREAM 4. OUR STORE, IS CLOSED MONDAY., WED., & FRIDAY NIGHTS EcJcel's Bakery — Zurich j Telephone 100 •F. + 4+ 9++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4, 4++..., — t 1 1 1 1 alab.NsssNssss11 III 1111111111111111111.0000 00 Bonemeal We wish toadvise the public that we carry a good supply of Bonemeal for your Stock and will be pleased to supply your requirements. FEEDING MOLASSES It is some considerable time since this all important product has been on the market.,. But we were - fortunate in securing a supply. Also have Cod Liver Oil, ..Etc. for Live Stock. Get your supply Now! .. Your Chick Fe€ ds The Chick Starter Season is with us again and we have all the called for Feeds such as Oat Hulls, Peat Moss, Sugar Copra, Grit, Oyster Shell,' Char- coal, Etc., Etc. L. Schilbe & Son PAPER IS DAiLY BECOMING SCARCER And restrictions about its use are' getting more stringent. It is therefore necessary that all sub- scribers to this paper who are in arrears should bring their subscription at least up-to-date. Our supply of paper each week is becoming very limited and as new names are being added, who have paid in advance, we are obliged to remove such names as are in arrears on, our list. The label on your paper shows the date to which your subscription is paid. If it requires attention please attend to it NOW ! THE ZURICH HERALD