HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-07-20, Page 6H r . i do! Girls ve tip f...` y If you don't know about Paradol Fou really should, or PARADOL canhelp you to get more pleasure out of life, You don't need to be saying "Oh dear, I can't go at that time, you know why." Life is very different for many girls and women who have proven for themselves that PARADOL makes quick work with headaches and other discomforts which bother them at times. They can -now take a Paradol and go off to the dance, the theatre, or the athletic event, feeling fine and forgetting the pains and aches which threatened to mar their pleasures. Why do as manyPgARADOL doing these days—carry P in your handbag so as to be pro- tected at all times against head- aches colds and jittery nerves. Paradol does not disappoint. 35 ate. a vial. Economy size jar, five times as many tablets $1.00. TT A REPORTS What Security For Farm Family Must Be Keynote Of Future Policy In Agriculture Postwar measures suggested by R. H. Hannam, President of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, at a recent meeting of the Society of Technical Agriculturalists, in - eluded carrying forward some war- time controls with modifications to meet changing conditions and peacetime objectives; some form of t'egtilar marketing where control of the product is necessary for an effective marketing job. or to the success of price floors; orderly or- ganized movement of food supplies to world markets; some measure of direct or indirect control of pro - 'duction, with decentralization of administration and regulations self-. imposed by the producers to the extent posible. * * All cheese now being made in Ontario and Quebec will be taken for export until further notice, ac- cording to an order of the Dairy Products Board, This is to assure meeting of the 125 million pound contract with Britain by March 31 next. * * * Increased by 305,000 since the 1941 census, the population of Ca- nada is now 11,812,000, most recent compilation of figures shows Que- bec had an increase of 67,000; On- tario, 33,000; British Columbia, 80,000; Alberta, 16,000; Nova Sco- tia, 16,000; Manitoba, 2,000, and Prince Edward Island, 1,000. New Brunswick and Saskatchewan showed decreases of 1,000 and 6,000 respectively, * * * Thirty-seven hundred carloads of eggs, — approximately 2,400,000 cases or 72 million dozen, -- were purchased this year in Canada by Rhe Special Products Board for the British Ministry of Food up to June 28. In the same period last year 1,700 carloads were purchased by the Board, Ontario, Alberta and Saskatchewan in that order contri- buted the greatest quantities so far this year. Silk is used for gunpowder bags because of its rapid and complete combustion when the powder is detonated. How Can !? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I remove paint stains from clothing? A. Either fresh or dry stains can be removed from delicate mater- ials without injury by sponging with chloroform. Wash fabrics can be saturated with turpentine, rub- bed well between the hands and then washed in soapy water. For a very old and dry stain, add a little ammonia to the turpentine and soak the stains in this for an hour or two before laundering, Q. How can I make better sweet pickles? A. A small amount of vanilla and a small amount of lemon ex- tract added to the syrup just before it is poured over the fruit will add a delicious flavor when making sweet pickles. Q. How can I remove perspir- ation from silk? A. Perspiration stains on a deli- cate silk garment can usually be removed by rubbing gently with a soft dry cloth. Q. How can I avoid clogging the sink drain? A. Hot grease should not be poured down the drain pipe of the sink. It will congeal as soon as it strikes the cold pipe and tend to clog it. Q. How should blisters from sunburn be opened? A. Do not break sunburn blist- ers, as this only adds to their dis- comfort. A new layer of skin will form under the blisters and they will break of their own accord. Artic Route Tough Summer or Winter There has been some question in the minds of sailors on the Arctic route to Russia, as to whether they prefer to make the trip in the summer or in the winter. It is a choice of evils; in the winter there is the frightful cold, and the heavy weather, but there is some protection from the enemy in the darkness of the 24-hour nights. In the summer the going is a little more comfortable, but the 24-hour daylight exposes the ships to con- stant observation and attack from the enemy. The daylight is now getting quite long in the Arctic but the weather was reported as "murderous," BARBERING IN THE BREEZE "It's cooler outside" was the 'decision of a Milwaukee barber, who promptly moved his chairs and equipment out onto the sidewalk, where customers could enjoy the breeez, to say nothing of ,the breezy sights, PRETTY SOFT Crew of Four Mans Midget Submarines The ntidget submarines, known as "X" craft, are like ordinary sub- marines, but much smaller and even more cramped and have no conning tower. They are manned by a crew of four. They are .akout 40 feet long. The only superstruc- ture is a guard rail for the two pe- riscope tubes and a mast -like air vent. To this is attaeliecl a steel arm with a strong leather belt, to which the captain straps himself when on the fleck for observation purposes. It will be soft sleeping for this Allied soldier if only he can hold on to the prize he picked up in re- captured Cherbourg— a nice, com- fortable mattress, Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. What should one do and say, if "when entering a row of seats in a theater, it is necessary for other persons to rise to allow you to pass? 2, Would it be all right for a girl to wear a slack suit when taki,nk a trip by bus? 3. What is the correct way to eat watermelon? 4. If a pian is a strictly business acquaintance, and a woman meets him at a social affair, is she obli- gated to recognize him? 5. In what form should an ac- ceptance be written when replying to a wedding invitation? 6. Should the cream and sugar be placed in the cup before the coffee is poured, when eating breakfast? Answers 1. Face the stage and pass as quickly and easily as possible. If the other persons rise, say "Thank you". 2. Yes, it would be all right as slacks are now being worn on all informal occasions. However, to be correct, a dark dress or suit would be preferable. 8. With a - fork, cutting a small piece at a time, and leaving the seeds on the plate. 4. Not unless she desires in, but she usually does unless there is some good reason whys: '',•ar, should not. 5. Write it in the third' person, following the wording. i the invitation, repeating •in yo~ie. acceptance the place, date, and hoer. 6. Yes. You Will Enjoy Staying At The ST. REGIS HOTEL rORON'I'o • Every Room with (lath, Show- er and Telephone. • Single, $2.50 up -- Double, $3.50 up. O Good i+ood, Dining and Dune - Ing Nightly. Sherbourne at Carlton Tel. RA. 4135 (ADVERTISEMENT) WILL YOU UE WA `'"' L NIGIIT Will gas make you feel breathless and smoth- ery — causing awful bloat and wakefulness? Unlock this tight bloat by opening up consti- pation a n d releasing p Locked -in" gas. Slow e. e„ digestion may keep ?' bo w e l s blocked for a days, Mulveney's B'WELL opens up bowels, aids digestion and releases gas. Makes sou feel fine and ready for restful sleep. Try Mulveney's 13'W dLL medicine to -night and see what It will do for you! Order large 12 -ounce bottle from your druggist. CONSTIPATION LAXATIVE TABLETS (,IJICICLY ItEIdave If you suffer fi oin H morrhoids (Piles) try getting relief through soothing gentle action of FERMOJ, LAXATIVE TABLETS w h i c h so many have tonna effective for this condition. Go to your drug store and obtasvplfo$10LETStvo months yr , or write direct FnRMOL DISTRIBU- TORS, LONDON, Ontario. o relieve distress of MONTHLYI Female Weakness Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound is made especially /or women to help relieve periodic pain with weak, norvous, tired, irritable feel. Ings—duo to functional monthly disturbances. Pinkham'g Compound helps nature and that's the .kind of medicine to buy! ]Follow label directions. worth. tryingl LYDIA PP Nflhjnr'S MOD Hcwe You Heard? The plumber rang the bell and as it happened both the master and mistress of the house came to the door. As they stood in the hall the husband, who was very methodical, said: "r wish before we go upstairs to acquaint you with the trouble," "1''nl very pleased to meet you ma'am," said the plumber. —o— A recent advertisement states: "It took twelve thousand workers to put that bottle of milk at your door," Yes, it sounded as though it did. —0— "Johnny," said his mother, sev- erely, "someone has taken a big piece of ginger cake out of the pantry." Johnny blushed guiitly, a n d 'fidgetted around. "Oh, Jolniny," she exclaimed, "1 didnt' think it was in you!" "It ain't all," replied Johnny, "part of it's in Elsie." —o— She read the fancy recipes, Each one a tempting winner, Then, dashing to her kitchen, fixed Some ham and eggs for dinner. —0— Fashion note: There will be little change in men's pockets this year. ITC CHECKED in a Jiffy -or Money Sack For quick relief from itching caused by eczema, athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and otheritching conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION, Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms Intense itching, Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. The Pick of Tobacco The largest .submarine of the Netherlands navy, the Zwaard- visch (Swordfish), has a displace went of more than 1,500 tons. The Dutch have fully -equipped air squadrons operating from Enge land with the R.A.F, and the Br- tish naval air forces. THE CURIOSITY'S MUTUAL This' 61 -year-old Chamorro crone on Saipan gazes with avid curi- osity at photos displayed by Tech. -Sgt. Don Brown, USMC, Val- lejo, Calif,, but her curiosity is equalled, if not outdone, by the lea- therneck's, who has revised conception of Pacific island beauties. Just off the press --- New, Large, Colored, European .t V P Send Only Ten Cents In Coin or Stamps to Cover Cost of Handling This Offer for a Limited Time CLASSIC PUBLISHERS—DEPT. W. 7 ADELAIDE W. — TORONTC 1 lOc 10c BABY °maks BARGAINS IN TWO, THREE AND 4 week old started chicles. Pullets 2 week old White Leghorns, Black Minorca X White Leghorns 20.95 per hundred, Barred Rock White a,'" -'Rock, New Hampshire X Barred Rock 18.95. 4 week old Barred Rock 25.95, shipped C.O.D. Also 8 week wad older free- range pul- lets. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. ' 20 ROCK HENS, 1 YEAR OLD, laying, $1,50 each, 11 six weeks old, Leghorn pullets, 37 Seymour Ave., Toronto. IF YOU'VE OLDER BIRDS, IT will pay you to cull and replace with young stock at our very at- tractive summer • prides. Im- mediate delivery 3-4-5 week started chicks, White Leghorns and most he0,vy breeds. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N. Hamilton Ont. (Hatching to order). STARTED CHICK IBARGAINS PUL - lets, 4 weeks -old Barred Rocks 20.95, 3 weeks 23,90. 2 weeks old 19,90. Also non -sexed and pul- pets in White Leghorns New Hampshires, 'White :Rocks, Hy- brids at rock bottom prices, Free range pullets 8 weeks up to lay- ing. Free catalogue, Twoddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fer- gus, Ontario. COLLECTION AGENCIi:S WE COLLECT ACCOUNTS AND NOTES RECEIV- able everywhere, Use Canada's largest agency for best results. Financial Collection Agencies, federal Bldg,. Toronto, DYEING .e CLEANING I1AVE Ycrll ANY'1'HINr; NI 1dn:1 dyeing or cleaning? Write to ua for information, We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Worlcs Limited, 791 Ynnge Street, To- ronto. IiArkonr:SsiNe, AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE women, (earn hairdressing at Can- ada's finest and largest schools, Refined, dignified work. Splendid pay. Write or call for tree liter- ature._ Marvel Hairdressing Schools, 958 Bloor Street, Toronto. Branches 44 Xing Street, Hamilton, and 74 Rideau. Street, Ottawa. LEARN HAIIIIal(ENSINti Thai Robertson .method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's »Hairdressing Acad- emy. 187 Avenue Road. Toronto. PATENTS FETHEI'tSTONHAU(1El & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 18911; 11 ging West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re - guest. MEDICAL ' STOMACH AND THREAD W0leMs often are the cause of Ii! -health ' in humans all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out if this is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars --Free! 'Write Mulveney's Remedies. Specialists, Toronto 8. GOOD RESULTS — EVERY SUF- ferer froth Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dison's Re- medy, Munro's Drug Store, 136 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00 SAUMle Elea Poi al 11A1.3 (test tvy7 offenetve odea it,�rnnily, Zrr bottle. t)tIawr, •, 'es' hop me s. Drug Store, (Ottawa, 11iEDICAL TRY IT! EVERY SUFFERER OF Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store. 836 Elgin Ot- tawa. Postpaid $1.00 PfOTOGRAPfY TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25o REPRINTS 8 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVIC]6 You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J, Toronto, SPECIAL PRICES ON COLORED AND FRAMED ENLARGEMENTS Quality Enlargements 456" in Beau- tiful easel mounts, 3 for 25c. Fram- ed in Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, on Ivory mats 7x9". 59e each. If coloured 79c each. • ANY SIZE ROLL 6 or 8 osures DEVELOPED ANI) PRINTED 25c Get prompt mail service on quality work at low cost. Satisfied custom- ers all over Canada will tell you that Star Snapshot Service does the best work. DON'T TAKE RISKS WITH YOUR FILMS Snapshots can never be taken again, Send your rolls to Canada's largest and finest finishing studio— STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Your Name and Address Plainly on All Orders. Get Nixodernt from your druggist today—the money -back trial offer protects you. DOUfLE SIZE Super Prints 49c 0 or 8 Exposure Rolla Developed and Printed Double Size Only REGULAR SIZE 6 or 8 Exposure Roue Developed and Printed 39c' FILMS FILMS FILMS Sens To You sly Return Mall No. 12:--53es No. 120 or 020-40e No. 110 or 616-43e These Prices Include 11'lee •Centre For Wrapping nod Mailing SUPERIOR FILM SERVICE Dos[ 401 Hamilton, Ont. Expert Photo lrinishers for 25 yearn FOR SALE 62 ACRES, SANDWICH EAST, near Windsor d. mmeditey ad- enSpioved sitsubdivsion. Contains about six acres good standing tunbor. Blade loam. Also 120 lots, corner $rd. Concession and Pt1]ette Rd, Owner, I3ox 143, 78 Adelaide W., Toronto. CI -IAN RABBITRY -- NEW BEA- land Whites, Standard and Giant Chinchillas -- All ages -- blocky types—quality fur—malco weight easily—mature 'rtuielrly—all pedi- greed—Dominion Toropcioes Registered Rab- bitry, bitry, Catnpbolltord, Ontario, FOR SALE SLIPIT HARNESS DRESSING Finest leather and harness pre- servative. Slipit also has many, houeshold uses 25e up at most grocery, intra ware •ancl• eualn stores. A product of Lloyds Lab- oratories, Toronto. ARMY HOOTS NEWLY RECONDITIONED BOOTS of our armed forces, perfect con- dition, $3.25 delivered. Ladies' army shoes, perfectly rebuilt, $2.25 delivered, Money -back guar- antee. State size, send • money! order. Ruskin & Co., Peterbore ough, Ont. ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; b o 1 t Q, pulleys, brushes, Allen Electric Company Ltd.. 2326 Dufferin Ste Toronto. hfACDONALD C O M B IN ATI ON grain and seed Thresher with grain elevator, all belts complete, in good running condition, .7. W. Groat, Cheltenham, Ont. 342 SECTION. 185 CULTIVATED, 175 head sheep, 5 milking cows, tractor and other machinery, all for 4,000.00. Mike Bobak, Ash- ville, Man. TEN LOVELY BIRTHDAY ('ARDS,. "Rural Rooftree" and "Fireside Realm" six months 25r. Rooftree Publications, Box 44, Oriilia, On' tarso. . EVANTr1) QUANTITY OP LARGE \VILLUW trees. Banger Limb • Company, • 85 Xing Street West, Toronto, Ontario. SLAPS ANT) EDGiNGS. 4' SO6'T 01)6 hardwood. State kind, 'quan- tity, when out and lowest prices on Pars. Wel tor sonless, 19 Me, Hilda Street, Toronto. Ii cLP WANTED WANTED AT ONCE, WOMAN TO take full charge in farm home. One adult to cook for. Widow:: preferred, respectable place Good wages. Permanent home it sates« tied state age. fare advanced, Thomas Armour, Port 'Burwell. Tut. 2, Ont. FARM. HELP WANT'n—arARR1Ep ronple for farm moat,he fully experienced, good characer, good with horses—no milking, Separ- ate House, hydro,—Perm 30 miles from Toronto. Write 208 King St., Weston, Ont. EXPERIENCED FLI)OR.MAN AND all round printer, permanent poli« tion, Apply Pyle 1370111, Near- est celert]ve Service office. TEACHERS WAN'l'luD BOOHKEs, T7;A(3-1E11 Poll PUB« • Ile schooi, grades 1 to 14. Mate age, salary, experience and refer, encos in answer. Secretary, Treasurer, U.S.S. N;o. 1, Benoit and Maisonville Twps,. rlourires, Ontario. PROTESTANT TIIIACIiEIt WANTED for S. S. No, 10, Raglan. Ron, flew county. .Duties to t'sn- mence Sept, 5, Apply slating salary and gttalif!eattons 1n Ar- thur C. Genrielr See, -'meas,, d Lake Ont. WANTED, Q'UALT Er) TEA Ii Mt for Protestant Public Soh cud, Two or more years experience. First Mass, Near .Lale'e Nlpplsshlo, Ap- ply A. Dowries, R. 71. 1, Monet, vfilre, Ont, $0,la1y 51,200,