HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-06-01, Page 7GERMAN BACK -TALK IN ITALY tee German caption on photo above, received in London from Stockholm, says picture shows German field piece in action against Allies on the southern Italian front. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Water Can Be Used To Start A Fire Water is ahnost universally thought of as a primary fire ex- tinguisher, writes W. P. Keasbey in the Christian. Science Monitor. $owever, under certain spetiai Londitions, water also can start a dire. Most of us have eiited a burning glass or have seen 'one used. A burning glass is merely a lens of snageifying glass gr-4-utid in such s way that it.brin s to a sharp lo- llop the ;rays .;,f. ght 4hich pass ' When usa y'n bright sunlight it can concentrate all the rays that tall on° its surface (say three in- ches in diameter) onto a liny area sot much bigger than a pinhead. This concentration of rays results in a corresponding concentration of beat, and when the sunlight bil- ling on the burning glass is focused on dry paper, dry shavings, or other readily eombustilbe mater- ial, the heat will soon cause the substance first to char, then to .rnoke, and finally to burst into flame. Water has two properties in (common with glass and these pro- perties make it possible for water to start a fire. Clean water is trans- parent like glass. Also, -like glass, water bends rays of light that pass through it at an angle. This bend- ing of light rays by ' water is fa- miliarly seen in the fact that a stick 4r a pencil, thrust into water at an angle, seems to bend where it en- ters the water's surface. •Since water lets light pass through and sends it as it passes, water is placed in a clear glass co.ntaigere of the proper shape, it elan act like a burning glass—it can concentrate rays of sunlight to such an extent that their focused teat can cause combustible material to burst into flame. Water in a goldfish bowl might produce such 'an effect. Cicero, Roman orator, was aided In his work by a secretary who de- nised a shorthand system to record Cicero's speeches as he dictated them. If you suffer MONTHLY I You who suffer cramps, headache, backache, and tired, nervous /eel- liege—due to female functional dis- turbances — should try Lydia E. 7Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It has a soothing effect on one of worn - CM'S most important organs. Also a tine stomach tonic! Made in Canada. Wyorrth tryingpp�t qa�v UYGEFAt]tE LYDIA E. PINKNg1 COMPO, O, f acea he Nothing is more depress sing than headaches... iiethy suffer?...iambly`. will give instant relief 1A.am1'y's isgood for ear- ache, toothache, patnsin 719 e 'back, stomach, bowels. ;Weal HEADACHE POWDERS- 14 Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. What would be considered the two extremes in conversation? 2. Should a girl begin to put on her wraps when she has dined with a man, and is leaving the table? 3. Is it good form to makee a lengthy ca11 of condolence? 4. If one has received a wedding announcement, it it good planners to write a letter to- the bride? 5. If one has to pass people who are seated in a theatre in order to reach one's scat, is an apology necessary? • G. Where is the proper place to seat a woman guest of honor at the dinner table? An veers 1. -Ocie voutd?be monopolising the talk to the eoint where every- one is bored; the other, letting the conversation lapse every time it reaches you. 2. No; either the girl's escort or the waiter should assist her. 3. No; this call should be as brief as possible. 4. Yes; it would be nice to send best wishes, but it is not obligatory unless an irvitation to tin ceremony is re- ceived. 5. Yes; apologize quietly and then sass on as quickly as pos- sible. 0. To the right of the host. • LEADS FRENCH Leader oi' Me Fighting French forces driving through German resistance in Italy is Gen. Al- phonse Juin, pictured enjoying a quick sandwich snack near Cassino, He was formerly mili- tary commander of the Algerian district of French North Africa. Rest Your Eyes At the end of a busy day, soothe your eyes by lying flat, feet prop- ped ped rn the • air at a level above the head; place warm compresses over the eyes, and relax your body. War Bin Will Pass • Trillion Dollar Mar By the .end of this year the cost of the war 0. 411 belligerent nations will be near the almost unimagin- able total of a trillion dollars,, says the Winnipeg Free Press. The bill will pass the trillion mark in 1945, according to figures , compiled by the Tax. Institute of New York, .A. trillion dollars is a million million or a thousand billion—a sural never used in human history before to reckon the cost of war or any other ' activity. • The Tax Institute calculates that the Axis so far has spent about the same amount on the war as the United Nations. But the balance .of expenditures is now shiiting rapidly. and this year the United Nations will spend $1.50 billions as against WI estimated total Axis expendi- ture of $50 billions. It must be re- membered, of course, that a dollar will buy more in the Axis countries than in the Allied countries, where wages and living standards are higher. -sr Poultices of Mecca relieve pain, brine cut, cores, heels quickly, no scar. 25c, 35c, 50c, $1.00. tr 'i.M NT'. Lend.Le&ge Trucks AidRussian Drive ;Nearly 250 planes, more than 280 tanks, anti 7,000 other military n10 - tor vehicles a week were Sent over. seas- from the United States to"'Al- lied nations during Jantaary and February ander the Lend -Lease program, Leo. T. Crowley, United Sfates Foreign Economic Adminis- trator, .reported. Mr. Crowley credited tens of thousands of Lend -Lease trucks with playing a vital role in the Soviet westward .drive in the Uk- raine and Crl'inea, Furthermore, Soviet - produced tanks were augmented in the offen- sive drives by Lend -Lease General Shernlans, Mr. Crowley added. Sine March 11,' 1041, the United States has produced more than 105,- 000 planes, ;50,000 tanks and 2,000,- 000 other military vehicles, Mr. Crowley reported, adding that the United Statesretained four-fifths of the planes and two-thirds of the other equipment. SNAPPING A SAKE -HAPPY JAPPY Capt. Stanley F. Peoveak of Santa Clara, Mich., snaps a picture of a Jap he captured at HolIandia, New Guinea. If Captain Peoveak's pal hadn't held him' up, the prisoner would have fallen smack on his face—because he's one Nip who bad been nipping too freely on a bottle of sake—the ,Jap quivalent af. corn likklen More men smoke Pkcobac than any other Pipe Tobacco in Canada %`ell trvti �11 " ell.,e ren ef?e 'res' ,i'1e. ,/ ry Have You y'.r'ard? She was anxious to learn the latest news about her neighbor's accident, and turning toward her husband, who was immersed in the evening paper, she said: "Henry, can you see anything in the paper about Mr, Jones running over his mother-in-law?" "Not yet," replied Mr. Peck. "1 haven't come to the sporting newsl" A little bird sat on a teleffraph wire, And said to his mates, "X de- clare, If wireless telegraphy comes into vogue, wen all have 4o sit on the air" "Why do you insist on keeping a parrot?" "Because," answered the lonely man,' "I like to hear it talk. The parrot is the only creature gifted with the power of speech that is content to repeat just what it hears without trying to make a good story." TYPE METALS DOMINIONx�& 'MONAP TYPE FOUNDRIES for C:train or in exchange for New Type & MONARCH TYPE FOUNDRIES 145 Adelaide St. W., Toronto Tribunal Chairman (to C.O.): And what would you do if a German attacked your mo- ether? o-ther? Conscientious Objector: I'd lay three to one on mum. "Doctor", inquired the anxious patient about to go under anesthe- tic: "How long will it be before I know anything?"' "My dear sir", responded the exasperated medico, "aren't you expecting almost too much /yore: a little ether?" Suitor -- "Darling, how can I ever leave you?" Father (shouting downstairs) — "Bus, train, or taxi cab." The first lifeboats were designed at the cnd of the eighteenth cen- tury. UABV CIi1C1iS GET TOP 'NOTCH CHICKee FOR a Top Notch Market There 11 be an active demand feee emery Top Notch chick' you raise anti every egg a 'but• op:Notch pullet' produce. And if 'they'reas^'goad i as their blood -tested Govern'Uerlt T .Approved breeders `the' broilers.; and roasters :will have ehe-eveighl and quality to do"" your heart good and the layers will. be the' kind that keeps the egg cases.. full. Write for 194T' catalogue . and reduced. May pricelist. Also started. chicks, free range pullets 8 weeks of age and older. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ont. REDUCED PRICES FOR CHICKS,' Barred Roelcs and 'Leghor•ns 11c, ' Leghorn pullets 22c, Barred Rock pullets 20e. L eghorns are Barron Strain, `Rocks are O.B.S. breed- ing. All breeders are blood test- ed. One dollar books your, order. J. D. Johnson, Fergus, Ont. RIGHT NOW YOU WANT CHICIC.S in a hurry as the season is get- ting on. We can give prompt de- livery on most of the popular pure breeds and hybrid Crosses in non -sexed, pullet and cockerel chicks. Send for 1944 catalogue and circular and read what our 1943 and 19944 customers say about Tweddle Chicks. They liked them in 1943, they name hack for more in 1944 and are satisfied with them again. That is why we are selling over 140,000 chicks every week. Reduced prices now in effect for June. Write for lat- est pricelist today. Also bargains in started chicks, older free range Pullets, eight weelcv and older. Tweddle Chick :Hatcheries Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario. STARTED HEAVY BREED Pun- lets—for U7lets—for delivery middle June and later orders should be placed now. Also order June -July chicks now to avoid disappointment. Some chicks immediate delivery. Bray ZIatehery, 130 John N., Ham- ilton, Ont. RPEDUTCED PRICE'S MAY & JUNE CHICKS FROM A REAL BREED- ING FARM OP 5000 BREEDERS— We can give prompt shipment in Day-old Chicks, also a limited number of Started Chicks and Day-old Cockerels. Our high quaff., ty Chicks are moderately priced. Don't take chances on ordinary chicks. We have done aur best to produce well bred, healthy, disease free Chicks and otir prices are reasonable, not the lowest or the highest, Tune hatched Chicks or Started Chicks will make you real money it you start with good Chicks anti manage them proper- ly: Thousands of customers have made money with these high quality C0hicks. PT. lele BRED SUSSEX; SUSSEX X NEW HAMP- SHIRE; SUSSEX X BARRED ROCK; LARGE . I3GT T YPII mime) � • RD Rn Ch.q EC'fTORN� , 'BARRED L r BARRED ROCK X LDGHOR\S, SUSSEX X Li1C,HORN'S; NEW HAMPSITTR'ES. Order from this ad. any heavy breed Mixed Chicks $12 50 per 100. Send for Price .List on Ceckorels. Pullets incl Started List. LAKTEVT10W POUL- TRY leARM—WEIN EROS. Phone 78, 'Exeter. Ont. 10c BARRED ROCKS IQc ORDER NOW FOR J11NE AND July chines. First come, -first served. Barred Reeks mixed 10e, Barred Rork Pullets 17e, T,cg- borns mixed 9e, Leghorn pullets SOc. Barred Rock Cockerels $10.00 cockerels ' ler hundred. Lo t3horn 2.00 per 100. 011 eggs set from 5 oz. eggs or better and from tgg}t producing duang -stock. Gu aran t ee 00 live delivery. $1.00baaes tour order, 13alance C.O.D. Sexingspot, Chatham, Ontario. te, DYEING & CLEANING ILkVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS roeyeing or cleaning? Write to us r information. We are triad to surer your �questions. D .epart- fl ted 78 eet arronge AyyStroTkeo- Il o. a HAIRDRESSING AMBITIOUS ,'GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE • women. learn hairdressing at Can - "'tutees finest and largest schools. 4 Replied, dignified work. Splendid pay. Write or call for tree liter- ature. n i UTairdressing Schools, i .;,steel , Toronto: Branches 44 id6 in Street, ire to Ha Hamilton, and 79 LEARN DA 1 ItD0tE`ISLEG THE Robertson method. Information • en request regarding classes. Robertson's ..• eiairdreasinb Acad- emy,, elite Avenue Road. Toronto. MEDICAL IT'S mfPU1tTANT—EVERY SUF- ferer of etheuxnatic Pains or Neur- itis should• try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's }Drug Store, 335 Elgin,. Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. STI,tMAt.1:1 AN1, T1.1ltlilAU wuttetS often are the cause of III -health in humans all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out if this is your trouble? interesting per- ticulars--leree! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3, Ont. BAl1ML171LA POOT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 45c bottle, Ottawa agent. Denman Deng Stor•e..Ottawa. GOOD ADVICE! EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis eheuld try' Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ot- tawa. Postpaid $1.00. • PHOTOGRAPHY FINER "SNAPS" COST LESS PROMPT ii1AIL SERVICE Some pictures can never be taken again. Don't, risk losing yours. Send your film rolls to Star Snapshot Service for developing and printing. Canada's largest finishing studio does the finest work at lower cost. Any Size 13011--6 or 8 .Exposures. DEVELOrPED 'AND PRINTED 25e "Your prices for such quality work are really economical," writes a customer at Peterborough, Ont. "I am particularly fascinated by the coloured pictures. 1 appreciate your Prompt . and reliable service and in future will send all my rolls to you," 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25c Size 4x6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts Enlargements 4x6" on ivory tinted mounts 7x9" in Gold, Silver, Circas- sian Walnut or Black Ebony finish 'frames, 59e each. If enlargement coloured, 79c each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129. Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print o and - Address Name Y'ur Nano Plainly on Orders. a Y nmE TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed G 01/ 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25e R.Iul'RtelTS 8 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING sER VICE Yon may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to ]rIAT fsUU i. PHOTO SERV I.CE Station J. Toronto. PATENTS lehlT eleRST0NIIAUtOIi & C0a11'ANY Patent Solicitors, Established iSoo; 14 ling West, Toronto. Booklet trf Information on re- quest. k+OR, $ JtLI11 x00 ACR1dS-•-ONE M11,11 FROM Perth. Mrs. E. 3. Leach, R.R. No. 1 Perth, 100 ACRES, yrlt MI1.11 FROM OR1T,- lia, highway 12, modern home, btiileinge, electricity, priced tor Meek sale, Box 174. ltirx115a. FOR SALE 130 ACRES, DAIRY FARM, BRICK. house, eight rooms, bank barn. implement• shed, garage, lots o1 shade trees, artesian well, "Water in house and barns. Hydro, close to school; on paved road, seven- teen miles from Toronto. Apply • R. E. Bateman, Unionville. • 200 . ACRES—BURGESS. 5 MILES ftdm Perth. Nem. ;Matheson, Perth 3. 4-110011 HOUSE, NEW, ?e ACRE- ' land, for sale cheap for cash. Mrs. D. Evans, Sprecedalle, Ontario. BURLINGTON, 5 011 20 ACRES; apples and pears, bearing; no buildings. Box 141, 73 Adelaide West, Toronto. FARMS FOR SALE, IN TEMISE:- aming district; close to eighteen railway, markets, bargains. Write Zalelc Vertlieb, Wawbewawa, Ont. 2000 T3IRD NATURAL HILLY TUR - key Raneh equipped and stocked. Automatic Ramm Trout Ponds, Fruit and fine furnished home. Will roach buyer on operation. Whaling Turkey Rahch, Moore- field, Ontario. TO CLOSE ESTATE 150 ACRES for sale, 95 cleared, 60 acres bash and swamp; large stone house, new furnace, large bank barn, both well roofed; picturesque lo- cation on county stone road two miles from Acton; price, $7,000.00. Apply George Somerville, Acton, Ont. YE1rtsu s WE ARE NOW OFFERING BULL calves from a few weeks old to serviceable age. by our herd sires and out of good producing, high classified dams. The best strains for type and production are rep - repented, Prices are most reason- able. DON HEAD FARMS, RICH- MOND HILL, ONTARIO. NEW 'ZEALAND D WHITE RAJ31TS junior months,ht 41e lbs. mature et 12 lbs., $10.00 tri,.. Pedigreed. Guaranteed live delivery. We buy ell you raise. Writ "United Rabbitry, Dart- mouth, N.S. DeWALT SAWS AND WOODWORK - MP: Machines. Newest types avail- able from direct factory repre- sentatives for Canada. Quotations gladly furnished on application. DoWnit Disher Corporation Ltd., 402 West Fender 5t„ Vancouver, B.(1, ARAIV ROOTS NEWLY RECONDITIONED BOOTS of our armed threes, perfect con- dition, $2.25 delivered. Ladies' army •shoes, perfectly rebuilt. 32.45 delivered, ;;Money-beeic guar - entree State size, send money order, Ruskin ,G Co., Peterborough, Ont. SEED P OTAT ] 5 FOUNDATIONN A t•hfppetre and certified Sebago varieties, immediate shipment, supply limited. Earle TulleY, i'ety rime. B1,A.Cii LATIToAr)0R 4'LCPS, MATT?, 4 months, $40.00; spayed females, f, weeks. 535.00. Sohn ("raw ford, Per th. Ont. SHIC'lF'''HY INV Mei EI) eiN ARE TRAP TRAPPERS AND FARMERS DON'T Miele thioopportcnyounity. want 119‘1".make-all the Trnr, Con gt0t, snare throe a tines eine of ordinery sit. t uarnnteeel to glitch any soon elous animal from forplan a si817.C.t. 51.00 1 bear to W99,140 and instruntions. $1.35 model trapa 1 ( Peter !te puss, WalthamIncluded, Quebec'. SLIPTT HARNESS DRESSING - Pineal leather and hal nets pre- servative. Alipit also has many houeshold uses 25e up at most stores yA prndnct sof Lloyds nd chain 010101109. Toronto, T1;T,1•1(7Tt.IC �� MO'COTtS. NEW. 115 bought, soul rebuilt; belt is. pulleys, brushes. A11e11 I419911lo Cotnpany Ltd„ 2320 Bufferin Toronto. FOR SALE JUST OUT, ILLUSTRATED C tN- adian catalogue, 1944 edition, 00e. Vincent's Stamp Shop, 294 St. Catherine West, Montreal. WAI: MAP BARGAIN. AN EXCiIT- ing and thoroughly readable war map showing dated events; a temp everyone, should otvie A limited number only. Send payment, 05c to' Canadian Fine Printing P1to- duec•rs, 319 Bay Street, Toronto: NEW' BICYCLES .FOR MEN AND boy, .$.42.50—$44.00—$44.75 aged $48.50. For evoinen and ,girls, 50—$45.00—$46.50 and $49.50. Mail money order and write height of rider to McBride's, 36 Queen East.. Toronto. FANCY WESTERN STYLE RIDIN'C Martingales and riding bridles, in brown, tan, black leather, full horse size, $10.50 for both. Mar- tingale and bridle tan leather, nickel spotted, for small horses only, $8.50, for both, and of above in pony size $7.50. Sent postpaid. Sent: money order to A. E, Boug, 557 York St., London. Ont. SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED 51.50. Parts extra. If required. Parts still available. A. Gilbert, 2229 Dundas St., Toronto. MILKING MACHINES GENUINE HI N MA N RUBBERS' and parts for old-style shaft line milkers. Service by snail. G. G. Rowe & Company Limited, Die- el trihutors, 47 Crani; Ave., Toronto, Ont. HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED FLOORMAN AND all round printer, permanent posi- tion. Apply Fyle H791M, Near- est selective Service Office. WANTED FULLY QUALIFIED teachers for Hone Economics and General Shop, to teach grede work in morning periods. Write giving qualifications and salary, expected, to A, Colebourne, Sec- retary, Riverside Public School Board, 345 Fairview Blvd., T'tleer- side. c)nt. $60.00 MONTHLY—WOMAN FUR tr•eneral housework, good boree. Mrs. C. H. Day, Burnhamthcrpe Park ltd.. Islington. WANTED MANUFA(CTU'RER (1l•' LIc HTN:NG rod equipment deeiree local sa 'w- metr for part-time work throu h - nut Ontario. Drawing acco+rft 9ga11191 ,•mmnis,^.ians amara: rad. AT pit R. Phillips ('ompeny Lint - 111d. fieri Main Street, Tnront•,r PAY ('.4511 FOR' ' l'OII i'iTat Lawn li' wer r,nd Eleetrie Refrig- erator. (:lips. all T,,yt1 (.11litre w'r'11 replying. 1031 :May At i_rite, Wind- sor, Ont. Nit A 'TCLT POSTAGE C 1r 1 (15`. \.1 rA 1,zr Beet enels price pail Seed e nr int1 t,' A.Stern. 20,11 St. (- .•.h orirn' 1s, lace.. Que., t•r .itel, clamp for earthmen/le 1'1{OTI.1'PAN'.0 Ti'ACTIl. 1l AS I T' N- _ ph1 for tour roam s 1L,1at ( ed etiev711nar'ian. State quallei10ti''na snei palery tem:410. Penults to .•nntm n : c t! lnh,,1 1!1'',, .1 ;.n i'i1d1 er, st i'rcn• i.e. N. 5 Womb. 10.11. 1. 5: tt:. Ste. ISL 10.1.,1'i,(. -• .. T. N1(11 'r4(71're:r`fe r FARM TRACTORS S1 ' 1 \'I \1 T() r(t :.hlT 1„it 1s11 �1 s1 severe; F i1 , t„ . e britt 1 � ldsur, ,''1n 11i 1 10 le• 1 tont 1v(., i,,.r MR, WOOL GROWER TI11: u1 11 'b: i \T'l.tSii1 T', \I1 7r lett Mill is under lana ruin menu, Ito operete , T. e:1 t .9 Government \\.>1 Warehouse ere in,lr red to • 1111,b . iv Hens n s wool cilli' 0(1 Gee • men; (.eeeitee '.S1•!nd..r'i.'. 1,11 xt (;„v -rt 1, 1:1 s,tipnlal((1 111 '' Tile; 1Y9'T]Tln1 I;'(lt)1 , lee 1'lc 1t1,,1 r,tlil'rlln, 1e r1;A'riteer', OeiT lUO,