Zurich Herald, 1944-05-04, Page 2THANKS TO KELLOGG'S ALL -BRAN, THAT TROUBLE IS ONLY A MEMORY 4"I have suffered considerably from a sluggish digestive system and have tried many remedies which failed to bring relief. But now, thanks to eating KELLOGG'S ALL -BRAN regularly, that trouble is only an unpleasant memory," writes Howard E. Nichol; Pense, Saskatchewan. KELLOGG'S ALL -BRAN helps you get at the cause of constipation due to lack of the right kind of "bulk" In the diet. Eat this delicious cereal for breakfast (or try it in muffins) every clay and drink plenty of water. But rentember, it doesn't work like harsh purgatives . . . ALL -BRAN takes time. At your grocer's; in two con- venient size packages or In individual serving packages at restaurants. Made by Kellogg's in London, Canada. More Objectors Join The Army Increasing numbers of consci- entious objectors are getting over .their -objections to military serv- ice after a taste of camp life in the work camps set up for them. This development is attributed in part to the treatment of men who refuse to bear arms for re- ligious reasons and who, instead, are put to work at 50 cents a day and their board. From one work camp 12 men left to join the active army in +two days. In one military district 99 Mennonites, the largest of the religious groups which regard the taking of human life under any circumstances as sinful, are go- ing into military training camps, many of them without trying out the alternative of service in the labor camps. OFF FOR LONDON John D. Biggers is pictured leaving New York by clipper plane for London, where he'll direct co-ordination of Ameri- can production with British mili- tary needs. wmen®ao...umomt,.l.ro.naso.en-uwmH,ar0•41.0 , HAVE YOU IIEA 7 Two acquaintances were cele- brating a reunion with liquid re- freshments in a hotel room when there were loud poundings at the door and a shrill female voice was heard yelling: "Let me in, you wretch!" "Heavens, that's my wife," whis- pered one of the men. "She'll kill me if she finds us in here, drink- ing liquor—we'll have to hide.." "Where'll we hide?" .said the other fellow. "There's no hiding place here," "We'll have to go out through the window," answered the excited one. The second fellow went to the window, opened it and'peered out. "We can't jump out of here," he said. . "Why?" asked the first man. "We're en the thirteenth floor." he explained. "This is no time to be super- stitious," said the first man. "Go ahead and jump," —v— "What's that piece of string tied round your finger for Bill?" "That's a knot. Forget -me. not is a flower; with flour we make bread and with bread we eat cheese, This is to re- PARCELS FOR OVERSEAS SOLDIERS Contain ;Razor Blades, Cboe- oleic, Cigarettes, Guun, Oxo, ;loot Laces, Soap — All things difficult to procure in Britain, Save time and trouble. Send $LOO %vith name, regimental number, and unit of Soldier or Altman to C.A.O. PARCELS DESPATCH (leg'd7), a50 Ray Street, Toronto. Reeelpt mullet+ to year address, mind me to buy soma pickled onions." Two men on a cargo steamer were cozuparing notes as to their occupations before the war. One had been a porter and the other had been a magician., The porter said to the magician: "What can you do?" "I can make things disappear, I'11 show you," replied the magic- ian. Just then a torpedo hit the ship and sunk her. The two men were flung into the water. They scram- bled on to a raft. The porter look- ed around with disgust, and, see- ing no sign of the ship, he said to the magician: "I suppose you think that's funny?" Grandmother: "If you wash your face, I'll give you a piece of candy. And If you wash your ears, you'll get two pieces." Grandson: "Can't I take a bath?" —v— Coming home on his first leave, the young Scottish soldier was get- ting it hot from his father because he hadn't written home often en- ough, "You promised tae write every week, didna' ye?" said the old mail sternly. "Yes, father," "An' even' when I wrote tae ye, enclosing a stamp for a reply, ye didna' write?" "No, father; Ihadna' the time." "Then," snapped father, "whit did yo. dae wi' the stamp?" —v— Officer: "How long did it take you to learn to drive a motor car?" Private: "Oh, three or four,." Officers "Weeks?" Private! "No, air -- motor cars!" —T A fellow got on the bus with a hundred -pound bomb under his arm and sat down. "Whatea that you've got on your lap?" asked the conductor. "It's a delayed action bomb I'm taking to the police station," came the answer, "Lumme," said the conductor, "you don't want to carry a thing like that on your lap. Put it under the seat!" —v— "Whatever made you buy s house In such a desolate•spot?" "The smartest real estate agent in the business," Leaflet `a''•, ombs" Sifting down silently and in- visibly at night to be picked up in the morning, or glinting against the sunlit sky in a disintegrating cloud, propaganda leaflets con- tinue to "bomb" civilian and soldier alike on both sides of the war in Europe, Africa and the Near East. They were put to use in'- the very first moments of the war and have been more or less stead- ily employed ever since. It is im- possible to measure the effect they may have had. Both sides attempt in the leaflets to plant seeds of suspicion concerning those in high places, to implant fear, to spread rumor, to slow down civilian war effort, to da- mage soldiers' morale — at tha most optimistic to inspire open revolt against existing regimes. As in military tactics this war has shown great strides, so has it in the use of the psychological weapon—hitting the people where they think and feel. China shipped 262,129 dozen pairs of embroidered woollen gloves or mittens to the United States last year. 1►9+.o•Ur►Uw�,tF,rwawro.rlwr • +dd , How Col BY ANNE ASHLE' Q. How can I keep nky :drains Olean? Place a large lum» of .wash Ing soda in the sink and tin }?our'.': boiling water oyer it until it has - washed down the. drain, •Grease will not accumulate ant“''S1op up the drain. Do this about"'once a week. Q. How can 1 remove,411. t11 odor from pans that have been- used for strong -shelling vegetables.such as cabbage and onions '"a',: A. Place a little salt on :he hot range and turn the pans Upside down over the burning salt, 'The odor will disappear. Q. How can I tint lace or>mus- lin curtains a cream color? A. This can be accomplished;hy dipping them into weak cotfee,.:o,r tea. Be sure, however, that the latter is strained before putting the curtains into it. Q. How can I easily `remn>ve lint `. from furniture upholstery?, A, Go over the upholstery with a wet chamois wrung dry. Q. How can I prepare cabbage sauce? , A. Cabbage sauce is excellent when served with broiled fifth in place of the usual tartar': &duce. It can be made by shredding finely head cabbage and mixing -With IA head. g -With 2 chopped green .peppers, 1:4,eup diced celery, 3 tablespoons chopped nuts, 1 cup boiled dressing, and 4 tablespoons chili sauce; Chill -:,for several hours before serving. W1 t Science Is Doing HOW MUCH DOES GAS WEIGH? Because hydrogen and helium are lighter than air, and because they can be used to raise balloons and dirigibles from the earth, it might be thought that they have no weight. Besides, after build- ing a vast structure of metal and fabric weighing many tons, it would seem absurd to attempt to make it float in the air by adding something weighing several tons more. However, filling the huge gas bag of the dirigible with hy- drogen will do the trick, in shite of the fact that the 3,000,000 and over cubic feet of gas retro ed` may weigh nine tons. * * • * Wireless rays may fid long, whale K-tizs vs r l than atoms r ds 1P° Cotton insulation foeliciuseil effective in Alaska and in ch' tropics. A new German process makes building blocks by mixing cement and seaweed. * * * The first process for making rayon was invented in 1884 by Count Hilaire de Chardonnet. Photo -measuring devices have shown that meteors travel eight to 50 miles per second. Ice containing' an antiseptic that kills bacteria as it melts, .i},aa been developed for ,commer"ill food packing. Focused on a fly a m11d 'away, the 200 -inch Palomar teleseepe in California would make the fly's, eyes distinguishable, ,MM!i4NiP�Ua►0040Wi11MIY11101FU1111000•Viga, GA Modern, Etiquette .BY ROBERTA LEE •, 1; Should the napkins to be used at a formal tea be of a certain Size? 2, When calling on a friend et a hotel or in an apartment, does one go directly to the room? 3. Is it all right to monopolize an entire seat on a train by piling one's wraps and luggage on it? 4. What is one of the most com- mon and inconsiderate of offen- ses when .attending a theatre per- formance? 5. When should one unpack one's baggage when taking an ocean trip? 6. What should stout women avoid when selecting their ward- robe? ANSWERS 1. Yes; they should be twelve inches square. 2, This is considered very bad „IT P_Ot4 TASTE GOOD IN , PIPE " HANDY SEAL -TIGHT �P UCH 150 1/1-L13. "LOK-TOP Tins a iso packed in Pocket GROWN IN SUNNY, SOUTHERN ONTARIO taste and thoughtless. One should never go to the friend's room with- out first telephoning to see if he or she is in and able to see you, The telephoning may either he done from one's home or by use of the house telephone. 3, No; if passengers are going through the train looking for seats remove your belongings be- fore someone is forced to ask for the seat. 4. That of arriving late. This exceedingly inconsiderate of the comfort and pleasure of the other; who have arrived on time and are entitled to an unspoiled perform. ance, 5. For safety's sake do not un- pack until the visitors have left and the steamer has put out front the dock. 6. Stiff taller-m'a•de clothes and big patterns. CT COKC GVEN8,I.lM1'"CIE'L> F'iAMl1.TOlJ BY-PRODU 11,61`dC Ess �Oi{13 HAM 11 -TON,. OANADA Welcome Guests At Mont St. Michel, France, an old tombstone with the inscrip. tion: "Here rest Victor and An- nette Poulard, a good couple, good innkeepers. May the Saviour welcome them as they received their guests." \\\ %TEC //////41 RAettePapefrid NEr-FiN'ER:a;:MADE SAFES Protect your ROOKS and CASH from FIIiB and THIEVES. We have n size and type of Safe, or Cabinet. for any purpose. Visit us, or write for prises, etc. to Dept. W. 141.1 Front St, li'., Toronto Estnhliahrd 1SC,, a -J. &-J,TAYLO R LI MJ ITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS FEMALE PAIN Women who suffer painful, irregu- lar periods with nervous, moodq spells due to functional cause should find Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound simply mar- velous Compound distress. tsiiphddtieeno go mlngtru weak, t s. Over 1,000 000 women have repotted amazing benefits. WJ1,T, WOIITB TRYING! Serptembet 1r9:13.941, TO OUR CUSTOMERSv3ta1- ar By request of the Fuel Controller, o Coke. Consequentlye industries must be supplied. with Hasa° the major portion of our normal Donsmer• quota 'xi11 nooesaarily the amount available for to wear work reducing be divert limited quantity. 'Very limyou are domeatia use to a conditions, Y In vie* efrthese unavoidable corns oke at ones. Then conadlt Your urged to Rill 1�'�n � ones.-Thou winter. dealer regarding further fuel rtqu'irementsduring secure s��ioient Z. Should youbeunable to r tie to be paid Rolf•' :der it a part of the':p i Coked please cone one is pastJ, ��O° When the present emerg Y en Allied Viotbry. � uexltity and quality Coke e111, again' be available in the sato® q as before. T'PP thanking you for your patronage,, we are rs very truly, Iwi TON VI -PRODUCT COIM `SNS L'I1dTTY';D T. P. Pinokard GENERAL ;,IANAGPJR ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... AGENTS WANTED MAHE MOit..E MONEY SELL .BRITISH CANADIAN Christmas Cards with name im- printed, also boxed assortments. Finest available in value, work- manship and price. 100% profit— Bonus.. for early orders. Your friend6 will want these cards. Experience unnecessary. Write today tor details, Samples on ap- proval, British Canadian, Room 44, 24 Ding West, Toronto. AEROMATIC METER FOR AUTO - mobile, truck, tractor, bus and marine engines, More power! Stops carbon! 25% more mileage. Airmail for quick information! Agents, write for territory. Dept, 9,' )Sox 103, Vancouver, Canada. RE1sRESENTATIVE8 (Either Sex) able to sell a health special- ty (profitable): Write Coope - Remedies, Yonge Street, Toronto, AERORIATIO METER AJSROMATIC METER FOR AUTO --- mobile, Truck, Tractor, Bus and Marine Engines, More Power! • Stops Carbon! 2 tote More Mileage, Airmail for quick information! Agents, write for territory. Dept, 9, Box 163, Vancouver, Canada, ELECTRIC PUMP CLEARANCE A FEW 1940 MODELS STILL TO clear at cut prices. 200 gal. and 360 gal. styles. Also some rebuilt jobs which have been put in good working order. Let us know your requireinents and perhaps we can Suit you I3eatty Bros. Limited, 116WL Hill St., Fergus, Ont, liACiitl AND iowmLINGS i FOR ?i.A.RMS AND TOWN DWELL- Iags, apply The Morgan Real Ins- , tate and insurance Agency, Palm- , erston, Ontario. I . FARM 'FOR SALE 100 ACTtES 8 I-TA.RDWOOD, NEAR T lndsey, i•Cighwey 35. Good build- , logs, Hydro, terms. Noble Perrin, 'Cameron, On in 'lo. FLOWER BULBS DARWIN TULIP BULBS FOR sale. Clara Butt, pink, 6Uc per dozen; $4.50 per hundred. Pride of Haarlem, 70c a dozen, $5.50 a hundred. J, Vet, Fergus, Ont. GRINDERS FOR SALE A FEW OF THE FAMOUS 392 "CY- clone" grain grinders with 8" flat double -sided plates. New. The right grinder for use with light tractor — $36.50 — freight paid. Write Beatty Bros, Limited, Box 144WL, Fergus, Ont. IR'AIRDRLSSING SCI'IOOL L 10 A R N HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson Method. Information on request regarding fall classes, now beginning, Robertson's Hair- dressing Academy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto.. I. raGA1., J. N. LINDSAY, LAW OFFICE, CAI' - Ito] Theatre Building, St. Thomas, Ontario. Special Department for farmers collections. MEDICAL 'GOOD ADVICE! EVERY SUPPER- , er of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis should try Dixon's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1,00. IIAVi5 YOU GOITRE? "AT3SORBO" reduces and removes. Price $5.00 per bottle. Trial size $2 postpaid. J. A. Johnston Co,, 171 King E„ Toronto. MUSICAL INSTiRUMENTS DEALERS WANTED, 13Y MAKER of stringed musical instruments. Send for catalogue. A. Dennis & Co., 381 Nairn Avenue, cVinnipeg. PULLETS "EVERY EGG CANADA CAN PRO - duce" that's the call from Britain. Ile prepared; Order T3ray Pullets or Chicks now, and ask for Bray Fall Service Bulletin. 13ra•y Hatchery, 130 John North, 'Hamilton, Ontario. RHEUSIATIC PAINS IT'S IMPORTANT — EVERY SUF- ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis should try Dixon's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. TRAU T OILS ONE 25/40 OIL PULL TRACTOR and One 20/35 On Pull Tractor. Both reconditioned, Thomas L. Scott, Cromarty, Ont. STICKERS VICTORY ST1UKLltS — FOIt autos, doors, windows, halls and homes. Six assorted J -UI• 3Uc, :12 for 50c 1:•Iarvie's Flag Store, 286 King St. Last, Toronto. QUILTING QUILTING PATCHES, (;OOL' DUAL. ity prints and plain broauemota. Four pounds for one dollar post- paid. Textile Jobbers, Ward St., Toronto. STAMPS FREE TRADING MEMBJiI1iSHIP, one month. Elite Stamp Exchange, Box 1732 Winnipeg, Manitoba. SNAPSHOTS TO -DAY TREASURES TO -MORROW Your films are carefully and scien- tifically processed by imperial, to make sure they last. (I or 8 I,;1:l'OSUR1D ("11 015 2: c with beautiful end argenten 1 tree, 8 reprints with enlargement 25c. Thousands of letters Pruni sati,tied customers testify to out superior quality and service. ' IUPlai1A1 'I'tJO'l'O SIRIC10 Dept. 1>. Station I Tomtito ISSUE 39-'41