HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-05-11, Page 74. ifr!k>tt dern • Etiquette ' By Roberta Lee {,, How should a man and his gift. proceed down the aisle when they enter the church at a wedding? '2, From which side .of the. chair 'should one take his `seat •Fat .the table? 8. If a .man is walking- along the street 'l+t'itb a. woman and she :speaks to someone he does nc,t know, should he speak also? • • 4. After making a call, would it be all right to say, " I aril afraid I have stayed too long"? 5. Is it all right far a hostess to • arrange that a man take a certain woman 3n to dinner if he is not to be seated next to her? - 6. What is the meaning of R.S.V. P.? ' Answers 1. An usher offers his left arm to the woman, and the man follows them down the aisle. 2. The chair should be drawn back with the right hand. This, of course, makes s it convenient to take the chair frons the left side, 8. No, it is not neces- sary for him to speak, but he should lift his hat. 4. No; do not stay over the required period and it swill not be necessary to even think of an apology. 5. Yes; a hostess some- times finds this necessary. 6. `1An- brev3ation of • the French phrase brevation *of the French phrase respondez slit vous plait. e. . . Bank Accounts One ,reason for the 'trust the de- positors have in the bankers lies in the fact that the bankers keep the depositors' business in strictest confidence, says the Ottawa Jour- nal. ,We .f lace .heard of ambitious canvassers for bonds 'end'eay tiring' to get some idea of thesize of in- dividual depositors' bank accounts, but we have yet to hear of a banker giving as much as a slight hint about such information. Call it ethics or what you• like, but that Is something that just isn't done in banking circles, Headache Noth i ng is mote depres• (sing than headaches... Why suffer?...Lambly's will give instant relict" i Lamtiry'sisgoodforear• >• ache, toothache, pains in ?lig back, stomach, bowels, :Hazel ' SA, iy staying at FORD HOTELS Modern, Fireproof, t'cerenlentiy Laded, toy similes in law its se higher Rust 250 per p I son Fos kr o, 1091191913Adenoid Yo. 5 Montreal Toronto and the,, LORD ELGIN irtotte1' Jd r 2?\_.� 5 9-to$3Se. er. person, A p (No higher! Ol lovelyrooms wrth radia! TWO -MEDAL MAN Just before leaving Honolulu re- cently to take command of,all land- based air units in the forward areas of the central Pacific, Maj. -Gen. Willis H. Hale, above, was awarded • the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal. General Hale for- merly commanded the 7th Army Air Force. Sugar From Sap Of Birch. Trees Canadian Research experiments have shown that white and yellow birch trees produced an abundance of sap but the yield of sugar was onaverage only_ about one -Third that of the sugar maple, Results of the experiments indicate that yel- low birch sap contains invert -sugar with small amounts of sucrose, and that white birch sap contains a mix- ture of fructose' and invert sugar. Syrtties prepared from white and yellow birch saps by concentrating 100 times were similar in taste and appearance to commercial corn syrup. Disillusioning Fancy, picking up a last year's Volkischer Beobach.ter in the Ger- man dentist's waiting room and coning on this: The absolute su- periority of the Japanese fleet in South Pacific waters is unquestion- ed."—Winnipeg Tribune. YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROM AOT FIASHES.' If you suffer from hot Rashes, dizzy spells, irregular periods, are weak, nervous—due to the "middle -age" period in a woman's life, take Lydia E. ?inkhorn's Vegetable Compound. It's helped thousands upon thou- sands of women to relieve such symptoms. ?inkhorn's Compound is also a fine stomach tonic! Werth trying! Made in Canada. HOW TO RELIEVE PILE TORTURE QUICKLY AND EASILY it you are troubled with itching piles or rectal soreness, do not de- lay treatment and run the risk of letting this condition become chron- ic. Any itching or soreness or painful passage of stool is nature's warning and proper treatment should be secured at once. For this purpose get a package of Hem -Hold from any druggist and use as directed. This formula • which ta•used internally is a small,. easy to take tablet, will quickly, relieve the itching and soreness and aid In healing the sore tender spots. Sem-ltoid is pleasant to use, is highly recommended and it seems the height of folly for anyone to k a painful and chronic -- 11a p pile con- dition when such a fine remedy, mA b a small cost. Y be had at such if you try Hem -hold and are not entirely pleased with the results, your druggist will gladly return your money. Itching. Scalp p .A Simple Home Treatment If your scalp has broken out � with ugly surface rashes or irri- tations tations DON'T DIG with finger- nalls as that only serves to make it worse—and spreads it.. Co.to bottle •et e, your druggist today—get Oil and use of ivloone's Emerald this mixed with an equal quantity, of olive oil. It's easy to rise—all you, do is apply to the scalp with your finger tips gently rubbing in- to the roots of the hair. Do this at least once a day and about every fourth day shampoo using a good soap. Soon you'll find this combin- ation start right, la—promoting faster healing, Continue the treat- relent until relieved and the loose, floating dandruff has disappeared. Continue for 2weeks, and if then yogi are dissatisfied got your money hack. Druggists.'..everywhero Sell .Emerald 011., • • 'SCARECROW' OF THiE SKIES The spectacular fireworks display pictured above is a new type German flare, which the RAF calls "The Scarecrow," exploding during raids over Magdeburg, Germany,' Flare bursts with sheet of orange flame, followed by oily black smoke. As explosion subsides, showers of colored fragments shoot out. Japan Has Plenty Of Reserve Forces Those who look for the early collapse of Japan will be inter tested in the statement of Colonel Warren Clear, of the U.S. War De- partment staff, Who declares: "By the end of the year Japan will have` a' strength in organic divisions equal to not only our planned strength- in Europe, but in the Asiatic theatre as well."' It pays to take a relastic view of this war, says the Chatham News. Wishful thinking will not win it. Underestimating the strength of the enemy would be fatal. Japan 3s the nation we must defeat after Germany has been put out of the war. Dictators have the power to }calif. millions to their colors, and 'este Japanese military party appar- 'ently has plenty of reserves after -*die -terrible Jap losses of the last few •months,-' However, the general picture is not discouraging, 'Undoubtedly Japan is losing strength in the air with fewer planes ,and less experi- enced pilots. Her fleet declines the . challenge to great sea battles, be- ing evidently conserved to defend the island kingdom itself. The way to Allied victory in the Pacitic is still long and hard, but the task is not impossible, provided the Na-' tions remain united, at home as well, as abroad, C' ,1e'you'Hcard? Sandy took hiss sweetheart to a charity bazaar, Presently they carne to a booth where an assortment of lovely charms were offered for sale. "Oh, Sandy," - she exclaimed, "buy me a charm?" "All, lassie," he answered admir- ingly, "ye hie too many charms already," —U^ "What did your father say about you smashing up his ear?" - "Shall I leave out the swear words?"• "Certainly!" "Then be didn't say anyth- ing." _0_ 'When the visitor was shown in- to the manager's private room he remarked: "That new clerk of yours seems a hard worker." "Yes," replied the other; "that's his specialty." "What, working hard?" "No, scenting to." —0— "I hope, dear ,that you get up when you are called," wrote the fond mother to her boy in the Army, "and don't keep the regiment waiting breakfast for you." _0— A businessman thought his staff rather lazy and indifferent, so he pinned up the following notice: "Bread is the staff of life, but that is no reason why the life of our staff should he one continual loaf." ---o— The man who pokes fun at a woman trying to drive through a 12 -foot garage door usually sobers up when he tries to thread a needle. Automobile bumpers were intro- duced in 1906. ow ' thanks t ,. "REX atj fs J, B. Sutherland of Mara, 13 C. writes: }'Last year I had 7 cows I couideet get in calf, which nearly knocked nes out, I -vent to a farmers meeting in Armstrong to see what could be done about it. A man there, Sam Hawksworth, said he had 7 heifers which be couldn't get in calf. He fed them Ilex Wheat Germ Oil and GOT THEM ALL IN CALM following, Lis suggestion, I used Hoz Oil and got the same 10056 results. 'I will swear by ilex 'Wheat Germ Oil, it sure helped me". Rex Oil helps organically right animals to overcome shy breeding elowness timate, absence of heat and other common breeding troubles because it eerewhee, in a concentrated and stable form, the fartr,:s necessary for auoeessful, profitable breeding. Turn YOUR boarders into proftable�producers —.start feeding REX OIL. A few drops a day does the trick: 4 oa. - $1,26 20 oz. - $5.00 Via•tiin (Canada) Limited 537 Craig St. W. Montreal Girls Will Ngever�r Know—We Hop': A censor in the South Pacific was credited with this. bit cf. backstop- ping: On the company bulletin board was posted a notice: "Private Blank. Letter at Frail desk. Name on envelope, Dorothy; name on • letter, Betty. C'•eck, and if cor- rect, mail." BABY cn-r I:.S SPECIAL PRICES FOR JtNE AND JULY Barred Rock Mixed ....... 10c New 'Hampshire Mixed 110 White' Leghorn Mixed .... 10e Barred Rock Pullets - 17c White Leghorn• Pullets : , . , 20c Don't delay. 31,00 -books your order. Carleton hatchery, Brttaiiiinfa Reigate. Ontario. RIVERSIDE GOVERNMENT AP proved Baby Chicks from large type bloodtested Breeders, noth- ing but 24 oz. Eggs and over are set, assures you big, • vigorous, fast maturing Chlcics,: ; ]3arred' Rocks, White Leghorils; � fight Sussexs. Write for folder Ilii er bide Poultry Farm, Hickson, 0111« FORMULA FOR SUCCESS 'WITH chicks: Start with vigorous, bright, true -to -type from Top Notch Chickeries. They're Gov- ernment Approved from blood - tested' breeders. Day old and old- er, pullets, cockerels, non -sexed. All the popular breeds. And every, chicle leaves Top Notch Chick- eries with a clean bill .of health. No weaklings to cut down your profits. Start all the Top Notch Chicks you cnn as early as you can. Send for catalogue and re- duced prices for May. Also start- - chicks 2, 8, 4 and 5 weeks of age. Top Notch Chlekeraee, Guelph. Ontario. mucus FROM A - BREEDING FARM OF 5000 LAYERS "PROMPT SHIPMENT" DEIaIAND FOR LAIKEVIEW CHICKS has .been so great that we have increased our capacity and are able to give you prompt ship- ment on day-old chicles and lim- ited number of started chicks if you act quickly. Sussex, Sussex x New Rampsliire,' Sussex x Leg- horn, Leghorn, Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, and Rock x Leghorn in Chicks, Pullets or Cockerel=. Buy your chicks from a Real Breeding Farm, . and be assured of success. Send for Price List and hook your chicles NOW for liiay or Jtare. 95,000 L KEVIEWV Chicks weekly. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM, Wein Bros„ Exeter, Ontario. , IN ADDITION TO SITPPLYING high quality ehickr that live and grow. Tweddle Hatcheries can supply a wide variety of pure breeds and 'hybrid crosses. In pure breeds we can supply White Leghorns, Brown Leghorns, Black ]1.1:inorcas, Barred Rocks, White Rocks, New Hampshires, Rhode Island Reds. White Wyandottes, Silver Laced Wyandottes. Light Sussex, Black Australorps, Lam- onas. Butt Orpingtons, Teesey Black Giants, Jersey White Giants. In hybrid we hn.ve: 131dck Min- orca X White Leghorns, White Leghorn X Barred Rocks, Barred Rock X White Leghorns, White Wyandotte X White Rock, White Rock X White Leghorns, New Hampshire X White Leghorns, New Hampshire X Barred Roclts, Barred hock X New Hampshires, Light S 1isscx New Hampshire shire X rC p lies. se_- New Ham sh Light Sussex X p We can give prompt delivery on practically all the above breeds, also a, great number of the above breeds in non -sexed 'bullets or cockerels. 2, 3, 4, and 5 week old started chicks. Because .our cus- tomers come back for Tweddle chlcks year atter year, we know that sn.tlsfied buyers are our best advertisers. Send for the Tweddle 1944 catalogue and special price - list. Tweddle Chick hatcheries L1inited, Fer 'u' ' Ontario. . ss, PIUPER OR CHICKS, ALL BREED - ors b1oo1 tested. 'Write for our. special low prices for end of May, June and July chicks Leg - horns, Barred Rocks, Hampshires, Rook ITamp, Sussex, Sussex. Hames, mixed chicks. pullets, cockerels, 6-8-10-12 week obi pal' lets for .. lmmediato delivery. Superior Hatchery. Linwood, Ont, PULLETS AND CAPONS FROM May and June hn.tehed Chits s, Our New Hampshire light Snae"t hyhridn Melte excellent 1i;trrs end choicest of moat 1iireig, 'W'ebor's Poultry Perm and ITtt- chert', Route 2, Kitchener, Ont. BAB'F` CHICKS AVE, AIU3 OFFERING A LIMITED number of started chicks 2, 8, 4 and 5 weeks old in non -sexed, pullets and cockerels in practical- ly all of the popular purebreeds and hybrid crosses. While they last we are selling' 'these at re- duced prices. Send for special pricelist. Also day olds for im- mediate delivery and older pul- lets 8 weeks of age and older. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Lim- ited, I'ergus, Ontario, 90 CHICKENS FOR SALE, RED Hampshire, Plymouths, '10 weeks old. Mrs. Campbell, 2332 Dufferin, Toronto. WE HAVE BARGAINS IN START - ed chicks, prompt delivery. You can save 8-4 weeks growing time on these W.L. and heavy breed Iru1)ets. Order, what you need now. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. 'N, Hamilton, Ont. DYEING fi CLEANING - HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for informntion, We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment EL Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Yonge Street. To- ronto. 'HAIRDRESSING AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE women, learn hairdressing at Can- ada's finest and largest schools. Refined, dignified work. Splendid pay. Write or call for free liter- ature. Marvel Hairdressing Schools, 858 Bloor Street, Toronto. Branches 44 King Street, Hamilton, and 74.. Rideau Street, Ottawa. LEARN %HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 187 Avenue Road, Toronto. WI G 8,TOUPES, TRANSFORM- ations, Switches, Curls and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illustrated cat- alogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co„ 528 Bathurst Street, Toronto. MEDICAL GOOD RESULTS—EVERY SUFFER- er from Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Mullro's Drug Store, 335 El- gin, Ottawa. Postpaid 31.00. ' DEAF THE NEW STREAMLINED - COM - pact Potter Telephone is the smallest hearing aid available. It 10 clear, powerful, makes con- versation easy anywhere and is most reasonably priced. Try it. Write Potter Earphone Company, s 29W Yonge St., Toronto. Estab- lished for better hearing for a quarter of a century. YOU GET QUICK RELIEF FROM Eczema and Psoriasis by using Patson's Eczema Ointment. Stops burning and itching; soothes and deals cuts, burns and piles. Hun- dreds of satisfied customers. '6Oc and 31 postpaid. Patson Health Products, 261 St. Catherine West, Montreal.. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of 111 -health in humans all ages. No one Im- mune! e1 Vh not find out it this is your trouble? rnteresting pal•- ticu]ars—Freel Write Mulveney's Rem edies, Specialists, Toronto 8, .0JtY IT! EVERY SUP10111l'k1R OF Rheumatic Pains of Neuritis . should t r y Dixon's ltelnedy. Munro's Drug Store, 835 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. 13A1154ri rd.L4A I'OOT BALM destroys oi'tensive odor instantly, 45e bottle, Ottawa agent, Denman Drug ;Store, Ottawa. PHOTOGRAPH PROMPT !MAIL SERVICE Send your film rolls to Canada's largest photo finishing studio. GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE Any Size Roll -6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c A customer, at Berwick, N.S., writes "I want you to know how pleased I am with your wonder- fu1 work and prompt service." We have such letters from all over Can- ada. ENLARGEMENTS 3 for 25c 4x6" in Easel Mounts. SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4x6" on ivory tinted mounts 7x9" in Gold, Silver, Circas- sian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 59c each. If enlargement coloured, 79c each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129. Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Your Name and Address Plainly on All Orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 26c REPRINTS 8 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get alI the quality and service you desire by sending your films to ]IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. Toronto. • PATENTS FETIIJORSTUNHAUUH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. FOR SALE 75 ,A.CR,IOS l:'AIttil and stock for sale. Apply to Mrs. G. H. Graham, R.R. 2, Mono Road, Ont, FARM FOR SALE, 31,6 miles from Timmins, 160 acres, 70 cleared, new farmhouse, 22 cow barn, stable, etc., 11 milch cows, mach- inery, 3 horses; with or without stock; inquire .further Box 455, Timmins, Ontario. `LARGE GLADIOLUS BULBS, RAIN - bow collection of outstanding varieties, 2 dozen 31.10 delivered. Kuyper's Bulbs, Hatzie, B.C. We grow the best only. PEACIJ TREES, APPLES, PEARS, Cherries, plums, currants, grapes, asparagus, . • strawberry plants, raspberries. Norfolk Nursery, Simcoe. 100 ACRES TIMBER, HARDWOOD, I ob -Jackson, rth- for sale. , t.North- brook, brook, Ontario. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME ON the Tay River, six miles from Perth, with small farm in con- nection. 'Will sacrifice. Apply M. E. Wilson, Route 4, Perth. FOR ANGORA BREEDING STOCK, write for prices to Hatycon An- goras, Pickering, Ont. DeWALT SAWS AND WOODWORK - Ing Machines. Newest types avail- able from direct factory repre- sentatives for Canada, Quotations gladly furnished on application, DeWalt Disher Corporation Lade West Vancouver, 402est l'ender St. W, ncou er B.C. DR. J. II. ENGEL'S MINERALIZED Yeast has been helpful in the prevention of abortion. Many tes- timonials verify its valve. 100 lbs. 313.00 plus ,'harl;es. Nnexcelled for cattle, sheep, gc,:ats, and swine, Weclaim our Mineral and Yeast Powders for e11 :Animals are not ,iniy eurroetive weenie for ma gnu tritien but they more than pay for themselves in growth, vigor and production, Or. J. 11 Engei, corner Quern and Princess St se \Vat ,'r loo Ont. Write 'fur booklet. FOR SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; b e 1 t s, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd., 2326 Dufferin St., Toronto. P R E E — COLORED NURSERY Catalogue. Full line of Fruit Trees; Evergreens; Flowering Shrubs; Perennials; Shade Trees; Rose s; Brookdale-KingswaB Nurseries, Bowmanvilie, Ontario. SLIPIT HARNESS DRESSING — Finest leather 'and harness pre- servative. Slipit also has many; . - houeshold uses 25c up at most ' grocery, hardware and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Lab- oratories, Toronto., T ii Re) W GASOLINE' AGAINST storm, returns vapor. That's how; STOR-MO, Vaporizer produces more miles. Build yourself, it's simple. Results good. Plans 85e, J. A. Friesen, Box 65, WINKLER, Manitoba. ARMY BOOTS, NEWLY RECONDITIONED BOOTS of our arined forces, perfect, eon- dition, 33.28 delivered. Ladies' army shoe.. perfectly rebuilt. 32.25 delivered. Money-ba:•k guar- antee. State size send money order. Ruskin R Co.: Peterborough, Ont. - JUST OTT, ILLI STBAT.ED CAN- adiau catalogue, 1944 edition. ada. Vincent's Staunp Shop, t94 St. Catherine Rest, Montreal. NEW INVENTED SNARE 'TRAP IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN catching; bears, wolves, foxes or groundhogs and wee e7, here's your opportunity, a simple In- expensive Trigger you e.tn meko in 10 minutes is a sure catch for any suspicious animal. 31.00 for plan and instructions. Peter • Zlepnig, Waltham, Quebec. STOCK FOR SALE SERVICEABLE AGE AND YOUNC4- er dual-purpose Shorthorn hulls from R.O.P. dans, deep, thine, typy. Females, all ages, revs, heifers, chives. Alan Aldetaon, Route 4, Hamilton. IYEI.I' WANTED EXPERIENCED I I O0rtH vN AND all round printer, permanent posi- tion, Apply Fele 1.170131. Near- est selective Service Otfrte. THE CORNWALL GENERAL 1105. pita], Cornwall, Ont., is now se- lecting applicants for student nurses August 1, 1044. WANTED WANTED TN YOtTR. D]STMOT sonieode to take orders in then: spare time for day old chicks for a large Canadian Covernm•. nt .Approved Chick Hatchery, Ne in- vestment required. Liberal .', m - mission Write for full det.,ils. Box 130, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. FEATHERS. FEATHERfERBIDG OF all descriptions; highest prices paid. For particulars write to Queen City Feather Co., 23 iBeld- win St„ Toronto, PASTURE WANTED. WANTED TIE - liable farmers who hole extra good pasture and acoonimodntion to pasture herds of young ea tile for rah monthly. Preferably near Toronto, 'Write fully, Post Office. Box 578, Toror,t •, FUF.I, WOOD WANTED MAPLE, BIRCH A N D 117 Fila► cordwood. First of s, sen el, owtir. Also all kinds of ltiillw„r,i Give full particulars and lowest videcs on cars. I\ iltrr Saltless. 10 lei+'1- intbn SU•, r1, T"runi,,, MR. WOOL GROWER T.1I18 ,)10 l's'I'.vl l .11 l:r i NN' 111 , r lets .Still iS Unlit ] ttt•n ni,•nt IVai opt ra le ,i. l;t r,ovcruntrIII 1I'nnl WWall-hl a ,:•1 aro prrpnt'.-d 1:0 porch . n out clip et , ,.; •,- ilit t, 1. 1110ditig stall,lwedt, ..l:,i et (;l,\e rlllm`)1 stipulc,tcd i;t ,•� plll•1 S'i'ilAlen TlnI \v itir:l,t'vr 3iti.l.bb r.1111'rl:it, Sitio rlllii)k, U N'1'.sit I t t.