HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-07-06, Page 4,Xtl:arr'!�IVTli�Rl�+
Word has been received of the rat -
sing of a former resident in the per
hon of Paul Durand of Stephen,
nesota inh is 79th year. He was b'ern
at Drysdale and lived there till he
reached the age of 23 when he went
West and took up land• in the Fork
District where he has resided fpr the
past 56 years. A few years 'ago he
left the farm to two of his sons and
with his wife moved to the town of
Stephen. He leaves to mourn his
loss his wife and ten of a family.
One son died some years ago. A num-
All but of these are married.
three were home for the funeral.
Two brothers, Joseph the eldest and
Louis the youngest and three sisters,
Leah, Mrs. Walter Latimer, of Tor-
onto, Ida, Mrs. Frank Adams of St-
ratford, and Celena, ivIrs. Robt. Dou-
glas of Simcoe, Ont., also survive.
lslx. and Mrs. Geo. Anderson and
family were reeent 'vi itors at Ham -
iheee with Me.• and thN 'i d, ••swden
Mr. Ralph Stepheilsen lea's left for
Pilot Mound, Mang to spend some
time with his daughters Mrs. W. Co-
ckerline and Mrs. D. Johnston
his sister, Mrs. Alice ,Armstrong.
Rev. Miss Reba Hern has left on
her vacation; first going to her par-
ents at Sault Ste. Marie and from
there on to the western coast.
On Sunday morning last at the 11
o'clock service in St. John's Anglic-
an church the honor roll was unveil-
ed and dedicated by Rev. Archdeacon
Doherty of London. Flt, Lt. Love,
padre of Clinton ale force was the
guest speaker.
Had Reunion
youngest boy. Mr, Milton Pollock
was holder of the lucky ticket. The
officers for 1945 are; 'President, Mr.
Donald Begg„ St. Thomas; vice prs.
Edwin Hobson, St.. Thomas; secy.-
tress, Mary •Snowden, Zurich. A fine
program of sports was run off. The
next year picnic is to be held at
Springhank park the last Saturday
in June.
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
Dominion Day has come and gone
again for another year and with it
brought many visitors from many
parts. The day formed many family
unions, and in the midst of grief and
despair, they tried to enjoy themsel-
ve s.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernie
effrey. of this burg was the scene
of a very happy gathering when all
their children met together in a re-
union. Many by -gone happenings
and incidents were renewed. Those
from a distant points were: Pte. Do-
miniqe of Montreal; the Misses Cher -
tie and Doris and Vincent of Detroit,
while Maxina.e, Alphonse and Gerald
ily union.
At Mr. and Mrs. "Joseph Cantin at
his new summer 'cottage on the beach
visitors wore from Windsor, Mrs.
Ros Hewitt and family and Jule "Can -
tine and from Detroit were Miss Eva
Cantin and friend, and Mr. and Mrs.
R. Cook, also Mr. Frank 7effrey of
this burg. The 'occasion was to cele-
brate the twenty=iifth wedding anniv-
ersary of the proprietors, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Cantin.
Mr. and M.rs. Paul. Masse of Win-
dsor called on 'relat'ives and friends
'in this vidiriity lover the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Larrey of
Mount Carmel were Sunday* evening
visitors With 1CIr. and 14Irs. 1+°. 'Duch-
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jeffrey of
Goderich spent'the 'holiday with their
relatives 'here.
Mr. and Mrs. Conzage Cantin of
Montreal will spend a few months in
St. Joseph, caring for tete former's
i mother, Mss. -N. M. Cantin who non -
The reunion of the Penhale, Snow-
den and Westlake families was held
:1. Grand Fiend, which was attended
by sixty-two members from Bayfield,
Varna, Zurich, Exeter, London and
St. Thomas. The oldest lady present
was Mrs. T. Snowden, Zurich and the
oldest man was R. H. Penhale, Se
Thomas. The youngest gtrl, • Mary
Grainger and Robt. Westlake ass tete
Every toughtful person agrees that in thistime
of war SAVING should be practised intensive]
and for ;the ifollowing reasons:
:Financing the war
;2) "Keeping prices down
.3) Providing for the future
By saving instead of spending now, you will help
yourself &ad your country—provide for Canada's
security txday .and your own security tomorrow_
Up.to-date Banking for Industry and Worktrs
Hensall Branch: W. B. A. CROSS, Manager
Zurich (Sub -Agency) : Open Mon., Thurs., and Sat.
tinues quite ill and helpless.
Visitors .with Mrs. Joseph Bedard
were; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bedard and
Mrs. Frank Denomme of Chatham,
and Mr. and Mrs, Philip Bedard
Tillbury, also Sister Eugene and •Sis-
ter Evan of Chatham.
Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Wilhelm of Bad-
en were Sunday visitors with the.
Sararas family of the Blue Water
south. •
Mr. Joe Masse and Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore Laporte and • family, of
Windsor spent the week -end with
their relatives.
Phyllis Kyle, one year old daugh-
ter of Gunner and Mrs. Byron Kyle
of Hensall, died early on Tuesday
morningfi her death caused from a
choking seizure, following whooping
cough, surviving are her parents, a
little brother Donald, The baby's
father is stationed at Pettawawa, but
is home on a two weeks leave. The
baby's mother is the former Olive
Brock of Hensale
their home, which was a gift from
their family, presenited to them on
their golden wedding anniversary,
and just recently completed. Their
many friends wish' them many more
years of rnanried life.
Sena 'VNISIONeelliellieleOMMINNIMI.11111100110MallieN1
'Thursday,, July 6th, 1944
has been engaged as principalo f. the
Hensall public school, to succeed Air,
Claude Blower, formerly principal
for 16 years, : who recently resigne4
and has been, engaged as principal
of Exeter Public School. Miss Mar•-
garet Mirkey of Brussels, will be as—
sistant teacher to replace Miss Beryl
Pfaff on the staff for 12 years.
Home on Furlough
Fit. Lieut. Bartle Motz arrived in:
Exeter from overseas to visit with
his parents, Sgt. and Mrs. Rollie Motz
after spending two and a half years
with the RCAF. Fit. Lieut. Motz has
been on operational duties in Great.
Britain and North Africa and is now,
enjoying a furlough of a few week
Mr. George Cowan of Dungannon; before returning overseas.
Ile Reported Missiiag
Roy McLaren near here has recei-
ved word that his brother, Trooper
Donald McLeod, 25 is reporten miss-
ing on the first day of the invasion
in France. He was born in Swift
Current, Sask, enlisted in Winnipeg,
received his training at Winnipeg. and
Camp Borded, Owen .Sound, went av-
seas in 1941 and came through the
Dieppe raid without a scratch. He is
a son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McLeod
Cof Blaekdale, Man., and has visited
in Hensall on many occasions.
Now Principal Engaged
Yourig g'eeple,;s Camp
The boys and girls camp of the
United church will be held at the
United Church camp" site, ,Goderlch,
from July 3-10 and July 24-31 re-
spectively. Rev. H. J. Snell of Aub-
urn will direct the boys camp and a
director from the girls work board.
Toronto will have charge of the girls
camp. Perth Presbytery as well as
Huron will be included in this Perth
Presbytery and the first 40 applicat-
ions from each Presbytery will be
accepted. A splendid program of stu-
dies and sports, under competent le-
aders have been arranged. Any
boys or girls desiring to register for
these camps are urged to see Rev. le
A. Brook. Minister of Hensall Unit-
ed church without delay. These
camps are for boys and girls 9 years
of age and over.
Observed 52nd Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. John Elder, promin-
ent and esteemed residents of Hen-
sall, on July 6th observed their 52nd
wedding anniversary. Recently they
had a modern bathroom installed in
aaaaaaaaa0aaoraaaaa+eaaaasa• Naiaaoaat/NNaaaraaaa1111N
We wish to advise the public that We carry a good
supply of Bonemeai for your Stock and will be
pleased to supply your requirements.
It is some considerable time since this all important,.
product has been on the market.- But we were
fortunate in securing a supply. Also have Cod
Liver Oil, .,Etc. for Live Stock. Get your supply
Now! ..
Your Chick Fekds
The Chick Starter Season is. with us again and we
have all the called for Feeds such as Oat Hulls,
Peat Moss, Sugar Copra, Grit, Oyster Shell, Char-
coal, Etc., Etc.
L. e & Son
010106010110446011041440.044 *IAA Veseeeee' teeeeeiteeiefteeetet
A Gas known to every motorist. Why tale chances in
inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas at Regular
Engineered Lubrication
At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using '7 kinds
of Grease. We invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car and see
how Trained Attendants Grease Cars
Expert Repairing
We use the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor.
Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires
Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most 7;Tp-to-dusts
Garage and Service Station.
Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car for
the Colder Weather and Heavier Roads
C. Fritz & Son Used Car Lot in Connection
s, ..w
.a..W---. -umaa - -
Now that I can go I'm not going to stick around and
let the other fellows do it.
Bill and Jack went over last week; and Fred's
over there a year. Now it's my chance;
It's going to take months of training before
get fighting -fit, so I'd better get moving
Yes sir 1 I'mgoing now, to tell Dad and
Mom that I'm on my way to sign up.
I can
'.j ,..J•r r.. , „ ,.ret.. :y.,
r. r!':`: .r �,.i•+!,flet r •..