HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-07-06, Page 8*AIM ONTARIO 8 Ladies' Wear A New Supply of Ladies' Dresses on hand in fine spun Rayons, assorted floral designs, suitable for warm Summer Days. AR Sizes. Special at $3.25 One dozen only Striped Seersucker Dresses, well made in tailored styles Sizes 14 to 44, Special at $4.50 A new line of Ladies' Bathing Suits from 2.69 to 3.50 Each. Men's Wear See our ,range of Men's and Boys' Summer Trous- ers, fine sport Shirts, Jerseys, light weight Sweat- ers and Windbreakers... A new lot of Country Club Dress Shirts. Everything in Work Clothes for men and boys... Also a large assortment of Men's and Boys' Ready to Wear Suits. GROCERIES 68c. �Oc 39c 27c 15c 1Oc 19c 40c 35c Black Bulk Tea per lb Soups, per tin Sugar Sub., now per bottle Certo, per bottle Certo, crystels, pkg. Tomato juice, tin Laundry Soap, 5 bars Falcon Coffee, tin Grapefruit juice, 5.5 -oz. tin Gascho Bros• TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH GENERAL . 1NSURANO EXCEPT L`iFE._. Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Eta,' Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich ZURICH' HERMIDY- zumews Grocery Stogy WE. ALWAYS CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF: FRES111 GROCERIES ON HAND PURCHASED FROM.THf:LEAR- ING WHOLESALE HOUSES. OWING TO: UNSETTLED) CONDITIONS WE ARE NOT QUOTING ANY, PARTICULAR PRICES BUT CAN ASSURE THE PUBLIC GOOD) VALUE FOR. THEIR MONEY WITH QUALITY AND: PR1C.P•1 THE VERY BEST Menno Oesch PRDUCE WANTED. Z=1 Phones 165; UIII t iliiIIilifitiiifoni 1t ionioiIiIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIgiii !111111! 1!iii!!!UIIlil6ti t! Il ipti011 IIIBiI IIN1nitii i Illi! IjII� Il uhJllllllllllllllllE<hll�t ; ITEMS OF LOCAL MEM OBrruARY Mr. .Paul 'H.ess of Toronto was a 1 Mrs. Minni B. Kilter holiday visitor with his parents. Mrs. E. Bender and sister, Miss L. Carr of Toronto .are visiting relati- ves in this vicinity at present. Mrs. Chester L. Smith and da .- ght& Mae spent the fore part of this week in. Toronto, and while there were guests at the Royal Yam Hotel. Ma. and Mrs. Carl Pieluch and son Harold of Kitchener spent sever- al days at the home of the batter's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Krueger. Tpr. Arthur Thompson who is in the. armed Forces also takes ;great pleasure to thank the Red Bross for all the parcels he has received. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Becker and little daughter Sylvia of. St. Cathar- ines were visitors with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wurm. Mr. and Mrs. Musselman and Miss Musselman of Elmira enjoyed the 1 week -end at the home ,of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ginger ch, Bronson line. fell, enthas Reinhard and Albert allask.; four brothers, Wm. R of R.F.N.• , Leonard T.- Hoffman of 1N'indthorst, Sask; Frank Biesenthal Prince' George, B. C. ••is at present of Pembroke. The body was resting •,spending his furlough at the home of at her late residence from where a his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Hoff; brief funeral- service took place " on man of the Goshen line. south. ,Saturday July 1st, followed by a ser - Farmers are busy with the big hay vice in_ Zion Lutheran church at 2.30 crop. The weather. is ;ideal and' , a Interment in the Lutheran Bronson lot of good hay is going in these days tine Cemetery. Rev. T. Luft 'offi- Fall Wheat is ripening up very rap- mated. idly and soon the .binders 'will be at work cutting the -same. A most bea- utiful sight the golden wheat waving in the gentle breezes these days.. Mr. and' Mrs, J. J. Swart: were I week -end visitors at the home of Mrs I Emily Fuss; and were accompanied back to Detroit by their daughter Eunice and Mrs. Fuss. 'Mrs. Floyd Hernbacker of Detroit was with the former to Zurich. +►+► •0a t .6. VOUR 4 t Hardware and Furniturs Thursday,0.4. 6th; 1944: 4. 4. LET US SHOW YOU OUR NEW SUPPLIES' OF READYMIXED PAINTS 4. 4. A well known resident of Hay Township, residing near" Dashwood, passed away in, St.. Joseph's Hospital London on Wednesday June 28th af- ter a Tingeriing- i11i1ess in. her 69th year. Having been adluittea to the hospital a week previous; She was born near• Pembroke, and came to this community when quite young. Was married' to, Otto, Miller who pre- deceased her 14 years ago, and was a faithful' member of the Lutheran church, Dashwood and the Ladies' Aid. Surviving• are two daughters, Mrs. (Rev.) R. Koessel of Ruth, Mich; and Mrs. Earl Stumpf of Kitchener. Six sons, who acted as pall bearers, Reinhold' of Hay Twp; Theodore of Zwrieh; Rev. Ernest Miller of Cleve- land, Ohio; Albert of Can. Rifles, Niagara on the Lake; Edwin of Dash wood' and Heilbert at home; two sis- ters, Mrs. Mary Schroeder of Dash- wood' Mrs.. Nicholas Miller of Gren- STORE 61EW WIRE FENCING:4 We have or hand a good supply of new'':garb Wire; Steel Posts,J'W. oven Wire Fencing ancLa$Ethe. sup, Riles required for Fencingg. PAINT TJP TIME The Season : demands to PAINT UP in, orders; to) Preserve the Surface on your Building . I ids poor economy to try to save on Paint.. W& have.: a .good stock of all called for.. Paints, Varnishes,,. and Paint upplies.....See these lines:. - FURNITURE ' 4. . See Ourr Studio Couches and Dinnette:Siuiteaa ' A Eadil Line of all the Home Req uir enaents- Johnston & Ka1bfteicW Hard,{ are & Furniture, PhQ.na 4•4 4.444.• •44.4.+04 40 4. 4+44.144.444.+4. 44 04444+44044.•4.4" i-144. ,44.1-14++ i.+++++a 4,41,4 •194 441 4 TRY ECKETj'S .. I + 4. T 'wn TaJk' Brettd I 4. + also + CHOICE VARIETY OF KE, PIES.. AND • + SWEET Gain S. 4. Ali' Ingredients Used are oaf. the High Quails ALL CONFECTIONS ' -- ICE CREAM � Jt S,TQ > . IS CLOSED max DA'! ,, WED., & E CI AYl.1!i11 'S ' eel's Bakery, -- . Zurich , 41 Telephe 100'' Local Representative - Zurich 1� cwwwwwwwwim 410040.00600664140.041100006108e 000seasoososa, HARDWARE -- SEEDS an`l_._ FURNITURE You are going Through This World Only Once. So Why Do.. Without 'These Labor Savers? 1 Experienced farm help is scarce and costly. You'll need moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. • Invest part of the money you'd pay hired help, in Beatty labor- saving stable equipment. Pays lietime dividends.Gives you more time to enjoy. life. En- hances value of farm. Improv- es product. - Inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls --Exceptional Values at Lower Prices... Lower Price4i Stalls Automatic Wa#Ps''r`': +"ural(� R( it mIII ii' ! O iT �I �lIIIl� pJu1 I 104Mibillitiliiiiitf III litir.:. 4_ 10,0014 ie. T omp iI 1 BROODER HOUSE COAL We have received a shipment of choice Chestnut Coal which we are selling out on restrictions only for Brooder House use, and an agreement has to be signed that it will be used for that purpose only. STADE & WE ID zuRicH - ONT. QUALITY — . PRICE - SERVICE a i • Has Champion Cow Mr. Will Schrag, of the Goshen Line, north, has the distinction of owning Canada's champion R.O.P. mature Gurnsey cow which has a milking record in 305 days . of 10,- 06,1 lbs. of milk, 529 lbs of butter fat, with an average test 5?• We congratulate Will on pos,'r. ing so fine a record cow. LOCKER CHANGES HANDS Mr. J. C. Vidt, who recently dis- posed of the Exeter Frozen Food Lockers to Mr. C. E. McCarter of Eddy's Mills, has left for London, where he will reside in future. Mr. and Mrs. McCarter and four children have moved into the residence vacat- ed by Mr. Vidt. HYMENEAL Rau—Flannigan St. James' R. C. Church, Seaforth was the setting for a lovely June wedding, when Isabel, daughter' of Mrs. Flannigan, Seaforth, and the late James Flannigan, became the bride of Mr, Verdon Rau, son of Mrs. Joseph Rau, Drysdale, and the, late Joseph Rau. Rev. T. P. Hussey officiated at the ceremony and sang the nuptial mass. Mrs. Franx Dever- eaux presided at the organ and play- ed, the. wedding music. Miss Julia Flannigan, sister of the bride, sang Golunads "Ave Maria" at the offer- tory and "]3.ecause" at the signing of. the register. The bride was• given in marriage by her mother. Miss Mary Flannigan, silted • of the bride, was bridesmaid, and the best man Was, "Babe" Badour of Zurich and the pshevs were Jerry Bannon, of Sea- forth and Roy Ron, Kinkora. Dimmer was served at the Commercial Hotel to thirty guests. Both the bride and groom's mothers received. The bride's table was centred with a three tier wedding cake and flowers. A buffet supper was served at the bri- de's hone in the evening with -the groom's mother pouring tea. Mr. and Mrs. Rau left on a honeymoon trip to Manitoulin Island„ on their return they will reside it Seaforth. .Guests were present from Zurich, Drysdale, Kinneora, Detroit, Dublin, Seaforth, Windsor, St. Columban and Mogan Falls. 1 1 1 We an • Hlistorq t 4 i'*+ ++++++++++ 44.•.3.+4.4 • 3444+k43ltdc _ ay :r Way Into -a Breadline! OUP is a meek little word that covers a multitude of :suffering lit .And only through profiting by past mistakes...will we suffer less! Remember how in - the last war fel ks"blew their money..Neediess spending caused prices to rise ... SQ that by 1818,the was 2516:. FLOUR you buy today for 89c cost$1.85them while babys coat compared to a similar coat at Qd i today. This was inflation and all That's why too soon it was followed by the inevitable depression ! our government is' determined to prevent inflation -now... why there are price ceilings and other anti-inflationary measures to hold the cost of -living down and keep .our dollar value high. And YOU help prevent a future depression and keep -your dollars high invalue... every time you pass up a needless Luxury invest your money wisely ?°�Y and avoid black market spending. 6�__ • 0 9 '• • I promise to give my support to keeping the cost of living down. 1 will buy only what I need. 1 will observe the ceiling ,whether buying or sell- ing goods or services. 1 'will pay off old debts, ' • save for the future, invest in Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates. And 1 will support taxes which help lower the cost of living. tee, fe''ia P6'144 " 141at 41n1 INnu57RY' Published 1y'1HE 13ItIWING INDt3STICY (ONTARIO}_ to help reveal the dangers that inflation represents for all the people of the Nation. P � i 0