Zurich Herald, 1944-07-06, Page 6L THE SPORTING THING I BY ,LANG ARMSTRONG fit•---- _ - Sterling Silver Service Buttons For Relatives of Men and Women in Armed Forces! Wear a sferlind s 1 1 v e r button showing the num- ber of e 0 n e, daughters, sisters or brothers YOU have serving' in the armed forces!. there are lapel - style buttons for men, pins for women, enamelled in the patriotic feed, white and blue, num" 1�Z5 Actual ring from one to five size, sketched, Fact All Taxes Included SIMPLAY INSIGNIAS 314 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. RIIIMBBIBBIBIRMOZUMISMOMMINEMMINIS LED PARATROOPERS Lieut.. S. W. McGowan, Winnipeg, Man., the first Canadian Paratroop assault infantry officer to drop down through the roof of France near Caen, leading the way for the now fatuous 6th Airborne Division in opening the A11ied invasion of Europe. THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson r THERE' IS ONE DAY IN EVERY MONTH IN WHICH THE MOON DOES NOT RISE, AND ONIr IN WHICH IT DOES' Nor SET. IN ANCIENT TIMES, CATS f WERE TRA/NEO TO CATCH BIRDS! NOW 'WE TRY To TRAIN THEM NOT Mt SCAT L9T1"4PR. 1445 RY NEA Vt�J T. M, REC. U. S. PAT. OFF. A WISE GIRL NEVER. $LOWS HEi2 KNOWS:''AAP JEAN CHAMBERLIN? CMC/iw, e, . ®hie. 10-25 :NEXT: Twenty-five thousand roues an hour. and no tires neededt FUNNY BUSINESS "It's his first jump!" This valuable booklet "How Rex Oil Feeding Aids Better Breeding Results" contains actual case histories showing how 50 Canadian Farmers, Government Institutions and Agri- cultural Colleges increased profits through the use of Rex 00. It explains how Rex Oil provides the nutri- tional factors so essential to proper function- ing of the reproduction system. Every cattle, horse, swine or sheep breeder will be interested in learning how many common breeding problems can be solved. Write for your copy today. 4 oz. $1.25 20 oz. $5.00 VIQBIN (CANADA) LIMITED N.D.G. Post Office Box 60 Montreal, Que. Am. Amp V10BIN (CANADA) LIMITED, N•D.G. Post Office Box 50, Montreal, Que. 00Please Peedingnd me free coy of your bookAids better Breoding R ults''et "How Rex NAME ADDRESS SIDE GLANCES By George Clark eta r�'�Yrk; 0 rA P10 le "Just look! And I ` told that af ,a4r: i' n. r . Ve 1`I' ...r,•rd*a;p coPR.K)MM J A mann x, a e,u,s.PAT.oyf camp counselor not to let you get a single freckle on your nose this summer!" Today INFANTRY„ versatile fast moving I< r, �0 ) �' ".tlri OfCtrelitit 11440, %;,, TAE NKBUSTER T THE NEW "PIAT" ANTI-TANK WEAPON CAN ALSO BE, USED AS A MORTAR— ' ORTAR- ,. n )5s. ekl l t.y 'D.P.R.(\ AO PIAT GUN Newest addition to the Canadian infantryman's arsenal is the Piat anti- tank ntitank weapon, the unorthodox but simple bomb -thrower that makes the lone soldier more than a match for the heavily armoured tanks being thrown against him by the enemy in Italy. Called for official purposes a "projector, infantry and anti-tank,' and derving its name from the first letters of those four words, the Piat throws a bomb that explodes on impact and will penetrate four inches of the finest armour -plate. It spells death to tank crews and concrete pillboJces are no defence against its powerful blast: also it may be readily flsed as a mortar and in a house -breaking role. The Piat weighs only 34 pounds and can be handled easily by one man,:,-- Canadian soldiers, overseas are already welt! trained in its use, while here in Canada most of the infantry train- ing centres have courses on the Piat in full swing. bsanr. FAMILY LIKENESS . gir IGt,tCYAS VY[Lil ,41 Uri4.04 IS PL (INd, CONTENTEDLY KNOWS THE'CRE RELA- ONE OF THEM REMARKS WITH FINGERS WHEN TIVES BECAUSE THEY HE'S CERTAINLY THE MOTHER BRING Vlet- BEUIN DISCUSSING LIVING?' IMAGE OF 141S TORS IN WHOM HE LOOKS' Like MOTHER AND DADDY'S COA15114 To WHICH COUSIN ELLA 0E16 RESTLESS UNDER JANE SAYS NON$$ENSE5 POINTS OUT- THAT He THIS SCRUTINY. WHAT HE FAVORS HIS FA- o6Vl0USLY HAS MIS DO THEY THINK He IS, THEWS SIDE OF THE MOTHER'S NOSE SOMETHING IN THE ZOO FAMILY COUSIN JANE SAYS $HE HAS HIS FATHER'S DAV PICTURE, AND THE LIKENESS 1S ASTONISHING COUSIN ELLA SNIPS DECIDES TO GIVE THEM AND REMARKS HE NOT THE WORKS. MAYBE ONLY HAS HIS MOTHER'S NOW NEITHER SIDE Wt NOSE $UT HER HAIR WANT TO CLAIM A (copyrtebt, 1970, by Th. sat oreato tatuet LIKENESS ct. ,v`1bhI li t 1 lar\ .s- tNWT v,...,10), 01 r4 �5f vie rlttS\�Io._ "I told you not to play so close to the net!" LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neher "Look at your father reading that 1940 auto catalogue he found when he searched the attic for scrap ... You'd think it was the latest best seller." POP—Now They Fit to a "T" ", HOW DO YOU GET A1?MY TROLJSERS TO FIT HI:M By J. MILLAR WATT „fr- Veit (Relenned by The Bell'ty(rdlcntc, REG'LAR FELLE2S—His Sea Legs / IT SURE IS A BEAUT, PINHEAb, 6U`f WHY DON'i'CHA ti --Z PUT it ON RIGHT? y._. LOOKIT THE SWELL SAILOR SUIT MY MOM BOUGHT ME! SURE; YCUb BE ABLE 7o L WALK EVER SO MUCH PASTER IF YA DID By GENE BYRNES SO THAT'S THE OTHER PANTS' LEC,! 1 WUZ WONDERING WHAT THAT THING WUZ