HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-04-27, Page 4THIS IS THE JOB WE HAVE TODO Huron County must invest $3,060,OOO (HURON COUNTY $2,900,000, AIR TRAINING SCHOOLS $160,000.) VICTORY BONDS This is our Share of the $1,200,000,000, Objective set for the SIXTH VICTORY LOAN We Must Do Our Share Its a big Job. We've done big jobs before. We've put five Victory Loans over the top up to now. But just because we've put five Victory Loans over the top is no reason why we can be indifferent about this Loan. We must not assume that the job will. be an easy one. We must realize that it's a big job and. assume that it will be a hard job—and make sure that the job will be done; then it will be done. ALL MUST BUY BONDS AND ALL OF US MUST BUY ALL THE BONDS WE CAN "PUT VICTORY FIRST" Inserted by Huron County Victory Loan Committee HILLSGREEN Mrs. Mary Stephan is spending setae time .e' Dashwood at the bed- side of her ine}ther, Mr. Dan Siler, who is i11, confiend to Mr. Gordon Love evil being hurt in .in accident on the highway near Hensel: while talking to another car 31r. hove went to go to hi own car and eve ='•itly stone into the path of arother car which • struck him throwin:.: him to the pave-. merit. However, no bones were brei:- en, but Mr. Love. is confined to bed siitt«>ring from <ite lc. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stephan and laa.tnily are • vi sti rg at the home ' of Mrs. Mary Steemeet- DRN: SDALE • HERALD patient in the hospital having to use crutches the result of a rather unu - que experience. Lloyd, who is an athlete, was running a raco, he wont. the race but passed out at the com- pletion of it, when he came 'too he was in the hospital, the doctors had given him up for dead, and at pres- ent is suffering with broken lg- ments in his leg. Lloyd has great. praise for the Canadian nurses, his nurse isDrom rawsTPacked House The local town hall was.packed on Friday night for the presentation of a throe -act comedy -drama by local the Red Cross talent sponsored by Society of Hensall, under the direct- ion of Miss M. Ellis. Rev. A. M. Grant, president of the Red Cross, was chairman. Musical numbersbwere given between acts• Thep Y repeated Saturday night, The cast in- cludes, 11Irs. W. 0. Goodwin, Mrs. H. Hyde, Mrs. P. McNaughton, Mrs. J• Boyd, Miss Ruth Hess, Mies Lenore Nornrington, P. McNaughton, Walter Spencer; Robert Cameron. Schwalm—Scrabuick An Easter wedding was solemnized mnize, at the Lutheran Parsonage, when Rev. Killinger officiated for the marriage of Rashael Scrabuick, of Regina, Sask.; and Gordon Henry Schwalm, son of Mrs. Violet Schwalm and the late Peter Schwalm, Hensall The bride wore a blue tailored suit with corsage of roses and matching accessories. Mrs. T. A. MacFarlane; of St. Thomas, was bridesmaid, wear ing a rose dress, beige coat and matching accessories. The groom was attended by his brother, Lee Schwalm of Hamilton. The wedding ^ee f mthe Weido and Shirley of 'Toronto a ara Mr. and Mre. W ebstex of ':l'oralaa40, were weekend visitors with. Mr, 4nd Mrs, Fred Schlundt, Newly Weds Honored On Saturday evening, April 2ead, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Deejardirae, of Grand Bend entertained about Faietty neighboutu and friends ata shaver in honour of Mr, and Mrs. Win 1VIi1- ler (nee Pearl Lafond,) The evening Was spent in games' and contests, violin selections by Mr. Sol, Pollock were much enjoyed. During the even- ing Mr. and Mrs. Miller were called forward and were presented with a nicely decorated basket filled teeith many useful gifts by Misses Audrey B:eeterd and Evelyn Desjardine. Mr, and 'Mrs, Miller gave very suitable replies. An appropriate address was also read, 'l;bursdaiyx ,A.1011, 21thK :1.944 • • • 1 HENSALL Mr: John Bolton, of the Boundaey has purchased the Fairbairn deve1 ce on Main Street, now oceup ed ,by' llis and Mr,. 'Clarence Redd. Mr. and Mrs, John Reid have mov- ed into rooms in the Petty Block formerly occupied by Mr; and Mrs. Orr. Boxes for Overseas The ladies of the Hensall Institute wish to announce that they and the War Service Committee will be ship- ping approximately 50 boxes to the Hensall boys who are serving over- seer, the second. or third weekp Those wishing to. add in May. to the receipts on hand may leave their contributions with Miss Gladys Luker before May 13th. �ia/as Injured Ove'rscas Mrs. Flossie Brock of Hensall, was I was served at Mss Mae Schwalm, o the recipient of a letter from"her sora groom's sister, Pte Lloyd Brock (Overseas')in s ical ro den. M .eand Mrs. .Schwalm will he states that he at preye t 1 • • 1 1 0 Bedard. Mr. John Aubin and sisters Arm- alda and Veronica of Bruceffeld, cal- led on their sister, Mrs. Louis Mon- tague. Mrs. Victor Ducharme presented Victor with a bouncing baby boy a few days ago. DASHWOOD • • 1 1 Red Cross shipments for Apri were: 1 V neck sweater, 1 pr. , prs. gloves, 2 helmets, 4 ladies' slips, 1 pr. men's pyjamas, 3 jumper dresses, 3 blouses, 15 large quilts, 2 crib quilts. Everyone is welcome at the baz- aar and afternoon tea at Dashwood public school this Friday April 28th from 2 to 4 p.m. Come and help us and bring your friends. There will also bene the 7th -owing of the ticket, for the gtllil. Mrs. Edgar Restemeyer is at pres- ent in London Hospital where she underwent an operation for append- icitis last Thursday. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman spent last Friday in London where Harry attended the Embalmers con- vention. 11liss Dorothy Wein of Victoria Hospital, London, ,spent the week -end at her home here. L.A.C. Lloyd Weido and Mrs. ,sits and Mrs. Frank Corriveau are stiendrre; a few days with friends ,and el:, -vele inn. Detroit. Mises Rose C,arriveau has returned frons .Clinton •where she spent the winter' months. Mr, and Mrs. Louis Montague at- tended- the Regier and Campbell wedding at Zurich on Saturday last. Mr. Charles Kennedy of Magnet - wan, made a flying visit with his f rie r els in our vicinity recently. Mr. and Mrs. ohn Denomme of Windsor were week -end visitors with their 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles istribution of Trees THROUGH SCHOOLS BY THE CONSERVATION AND RE- FORESTATION COMMITTEE OF HURON COUNTY Directions for Distributing the Trees: The roots should not be exposed to the sun and wind. Unpack the trees in a building, or a shady location. The trees may be held for several days by:— (a) Keeping the trees moist in the box. (b) Placing the trees in a pail or tub and covering the roots completely with water. (c) Heeling the trees in the ground. Dig a trench and cover the. roots well with packed soil. Transportation of Trees from school to homes. (a) In a pail or tub preferably with roots in. water. (b) With roots wrapped in wet burlap. (c) In a box or basket. (d) A small number may be carried weth the roowrapped in old newspapers. Adouble sheet of newspaper soak- ed in water, and it is wrapped aro•undr oots. Dry ound the wet sheets of newspaper should be wrapped sheets. Llanting: Plant as soon as possible. -Trees can be ld for several days with the roots in water, or •heeled in the garden. The trees may be planted in their permanent locations, or placed in a nursery row for Neveral years. It is usually advis- able to plant them in their permanent locations, liable teile aderr transplanting entail, extra labor and he trees when transplanted. It is advisable to remove they sod where the tree Is planted because the grans ntrqr the tree takes the moisture and smoth- ers the tree. Plant the Pao the same depth as it was in the nursery, and be sure the roots aro not turned up. The still should be finned well around the tree. It is advisable to leve a slight 'lepre:s„ion around the tree. Do not put the sod back. Hoeing around the. tree during the sunnuer will help give the tree a start. Watering in periods of drought wiel insure that the tree will not die. The trees should be protected from stock, Hens and chickens may eat off the new fresh growth of evergreens. Bulletin; on Forest 'Tree Planting", and "The Farm Wy�oodlot" may ;•e c l:ri d11 h r sn;ytn:i'' to the DEPART tIENP f)TE' LANI'� T i�.:.4 l.! C ia., Sir S, GALT, ONT. • • 1 • Chicks - Pullets_ 1, HowmanY Eggs --will they lay? 2. How many will die? These facts depend on the Stock you buy BOOK YOUR MAY and JUNE CHICKS from a REAL BREEDING PLANT OF f 5000dBred d rs, • And be assured of stock ke u that l profits. Arthur Ruttan, Bluevale, Ont.—The 700 have chicks xceedin and 1000 Rock x Leghorn pullets, well, never had a bunch grow so well. I haven't lost the extras to date, and they are over 8 weeks old. Norman Thompson, Belgrave, Ont. Your chicks are great. Out of the 155 I bought, I still have 153. Pure Bred Sussex, Sussex x New Hamp., Lorge Type White Leghorns, Rock x Leghorns, Susesex x Leghorns, Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, Three grades of ChickS.to choose from: Grade A, Grade Ata., and Super Special Matings. Send for Catalogue and Price List and place your order NOW from the famous Lakeview Strain. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM WEIN BROS. Phone 78 or 92 Exeter,, Ont. 35,000 LAKEVIEW CHICKS WEEKLY isk t vii -HEN a man is wounded in action or seriously ill, he is rushed through field and base hospitals with all possible speed, to the place where most effective treat- ment can be given. Because of this rapid movement, his mail may not "catch up” for some time, yet, if ever he longed for a letter from home, it is at such a time. To offset possible delays, a new "Short -Cut" mail service has been put into effect. A Priority Casualty Card is filled in and rushed by Air Mail to his friends or relatives with instructions to add the words "In Hospital" to the unit address they usually use. Letters .mailed from Canada bearing the words "In Hospital" are routed direct to the records office in the United Kingdom or the Central Mediterranean Force, as the cease nay be. They are given preference in transport, whether sent by Air Mail or regular mail. Thus they will reach the addressee feaster than ever before. ee- It is inevitable that in tracing mien who have been moved, or wounded, some delays occur. But you can rest assured everything that can mean speedier deliveries of letters to your men is being well and thoroughly done— and will be done. When you get a Priority Casualty Card be sure the words "In Hospital are added to the regular unit address when writing overseas. CANADA ST OFFICE Issued by the authority of e` HON W. P. MI/LOCK, K.C., M.P., POSTMASTER GENERAL i7